"Chesapeake Bay Atlas, US EPA Monitoring Program Water Quality Data 198" by Sarah E. Rennie and Bruce Neilson

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Virginia Institute of Marine Science

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The original data is in the folder RAWDATA under the folder DOSISO. Within RAWDATA there are 3 subdirectories : TSOPH holds temperature, salinity, diss.O2 and pH. WQ9 h

olds Chl-A, PO4,TotalN, NH4, Nitrate, Si, TOC, TSS & TotalP WQ6 holds DissInorgN, NO2, Part.PHOS, Part.C, Part.N, and TDissN The original measurements are held in columnar ASCII text files suitable for importing into spreadsheets (columns separated by spaces, not tabs). The files are arranged in subdirectories by water year (October through September). The data is as it came from the US EPA Chesapeake Bay Program Office in Annapolis (CSC) in November 1992. Some editting of outliers was done, and recorded in the text file by a ** at the end of the line.


Water Quality, Environmental Quality, Water

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Publication Statement

Data Report Virginia Institute of Marine Science No. 55
