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Document Type

Book Chapter


Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Harriet M. Perry and W. A. Van Engel.

Publication Date


Book Title

Proceedings of the Blue Crab Colloquium


Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission


Ocean Springs, Miss


The blue crab is found along the Atlantic coast of the United States from Maine to southern Florida. It is uncommon north of Cape Cod and is most abundant in the Chesapeake Bay where almost half of the United States commercial blue crab landings occur.

The Chesapeake Bay has the largest semi-confined area for blue crab spawning, more nursery area and probably the best mix of environmental conditions for blue crab along the United States eastern coast. In addition, an intensive commercial fishery enables the Chesapeake Bay region to be the area of highest blue crab production.

There are many basic similarities in the life history of the blue crab all along the Atlantic coast. Some differences do occur, however, in timing of some of the life processes, probably due to the different temperature regimes that exist along the coast.


Callinectes -- Congresses

Publication Statement

Contribution (Virginia Institute of Marine Science) no. 1011

Life history, ecology and stock assessment of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus of the United States Atlantic Coast - a review
