"Marsh Vulnerability Index and Index Applied to Coastal Shorelines" by Molly Mitchell, Donna Marie Bilkovic et al.

Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

VIMS Department/Program

Center for Coastal Resources Management (CCRM)

Publication Date



The Marsh Vulnerability Index (MVI) is a spatially-resolved assessment of Virginia tidal marsh vulnerabilities from important climate-change drivers – erosion vulnerability, inundation from sea level rise, and salinity intrusion from sea level rise – that can support management decisions. Effects were evaluated for two time-steps (near and longer-term planning horizons): 2050 and 2100.

The Marsh Vulnerability Index Applied to Coastal Shorelines layer extends the MVI evaluation for use in evaluating living shoreline (i.e., created or enhanced shoreline marshes) vulnerability and applies it to tidal shorelines in coastal Virginia. Outputs from this analysis were intended to evaluate the vulnerability of areas with existing marshes and living shorelines, and areas recommended by the Shoreline Management Model (SMM) for future marsh living shorelines projects.


Data is in shapefile format, readable by ESRI ArcGIS Pro/ArcMap software.

Data collection methods: Data acquisition and methodology are described in the metadata (embedded in the shapefile).

Files | Description

  • Final_MVI.gdb/Final_Vul_Scores: File geodatabase – embedded metadata. Under download button.
  • MVI_SMM.shp: Shapefile – embedded metadata. Under additional files section.




Living shorelines, resilience, vulnerability, sea level rise, tidal marsh


Environmental Protection Agency - Enhancing the adaptive capacity of Virginia coastal wetlands to lessen vulnerability to climate change EPA CD-963470-01-0

MVI_SMM.zip (73475 kB)
Shapefile – embedded metadata
