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Document Type

Book Chapter


Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Publication Date


Book Title

Remote Sensing of the Chesapeake Bay : A conference held at Wallops Station, Virginia April 5 - 7, 1971


Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Washington, D.C.


NASA SP (Series); 294


This paper discusses the tidal tributaries of the ocean and the coastal areas of the mid-Atlantic Bight and the ecological significance of engineering projects. While occasional reference may be made in this paper to remote sensing of problems engendered by engineering works on maritime environments and resources, principal efforts along those Jines are reserved for the group discussion to follow.

The Chesapeake Bay drainage basin_encompasses.almost 65,000 miles and provides space and partial resources for over 11 million people ( 1960) in New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. Two other states, Delaware and West Virginia, to a lesser extent are part of this basin. Major residential, industrial and commercial, military, and recreational activities in the mid-Atlantic area make their demands on the environment and resources and contribute to the economic and social well-being of the populace. Certain social and economic disbenefits often accompany these activities. Population growth in the basin is increasing as are economic and social activities and other user activities.

Reference 1 includes many of the vital statistics on the Chesapeake Bay drainage basin. Numerous other studies in all fields have reported upon many natural, economic and social features of the Bay. Still others on these and additional subjects are in process.


Remote sensing -- Chesapeake Bay (Md. and Va.)

Engineering Works and the Tidal Chesapeake
