Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Social Organization Analysis of the Role of Academic Advising: A Case Study at the University of Liberia, Jobila Y. Williams Sy
High stakes testing policy issues in education: An analysis of litigation involving high stakes testing and the denial of diplomas, Lisa M. Winfield
The Nottoway of Virginia: A Study of Peoplehood and Political Economy, c.1775-1875, Buck Woodard
An evaluation of the implementation fidelity and outcomes of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program in three elementary schools in Virginia, Barbara F. Wood
Married, but at Whose House?: Parson Rose and the Colonial Virginian Wedding, Emily Helen Wright
Holocene Sedimentation on the Lanyang Plain and Adjacent Continental Shelf, Northwestern Taiwan, Chia-Yu Wu
Improving Energy Efficiency and Security for Pervasive Computing Systems, Fengyuan Xu
Magnetic Order and Dimensional Crossover in Optical Lattices with Repulsive Interaction, Jie Xu
Dispositions and practices that promote teacher-student relationships with African-American male elementary students, Karyn Mitchell Yeldell
The Use of History in Migrating: Cases from the Haitian Diaspora, Elizabeth K. Yohn
"To Draw Pleasure and Instruction": Robert Gilmor, Jr and Collecting the Early Republic, Janine M. Yorimoto
Fixing What Has Been Broken: The United States' Actions in the Aftermath of the Looting of the Iraq National Museum during the 2003 Invasion, Jonathan David Yost
College Students' Implicit Attentional and Affective Responses to Alcohol Cues, Chelsie Marie Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
"A Dollar Book for a Dime!": The Vernacular of Cheapness and the Beadle Dime Handbooks, Sarah Elisabeth Adams
"A Dress of the Right Length to Die In": Mortuary and Memorial Practices Amongst Depression-Era Tenant Farmers of the Piedmont South, Zoey Alderman-Tuttle
The Millennial generation: Howe and Strauss disputed, Holly Alexander Agati
Gone to the Dogs: Inter-Species Bonds and the Building of Bio-Cultural Capital in America, 1835--Present, Merit Elfi Anglin
The Changing Girl: Sex Education and Prescriptions of White Girlhood, Laura M. Ansley
Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Studies of Protein and Non-Protein Amino Acids using Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry, Justine Victoria Arrington
Program evaluation of a school district's multisensory reading initiative, Michael Patrick Asip
Learning How to Listen': Analyzing Style and Meaning in the Music of Abbey Lincoln, Nina Simone and Cassandra Wilson, LaShonda Katrice Barnett
An Investigation of Perfectionism and Life Satisfaction with Elementary Gifted Students, Maria A. Bessler
Seed Burial in the Seagrass Zostera marina: The Role of Infauna, Natalia J. Blackburn
Continuous Improvement Monitoring: An Analysis of State Special Education Compliance Procedures, Barbara Richmond Blake
Effects of Anthropogenic Stressors and Changes in Biodiversity on Lower Chesapeake Bay, VA USA Seagrass Systems, Rachael E. Blake
The relationship of high school teachers' job satisfaction to principal support, Kathleen M. Bressler
Organizational justice perceptions of Virginia high school teachers: Relationships to organizational citizenship behavior and student achievement, William R. Travis Burns
Making, Mending, and Half-Soling: An Analysis of Three Nineteenth Century Virginia Shoemakers, Sarah Virginia Byrd
Faculty perceptions of principal support and change orientation in Virginia high schools, Karen E. Cagle
Parity-violating asymmetry in the nucleon to delta transition: A Study of Inelastic Electron Scattering in the G0 Experiment, Carissa Lee Capuano
Microburst Damage Assessment and Forest Composition Reconstruction After Hurricane Isabel in the College Woods, Williamsburg, VA, Kjarstin Alane Carlson-Drexler
Race News: How Black Reporters and Readers Shaped the Fight for Racial Justice, 1877--1978, Frederick James Carroll
Relationship between Teacher Self-efficacy and Use of Evidence-based Practices in Managing Students with Challenging Behaviors, Sheila R. Carr
Empathy as a crucial skill for instructional coaches: Can it be taught?, Carol B. Carter
"A Certain Kinship": The First Exhibitions of American Folk Art, New York, 1924-1932, Sarah Noble Chasse
Detecting Abnormal Behavior in Web Applications, Zi Chu
'Taken to Detroit': Shawnee Resistance and the Ohio Valley Captive Trade, 1750-1796, Anna Margaret Cloninger
The malleability of spatial ability under treatment of a FIRST LEGO League-based robotics unit, Steven Vincent Coxon
Black Female Landowners in Richmond, Virginia 1850-1877, Hannah Catherine Craddock
The Consequences of Shoreline Development for Near-Shore Communities in Chesapeake Bay, USA: A Before-After Control-Impact Study, Theresa M. Davenport
Relationships among Fine Sediment Settling and Suspension, Bed Erodibility, and Particle Type in the York River Estuary, Virginia, Kelsey A. Fall
"Cash to Corinna": Silas and Corinna Omohundro and the Politics of Public Interracial Relationships in Antebellum Richmond, Virginia, Alexandra Jolyn Finley
The Development of Children's Understanding of Incarceration, Johanna B. Folk
Positive and Negative Feedbacks Within Zostera marina Beds Within the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, Lance M. Gardner
Founding Fathers on Screen: The Changing Relationship between History and Film, Jennifer Lynn Garrott
Information Integration for Software Maintenance and Evolution., Malcom Bernard Gethers II
The Ideal Marriage: Reactions to Marie Stopes' "Married Love", 1918-1935, Shannon E. Goings
The Peculiar Institution: Gender, Race and Religion in the Making of Modern Psychiatry, 1842--1932, Wendy Gonaver
Clockmaking Clerics and Ropemaking Lawyers: Mixing Occupational Roles in Early Modern Spain, Aaron Joshua Gregory
Automated Reductions of Markov Chain Models of Calcium Release Site Models, Yan Hao
Real Talk: Blackness and Whiteness in the Works of Jefferson Pinder, Dave Chappelle, and Aaron McGruder, Jeffreen M. Hayes
Movements, Growth, and Mortality of Chesapeake Bay Summer Flounder Based on Multiple Tagging Technologies, Mark J. Henderson
A recipe for relationships: A qualitative investigation of couples' relational interactions during meal preparations., Katherine Maya Hermann
Children serve too: An investigation of the impacts of military family life on adult relationships, Karena Heyward
The Role of Small Carboxylic Acids during Poly(amide) 11 Hydrolysis, John-andrew Samuel Hocker
The Rise and Fall of the WB: "Dawson's Creek", Intertextuality, and Legitimation, Ambert R. J. P. Hodge
Strange Fruit: Images of African Americans in Advertising Cards and Postcards, 1860-1930, Meghan Brooke Holder
A Community-Based Participatory Assessment of Fish Consumption and Dietary Mercury Exposure along the Lower James River, Virginia USA, Erica Lynnette Holloman
Ironclad Revolution: The History, Discovery and Recovery of the USS Monitor, Anna Gibson Holloway
Esse quam videri, perhaps: State policy and institutional factors impacting low-income student enrollment at North Carolina's public and private four-year institutions, Leslie Neal Holly
A Balancing Act: Division III Student-Athletes Time Demands and Life Roles, Daniel R. Hoover Jr.
How institutional theory informs state education policy regarding exit outcomes for students with disabilities, Michele Myers Hopkins
Myctophid Feeding Ecology and Carbon Transport along the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Jeanna M. Hudson
Dealing with Dual Differences: Social Coping Strategies of Gifted and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Adolescents, Virginia Helen Hutcheson
Measurement of Single and Double Spin Asymmetries in p(e, e' pi(+/-,0))X Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering, Sucheta Shrikant Jawalkar
Booze at the Brothel: Alcohol-Related Artifacts and their use in Performance at the 27/29 Endicott Street Brothel, Amanda B. Johnson
Deficits in Emotional Experience, Perception, and Clarity in Pre-Schizotypal Individuals, Nicole Renee Karcher
A Learning-based Approach to Exploiting Sensing Diversity in Performance Critical Sensor Networks, Matthew Alexander Keally
Attention to and Categorization of Monoracial and Racially Ambiguous Faces, Julie Ann. Kittel
Habitat Utilization and Trophic Interactions by Fauna in a Shallow Estuary: Comparisons between Clam Aquaculture and Natural Sites, Lara Gates Kling
Studies of polarized and unpolarized helium -3 in the presence of alkali vapor, Kelly Anita Kluttz
Quantifying Watershed Loads to a Low Relief, Coastal Plain Estuary, the New River Estuary, N.C, Brittani J. Koroknay
Jumping off the couch: Infusing creativity into counselor education, Christopher Lawrence
The first direct measurement of the weak charge of the proton, John Poague Leckey IV
Understanding and Leveraging Virtualization Technology in Commodity Computing Systems, Duy Le
Sublethal Effects of Methylmercury on the Songbird Immune Response: An Experimental Study, Catherine Ann Lewis
Age-Related Changes in the Neural Correlates of Interval Timing, Cutter Augustus. Lindbergh
Structuring reminiscence group interventions for older adults using a framework of mattering to promote wellness., Herman R. Lukow
Pax5 Signatures: The Identification of Pax5 Isoforms in Developing and Activated B Cell Populations of Rainbow Trout, Elizabeth Anne MacMurray
NMR study of paramagnetic nano-checkerboard superlattices, Christopher andrew Maher
Supersymmetric Leptophilic Models of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, Gardner Rush Marshall
Conditioned Flavor Preferences in Children, Victoria Heinrichs Marshall
Tuition discounting through unfunded institutional aid at private baccalaureate colleges, Jeremy Paul Martin
Shedding Light on the Estuarine Coastal Filter: The Relative Importance of Benthic Macroalgae in Shallow Photic Systems, Johnathan Daniel Maxey
Reengineering Global Higher Education: American Polytechnics, Transnationalization, and Cultural Configuration., Ryan James McDonald
Sexual Dimorphism, Diet, and Body Condition of Rusty Blackbirds Wintering in Virginia, andrew John McGann
Searching, Selecting, and Synthesizing Source Code Components, Collin McMillan
SPE-7, a Novel Regulator of MSP Assembly in C elegans Spermatocytes, Kari Lynn Messina
Transport and Fate of Sediment on the Waipaoa River Continental Shelf: Implications for the Formation and Reworking of Flood Deposits, Julia M. Moriarty
The "Voice Of Virginia": WRVA and Conversations of a Modern South., Caroline C. Morris
Teaching slope of a line using the graphing calculator as a tool for discovery learning, Fiona Costello Nichols
The Death of John Pierce and the Political Culture of the Early Republic, Jennifer Leigh Petrafesa
Physiological and Morphological Characterization of Genetically Defined Classes of Interneurons in Respiratory Rhythm and Pattern Generation in Neonatal Mice, Maria Cristina De Guzman Picardo
Poverty Shelf, New Zealand from the Holocene to Present: Stratigraphic Development and Event Layer Preservation in Response to Sediment Supply, Tectonics and Climate, Lila Eve Rose Pierce
Life History and Ecology of the Freshwater Amphipods Gammarus pseudolimnaeus and Gammarus fasciatus in Southeastern Virginia, Lindsey L. Postaski
Microzooplankton Community Structure and Grazing Impact along the Western Antarctic Peninsula, Lori M. Price