
Submissions from 2001


Summary Tables: Essex County and the Town of Tappahannock Shoreline Situation Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Dewing, J. B. Glover, Carl Hershner, Tamia Rudnicky, Dan Schatt, and Kevin Skunda


Summary Tables: Richmond County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


The 2000 Virginia Beach Red, White, and Blue Fishing Tournament: Participants’ Characteristics, Attitudes, Expenditures, and Economic Impacts, Carol E. Thailing


The Crest, Fall 2001, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


The Crest, Summer 2001, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


The Status of Virginia's Public Oyster Resource 2000, Melissa Southworth, Juliana Harding, and Roger L. Mann


Three Dimensional Hydrodynamic Modeling Study, Craney Island eastward expansion, lower James River and Elizabeth River, Virginia, Harry V. Wang, S. C. Kim, John D. Boon, A. Y. Kuo, G. M. Sisson, J. M. Brubaker, and J. P-Y. Maa


VIMS Shoreline Permit Database Impacts and Alterations Impacts and Alterations Summary 1993- 2000, Thomas A. Barnard; Patty Clancy; Karen Duhring; Kirk J. Havens; Carl Hershner; Pamela Mason; David O'Brien; Walter L. Priest; William L. Roberts; Lyle M. Varnell; David Weiss; and Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Wetlands Program


Virginia Boating Plan and Access Needs Assessment, Thomas J. Murray


Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program Annual Report 2000, John A. Lucy and C.M. Bain III


Virginia Marine Infrastructure Needs Assessment, Thomas J. Murray


Water Hemlock, Beaver Poison Cicuta maculata L., Gene Silberhorn


Yellowtail Flounder (Limanda ferruginea) Bycatch During the 1999 Commercial Sea Scallop Opening of Georges Bank Area II, William D. DuPaul, David Rudders, and Todd Gedamke

Submissions from 2000


A Comparative Field Study of Crassostrea ariakensis and Crassostrea virginica in Relation to Salinity in Virginia, Gustavo W. Calvo, Mark Luckenbach, Standish K. Allen Jr., and Eugene M. Burreson


Ambient toxicity of water samples from four locations in the Elizabeth River : a comparison of species sensitivities, Morris H. Roberts and Peter F. De Lisle


An Introduction to Wetland Seed Banks, Douglas A. DeBerry; James E. Perry; and Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Wetlands Program


Answering local wetlands boards needs regarding guidance in investigating wetlands violations : final report to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Wetlands Protection State Development Project Period July 1, 1998-June 30, 2000, Kirk J. Havens and Bartlett N. Theberge


BasinSim 1.0 A Windows-Based Watershed Modeling Package, Ting Dai, Richard L. Wetzel, Tyler R.L. Christensen, and E. Amy Lewis


Basket Oak, Swamp Chestnut Oak Quercus michauxii Nutt., Gene Silberhorn


Clam Strain Registry, Tom Gallivan and Standish K. Allen Jr.


Economic Aspects of Allocating Striped Bass Among Competing User Groups in Virginia, James Kirkley, Kenneth E. McConnell, and Winnie Ryan


Environmental survey of potential sand resource sites, offshore Delaware and Maryland : Final Report, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Estimation of juvenile striped bass relative abundance in the Virginia portion of Chesapeake Bay, January 1999-December 1999 : annual progress report, Herbert M. Austin, A. Dean Estes, and Donald M. Seaver


Evaluating the recruitment of American eel, Anguilla rostrata, to the Potomac - Spring 2000 : March 2000 - June 2000, Patrick J. Geer, Julie A. Weeder, Steven Hammond, and Rudolph Lukacovic


Evaluation of striped bass stocks in Virginia, monitoring and tagging studies, 1999-2003 annual report, 1 September 1998 - 31 October 1999, Philip Sadler, Robert E. Harris, Jason Romine, and John E. Olney Sr.


Evaluation of striped bass stocks in Virginia, monitoring and tagging studies, 1999-2003 Annual report, 1 September 1999 - 31 October 2000, Philip W. Sadler, Robert E. Harris, John E. Olney, and Robert J. Latour


Genetic Considerations for Hatchery-Based Restoration of Oyster Reefs : A summary from the September 21-22, 2000 workshop, Standish K. Allen Jr. and T. Jerry Hilbish


Increasing the probability of success in the construction of marshes in coastal Virginia, Kirk J. Havens and Lyle M. Varnell


Jackson Creek Federal Navigation Project: Stove Point Placement Area Analysis Final Draft, Donna A. Milligan, C. Scott Hardaway Jr., George R . Thomas, and Rebecca C.H. Brindley


James City County Shoreline Situation Report 1999, Marcia Berman, Sharon Dewing, Daniel Schatt, and Harry Berquist


Juvenile Fish and Blue Crab Stock Assessment Program Bottom Trawl Survey Annual Data Summary Report Volume 1999, Wendy A. Lowery, M. Todd Mathes, and Patrick J. Geer


King and Queen County Shoreline Situation Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Tamia Rudnicky, J. B. Glover, Sharon Dewing, Daniel E. Schatt, and Kevin Skunda


Mathews County Shoreline Situation Report (2000), Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Dewing, J. B. Glover, Carl Hershner, Tamia Rudnicky, Dan Schatt, and Kevin Skunda


Middlesex County Shoreline Situation Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Dewing, J. B. Glover, Carl Hershner, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, and Kevin Skunda


Monitoring Relative Abundance of American Shad in Virginia's Rivers Annual Report 1998, John E. Olney and John Hoenig


Monitoring Relative Abundance of American Shad in Virginia's Rivers Annual Report 1999, John E. Olney Sr. and John M. Hoenig


Peeler Pot Cull Ring Data, Bradley M. Knight


Piankatank River Shoreline Situation Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Tamia Rudnicky, and Julie Glover


Preliminary Results of Commercial Sea Scallop Survey in the Hudson Canyon South Closed Area June 2000, William D. DuPaul, David Rudders, and Paul J. Rago


Rapidan River watershed riparian restoration assessment, Friends of the Rappahannock and Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Red Bay Persea barbonia (L.) Sprengel, Gene Silberhorn


Restoration of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in the Tidal Freshwater James River: 1999 Pilot Study, Ken Moore, R J. Orth, and James Fishman


Restoration of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in the Tidal Freshwater James River: Year 2, Ken Moore, Kevin Segerblom, Betty Neikirk, and James Fishman


Results of Commercial Sea Scallop Survey in the Hudson Canyon South Closed Area, William D. DuPaul, David B. Rudders, and Paul J. Rago


Results of Commercial Sea Scallop Survey in the Virginia Beach Closed Area September 2000, William D. DuPaul, David Rudders, and Paul J. Rago


Seasonal Residence, Movement, and Activity of Adult Tautog (Tautoga onitis) in Lower Chesapeake Bay, John A. Lucy and M. D. Arendt


State of the York Watershed 2000, Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Status of Clam Culture in the United States Workshop Proceedings, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary; Virginia Shellfish Growers Association; and Virginia Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program


Status of the Major Oyster Diseases in Virginia 1999 A Summary of the Annual Monitoring Program, Lisa M. Ragone Calvo and Eugene M. Burreson


Sweet Bells, Fetterbush, Dog-Hobble Leucothoe axillaris (Lam.) D. Don., Gene Silberhorn


The Crest, Summer 2000, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


The Crest, Winter 2000, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


The Status of Virginia's Public Oyster Resource 1999, Melissa Southworth, Juliana Harding, and Roger L. Mann


Tulip Poplar, Tulip Tree Liriodendron tulopifera L., Gene Silberhorn


Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program Annual Report 1999, John A. Lucy, M. D. Arendt, and C.M. Bain III


Virginia Marina Needs Assessment: Summary Statistics, Thomas J. Murray


Virginia's Public Beach Board 20 Years of Coastal Management, Donna A. Milligan and C. Scott Hardaway Jr.


Water Willow, Swamp Loosestrife Decodon verticillatus (L.) Ell., Gene Silberhorn


Wetland Seed Banks: Research in Natural and Created Wetlands, Douglas A. DeBerry; James E. Perry; and Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Wetlands Program


Willow Oak Quercus phellos L., Gene Silberhorn


York County Shoreline Situation Report 1999, Marcia Berman, Sharon Dewing, Daniel Schatt, and Harry Berquist

Submissions from 1999


A Comparative Field Study of Crassostrea gigas and Crassostrea virginica in Relation to Salinity in Virginia, Gustavo W. Calvo, Mark Luckenbach, and Eugene M. Burreson


Analysis of Historical Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in the James River, Ken Moore, David J. Wilcox, R J. Orth, and Eva Bailey


An introduction to culturing oysters in Virginia, Mark Luckenbach, Francis X. O'Beirn, and Jake Taylor


A Preliminary Study of Predation on Blue Crabs by Three Fish Predators in a Seagrass Bed, R J. Orth, Jacques van Montfrans, and James Fishman


Cardinal Flower Lobelia cardinalis L., Gene Silberhorn


Chesapeake Bay oyster restoration : consensus of a meeting of scientific experts, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Wachapreague, Virginia, Virginia Institute of Marine Science and Chesapeake Research Consortium


Comparative Growth Rates of Four Strains of the American Oyster Using Two Grow-Out Methods, Thomas Leggett


Comparing Oyster Seed Growth Rates Using a Floating Upweller System (“FLUPSY”) vs. Traditional Taylor Floats, Jeff Gardner


Development of an Expert System Based on a Tidal Prism Water Quality Model for Small Coastal Basins in Virginia, Albert Y. Kuo, Sung-Chan Kim, Kyeong Park, and M. Dale Phillips


Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries and the Coastal Bays - 1998, R J. Orth, Judith F. Nowak, David J. Wilcox, Jennifer R. Whiting, and Leah S. Nagey


Ecological functions of constructed oyster reefs along an environmental gradient in Chesapeake Bay: Final Report, FX O'Beirn, Mark Luckenbach, Roger L. Mann, J Harding, and J Nestlerode


Economic Feasibility of Proposed Expansion of Eastern Shore Farmers' Market: Seafood Warehouse and Distribution Facility, James Kirkley and William D. DuPaul


Efficiency of Haul-Seine Cull Panels A Comparison of Size Selectivity and Relative Release, Christian Hagar


Elizabeth River TBT Monitoring Report on TBT Methodology Detection Limit, Precision and Linearity, Michael A. Unger


Enhancement of Seed Oyster Recovery and Redeployment: Final Report, William Magann


Estimation of juvenile striped bass relative abundance in the Virginia portion of Chesapeake Bay, January 1998-December 1998 : annual progress report, Herbert M. Austin, A. Dean Estes, and Donald M. Seaver


Estimation of relative abundance of recreationally important finfish in the Virginia portion of the Chesapeake Bay : annual progress report July 1998 - June 1999, Patrick J. Geer and Herbert M. Austin


Evaluation of Fixed Gear for the Capture of Summer Flounder in Coastal Waters of Virginia, Robert A. Fisher and David Rudders


Evaluation of Striped Bass Stocks in Virginia: Monitoring Studies, 1993-1998 Completion Report 1 September 1997 - 31 October 1998, Philip W. Sadler, Robert E. Harris Jr., Jason Romine, and John E. Olney Sr.


Exploratory Field Evaluation of Hook-Release Mortality in Tautog (Tautoga onitis) in Lower Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, John A. Lucy and Michael D. Arendt


Fish and Fisheries of the Seaside of the Eastern Shore of Virginia, John A. Musick, John J. Norcross, and David Hata


Gloucester County Shoreline And Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Dewing, George Thomas, and Rose Laird


Increasing the probability of success in restored forested wetlands, Kirk J. Havens and Gene Silberhorn


Interannual Decline, Compensatory Exploitation, and Conservation of the Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab Population in Winter, Rom Lipcius and Marcel M. Montane


Internet Access to Virginia Wetland Resource Management Support and Advisory Information, Lyle M. Varnell, Carl Hershner, David Weiss, and Gary F. Anderson


Investigations of offshore beach sands : Virginia Beach and Sandbridge, Virginia, C. S. Hardaway, C. H. Hobbs III, and D. A. Milligan


Jewelweed, Touch-me-not Impatiens capensis Meerb., Gene Silberhorn


Juvenile Fish and Blue Crab Stock Assessment Program Bottom Trawl Survey Annual Data Summary Report Volume 1998, Patrick J. Geer


Laws, Regulations, and Environmental Factors and Their Potential Effects on the Stocks and Fisheries for the Blue Crab, Callinectes Sapidus, in the Chesapeake Bay Region, 1888-1940, Willard A. Van Engel


Modeling Coastal Hydrodynamics and Water Qualityof Kyunggi Bay Korea:Application of VIMS HEM-3D Model, Jian Shen, Chang-Shik Kim, and Albert Y. Kuo


Monkey-flower Mimulus alatus Ait., Gene Silberhorn


Mortality and pathophysiology studies of blue crabs infected with the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium perezi, Jeffrey D. Shields


Oyster Reef Habitat Restoration : a synopsis and synthesis of approaches; proceedings from the symposium, Williamsburg, Virginia, April 1995, Mark Luckenbach, Roger L. Mann, and James A. Wesson


Oyster reefs in the Chesapeake Bay : a brief primer, J. M. Harding, Roger L. Mann, and V. P. Clark


Preliminary Observations of Barndoor Skates (Raja laevis) on Georges Bank, Todd Gedamke and William D. DuPaul


Remote Sensing of Natural Areas: Procedures and Considerations for Assessing Stress and Pollution, Jason Goldberg; James Perry; John Anderson; and Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Wetlands Program


Remote Sensing of Natural Areas: Procedures and Considerations for Assessing Vegetation Composition Change, Land Development, and Erosion, Jason Goldberg; James Perry; John Anderson; and Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Wetlands Program


Report on spectral wave modeling : extended study of the effects of sand mining on the wave regime at Sandbridge, Virginia - Comparison of results using a phase-revolving and a phase-averaging spectral wave model (REF/DIF S and SWAN), John D. Boon and Sung Chan Kim


Results of Modifications to Sea Scallop Dredge Twine Tops to Facilitate the Reduction of Finfish Bycatch: Georges Bank Closed Area II Experimental Fishery September-October 1998, William D. DuPaul, David B. Rudders, and David Kerstetter