"Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) Zooplankton Census 1995 Auxi" by Deborah K. Steinberg and JS Cope

Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Publication Date


Spatial Information

Sargasso Sea, 31°40’N, 64°10’W


Monthly zooplankton samples were collected at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS)site (31°40’N, 64°10’W), starting in April 1994. Double oblique tows were taken to 200-m depth with a 0.8-m², 200-µm mesh net. Replicate tows were taken during the day and night. Tow profiles were documented with a temperature/depth recorder (TDR) attached to the net. Each sample was split in half in the field. One ½ was used for size-fractionated (200, 500, 1000, 2000, and 5000 µm) wet and dry biomass estimates. The other ½ was preserved in formaldehyde for subsequent taxonomic analysis.

These are the original data sources for the BATS Zooplankton data base. JGOFS-BATS Zooplankton Sampling sheets (doc and pdf) contain field data for each tow (e.g., date/time, latitude/longitude, flowmeter counts). These sheets were eventually replaced by Madin Tow Summaries sheets (doc and pdf). Biomass worksheets (pdf and xls) contain size-fractionated wet and dry weight biomass measurements. Two types of TDRs were used, a Vemco Minilog TDR and a Star-Oddi DST centi-TD. Both record date- and time-stamped temperature and depth data. TDR BinFiles (bin) are the original binary files downloaded from the Minilog TDR and require Vemco Minilog software. TDR AscFiles (asc) are converted Minilog TDR binary files; the original binary files are not available. TDR CsvFiles (csv) are converted Minilog TDR binary files. DSTCenti files (dat) are the original data files downloaded from DST centi-TD.

File Name


JGOFS-BATS Zooplankton Sampling sheets (folder)

File name BATSxxxyzz-JGOFS, where xxx = Cruise number, y = regular (0) or bloom (1) cruise, and zz = Tow number (zz = 00 indicates that all tows for a cruise are included in the file). (e) at the end of the pdf file name indicates corrections were made to the original doc files.

Madin Tow Summaries sheets (folder)

File name BATSxxxy-Madin, where xxx = Cruise number and y = regular (0) or bloom (1) cruise.

Biomass worksheets (folder)

File name BATSxxxy-MadinBiomass, where xxx = Cruise number and y = regular (0) or bloom (1) cruise.

TDR/BinFiles (folder)

File name BATSvvvwxx-yyyy.zzz, where vvv = Cruise number, w = regular (0) or bloom (1) cruise, xx = Tow number (if two tows are contained in the file, they are separated by an ampersand "&"; if more than two tows are contained in the file, the first and last tows are separated with a hyphen "-"), yyyy = TDR number, and zzz = TDR deployment number.

TDR/AscFiles (folder)

File name BATSvvvwxx-yyyy.zzz, where vvv = Cruise number, w = regular (0) or bloom (1) cruise, xx = Tow number (if two tows are contained in the file, they are separated by an ampersand "&"), yyyy = TDR number, and zzz = TDR deployment number.

TDR/CsvFiles (folder)

File name BATSxxxyzz-TDR, where xxx = Cruise number, y = regular (0) or bloom (1) cruise, and zz = Tow number (if two tows are contained in the file, they are separated by an ampersand "&"; if more than two tows are contained in the file, the first and last tows are separated with a hyphen "-").

DSTCenti (folder)

File name BATSuuuvww_xx-yyyCzzzz, where uuu = Cruise number, v = regular (0) or bloom (1) cruise, ww = the first Tow number contained in the file, xx = the last Tow number contained in the file, yyy = TDR deployment number, and zzzz = TDR number.




Bermuda, time-series, zooplankton

Associated Publications

Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Study

VIMS BATS Zooplankton

Madin, L.P., E.F. Horgan, and D.K. Steinberg. 2001. Zooplankton at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) station: Diel, seasonal and interannual variation in biomass, 1994-1998, Deep-Sea Research II. 48: 2063-2082.

Steinberg, D.K., C.A. Carlson, N.R. Bates, R.J. Johnson, A.F. Michaels, and A.H. Knap. 2001. Overview of the US JGOFS Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS): A decade-scale look at ocean biology and biogeochemistry. Deep-Sea Research II. 48: 1405-1447.

Steinberg, D.K., M.W. Lomas, and J.S. Cope. 2012. Long-term increase in mesozooplankton biomass in the Sargasso Sea: Linkage to climate and implications for food web dynamics and biogeochemical cycling. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 26: GB1004.


National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) Alfred P. Sloan Foundation National Science Foundation (NSF) Biological Oceanography Program, NSF OCE-0004256.
