Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Bioavailability of biosolids- and consumer product-associated polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants to terrestrial invertebrates, Michael O. Gaylor
Persistent Organic Pollutants(POPs) as Tracers of Environmental Change and Antarctic Seabird Ecology, Heidi N. C. Geisz
Application of information theory and statistical learning to anomaly detection, Steven Gianvecchio
A Desire for Fired Clay from Far Away: Analysis of Ceramics from a Seventeenth-Century Domestic Site in Bridgetown, Barbados, Anne M. Gibson
Effects of habitat quality on secondary production in shallow estuarine waters and the consequences for the benthic-pelagic food web, David James Gillett
Class Act: Negotiating Art and Market in the Career of Isadora Duncan, Anne Meredith Gittinger
Adaptive learning and cryptography, David Goldenberg
The spectacle of citizenship: Halftones, print media, and constructing Americanness, 1880--1940, Sarah Lucinda Grunder
Multifunctional Polymer Synthesis and Incorporation of Gadolinium Compounds and Modified Tungsten Nanoparticles for Improvement of Radiation Shielding for use in Outer Space, Emily Grace Harbert
Habitat complexity and habitat function of native (Crassostrea virginica) and non-native (C. ariakensis) oysters in the Chesapeake Bay region, Heather D. Harwell
Exploring the Potential for Bay Scallop Restoration in the Lynnhaven River Sub-Estuary of Chesapeake Bay, Ana Liza Hernandez Cordero
Just Where Do You Think You're Going?: Maternalism and Social Work of the Travelers' Aid Society of Virginia, Kathryn Louise Hill
Aging and Cognitive Control: Discriminating Stimulus from Response Deficits of Attention, Kathryn A. Holt
The Lateral Extent and Spatial Variation of Mercury Exposure in Birds and their Prey Near a Polluted River, Mikaela Gioia Selene Howie
Effective teaching practices and teacher efficacy beliefs of International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme teachers, Gregory C. Hutchings Jr.
Honor, Gender and the Law: Defense Strategies during the Spanish Inquisition, 1526-1532, Katy Iverson
Survival in an Urbanized Landscape: Radio-Tracking Fledgling Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) on Golf Courses, Allyson Kathleen Jackson
Computational and Experimental Investigations of Gas-Phase Thermodynamics of Non-Protein Amino Acids, Ashley R. Janiga
Processing and Conversion of Algae to Bioethanol, Sara Katherine Kampfe
A measurement of the neutron electric form factor at very large momentum transfer using polarized electrons scattering from a polarized helium-3 target, Aidan Michael Kelleher
Acoustics of anthropogenic habitats: The impact of noise pollution on eastern bluebirds, Caitlin Rebecca Kight
Assessing the Functional Status of Created Wetlands in Eastern Virginia Via a Soil and Vegetative Developmental Trajectory, Sara Elizabeth Kreisel
The 2008 Election: Prior Belief Strength, Cognitive Dissonance, and Voter Reactions, Elicia Chelsey Lair
Understanding the friendship processes of individuals with Asperger's Syndrome: A phenomenological study of reflective college experiences, Kammie Bohlken Lee
The Commissioners for Detecting and Defeating Conspiracies: Albany County, New York:1778-1781, Jade Mara Leszkowicz
Talented collegians: An explanatory sequential mixed methods study of the talent development process in gifted undergraduate students, Angela Marie Novak Lycan
Between fact and fiction: Writing by American women in a transnational context, Hilary Jennifer Marcus
Federal Recognition Politics and Collaborative Archaeologists: The Need for a Cultural Consensus, Alexandra Grace Martin
"The Chills" as a Psychological Response: Affective Composition, Trait Antecedents, and Factor Structure, Laura Anne Maruskin
A Blueprint for the Colony: The Virginia Company Charters and the Role of Religion at Jamestown, Sarah Ellen McCartney
The life history of longnose gar, Lepisosteus osseus, an apex predator in the tidal waters of Virginia, Patrick E. McGrath
In Vitro Application of Gold Nanoprobes in Live Neurons for Phenotypical Classification, Connectivity Assessment, and Electrophysiological Recording, Karl C. Mendoza
A Legacy of Inaction, Robert Gordon Menna
Buck-horned snakes and possum women: Non-white folkore, antebellum *Southern literature, and interracial cultural exchange, John Douglas Miller
Literacy coaching and teachers' instructional practices: The impact of the Community Coaching Cohort Model, Sara Elizabeth Miller
Student and faculty perceptions of trust and their relationships to school success measures in an urban school district, Dennis M. Moore Jr.
The logarithmic method and the solution to the TP2-completion problem, Shahla Nasserasr
Modeling Shoreline Change and Resulting Wetland Response Due to Erosion and Sea-Level Rise: A Case Study in Dorchester County, Maryland, Mirtha Karinna Nunez
"You have No Boss Here to Work For": Women and Labor in Chesapeake Bay Fishing Communities, Elizabeth Marie O'Grady
The impact of the academic component of Response to Intervention on collective efficacy, parents' trust in schools, referrals for special education, and student achievement, Lisa Lee Pennycuff
"Hearty Damnations" and "Ordered Resistance": Protest, Profit, and Power in Colonial Charleston, 1769, Molly FitzGerald Perry
The relationship between intensity of involvement and community service engagement in the moral development of student members of Greek organizations, Franklin Hadley Phillips
Anime in America, Disney in Japan: The Global Exchange of Popular Media Visualized Through Disney's "Stitch", Nicolette Lucinda Pisha
Heavy Metal Archaeology: A n Examination of Lead's Significance for the Interpretation of Archaeological Bone, Peter andrew Regan
Supporting feature-level software maintenance, Meghan Kathleen Revelle
The Right of Petition: Cases of Indentured Servants and Society in Colonial Virginia, 1698-1746, Brandon Paul Righi
Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Erosional and Depositional Processes: Physical and Biological Controls in the York River, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, Cielomar Rodríguez-Calderon
The effect of an African-American Rites of Passage prevention program on adolescent ethnic identity, drug attitudes, behavior in the classroom and academic performance, Jamie B. Rodriguez
Incorporating industry based dredge surveys into the assessment of sea scallops, Placopecten magellanicus, David B. Rudders
The role of copepods and heterotrophic dinoflagellates in the production of dissolved organic matter and inorganic nutrients, Grace Kathleen Saba
Environmental Hypocrisy--or Environmental Quota?, Peter Bernard Sadza
The Wayward Priest of Atondo: Violence, Vocation, and Religious Reform in a Navarrese Parish, Amanda Lynn Scott
Accounting for undesirable outputs in productivity measurements: Application to the California-Oregon drift gillnet fishery, Tara L. Scott
Building efficient wireless infrastructures for pervasive computing environments, Bo Sheng
Optical control of ultrafast spin -wave relaxation by magnetic anisotropy in a ferromagnet, Kevin James Smith
Serving students from a distance: A content analysis of persistent characteristics in distance learners, Ann L. Sorensen
The Pax-5 Gene is Alternatively Spliced in Trout B Cells, Raaj Mahendra Talauliker
Secure and efficient data extraction for ubiquitous computing applications, Chiu Chiang Tan
Extra dimensions and electroweak symmetry breaking, Jong Anly Tan
"To Learn the Trade of a Potter": Apprenticeship, Emulation, and Deviance in the Wachovian Tradition, Jessica Lauren Taylor
Advancements in dual-pump broadband CARS for supersonic combustion measurements, Sarah Augusta. Tedder
The American Grotesque: Free-Thought Idealism in Edward Bliss Foote's "Science in Story", Lita M. Tirak
Photobiological studies of Ross Sea phytoplankton, Sasha Tozzi
Choosing to succeed: An exploration of the relationship between college choice and freshman retention, James Tomlin Walke
Partial Year Tagging Models: Accounting for Changing Tag Visibility and Delayed Mixing, Lynn Waterhouse
The Preservation and Deconstruction of Hawaii Plantation Style Architecture: A iea, Waipahu, and Ewa, Jessica Margaret Way
Multimodal Non-Rigid Registration for Image-Guided Head and Neck Surgery, Michael Lawrence Weissberger
Estimating Detection Probabilities in Beach Seine Surveys for Estuarine Fishes, Branson D. Williams
Administrator and teacher perceptions of the qualities of effective teachers, Robert Eugene Williams
Quantifying the Ecosystem Role of a Suspension and a Facultative Deposit Feeding Bivalve in the New River Estuary, NC: with Responses to Changes in Nutrient and Sediment Inputs, Heather Marie Wiseman
Characterization and deposition of aerosol organic matter in the eastern United States, Andrew S. Wozniak
Comparison of Full-Wave and Ray-Tracing Analysis of Mode Conversion in Plasmas, Yanli Xiao
Towards secure message systems, Mengjun Xie
From Sight to Site to Website: Travel-Writing, Tourism and the American Experience in Haiti, 1900-2008, Landon Cole Yarrington
Quantum information dynamics, Jeffrey Yepez
Enhancing Web Browsing Security, Chuan Yue
Beyond the Text: Finding Anne Askew, Lindsay Watkins Zurawski
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Is empathy the missing link in teaching business ethics? A course-based educational intervention with undergraduate business students, Christopher P. Adkins
Blood from a Stone: Inuit Captives and English National Destiny, 1576-1580, Seth David Archer
Self -efficacy beliefs of elementary general education teachers in inclusive classrooms and the role of professional development, Sheila S. Ashley
Pamunkey Pottery and Cultural Persistence, Ashley Atkins
An examination of the relationships between ego development, Dabrowski's theory of positive disintegration, and the behavioral characteristics of gifted adolescents, Carrie Lynn Bailey
Situatedness: The interrelation of factors impacting the educational pathway to degree attainment among Black and White doctoral students, Candice P. Baldwin
Anthony Burns and the north-south dialogue on slavery, liberty, race, and the American Revolution, Gordon S. Barker
Fifty gentlemen total strangers: A portrait of the First Continental Congress, Karen Northrop Barzilay
Promoting moral reasoning and ego development through the use of deliberate psychological education in family counseling, Esther Benoit
Anthropogenic Causes of Copepod Mortality and Bacterial Decomposition of Copepod Carcasses, Samantha L. Bickel
Targeting the Sodium Iodide Symporter for in Vivo Detection and Characterization of Mammary Tumors in the Murine Model using a Novel Gamma Camera, Randall Eric Blue
Effects of Systemic and Intrabasalis Administration of the Orexin-1 Receptor Antagonist, SB-334867, on Attentional Performance in Rats, Karen Elizabeth Boschen
Evolutionary Analysis of the Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 67 Immediate Upstream Region in African Clawed Frogs, Jonathan Lomax Boyd
Multi-system analysis of nitrogen use by phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria, Paul B. Bradley
Cultural eutrophication and the clam Macoma balthica: Evidence for trophic disruption and effects on blue crabs, Bryce J. Brylawski
Songbirds, Pesticides, and Golf Courses: Exposure and Effects, Ryan Brennan Burdge
The power of African American parent perceptions on student achievement, Melody Luretha Camm
Bayesian belief networks for decision analysis in environmental management, John Fletcher Carriger Jr
The impact of organizational culture on the academic success of Historically Black College and University athletes: A case study, Ralph Charlton
Polybrominated diphenyl ether flame retardants in birds of prey from the U.S. and China, Da Chen
Propagating Status: Gentlemen Planters and their Greenhouses in the Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake, Sarah Jane Chesney
A Shop in the Back Street: Late Eighteenth Century Williamsburg Through the Ledgers of Blacksmith James anderson, Kathleen Marie Child
A numerical modeling study on barotropic and baroclinic responses of the Chesapeake Bay to hurricane events, Kyoung-Ho Cho