Most Recent Additions*
Baseline bird surveys of Plum Tree Island National Wildlife Refuge: 2017, 2018 and 2019 Seasons
Bryan Watts and Barton Paxton
Virginia peregrine falcon monitoring and management program: Year 2020 report
Bryan Watts and Marian Watts
USFWS winter marsh sparrows Delmarva
Chance Hines, Bryan Watts, and Laura Duval
An assessment of the Bald Eagle and Great Blue Heron breeding populations along High Rock, Tuckertown, Narrows, and Falls Reservoirs in central North Carolina: 2021 breeding season
Barton Paxton and Bryan Watts
Virginia peregrine falcon monitoring and management program: Year 2021 report
Bryan Watts and Marian Watts
Investigation of red-cockaded woodpeckers in Virginia: Year 2021 report
Bryan Watts, Chance Hines, Laura Duval, and Barton Paxton
Winter Abundance and Survival of Sharp-tailed Sparrows at the Eastern Shore of Virginia NWR: Year 2022 Report
Bryan Watts, Chance Hines, and Laura Duval
An assessment of the Bald Eagle and Great Blue Heron breeding populations along High Rock, Tuckertown, Narrows, and Falls Reservoirs in central North Carolina: 2019 breeding season.
B. J. Paxton and B. D. Watts
Winter Distribution and Migration Ecology of The Ipswich Sparrow in the mid-Atlantic
Chance Hines and Fletcher Smith
Winter distribution and migration ecology of the Ipswich Sparrow in the mid-Atlantic: Year 2020 report.
Chance Hines, Bryan D. Watts, and Laura Duval
The Future of Open Access Publishing in International Higher Education
Melissa Whatley and Santiago Castiello-Gutiérrez
International Education’s Academic Benefit: Potential for Community College Virtual International Exchange
Melissa Whatley
Editorial: A Call to Action for Sorority and Fraternity Life
Crystal E. Garcia
*Updated as of 09/15/24.