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Submissions from 2014


A Course-Based Research Experience: How Benefits Change with Increased Investment in Instructional Time, Christopher D. Shaffer, Wilson Leung, Sarah C. R. Elgin, and Matthew Wawersik


Intraspecific Intrusion at Bald Eagle Nests, Courtney Turrin and B. D. Watts


Mercury Reduces Avian Reproductive Success and Imposes Selection: An Experimental Study with Adult- or Lifetime-Exposure in Zebra Finch, Claire W. Varian-Ramos, John P. Swaddle, and Daniel A. Cristol


Laser ablation of Dbx1 neurons in the pre-Botzinger complex stops inspiratory rhythm and impairs output in neonatal mice, Xueying Wang, John A. Hayes, Hanbing Song, Andrew Kottick, Nikolas C. Vann, Maria Cristina D. Picardo, Victoria T. Akins, Christopher A. Del Negro, Ann L. Revill, Gregory D. Funk, and M. Drew LaMar


Recovery of Breeding Bald Eagles on Aberdeen Proving Ground, B. D. Watts


A SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase is involved in the degradation of the nuclear pool of the SUMO E3 ligase Siz1, Jason W. Westerbeck, Nagesh Pasupala, Mark Guillotte, Eva Szymanski, Brooke C. Matson, Cecilia Esteban, and Oliver Kerscher


Effects of mercury and sex on plumage in belted kingfishers, Ariel E. White and Daniel A. Cristol


Stormwater runoff drives viral changes in inland freshwaters community composition, Kurt E. Williamson, Jamie V. Harris, Jasmin C. Green, Faraz Rahman, and Randolph M. Chambers

Submissions from 2013


Cytoplasmic localization of Hug1p, a negative regulator of the MEC1 pathway, coincides with the compartmentalization of Rnr2p-Rnr4p, William B. Ainsworth, Michael G. Benton, Bridget Todd Hughes, and Oliver Kerscher


Short Report: Gongylonema pulchrum Infection in a Resident of Williamsburg, Virginia, Verified by Genetic Analysis, Jonathan D. Allen and Aurora Esquela-Kerscher


A Novel Report of Hatching Plasticity in the Phylum Echinodermata, A Frances Armstrong, Holly N. Blackburn, and Jonathan D. Allen


The pseudophosphatase MK-STYX inhibits stress granule assembly independently of Ser149 phosphorylation of G3BP-1, Justinn E. Barr, Michelle R. Munyikwa, Shanta D. Hinton, and Elizabeth A. Frazier


Dissolved and particulate organic carbon fluxes from an agricultural watershed during consecutive tropical storms, Randolph Chambers


Integrated carbon budget models for the Everglades terrestrial-coastal-oceanic gradient: Current status and needs for inter-site comparisons., Randolph Chambers


Occurrence and Distribution of the Freshwater AmphipodsGammarus pseudolimnaeus and Gammarus fasciatus inSoutheastern Virginia, Randolph Chambers


Photochemical and microbial alteration of dissolved organic matter in temperate headwater streams associated with different land use, Randolph Chambers


High levels of maternally transferred mercury do not affect reproductive output or embryonic survival of northern watersnakes (Nerodia sipedon), S Y. Chinn, J D. Willson, Daniel A. Cristol, D V.V. Drewett, and W A. Hopkins


Modeling the effects of crab potting and road traffic on a population of diamondback terrapins, Sarah Gilligand and Randolph Chambers


Interactions between chemical and climate stressors: A role for mechanistic toxicology in assessing climate change risks, Michael J. Hooper, Gerald T. Ankley, Daniel A. Cristol, and Lindley A. Maryoung


A conceptual framework for restoration of threatened plants: the effective model of American chestnut (Castanea dentata) reintroduction, Douglass F. Jacobs, Harmony J. Dalgleish, Harmony J. Dalgleish, and C. Dana Nelson


Embryological staging of the Zebra Finch, Taeniopygia guttata, Jessica R. Murray, Claire W. Varian-Ramos, Zoe S. Welch, and Margaret S. Saha


Sexual selection hinders adaptation in experimental populations of yeast, L. P. Reding, J. P. Swaddle, and H. A. Murphy


Particle retention in suspension-feeding fish after removal of filtration structures, Jennifer C. Smith and S. Laurie Sanderson


Budding Yeast Protein Extraction and Purification for the Study of Function, Interactions, and Post-translational Modifications, Eva P. Szymanski and Oliver Kerscher

Submissions from 2012


Ecology of Phragmites australis and responses to tidal restoration, Randolph Chambers, Laura A. Meyerson, and Kimberly L. Dibble


Inter-specific variation in bud banks and flowering effort among semi-arid African savanna grasses, H. J. Dalgleish, J. P. Ott, and D. C. Hartnett


The Sumo-targeted ubiquitin ligase RNF4 regulates the localization and function of the HTLV-1 oncoprotein Tax, Kimberly A. Fryrear, Xin Guo, Oliver Kerscher, and O John Semmes


Polymorphisms of the acid sensing histidine kinase gene arsS in Helicobacter pylori populations from anatomically distinct gastric sites, Daniel R. Hallinger, Mark H. Forsyth, Judith Romero-Gallo, Richard M. Peek, and Richard M. Peek


Selective feeding on nutrient-rich particles by gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum does not involve mechanical sorting, M. K. Heidman, L. L. Holley, Randolph Chambers, and S. Laurie Sanderson

Interactions between chemical and climate stressors: A role for mechanistic toxicology in assessing climate change risks, M J. Hooper, G Ankley, Daniel A. Cristol, L Maryoung, P Noyes, and K Pinkerton


Acoustic Space is Affected by Anthropogenic Habitat Features: Implications for Avian Vocal Communication, Caitlin R. Kight, Mark H. Hinders, and John P. Swaddle


Anthropogenic Noise is Associated with Reductions in the Productivity of Breeding Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis), Caitlin R. Kight, Margaret S. Saha, and John P. Swaddle


Split digraphs, M. Drew LaMar


Multiple Novel Signals Mediate Thyroid Hormone Receptor Nuclear Import and Export, Manohara S. Mavinakere, Jeremy M. Powers, Kelly S. Subramanian, Vincent R. Roggero, and Lizabeth A. Allison


Dissection, Culture, and Analysis of Xenopus laevis Embryonic Retinal Tissue, Molly J. McDonough, Chelsea E. Allen, Ng-Kwet-Leok A. Ng-Sui-Hing, Brian A. Rabe, Brittany B. Lewis, and Margaret S. Saha


Prezygotic Isolation Between Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and Saccharomyces Paradoxus Through Differences in Mating Speed and Germination Timing, Helen A. Murphy and Clifford W. Zeyl


SPE-44 Implements Sperm Cell Fate, Diane C. Shakes, Katie Guevel, Harold E. Smith, and Madhura Kulkarni


Jak-STAT regulation of cyst stem cell development in the Drosophila testis, D. Sinden, M. Badgett, J. Fry, T. Jones, R. Palmen, A. Simmons, M. Wawersik, X. Sheng, and E. Matunis


Constraints on Acoustic Signaling Among Birds Breeding in Secondary Cavities: The Effects of Weather, Cavity Material, and Noise on Sound Propagation, John P. Swaddle, Caitlin R. Kight, Saji Perera, Eduardo Davila-Reyes, and Shena Sikora


Anemia, Apnea of Prematurity, and Blood Transfusions, Kelley Zagol, Douglas E. Lake, Brooke Vergales, et al., Hoshik Lee, and John B. Delos

Submissions from 2011


Expanding the Diversity of Mycobacteriophages: Insights into Genome Architecture and Evolution, Zein Al-Atrache, Turi A. Alcoser, Lisa M. Alexander, Mark H. Forsyth, Kobie C. Gordon, Samuel E. Harvey, Arrykka S. Jackson, Molly J. McDonough, Allison M. Perz, Margaret S. Saha, Jillian M. Walton, Hilary M. Whelan, and Kurt E. Williamson


Recruitment of the Oncoprotein v-ErbA to Aggresomes, Cornelius Bondzi, Abigail M. Brunner, Michelle R. Munyikwa, Crystal D. Conner, et al., Vincent R. Roggero, and Lizabeth A. Allison


Reproductive Success of Eastern Bluebirds (Siala sialis) on Suburban Golf Courses, Kerri L. Cornell, Caitlin R. Kight, Ryan B. Burdge, Alex R. Gunderson, Joanna K. Hubbard, Allyson K. Jackson, Joshua E. LeClerc, Marie L. Pitts, John P. Swaddle, and Daniel A. Cristol


Sumo-dependent substrate targeting of the SUMO protease Ulp1, Zachary C. Elmore, Megan Donaher, Brooke C. Matson, Helen Murphy, Jason W. Westerbeck, and Oliver Kerscher


Arabidopsis Homologs of the Petunia HAIRY MERISTEM Gene Are Required for Maintenance of Shoot and Root Indeterminacy, Eric M. Engstrom, Carl M. Andersen, Juliann Gumulak-Smith, John Hu, Evguenia Orlova, and Rosangela Sozzani


The Genetics and Cell Biology of Fertilization, Brian D. Geldziler, Matthew R. Marcello, Andrew Singson, and Diane C. Shakes

For Male Caenorhabditis elegans, Sperm Activation Is a "Just-in-Time" Event, Diane C. Shakes


Asymmetric spermatocyte division as a mechanism for controlling sex ratios, Diane C. Shakes, Bryan J. Neva, Henry Huynh, Jyotiska Chaudhuri, and Andre Pires-daSilva

Are exploited fish populations stable?, George Sugihara, Ethan Deyle, Charles Perretti, and Sarah M. Glaser


A Primer of Conservation Behavior, John P. Swaddle


Assessing the developmental stress hypothesis in the context of a reaction norm, John P. Swaddle

Submissions from 2010


Understanding the Effects of Low Salinity on Fertilization Success and Early Development in the Sand Dollar Echinarachnius parma, Jonathan D. Allen and Jan A. Pechenik

Developmental Origin of PreBotzinger Complex Respiratory Neurons, Paul A. Gray, Guang Y. Ling, Srinivasan Tupal, John A. Hayes, Maria Cristina D. Picardo, and Christopher A. Del Negro

Variation in levels of luteinizing hormone and reproductive photoresponsiveness in a population of white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus), Paul D. Heideman, Julian T. Pittman, Kristin A. Schubert, Christen M. R. Dubois, Jennifer Bowles, Sean M. Lowe, and Matthew R. Price


The Pseudophosphatase MK-STYX Interacts with G3BP and Decreases Stress Granule Formation, Shanta D. Hinton, Michael P. Myers, Vincent R. Roggero, Lizabeth A. Allison, and Nicholas K. Tonks


Underutilized resources for studying the evolution of invasive species during their introduction, establishment, and lag phases, Travis D. Marsico, Jennifer W. Burt, Erin K. Espeland, and George W. Gilchrist


The Peril of the Plankton, Dawn Vaughn and Jonathan D. Allen

Elucidating Gene Regulatory Mechanisms for Sperm Function Through the Integration of Classical and Systems Approaches in C. elegans, Tammy F. Wu, Bernadette Nera, Diana S. Chu, and Diane C. Shakes

Submissions from 2009


The chromosomal polymorphism of Drosophila subobscura: a microevolutionary weapon to monitor global change, J. Balanya, L. Serra, R. B. Huey, and G. W. Gilchrist


Enhancing the trap of lady's slippers: a new technique for discovering pollinators yields new data from Cypripedium parviflorum (Orchidaceae), Martha A. Case and Zachary R. Bradford


The SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase subunit Slx5 resides in nuclear foci and at sites of DNA breaks, Caitlin E. Cook, Oliver Kerscher, and Mark Hochstrasser


Characterization and performance of nucleic acid nanoparticles combined with protamine and gold, Robert K. DeLong, Uzma Akhtar, Michael Sallee, and Eric Engstrom


Acyl-Homoserine Lactones Can Induce Virus Production in Lysogenic Bacteria: an Alternative Paradigm for Prophage Induction, Dhritiman Ghosh, Krishnakali Roy, Mark Radosevich, and Kurt E. Williamson


Microevolution of neuroendocrine mechanisms regulating reproductive timing in Peromyscus leucopus, Paul D. Heideman and Julian T. Pittman


Cloning and Characterization of Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel Alpha1 Subunits in Xenopus laevis During Development, Brittany B. Lewis, Matthew R. Wester, Lauren E. Miller, Maitreyi D. Nagarkar, M. Brittany Johnson, and Margaret S. Saha


Jak-STAT regulation of male germline stem cell establishment during Drosophila embryogenesis, Trevor Posenau, Juliann J. Gumulak-Smith, Matthew Wawersik, X. Rebecca Sheng, Erika Matunis, and Mark Van Doren


Age-Related Decline in Reproductive Sensitivity to Inhibition by Short Photoperiod in Peromyscus Leucopus, Jessica L. Robertson, Tracy J. Evans, Gregory K. Faucher, Michael G. Semanik, Paul D. Heideman, and David R. Broussard


Spermatogenesis-Specific Features of the Meiotic Program in Caenorhabditis elegans, Diane C. Shakes, Penny L. Sadler, Alana Noritake, Jui-ching Wu, Kristen LaPrade, and Diana S. Chu

Submissions from 2008


Thyroid Hormone Receptor α1 Follows a Cooperative CRM1/Calreticulin-mediated Nuclear Export Pathway, Matthew E. Grespin, Ghislain M.C. Bonamy, Vincent R. Roggero, Nicole G. Cameron, Lindsay E. Adam, Andrew P. Atchison, and Lizabeth A. Allison


Activation of the DNA-dependent Protein Kinase Stimulates Nuclear Export of the Androgen Receptor in Vitro, Leonard C. Shank, Joshua B. Kelly, Daniel Gioeli, Chun-Song Yang, et al., and Lizabeth A. Allison


Intra-oral flow patterns and speeds in a suspension-feeding fish with gill rakers removed versus intact, Jennifer S. Smith and S. Laurie Sanderson


Whimbrel Tracked with Satellite Transmitter on Migratory Flight Across North America, B. D. Watts, B. R. Truitt, F. M. Smith, E. K. Mojica, and et al.

Submissions from 2007


Characteristics of vesicomyid clams and their environment at the Blake Ridge cold seep, South Carolina, USA, Randolph Chambers


Documentation of Infanticide and Cannibalism in Bald Eagles, A. C. Markham and B. D. Watts


Mucus function and crossflow filtration in a fish with gill rakers removed versus intact, Jennifer Smith and S. Laurie Sanderson


The Yeast Hex3·Slx8 Heterodimer Is a Ubiquitin Ligase Stimulated by Substrate Sumoylation, Yang Xie, Oliver Kerscher, Mary B. Kroetz, Heather F. McConchie, Patrick Sung, and Mark Hochstrasser

Submissions from 2006


Oncogenic Conversion of the Thyroid Hormone Receptor by Altered Nuclear Transport, Ghislain M.C. Bonamy and Lizabeth A. Allison


Kinosternon subrubrum subrubrum (Eastern Mud Turtle) Predator Escape, Joseph C. Mitchell, A. C. Markham, and B. D. Watts

Submissions from 2005


Cancer Promoted by the Oncoprotein v-ErbA May Be Due to Subcellular Mislocalization of Nuclear Receptors, Ghislain M.C. Bonamy, Anne Guiochon-Mantel, and Lizabeth A. Allison


Homing Behavior of Musk Turtles in a Virginia Lake, Randolph Chambers

Submissions from 2004


Nuclear Export of the Oncoprotein v-ErbA Is Mediated by Acquisition of a Viral Nuclear Export Sequence, Laura J. DeLong, Ghislain M.C. Bonamy, Erin N. Fink, and Lizabeth A. Allison

Submissions from 2003


Feeding mechanisms in carp: crossflow filtration, palatal protrusions and flow reversals, Todd Callan and S. Laurie Sanderson


Recognizing Chromosomes in Trouble: Association of the Spindle Checkpoint Protein Bub3p with Altered Kinetochores and a Unique Defective Centromere, Oliver Kerscher, Luciana B. Crotti, and Munira A. Basrai

Submissions from 2002


Hydrologic and chemical control of Phragmites growth in tidal marshes of SW Connecticut, USA, Randolph Chambers


The Yeast Nuclear Pore Complex Functionally Interacts with Components of the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint, Tatiana Louk, Oliver Kerscher, Robert J. Scott, Munira A. Basrai, and Richard W. Wozniak

Submissions from 2000


Low reproductive success of black skimmers associated with low food availability, Christopher A. Gordon, Daniel A. Cristol, and Ruth A. Beck


Tim18p Is a New Component of the Tim54p-Tim22p Translocon in the Mitochondrial Inner Membrane, Oliver Kerscher, Naresh B. Sepuri, and Robert E. Jensen


Breeding Bird Communities in Pine Plantations On the Coastal Plain of North Carolina, Michael D. Wilson and B. D. Watts

Submissions from 1999


Avian prey-dropping behavior I: Effects of prey characteristics and prey loss, P V. Switzer and Daniel A. Cristol


Avian prey-dropping behavior II: American crows and walnuts, P V. Switzer and Daniel A. Cristol

Submissions from 1998


Beyond Speciesism, Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Stuart G. Shanker, and Talbot J. Taylor

Submissions from 1997


The Tim54p–Tim22p Complex Mediates Insertion of Proteins into the Mitochondrial Inner Membrane, Oliver Kerscher, Jason Holder, Maithreyan Srinivasan, Roxanne S. Leung, and Robert E. Jensen

Submissions from 1996


Mucus entrapment of particles by a suspension-feeding tilapia (Pisces: Cichlidae), S. Laurie Sanderson, Michael C. Stebar, K. Lara Ackermann, Samuel H. Jones, Ioannis E. Batjakas, and Les Kaufman

Submissions from 1994


Paddlefish buccal flow velocity during ram suspension feeding and ram ventilation, S. Laurie Sanderson, Joseph Cech Jr, and A Y. Cheer

Submissions from 1993


Convergent and Alternative Designs for Vertebrate Suspension Feeding, S. Laurie Sanderson and Richard Wassersug

Submissions from 1990

Regional Differences in Habitat Occupancy by Bachman's Sparrow, John B. Dunning and B. D. Watts