Biology Faculty Work | Biology | William & Mary


Submissions from 2024


The Helicobacter pylori methylome is acid-responsive due to regulation by the two-component system ArsRS and the type I DNA methyltransferase HsdM1 (HP0463), Elise H. Zimmerman, Erin L. Ramsey, Katherine E. Hunter, Sarah M. Villadelgado, Celeste M. Phillips, Ryan T. Shipman, and Mark H. Forsyth

Submissions from 2023


Seasonal Trends in Lysogeny in an Appalachian Oak-hickory Forest Soil, Melaina L. Jacoby, Graham D. Hogg, Madelein R. Assaad, and Kurt E. Williamson

Submissions from 2022


Use of Nest Web Cameras and Citizen Science to Quantify Osprey Prey Delivery Rate and Nest Success, Michael H. Academia and Harmony J. Dalgleish

Submissions from 2021


Comparison of Nutrient Accrual in Constructed Living Shoreline and Natural Fringing Marshes, Randolph Chambers, A. L. Gorsky, Robert Isdell, Molly Mitchell, and Donna Marie Bilkovic


Intertidal Zonation of Hemichordates in Soft Sediments, Kharis R. Schrage, Juselyn D. Tupik, and Jonathan D. Allen


The Annual Cycle for Whimbrel Populations using the Western Atlantic Flyway, B. D. Watts, F. Smith, C. Hines, L. Duval, and et al.


Whimbrel Populations Differ in Trans-atlantic Pathways and Cyclone Encounters, B. D. Watts, F. M. Smith, C. Hines, L. Duval, and et al.


Influence of Introduced Peregrine Falcons on the Distribution of Red Knots within a Spring Staging Site, B. D. Watts and Barry R. Truitt

Submissions from 2020


Linking Monitoring and Data Analysis to Predictions and Decisions for the Range-wide Eastern Black Rail Status Assessment, Conor P. McGowan, Nicole F. Angeli, Whitney A. Beisler, et al., F. M. Smith, and B. D. Watts

Submissions from 2019


Origin and Evolution of the Octoploid Strawberry Genome, Patrick P. Edger, Thomas J. Poorten, ..., Ron D. Smith, Scott J. Teresi, Joshua R. Puzey, and et al.


Culturing Echinoderm Larvae Through Metamorphosis, Jason Hodin, Andreas Hayland, Annie Mercier, Bruno Pernet, David L. Cohen, Jean-Francois Hamel, Jonathan D. Allen, Justin S. McAlister, Maria Byrne, and Sophie B. George


Trpm4 Ion Channels in pre-Bo¨tzinger Complex Interneurons Are Essential for Breathing Motor Pattern But Not Rhythm, Marina Cristina D. Picardo, Yae K. Sugimura, Kaitlyn E. Dorst, Prajkta S. Kallurkar, Victoria T. Akins, Xingru Ma, Ryoichi Teruyama, Romaine Guinamard, Kaiwen Kam, Margaret Saha, and Christopher A. Del Negro


Development of helical, fish-inspired cross-step filter for collecting harmful algae, Adam Schroeder, Lauren Marshall, Brian Trease, Anna Becker, and S. Laurie Sanderson


Localization of SUMO-modified Proteins Using Fluorescent Sumo-trapping Proteins, Rui Yin, Catherine Harvey, Diane C. Shakes, and Oliver Kerscher

Submissions from 2018


Asexual Reproduction of Marine Invertebrate Embryos and Larvae, Jonathan D. Allen, Adam M. Reitzel, and William Jaeckel


Polygyny does not explain the superior competitive ability of dominant ant associates in the African ant-plant, Acacia (Vachellia) drepanolobium, John H. Boyle, Dino J. Martins, Julianne Pelaez, Paul M. Musili, Staline Kibet, S. Kimani Ndung'u, and David Kenfack


Physical modeling of vortical cross-step flow in the American paddlefish, Polyodon spathula, Hannah Brooks, Grant Emerson Haines, M. Carly Lin, and S. Laurie Sanderson


Biofilm formation and toxin production provide a fitness advantage in mixed colonies of environmental yeast isolates, Bernadette M. Deschaine, Angela R. Heysel, B. Adam Lenhart, and Helen A. Murphy


Predator-induced Plasticity in Egg Capsule Deposition in the Mud Snail, Tritia obsoleta, Emily A. Harmon and Jonathan D. Allen


Shrinking Suburbs in a Time of Crisis, Justin B. Hollander, Colin Polsky, Dan Zinder, and Daniel M. Runfola


Data Descriptor: High content screen for identifying small-molecule LC3B-localization modulators in a renal cancer cell line, Likhitha Kolla, David S. Heo, Daniel P. Rosenberg, Sara A. Barlow, Anna A. Maximova, Emily E. Cassio, and William J. Buchser


Effects of point-count duration on estimated detection probabilities and occupancy of breeding birds, Matthias Leu, Matthew L. Farnsworth, Erica Fleishman, David S. Dobkin, Rick D. Scherer, Barry R. Noon, and Brett G. Dickson


Filling the BINs of life: Report of an amphibian and reptile survey of the Tanintharyi (Tenasserim) Region of Myanmar, with DNA barcode data, Daniel G. Mulcahy, Justin L. Lee, Aryeh H. Miller, Mia Chand, Myint Kyaw Thura, and George R. Zug


N-terminal Sumoylation of Centromeric Histone H3 Variant Cse4 Regulates Its Proteolysis To Prevent Mislocalization to Non-centromeric Chromatin, Kentaro Ohkuni, Reuben Levy-Myers, Jack Warren, Wei-Chun Au, Yoshimitsu Takahashi, Richard E. Baker, and Munira A. Basrai


SUMO-Targeted Ubiquitin Ligases (STUbLs) Reduce the Toxicity and Abnormal Transcriptional Activity Associated With a Mutant, Aggregation-Prone Fragment of Huntingtin, Kentaro Ohkuni, Nagesh Pasupala, Jennifer Peek, and Oliver Kerscher


SUMO targeting of a stress-tolerant Ulp1 SUMO protease, Jennifer Peek, Catherine Harvey, Dreux Gray, Danny Rosenberg, Likhitha Kolla, Reuben Levy-Myers, Rui Yin, , and Oliver Kerscher


Sex- and Gamete-Specific Patterns of X Chromosome Segregation in a Trioecious Nematode, Sophie Tandonnet, Maureen C. Farrell, Georgios D. Koutsovoulos, Mark L. Blaxter, Manish Parihar, Penny L. Sadler, and Diane C. Shakes


Long-term Monitoring of a Successful Recovery Program of Peregrine Falcons in Virginia, B. D. Watts, Mitchell A. Byrd, E. K. Mojica, S. Padgett, S. R. Harding, and C. A. Koppie

Submissions from 2017


Obligate planktotrophy in the Götte's Larva of Stylochus ellipticus (Platyhelminthes), Jonathan D. Allen, A. M. L. Klompen, E. J. Alpert, and A. J. Reft


The Effects of Salinity and pH on Fertilization, Early Development and Hatching in the Crown-of-Thorns Seastar, Jonathan D. Allen, Kharis R. Schrage, Shawna A. Foo, Sue-Ann Watson, and Maria Byrne


Genetic signatures for Helicobacter pylori strains of West African origin, Kennady K. Bullock and Mark H. Forsyth


Estimation of the occupancy of butterflies in diverse biogeographic regions, Erica Fleishman, Rick D. Scherer, Angela Zappalla, and Matthias Leu


Variation in Reproductive Success Across Captive Populations: Methodological Differences, Potential Biases and Opportunities, Simon C. Griffith, (…), John Swaddle, Claire W. Varian-Ramos, and et al.


The implications of American chestnut reintroduction on landscape dynamics and carbon storage, Eric J. Gustafson, Arjan de Bruijn, Nathanael Lichti, Douglass F. Jacobs, Brian R. Sturtevant, Jane Foster, Brian R. Miranda, and Harmony J. Dalgleish


Integration of swimming kinematics and ram suspension feeding in a model American paddlefish, Polyodon spathula, Grant Emerson Haines and S. Laurie Sanderson


Effectiveness and Adoption of a Drawing-to-Learn Study Tool for Recall and Problem Solving: Minute Sketches with Folded Lists, Paul D. Heideman, K. Adryan Flores, Lu M. Sevier, and Kelsey E. Trouton


Correlation Between Investment in Sexual Traits and Valve Sexual Dimorphism in Cyprideis Species (Ostracoda), Maria João Fernandes Martins, Gene Hunt, Rowan Lockwood, John P. Swaddle, and David J. Horne


Genetic variation and clonal diversity in introduced populations of Mimulus guttatus assessed by genotyping at 62 single nucleotide polymorphism loci, Pauline O. Pantoja, Violeta I. Simon-Porcar, Joshua R. Puzey, and Mario Vallejo-Marin


Integrative behavioral ecotoxicology: bringing together fields to establish new insight to behavioral ecology, toxicology, and conservation, Elizabeth K. Peterson, David B. Buchwalter, Jacob L. Kerby, Matthew K. LeFauve, ClaireW. Varian-Ramos, and John P. Swaddle


Population structure and local selection yield high genomic variation in Mimulus guttatus, Joshua R. Puzey, John H. Willis, and John K. Kelly


Known mutator alleles do not markedly increase mutation rate in clinical Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, Daniel A. Skelly, Paul M. Magwene, Brianna Meeks, and Helen A. Murphy


A Whole-Transcriptome Approach to Evaluating Reference Genes for Quantitative Gene Expression Studies: A Case Study in Mimulus, Kimmy A. Stanton, Patrick P. Edger, Joshua R. Puzey, Taliesin Kinser, Philip Cheng, Daniel M. Vernon, Nancy R. Forsthoefel, and Arielle M. Cooley


Exposure to dietary mercury alters cognition and behavior of zebra finches, John P. Swaddle, Tessa R. Diehl, Capwell E. Taylor, Aaron S. Fanaee, Jessica L. Benson, Neil R. Huckstep, and Daniel A. Cristol


Lamin A and microtubules collaborate to maintain nuclear morphology, Zeshan Tariq, Haoyue Zhang, Alexander Chia-Liu, Yang Shen, Yantenew Gete, Zheng-Mei Xiong, Claire Tocheny, Leonard Campanello, Di Wu, Wolfgang Losert, and Kan Cao


A communal catalogue reveals Earth’s multiscale microbial diversity, L R. Thompson and Daniel A. Cristol


Mapping Bald Eagle Activity Shadows Around Communal Roosts, B. D. Watts and Courtney Turrin


Cytoskeletal variations in an asymmetric cell division support diversity in nematode sperm size and sex ratios, Ethan S. Winter, Anna Schwarz, Gunar Fabig, Jessica L. Feldman, Andre Pires-daSilva, Penny L. Sadler, and Diane C. Shakes

Submissions from 2016


Blood Mercury Levels of Zebra Finches Are Heritable: Implications for the Evolution of Mercury Resistance, Kenton A. Buck, Claire W. Varian-Ramos, Daniel A. Cristol, and John P. Swaddle


Fish introductions and light modulate food web fluxes in tropical streams: a whole-ecosystem experimental approach, Sarah M. Collins, Steven A. Thomas, Thomas Heatherly, Keeley L. MacNeill, Antoine O. H. C. Leduc, Andres Lopez-Sepulcre, Bradley A. Lamphere, Rana W. El-Sabaawi, David N. Reznick, Catherine M. Pringle, and Alexander S. Flecker


Consequences of Shifts in Abundance and Distribution of American Chestnut for Restoration of a Foundation Forest Tree, Harmony J. Dalgleish, C. Dana Nelson, C. Dana Nelson, and John A. Scrivani


Separating oil from water: suspension-feeding goldfish ingest liquid vegetable oil, Kristin Edwards, Gary Rice, and S. Laurie Sanderson


Modeling the aggregated exposure and responses of bowhead whales Balaena mysticetus to multiple sources of anthropogenic underwater sound, William T. Ellison, Roberto Racca, Christopher W. Clark, and Matthias Leu


Clinical Associations of Immature Breathing in Preterm Infants. Part 1: Central Apnea, Karen Fairchild, Mary Mohr, Alix Paget-Brown, et al., and John B. Delos


SUMOylation, Oliver Kerscher


Genetic Evolution of a Helicobacter pylori Acid-Sensing Histidine Kinase and Gastric Disease, Uma Krishna, Judith Romero-Gallo, Giovanni Suarez, and Mark H. Forsyth

Genetic Evolution of a Helicobacter pylori Acid-Sensing Histidine Kinase and Gastric Disease, Uma Krishna, Judith Romero-Gallo, Giovanni Suarez, and Mark H. Forsyth


Utilization Probability Map for Migrating Bald Eagles in Northeastern North America: A Tool for Siting Wind Energy Facilities and Other Flight Hazards, Elizabeth K. Mojica, B. D. Watts, and Courtney L. Turrin


SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase (STUbL) Slx5 regulates proteolysis of centromeric histone H3 variant Cse4 and prevents its mislocalization to euchromatin, Kentaro Ohkuni, Yoshimitsu Takahashi, Alyona Flup, Josh La, Wei-Chun Au, Nagesh Pasupala, Ruben Levy-Meyers, Jack Warren, Alexander Strunnikov, Richard E. Baker, Oliver Kerscher, Kerry Bloom, and Munira A. Basrai

SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase (STUbL) Slx5 regulates proteolysis of centromeric histone H3 variant Cse4 and prevents its mislocalization to euchromatin, Kentaro Ohkuni, Yoshimitsu Takahashi, Alyona Fulp, and Oliver Kerscher


Experimental Exposure to Urban and Pink Noise Affects Brain Development and Song Learning in Zebra Finches (Taenopygia guttata), Dominique A. Potvin, Michael T. Curcio, John P. Swaddle, and Scott A. MacDougall-Shackleton


Nuclear Import of the Thyroid Hormone Receptor α1 is Mediated by Importin 7, Importin β1, and Adaptor Importin α1, Vincent R. Roggero, Jibo Zhang, Laura E. Parente, Yazdi Doshi, and Lizabeth A. Allison


A Case of Beare-Stevenson Syndrome with Unusual Manifestations, Nitin Ron, Samuel Leung, Karen Laurie David, and Alexis Gerber


Fish mouths as engineering structures for vortical cross-step filtration, S. Laurie Sanderson, Erin Roberts, Jillian Lineburg, and Hannah Brooks


Communicative Coping Behavior Checklist: Observation of Persons With Dementia in the Home Environment, Pamela A. Saunders, Julia Ruth, Lauren Latella, and Nicholas Talisman


Mobilization of mercury from lean tissues during simulated migratory fasting in a model songbird, Chad L. Seewagen, Chad L. Seewagen, Daniel A. Cristol, and Alexander R. Gerson


Functional Interactions between Mammalian Respiratory Rhythmogenic and Premotor Circuitry, Hanbing Song, John A. Hayes, Nikolas C. Vann, Xueying Wang, Christopher A. Del Negro, and M. Drew LaMar


A Sonic Net Excludes Birds from an Airfield: Implications for Reducing Bird Strike and Crop Losses, John P. Swaddle, Dana L. Moseley, Mark H. Hinders, and Elizabeth P. Smith


Strongly asymmetric hybridization barriers shape the origin of a new polyploid species and its hybrid ancestor, Mario Vallejo-Marin, Michelle Yuequi Lee, Arielle M. Cooley, and Joshua R. Puzey

Submissions from 2015


Crosstalk between the HpArsRS two-component system and HpNikR is necessary for maximal activation of urease transcription, Beth M. Carpenter, Henan Gancz, Stephanie L. Servetas, Daniel R. Hallinger, and Mark H. Forsyth


Use of ESI-FTICR-MS to Characterize Dissolved Organic Matter in Headwater Streams Draining Forest-Dominated and Pasture-Dominated Watersheds, Randolph Chambers


Transcriptomic Characterization of an Infection of Mycobacterium smegmatis by the Cluster A4 Mycobacteriophage Kampy, Andrew Halleran, Samuel Clamons, and Margaret Saha


Mucous contribution to gut nutrient content in American gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum, L. L. Holley, M K. Heidman, Randolph Chambers, and S. Laurie Sanderson


Eastern Bluebirds Alter their Song in Response to Anthropogenic Changes in the Acoustic Environment, Caitlin R. Kight and John P. Swaddle


Driver knowledge and attitudes on animal vehicle collisions in Northern Tanzania, John Kioko, Christian Kiffner, Payton Phillips, and Claire Patterson-Abrolat


Drosophila Muller F Elements Maintain a Distinct Set of Genomic Properties Over 40 Million Years of Evolution, Wilson Leung, Christopher D. Shaffer, William Barshop, Matthew Wawersik, and Elizabeth Kiernan


Genetic variation in male sexual behaviour in a population of white-footed mice in relation to photoperiod, Kathy Sharp, Donna Bucci, Paul K. Zelensky, Alanna Chesney, Wendy Tidhar, Paul D. Heideman, and David R. Broussard


Forward Genetics Identifies a Requirement for the Izumo-like Immunoglobulin Superfamily spe-45 Gene in Caenorhabditis elegans Fertilization, Gunasekaran Singaravelu, Sina Rahimi, Amber Krauchunas, and Diane Shakes


Mechanisms Leading to Rhythm Cessation in the Respiratory PreBotzinger Complex Due to Piecewise Cumulative Neuronal Deletions, Hanbing Song, John A. Hayes, Nicolas A. Vann, M. Drew LaMar, and Christopher A. Del Negro


Disrupted seasonal biology impacts health, food security and ecosystems, T. J. Stevenson, M. E. Visser, S. A. M. Martin, and P. Heideman


Multiple Exportins Influence Thyroid Hormone Receptor Localization, Kelly Subramanian, Rose C. Dziedzic, Hallie N. Nelson, Mary E. Stern, Vincent R. Roggero, Cornelius Bondzi, and Lizabeth A. Allison

Multiple exportins influence thyroid hormone receptor localization, Kelly Sue Subramanian, Rose C. Dziedzic, Hallie N. Nelson, Erin M. Bertrand, John P. McCrow, Ahmed Moustafa, Rachel E. Sipler, Jenna L. Spackeen, and Deborah A. Bronk


Nest Guarding in Chesapeake Bay Bald Eagles, Courtney Turrin and B. D. Watts


Landfill Use by Bald Eagles in the Chesapeake Bay Region, Courtney Turrin, B. D. Watts, and Elizabeth K. Mojica


Speciation by genome duplication: Repeated origins and genomic composition of the recently formed allopolyploid species Mimulus peregrinus, Mario Vallejo-Marin, Richard J. A. Buggs, Arielle M. Cooley, and Joshua R. Puzey


A Regression-Based Differential Expression Detection Algorithm for Microarray Studies with Ultra-Low Sample Size, Daniel Vasiliu, Samuel Clamons, Molly McDonough, Brian Rabe, and Margaret Saha


Seasonal Variation in Space Use by Nonbreeding Bald Eagles Within the Upper Chesapeake Bay, B. D. Watts, Elizabeth K. Mojica, and B. J. Paxton


Control of plant stem cell function by conserved interacting transcriptional regulators, Yun Zhou, Xing Liu, Zachary L. Nimchuk, and Eric M. Engstrom

Submissions from 2014


Stormwater runoff drives viral community composition changes in inland freshwaters, Randolph Chambers


The Influence of Recreational Crabbing Regulations on Diamondback Terrapin By-Catch, Randolph Chambers


Sonication-facilitated Immunofluorescence Staining of Late-stage Embryonic and Larval Drosophila Tissues In Situ, Ashley Fidler, Lauren Boulay, and Matthew Wawersik


Projecting current and future location, quality, and connectivity of habitat for breeding birds in the Great Basin, E. Fleishman, J. R. Thomson, J. R. Thomson, and M. Leu


The Pseudophosphatase MK-STYX Induces Neurite-Like Outgrowths in PC12 Cells, Brittany M. Flowers, Lauren E. Rusnak, Kristen E. Wong, Dallas A. Banks, Michelle R. Munyikwa, Alexander G. McFarland, and Shanta D. Hinton


Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2011. xi + 313 pp. (Paper us$35.00), Andrew D. Halleran, Morgan Sehdev, Brian A. Rabe, Ryan W. Huyck, Cheyenne C. Williams, and Margaret S. Saha


Repetitive Sequence Variations in the Promoter Region of the Adhesin-Encoding Gene sabA of Helicobacter pylori Affect Transcription, Vivian C. Harvey, Catherine R. Acio, Amy K. Bredehoft, Laurence Zhu, Daniel R. Hallinger, Vanessa Quinlivan-Repasi, Samuel E. Harvey, and Mark H. Forsyth


A Broadly Implementable Research Course in Phage Discovery and Genomics for First-Year Undergraduate Students, Tuajuanda C. Jordan, Sandra H. Burnett, Susan Carson, and Margaret S. Saha


Ecological Scale of Bird Community Response to Pinon-Juniper Removal, Steven T. Knick, Steven E. Hanser, M. Leu, and M. Leu


The Role of Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels in Neurotransmitter Phenotype Specification: Coexpression and Functional Analysis in Xenopus laevis, Brittany B. Lewis, Lauren E. Miller, Wendy A. Herbst, and Margaret S. Saha


A Central Support System Can Facilitate Implementation and Sustainability of a Classroom-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) in Genomics, David Lopatto, Charles Hauser, Christopher J. Jones, and Michael J. Wolyniak


The Jak-STAT Target Chinmo Prevents Sex Transformation of Adult Stem Cells in the Drosophila Testis Niche, Qing Ma, Erika L. Matunis, and Matthew Wawersik


Dissection and Downstream Analysis of Zebra Finch Embryos at Early Stages of Development, Jessica R. Murray, Monika E. Stanciauskas, Tejas S. Aralere, and Margaret S. Saha