Geospatial datasets are generated as products from modeling, shoreline inventories and other types of applied research projects. Every attempt has been made to ensure that these data and the documentation are reliable and accurate. The Center for Coastal Resources Management (CCRM) provides these data with the understanding that they are not guaranteed to be correct or complete, and conclusions drawn from the data set are the sole responsibility of the user. Recommended citations are provided if the data sets are used for any purpose.
Submissions from 2015
GIS Data: City of Hampton, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Carl Hershner, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, and Tamia Rudnicky
GIS Data: City of Newport News, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie G. Bradshaw, Karen Duhring, Kory Angstadt, Alexandra Procopi, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: City of Norfolk Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Karen Duhring, Kory Angstadt, Alexandra Procopi, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: City of Norfolk, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Karen A. Duhring, Kory Angstadt, Alexandra Procopi, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: City of Poquoson, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Carl Hershner, David Stanhope, David Weiss, Julie Bradshaw, and Christine Tombleson
GIS Data: City of Portsmouth, Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Kory Angstadt, Karen Duhring, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: City of Portsmouth, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Kory Angstadt, Karen Duhring, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: City of Portsmouth, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Kory Angstadt, Karen Duhring, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: City of Suffolk, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Kory Angstadt, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: City of Suffolk, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Kory Angstadt, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: City of Virginia Beach, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Carl Hershner, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Tamia Rudnicky, and Daniel E. Schatt
GIS Data: City of Virginia Beach, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Carl Hershner, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Tamia Rudnicky, and Dan Schatt
GIS Data: Fairfax County Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Carl Hershner, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, and Tamia Rudnicky
GIS Data: Gloucester County, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie G. Bradshaw, Karen Duhring, David Stanhope, Kory Angstadt, Christine Tombleson, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: James City County, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Karen Duhring, Kory Angstadt, Alexandra Procopi, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: Lancaster County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Kory Angstadt, David Stanhope, Christine Tombleson, Karen Duhring, Alexander D. Renaud, Robert Isdell, Pamela Braff, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: Lancaster County, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon A. Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Kory Angstadt, David Stanhope, Christine Tombleson, Karen Duhring, Alexander D. Renaud, Robert Isdell, Pamela Braff, Benjamin P. Weissman, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: Lancaster County, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie G. Bradshaw, Kory Angstadt, David Stanhope, Christine Tombleson, Karen Duhring, Alexander D. Renaud, Robert Isdell, Pamela Braff, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: Mathews County, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Carl Hershner, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, and David Weiss
GIS Data: Middlesex County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Kory Angstadt, David Stanhope, Christine Tombleson, Karen Duhring, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: Middlesex County, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie G. Bradshaw, Kory Angstadt, David Stanhope, Christine Tombleson, Karen Duhring, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: Middlesex County, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Kory Angstadt, David Stanhope, Christine Tombleson, Karen Duhring, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: Northampton County, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Carl Hershner, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Tamia Rudnicky, and Daniel E. Schatt
GIS Data: Northumberland County, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Karen Duhring, David Stanhope, Kory Angstadt, Christine Tombleson, Alexandra Procopi, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: Prince William County, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Carl Hershner, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, and Tamia Rudnicky
GIS Data: Stafford County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Karen Duhring, David Stanhope, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: Stafford County, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Karen Duhring, David Stanhope, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: Stafford County, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie G. Bradshaw, Karen Duhring, David Stanhope, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: Westmoreland County, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Carl Hershner, Sharon Killeen, Karinna Nunez, Tamia Rudnicky, Dan Schatt, and David Weiss
GIS Data: York County, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Carl Hershner, Kory Angstadt, David Stanhope, David Weiss, Karen Duhring, and Christine Tombleson
Submissions from 2014
GIS Data: City of Newport News, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Karen Duhring, Kory Angstadt, Alexandra Procopi, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: City of Newport News, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie G. Bradshaw, Karen Duhring, Kory Angstadt, Alexandra Procopi, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: City of Norfolk, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Karen Duhring, Kory Angstadt, Alexandra Procopi, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: Gloucester County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Karen Duhring, David Stanhope, Kory Angstadt, Christine Tombleson, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: Gloucester County, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Karen Duhring, David Stanhope, Kory Angstadt, Christine Tombleson, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: James City County and City of Williamsburg, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Karen Duhring, Kory Angstadt, Alexandra Procopi, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: James City County and the City of Williamsburg, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Karen Duhring, Kory Angstadt, Alexandra Procopi, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: Northumberland County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tami Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Karen Duhring, David Stanhope, Kory Angstadt, Christine Tombleson, Alexandra Procopi, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: Northumberland County, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Karen Duhring, David Stanhope, Kory Angstadt, Christine Tombleson, Alexandra Procopi, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
Submissions from 2013
Rehoboth Bay, Delaware Shoreline Inventory Report Methods and Guidelines, Marcia Berman, Sharon Killeen, Carl Hershner, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Kory Angstadt, Tamia Rudnicky, Dan Schatt, and David Stanhope
GIS Data: Charles City County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Kory Angstadt, Julie Bradshaw, David Weiss, and Carl Hershner
GIS Data: Charles City County, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Kory Angstadt, Julie Bradshaw, David Weiss, and Carl H. Hershner
GIS Data: City of Poquoson, Virgina Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Carl Hershner, David Stanhope, David Weiss, Julie Bradshaw, and Christine Tombleson
GIS Data: City of Poquoson, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Carl H. Hershner, David Stanhope, David Weiss, Julie Bradshaw, and Christine Tombleson
GIS Data: City of Suffolk, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Kory Angstadt, David Weiss, and Carl H. Hershner
GIS Data: York County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Carl Hershner, Kory Angstadt, David Stanhope, David Weiss, Karen Duhring, and Christine Tombleson
GIS Data: York County, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Carl Hershner, Kory Angstadt, David Stanhope, David Weiss, Karen Duhring, and Christine Tombleson
Submissions from 2012
GIS Data: City of Alexandria Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Carl Hershner, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, and Tamia Rudnicky
GIS Data: City of Fairfax County, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Carl Hershner, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, and Tamia Rudnicky
GIS Data: City of Hampton, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Carl Hershner, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, and Tamia Rudnicky
GIS Data: City of Virginia Beach, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon A. Killeen, Carl Hershner, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Tamia Rudnicky, and Daniel E. Schatt
GIS Data: Mathews County, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Carl Hershner, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, and David Weiss
GIS Data: Prince William County, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon A. Killeen, Carl Hershner, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, and Tamia Rudnicky
GIS Data: Westmoreland County, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Carl Hershner, Sharon A. Killeen, Karinna Nunez, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, and David Weiss
Submissions from 2011
GIS Data: City of Hampton, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Carl Hershner, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, and Tamia Rudnicky
GIS Data: Northampton County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Carl Hershner, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Tamia Rudnicky, and Daniel E. Schatt
GIS Data: Northampton County, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Carl Hershner, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Tamia Rudnicky, and Daniel E. Schatt
Submissions from 2010
GIS Data: Fairfax County and the City of Alexandria, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Carl Hershner, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, and Tamia Rudnicky
GIS Data: Prince William County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Carl Hershner, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, and Tamia Rudnicky
Submissions from 2009
GIS Data: Mathews County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report Methods and Guidelines, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Carl Hershner, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, and David Weiss
Submissions from 2008
Delaware Shoreline Inventory: Appoquinimink River, Blackbird Creek, St. Jones River, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Carl Hershner, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Karen Reay, and David Weiss
GIS Data: New Kent County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Karinna Nunez, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, David Weiss, and Karen Reay
Submissions from 2007
GIS Data: Lynnhaven River Virginia Beach, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Karinna Nunez, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, Karen Reay, and David Weiss
Refinement and validation of a multi-level assessment method for Mid-Atlantic tidal wetlands (EPA #CD-973494-01), David L. O'Brien, Amy Jacobs, Marcia Berman, Tamia Rudnicky, Erin McLaughlin, and Andrew Howard
GIS Data: Westmoreland County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Carl Hershner, Sharon Killeen, Karinna Nunez, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, and David Weiss
Submissions from 2006
Chowan River Basin North Carolina Riparian Shoreline Assessment Report – Data, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Carl Hershner, Sharon Killeen, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Tamia Rudnicky, and David Weiss
GIS Data: Caroline County, Virginia Shoreline Situation Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Carl Hershner, Sharon Killeen, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Tamia Rudnicky, and David Weiss
Submissions from 2005
Development of the Maryland Shoreline Inventory Methods and Guidelines for Anne Arundel County - GIS Data, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, and David Weiss
Development of the Maryland Shoreline Inventory Methods and Guidelines for Cecil County - GIS Data, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, and David Weiss
Development of the Maryland Shoreline Inventory Methods and Guidelines for Charles County - GIS Data, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, and David Weiss
Development of the Maryland Shoreline Inventory Methods and Guidelines for Harford County - GIS Data, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, and David Weiss
Development of the Maryland Shoreline Inventory Methods and Guidelines for Kent County - GIS Data, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, and David Weiss
Development of the Maryland Shoreline Inventory Methods and Guidelines for Prince Georges County - GIS Data, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, and David Weiss
Development of the Maryland Shoreline Inventory Methods and Guidelines for Queen Anne’s County - GIS Data, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, and David Weiss
Development of the Maryland Shoreline Inventory Methods and Guidelines for Talbot County - GIS Data, Marcia Berman, Harry b, Sharon Killeen, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel Schatt, and David Weiss
Submissions from 2004
Development of the Maryland Shoreline Inventory Methods and Guidelines for Caroline County - GIS Data, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Dewing, Carl Hershner, Helen Rea, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, David Weiss, and Helen Woods
Development of the Maryland Shoreline Inventory Methods and Guidelines for Somerset County - GIS Data, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Dewing, Carl Hershner, Helen Rea, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel Schatt, David Weiss, and Helen Woods
Development of the Maryland Shoreline Inventory Methods and Guidelines for Wicomico County- GIS Data, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Carl Hershner, Helen Rea, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel Schatt, David Weiss, and Helen Woods
Development of the Maryland Shoreline Inventory Methods and Guidelines for Worcester County - GIS Data, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Killeen, Karinna Nunez, Karen Reay, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel Schatt, and David Weiss
Submissions from 2003
Dorchester County, Maryland Shoreline Situation Report Methods and Guidelines - GIS Data, Alaude Barbosa, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Dewing, Carl Hershner, Helen Rea, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, David Weiss, and Helen Woods
St. Mary’s County, Maryland Shoreline Situation Report - Methods and Guidelines - GIS Data, Alayde Barbosa, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Dewing, Carl Hershner, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, David Weiss, and Helen Woods
Submissions from 2001
GIS Data: City of Poquoson Shoreline Situation Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Dewing, J. B. Glover, Carl Hershner, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, and Kevin Skunda
GIS Data: Essex County and the Town of Tappahannock Shoreline Situation Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Dewing, J. B. Glover, Carl Hershner, Tamia Rudnicky, Dan Schatt, and Kevin Skunda
GIS Data: King William County Shoreline Situation Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Dewing, J. B. Glover, Carl Hershner, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, and Kevin Skunda
Submissions from 2000
GIS Data: King and Queen Shoreline Situation Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Tamia Rudnicky, J. B. Glover, Sharon Dewing, Daniel E. Schatt, and Kevin Skunda
GIS Data: Piankatank River, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
GIS Data: Richmond County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science