Theses/Dissertations from 2009
"The Brownies' Book": An Open Window to Early Twentieth-Century African American Childhood, Regina Ann Clark
An evaluation study of the curriculum and instructional approaches employed in the Norfolk Public Schools gifted program, Katie A. Dolph
Using an Occupancy Modeling Framework to Test the Effects of Habitat Variables on Pond Occupancy of Mabee's Salamander (A mabeei) and Marbled Salamander (A opacum), Christy Michelle Fairman
Enabling technology for non-rigid registration during image-guided neurosurgery, andriy Yuri Fedorov
Quantifying the Overwash Component of Barrier Island Morphodynamics: Onslow Beach, NC, Amy C. Foxgrover
Hydrography and Phytoplankton Distribution in the Amundsen and Ross Seas, Glaucia M. Fragoso
Does Humor Benefit Health in Retirement?: Exploring Humor as a Moderator, Gillian P. Freeman
An intervention study of primary age gifted students with strong nonverbal abilities from low income and culturally diverse backgrounds, Joanne Russillo Funk
Egg Capsule Hatching Success in Rapana venosa and Urosalpinx cinerea in Relation to Temperature and Salinity, Stephanie M. Gera
Nutrient Loading and System Response in the Coastal Lagoons of the Delmarva, Juliette Christina Poleto Giordano
The Rise of Modern Richmond and the Fall of Electric Transit, Earl Ferdinand Glock
Domestic Music Making in Late Eighteenth-Century Elite Chesapeake Society: The "Elegant Selections" of Shirley Plantation, Sarah Gentry Glosson
Topics in particle physics beyond the Standard Model, Brian Audley Glover
Hurricane Katrina families: Social class and the family in trauma recovery, Emilie E. Godwin
"Dance, Dance Revolution": The Function of Dance in American Politics, 1763-1800, Amy Catherine Green
A study of the talent development of gifted individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Diann Gully
Interactions between macroalgae and the sediment microbial community: Nutrient cycling within shallow coastal bays, Amber Kay Hardison
Laser desorption from a room temperature ionic liquid, Peter Ronald Harris
American languages: Indians, ethnology, and the empire for liberty, Sean Patrick Harvey
Bottomless Pits: The Decline of Subfloor Pits and Rise of African American Consumerism in Virginia, Danny Brad Hatch
Water Quality in Headwater Streams: A Test of Best Management Practices, Jonathan Worth Holley
Comparative sensory and energetic ecology of sciaenid fishes and their competitors in Chesapeake Bay, VA, Andrij Z. Horodysky
Next to the Man, and Not Forgotten: Gay McDougall and the Southern Africa Project of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, 1963-1994, Myra Ann Houser
Female Plumage Coloration in Eastern Bluebirds, Sialia sialis: Is it a Sexually Selected Trait?, Joanna Kay Hubbard
An Outsider's View: British Travel Writers and Representations of Slavery in South Africa and the West Indies: 1795-1838, Benjamin Joseph Hurwitz
Organizational citizenship behaviors, collective teacher efficacy, and student achievement in elementary schools, Jeffrey C. Jackson
Identification and Quantification of Polycyclic Musks and Methyl-Triclosan in Unknown Freshwater Fish Tissue Samples, Elizabeth Mara Jacobs
Function of seed-bank ecology in mid-Atlantic semi-annual and perennial Zostera marina beds, Jessie C. Jarvis
New Developments in Xanthate Ester Chemistry and the Potential for Protecting Group Applications, Matthew Hobson Jones
Computational applications in stochastic operations research, William H. Kaczynski
The talent process of successful academic women scientists at elite research universities in New York state, Lisa M. Kaenzig
Voters in a Foreign Land: Alien Suffrage and Citizenship in the United States, 1704-1926, Alan Kennedy-Shaffer
The relationship between thinking style differences and career choice for high-achieving high school students, Mihyeon Kim
"Taking it Out!": Jayne Cortez's Collaborations with the Firespitters, Renee Michelle Kingan
Academic optimism and community engagement in urban elementary schools, Misty M. Kirby
A Bayesian network approach to feature selection in mass spectrometry data, Karl W. Kuschner
Mud and Mucus: Feeding Selectivity in a Suspension-Feeding Detritivorous Fish, Marie Louise Lammons
Utopian spaces: Mormons and Icarians in Nauvoo, Illinois, Sarah Jaggi Lee
Agrarian Reform and the Slave System: A Case Study of James Galt's Point of Fork Plantation, 1835-1865, Stephen John Legawiec
Cyclization Reactions Catalyzed by Bi(III) Compounds, Jia Liu
Enhancing counselor empathy to promote moral development and conceptual complexity: A new model for counselor preparation and supervision, Patricia Adele Logan
Prey Utilization and Energy Demand of a Breeding Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) Population, Elizabeth Claire Long
Through the Veil: Double Consiousness and Labor in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Southern New England, Frederick William Lumb
The First Thing Out the Window: Race, Radical Feminism, and Marge Piercy's "Woman on the Edge of Time", Kimberly Lynn Mann
Alfred Thayer Mahan and the Making of the Superior Other, John William McGlashan
The Image of a Woman's Authority: Representations of Elizabeth I in Portrait and Film, Heather Armstrong McLees-Frazier
Dependence-driven techniques in system design, Ningfang Mi
Previous Experience Shapes Mate Preferences of Female Zebra Finches (Taeniopygia guttata), Kelly Caroline Minton
Afro-Barbadian Healthcare during the Emancipation Era, Kathleen Elizabeth Mocklin
"The Coffee House (Where I Occasionally Sometimes Go)": Examining Diversity in the Urban Meat Diet of Williamsburg in the Mid-Eighteenth Century, Kelsey J. Noack
Chaotic scattering in an open vase-shaped cavity: Topological, numerical, and experimental results, Jaison Allen Novick
Guarding the Other Frontier: The Virginia State Navy and its Men, 1775-1783, Margaret Elizabeth Owen
Effective school -wide discipline through Positive Behavior Supports: An analysis of current practice, Dawn H. Padden
"For All Men Love to See the Country as Well as to Heare of It": Views of Unsettled Virginia, 1649-1676, Sarah Zella Bowden Page
The effect of realistic focal conditions on strong -field double ionization, Jay Paul Paquette
Measurement of the strange quark contribution to the vector structure of the proton, Sarah Katherine Phillips
The functionalization of carbon nanosheets, Ronald A. Quinlan
Walk to Freedom: How a Violent Response to the Civil Rights Protest at Alabama's Pettus Bridge Unwillingly Created the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Brian Clement Rainville
Analyzing Anticipatory Muscle Tensing as a Measure of Prospective Action, Kristin Michelle Reardon
Environmental Analysis of Selected Estrogens and androgens: Applying Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography and Combating Matrix Interference, Stacie L. Rice
Looking at/looking through: Teachers planning for curriculum -based learning with technology, Karen Work Richardson
Blockade of Muscarinic M1 Receptors Disrupts Performance on an Attention-Demanding Visual Discrimination Task, andrea Maureen Robinson
Mortality of Diamondback Terrapins in Blue Crab Traps: Population Changes and Conservation in Southeastern Virginia, Megan Ann Rook
Predicting success: Academic potential and talent development factors among Black and White students, Valija Cynthia Rose
Patronage and Courtiership in Sixteenth-Century Spain: A Case Study of Fernando de Valdés, Inquisitor-General, Katie Melissa Ross
The urban archaeology of early Spanish Caribbean ports of call: The unfortunate story of Nombre de Dios, Maria Fernanda Salamanca-Heyman
Recipe for citizenship: Professionalization and power in World War I dietetics, Kathleen Marie Scott
A comparative study of the course taking and performance patterns of high achieving secondary students, Dewelynn Joyce Heeb Selberg
Development of a Storm Surge Model using a High-Resolution Unstructured Grid Over a Large Domain, Tao Shen
Places of Power: The Community and Regional Development of Native Tidewater Palisades Post A.D 1200, Christopher J. Shephard
An Effect of Fear on Auditory and Olfactory Perception., Erika Hansen Siegel
Toxicology of Decabromodiphenyl Ether in Avian Embryos: Disposition of the Flame Retardant BDE-209 in Yolk-Injected Chicken Embryos (Gallus gallus), Samantha D. Sifleet
From Torbay to Cambridge: William III, George Washington, and the use of Propaganda in Revolution, Michael Peter Charles Smith
The Effects of Adolescent Nicotine Exposure on Adult Learning, andrea Marie Spaeth
Calculation of Equilibrants for Semipositive Matrices, Zheng Tong
Variability in juvenile growth, mortality, maturity, and abundance of American shad and blueback herring in Virginia, Troy D. Tuckey
The Role of Social Cognitions on Children's Emotion Regulation Decisions: Links to Internalizing and Externalizing Symptomatology, Gina Marie Veits
Toleration and Reform: Virginia's Anglican Clergy, 1770-1776, Stephen M. Volpe
The Synthesis and Spectroscopic Study of a Spirooxazine-Functionalized Poly(Phenylenevinylene), Jordan Thomas Walk
Sarah's Song: How Folk Music Shattered Slaveholding Ideology in Antebellum Alabama, Charles Allen Wallace
A privacy preserving framework for cyber-physical systems and its integration in real world applications, Haodong Wang
"Let All Things Be Done Decently and in Order": Gender Segregation in the Seating of Early American Churches, Caroline Everard Athey Warner
The relationship between cultural/ethnic identity and individual protective factors of academic resilience, Dale E. Weaver
"--All United Like Sisters--": Education, Friendship, and the Bonds of Womanhood at Litchfield Female Academy, 1782--1833, Amy E. Whelan
Investigating the Relationships between Recruitment Indices and Estimates of Adult Abundance for Striped Bass, Weakfish, and Atlantic Croaker, Justine R. Woodward
The mandate for social justice advocacy in counselor education: Using service learning to train masters' students as social justice advocates, Kristi-Anne Lee Wyatt
Malware detection and analysis via layered annotative execution, Heng Yin
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
The Religious Philosophy of Richard M Nixon, Robert Benjamin Abel
Teacher self -efficacy and beliefs for teaching mathematics in inclusive settings, Pamela Wilson Aerni
Faculty ritual, solidarity, and cohesion: Thirty-five years of change at Eastern Mennonite University, Nathan F. Alleman
Interspecific Interactions in Oyster Reef Communities: The Effect of Established Fauna on Oyster Larval Recruitment, Brian B. Barnes
The effects of Preparing for Life as a University Student (PLUS) on student achievement, persistence, & integration, Pascal P. Barreau
An investigation of practices to address the disproportionate representation of African American students in special education programs in Virginia, Stacia M. Barreau
Factors Controlling Tidal Flat Morphology in South San Francisco Bay between the 1890s and 2005, Joshua Alexander Bearman
Ultrasonic guided wave interpretation for structural health inspections, Jill Paisley Bingham
A Second Eden: The Promotion and Perception of Virginia, 1584-1624, Jennifer Lynn Blahnik
The Revolutionary Writings of Mary and Royall Tyler: Marital, Medical, and Political Discourse in an Early-Nineteenth-Century Family, Elizabeth Anne Bond