Submissions from 2020
GIS & Middle Earth, Robert A. Rose
Submissions from 2017
A Light-Weight Opportunistic Forwarding Protocol with Optimized Preamble Length for Low-Duty-Cycle Wireless Sensor Networks, Hai-Ming Chen, Li Cui, and Gang Zhou
Up, down, and strange nucleon axial form factors from lattice QCD, Jeremy Green, Nesreen Hasan, Stefan Meinel, Michael Engelhardt, Stefan Krieg, , and Kostas Orginos
COMS: Customer Oriented Migration Service, Kai Huang, Xing Gao, Fengwei Zhang, and Jidong Xiao
Enabling Mutation Testing for Android Apps, Mario Linares-Vasquez, Gabriele Bavota, Michele Tufano, Kevin Moran, Massimiliano Di Penta, Christopher Vendome, Carlos Bernal-Cardenas, and Denys Poshyvanyk
Exploiting Vector and Multicore Parallelism for Recursive, Data- and Task-Parallel Programs, Bin Ren, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Kunal Agrawal, and Milind Kulkarni
An empirical study on developer-related factors characterizing fix-inducing commits, Michele Tufano, Gabriele Bavota, Denys Poshyvanyk, Massimiliano Di Penta, Rocco Oliveto, and Andrea De Lucia
DyScale: A MapReduce Job Scheduler for Heterogeneous Multicore Processors, Feng Yan, Ludmila Cherkasova, Zhuoyao Zhang, and Evgenia Smirni
On Inferring Browsing Activity on Smartphones via USB Power Analysis Side-Channel, Qing Yang, Paolo Gasti, Gang Zhou, Aydin Farajidavar, and Kiran S. Balagani
Using Wireless Link Dynamics to Extract a Secret Key in Vehicular Scenarios, Xiaojun Zhu, Fengyuan Xu, Chiu C. Tan, Edmund Novak, and Qun Li
Submissions from 2016
Virtualization in the Private Cloud: State of the Practice, Robert Birke, Lydia Y. Chen, Andrej Podzimek, and Evgenia Smirni
Secure, Fast, and Energy-Efficient Outsourced Authentication for Smartphones, Paolo Gasti, Jaroslav Sedenka, Qing Yang, Gang Zhou, and Kiran S. Balagani
Prototyping Wearables: A Code-First Approach to the Design of Embedded Systems, Daniel Graham and Gang Zhou
A Smartphone Compatible SONAR Ranging Attachment for 2-D Mapping, Daniel Graham, Gang Zhou, Ed Novak, and Jeffrey Buffkin
Arbitrating Traffic Contention for Power Saving with Multiple PSM Clients, Dachuan Liu, Haining Wang, Gang Zhou, Weizhen Mao, and Boyang Li
Cheetah: Detecting False Sharing Efficiently and Effectively, Tongping Liu and Xu Liu
Automatic Performance Testing using Input-Sensitive Profiling, Qi Luo
Input-Sensitive Performance Testing, Qi Luo
Mining Performance Regression Inducing Code Changes in Evolving Software, Qi Luo, Denys Poshyvanyk, and Mark Grechanik
FOREPOST: A Tool For Detecting Performance Problems with Feedback-Driven Learning Software Testing, Qi Luo, Denys Poshyvanyk, Aswathy Nair, and Mark Grechanik
Fixing Bug Reporting for Mobile and GUI-Based Applications, Kevin Moran
FUSION: A Tool for Facilitating and Augmenting Android Bug Reporting, Kevin Moran, Mario Linares-Vasquez, Carlos Bernal-Cardenas, and Denys Poshyvanyk
Effects of resonant magnetic perturbations on turbulence and transport in DIII-D L-mode plasmas, Saskia Mordijck, T. L. Rhodes, L. Zeng, E. J. Doyle, and et al.
MobiPlay: A Remote Execution Based Record-and-Replay Tool for Mobile Applications, Zhengrui Qin, Yutao Tang, Ed Novak, and Qun Li
HMOG: New Behavioral Biometric Features for Continuous Authentication of Smartphone Users, Zdenka Sitova, Jaroslav Sedenka, Qing Yang, Ge Peng, Gang Zhou, and Paolo Gasti
Toward Sensor-Based Random Number Generation for Mobile and IoT Devices, Kyle Wallace, Kevin Moran, Ed Novak, Gang Zhou, and Kun Sun
Estimating the trace of the matrix inverse by interpolating from the diagonal of an approximate inverse, Lingfei Wu, Jesse Laeuchli, Vassilis Kalantzis, Andreas Stathopoulos, and Efstratios Gallopoulos
(EMC)-M-3: Improving Energy Efficiency via Elastic Multi-Controller SDN in Data Center Networks, Kun Xie, Xiaohong Huang, Pei Zhang, and Shuai Hao
PROST: Predicting Resource Usages with Spatial and Temporal Dependencies, Ji Xue, Evgenia Smirni, Thomas Scherer, Robert Birke, and Lydia Y. Chen
CaSE: Cache-Assisted Secure Execution on ARM Processors, Ning Zhang, Wenjing Lou, Y. Thomas Hou, and Kun Sun
Submissions from 2015
The Impact of API Change- and Fault-Proneness on the User Ratings of Android Apps, Gabriele Bavota, Mario Linares-Vasquez, Carlos Eduardo Bernal-Cardenas, Denys Poshyvanyk, Massimiliano Di Penta, and Rocco Oliveto
High-precision calculation of the strange nucleon electromagnetic form factors, Jeremy Green, Stefan Meinel, Sergey Syritsyn, Jesse Laeuchli, and Kostas Orginos
Particle transport in low-collisionality H-mode plasmas on DIII-D, Saskia Mordijck, X. Wang, E. J. Doyle, T. L. Rhodes, and et al.
Mining Version Histories for Detecting Code Smells, Fabio Palomba, Andrea De Lucia, Gabriele Bavota, and Denys Poshyvanyk
Submissions from 2014
Toward a real time multi-tissue Adaptive Physics-Based Non-Rigid Registration framework for brain tumor resection, Fotis Drakopoulos, Panagiotis Foteinos, Nikos P. Chrisochoides, and Panagiotis Foteinos
Unleashing Exposed Terminals in Enterprise WLANs: A Rate Adaptation Approach, Jun Huang, Guoliang Xing, and Gang Zhou
Special issue: a selection of distinguished papers from the 18th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering 2011, Martin Pinzger and Denys Poshyvanyk
Exploiting the Data Sensitivity of Neurometric Fidelity for Optimizing EEG Sensing, Zhen Ren, Xin Qi, Gang Zhou, and Haining Wang
Call Sequence Prediction through Probabilistic Calling Automata, Zhijia Zhao, Mingzhou Zhou, Jianhua Sun, Bo Wu, Yufei Ding, and Xipeng Shen
Submissions from 2013
Selected Papers from "The 6th China Conference of Wireless Sensor Networks", Fu Xiao, Ruchuan Wang, Limin Sun, and Qun Li
Submissions from 2011
Special Issue: Securing Distributed Networks and Systems, Yang Xiang, Wanlei Zhou, Javier Lopez, and Haining Wang
ETCH: Efficient Channel Hopping for Communication Rendezvous in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks, Yifan Zhang, Qun Li, Gexin Yu, and Baosheng Wang
A Sparse Intraoperative Data-Driven Biomechanical Model to Compensate for Brain Shift during Neuronavigation, D. -X. Zhuang, J. S. Wu, C. -J. Yao, and Y. -X. Liu
Submissions from 2010
AWAIT: Efficient Overload Management for Busy Multi-tier Web Services under Bursty Workloads, Lei Lu, Evgenia Smirni, Ludmila Cherkasova, Vittoria de Nitto Persone, and Ningfang Mi
LU Decomposition on Cell Broadband Engine: An Empirical Study to Exploit Heterogeneous Chip Multiprocessors, Feng Mao and Xipeng Shen
Security in next generation wireless networks, Wanlei Zhou and Haining Wang
Submissions from 2009
Deflation for inversion with multiple right-hand sides in QCD, A. Stathopoulos, A. M. Abdel-Rehim, and K. Orginos
The Falsity of the Reconstruction Conjecture for Tournaments, Paul K. Stockmeyer
IBE-Lite: A Lightweight Identity-Based Cryptography for Body Sensor Networks, Chiu C. Tan, Qun Li, Haodong Wang, and Sheng Zhong