Theses/Dissertations from 2013
The Effect of Brand and Caloric Information on Flavor Perception and Food Consumption in Restrained and Unrestrained Eaters, Kevin Vincent Cavanagh
Development of the Chae Optimal Supervision Environment Test, Ki Byung Chae
Southern Orientation: Reimagining Asian American Identity and Place in the Global South, Frank Sung Cha
The Development of Ecological Functions in Created Forested Wetlands, Sean P. Charles
Imagining Saigon: American Interpretations of Saigon in the Twentieth Century, Evan Cordulack
Faculty sense of academic optimism and its relationship to students' achievement in well performing high schools, Michael Tyrone Cromartie
Synthesis and Fluorescence Studies of pH-Responsive Rhodamine B Derivatives, William Lawrence Czaplyski
Dooley's Ferry: The Archaeology of a Civilian Community in Wartime, Carl Gilbert Drexler
"Exile from My Native Shore": The Loyalist Diaspora and the Epistolary Family, Cara Anson Elliott
Optical Characterization of Magnetism in Magnetic/Nonmagnetic Heterostructures, Yichun Fan
The self on the page: Using student teachers' written stories as a reflective tool during the student teaching internship, Deborah O. Farina
Quality practices of alternative education learning environments as represented in Virginia's Individual Student Alternative Education Plan (ISAEP) program, Doris R. Feltman
Deviants of Great Potential: Images of the Leopold-Loeb Case, John Carl Fiorini
Real-Time High-Quality Image to Mesh Conversion for Finite Element Simulations, Panagiotis Foteinos
Distribution and Impacts of Invasive Bivalve Corbicula fluminea in Tidal Freshwater York River Tributaries, Matthew Ryan Freedman
A critical study of Black parents' participation in special education decision-making, Tamara Lynn Freeman-Nichols
Effects of Episodic Turbulence on Diatoms: with Comments on the use of Evans Blue Stain for Live-Dead Determinations, Haley S. Garrison
Impact of the Bologna Process and German higher education reforms on professorial work and role definition at the University of Potsdam: A case study, Christen Cullum Hairston
Cognitive and Physiological Moderators of Daily Smokers' Early Neural Attentional Biases to Smoking and Nonsmoking Cues, Patrick John Hammett
The Impact of Warning Label Exposure on Attentional Bias to Smoking Cues in Smokers and Nonsmokers, Anna Kathleen Harris
Peopling the Cloister: Women's colleges and the worlds we've made of them, Caroline Simmons Leigh Hasenyager
Merrymaking at the Madisons': Feasting, Alcohol, and Political Strategy, Christine Hope Heacock
The Relationship between Neural Reorganization and Neuropsychological Functioning in Normal Aging, Jamie Nicole Hershaw
Drawn Together, Drawn Apart: Black and White Baptists in Tidewater Virginia, 1800-1875, Nancy Alenda Hillman
Surface Modifications for Gas Chromatography Micro Columns, Daniel andre Hirtenstein
Developmental Plasticity in Response to Familiar and Unfamiliar Predators in the Mud Snail, Ilyanassa obsoleta, Kelly Strickland Hoolihan
Teacher perspectives of the use of student performance data in teacher evaluations, Paul Thomas Hopkins
Experimental Generation and Manipulation of Quantum Squeezed Vacuum via Polarization Self-Rotation in Rb Vapor, Travis Scott Horrom
"Every American Should Stand Here Once": Jamestown's 400th Anniversary Commemoration and the Creation of an American Origin Narrative, Elizabeth Howard
"Quick! Do Something Manly!": The Super Bowl as an American Spectacle of Hegemonic Masculinity, Violence, and Nationalism, Jan Huebenthal
Honor from the Trenches: Why Confederate Soldiers Fought at Petersburg, Patrick John Hussey
A search for a new gauge boson, Eric Lyle Jensen
Integrating "The Star City of the South": Roanoke School Desegregation and the Politics of Delay, Peter Carr Jones
A systematic/structural examination of factors that facilitate and inhibit natural recovery from alcohol abuse in college students, David S. Keel
"History Written with Lightning": Religion, White Supremacy, and the Rise and Fall of Thomas Dixon, Jr, David Michael Kidd
"Here Stands a High Bred Horse": A Theory of Economics and Horse Breeding in Colonial Virginia, 1750-1780; a Statistical Model, Lily Kleppertknoop
Methylmercury Exposure Affects Risk-Taking Behaviors in Zebra Finches: Tradeoffs between Eating and Being Eaten, Megan Elizabeth Kobiela
Modeling the formation of periodic hypoxia in partially mixed estuaries and its response to oligotrophication and climate change, Samuel J. Lake
Translating Spatial Problems into Lumpable Markov Chains, Ruth Elizabeth Lamprecht
Total Synthesis of (+)-Malbrancheamide B Utilizing a Stereoselective Domino Reaction Sequence to Establish the Bicyclo[2.2]diazaoctane Core, Stephen William Laws
Realizing federal policy outcomes of the post-9/11 GI Bill: Veterans' and active duty/reservist perceptions, Lydia Leporte
Investigation of Prophage in Clinical Isolates of H pylori, Kevin Alexander Leslie
Submarine Groundwater Discharge to the York River Estuary: Quantifying Groundwater Flux and Potential for Biogeochemical Cycling, Jenna Lynn Luek
Habitat and Fish Population Dynamics: Advancing Stock Assessments of Highly Migratory Species, Patrick D. Lynch
The Schoolteacher and the Secretary: The Newspapers and Community of a Revolutionary French-American, 1754-1784, Katherine S. Madison
Community Building After Emancipation: An Anthropological Study of Charles' Corner, Virginia, 1862-1922, Shannon Sheila Mahoney
Post-Release Mortality of School-Size Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in the U.S Recreational Troll Fishery, Benjamin Jon Marcek
The Synthesis of 2-Pyridones and Louisianin B, Kaila Ashley Margrey
"You Are Not the Father!": Family, Blood, Race and Maury in America, Robyn Elizabeth Markarian
Individual Differences in Three Types of Motive Congruence: Normative, Configural and Temporal, Chris Clement Martin
Virginia Indians, NAGPRA, and Cultural Affiliation: Revisiting Identities and Boundaries in the Chesapeake, Laura Elizabeth Masur
Composition, Sources, and Age of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Matter in the Delaware River and Estuary, Hadley Allaben McIntosh
Intelligent Feature Selection Techniques for Pattern Classification of Time-Domain Signals, Corey Alexander Miller
"A Medley of Contradictions": The Jewish Diaspora in St Eustatius and Barbados, Derek Robert Miller
Tracelab: Reproducing Empirical Software Engineering Research, Evan Alexander Moritz
Phytoplankton Growth Rates in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, Anna Ford Mosby
From Kaolin to Claymount: Landscapes of the 19th-Century James River Stoneware Industry, Oliver Maximilian Mueller-Heubach
Are Occupancy Models Feasible Alternatives to Collecting Breeding Data?, Morgan D. Niccoli
"Setting the best table in the country": Food and Labor at the Coloma Gold Mining Town, Jennifer Honora Ogborne
Investigations of the Life Cycle of the Peritrich Ciliate Zoothamnium intermedium in Chesapeake Bay, Sikai Peng
No Longer Lost at Sea: Black Community Building in the Virginia Tidewater, 1865 to the post-1954 Era, Hollis E. Pruitt
Network Traffic Aware Smartphone Energy Savings, andrew Joseph Pyles
Detection and infectivity of human adenovirus in wastewater effluent, biosolids, and shellfish, and its persistence in estuarine water, Wenda Lee Quidort
Using a Multi-Scale Life-History Approach to Explore Occupancy Patterns of Pond-Breeding Anurans in Eastern Virginia, Daniel Stewart Ramos
Narratives of Reversion: Portrayals of Haiti in the Old South, Skyler Robert Reidy
An investigation of relationships among school counselors' ethical professional identity development, moral reasoning, and attitudes toward confidentiality with minors, Morgan E. Kiper Riechel
Low Energy Tests of the Standard Model, Benjamin Carl Rislow
Infusing the school counseling internship with a global perspective to promote ego development, moral reasoning, and ethnocultural empathy: A deliberate psychological education, Derek Lane Robertson
"Nothing Tame about Them": Dogs and the Symbolism of Civility in the Jamestown Settlement, Rebecca Ann Rusek
Investigating Heat Shock Protein 70 as a Binding Partner of MK-STYX, and the Role of MK-STYX in Neuronal Differentiation, Lauren Elizabeth Rusnak
Polymeric Radiation Shielding for Applications in Space: Polyimide Synthesis and Modeling of Multi-Layered Polymeric Shields, Clinton Cleveland Schiavone
Virtue in Corruption: Privateers, Smugglers, and the Shape of Empire in the Eighteenth-Century Caribbean, Casey Sylvia Schmitt
Derogatory to the Rights of Free-Born Subjects: Racialization and the Identity of the Williamsburg Area's Free Black Population from 1723-1830, Rebecca Anne Schumann
The Not-So-Public History of Colonial Williamsburg's Port Resident-Ferrykeepers: Interpreting the Moody Family of Capitol Landing, 1715-1781, Angela Maria Scott
Food Availability and Utilization for Cultured Hard Clams, Richard Garrik Secrist
Multi-meson systems from Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics, Zhifeng Shi
Peripheral Vision: Mimesis and Materiality along the James River, Virginia, 1619-1660, Kathryn Lee McClure Sikes
"You Can't Say 'No' to a Soldier": Sexual Violence in the United States during World War II, Michaele Katherine Smith
"Her Correspondence is Dangerous": Women in the Fashion Trades Negotiating the Opportunities and Challenges of Doing Business in the Chesapeake, 1766-75, Kaylan Michelle Stevenson
Studies of Molecular Dynamics of Fmoc-Alanine-d3 through Solid State Deuteron Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Jianhua Sun
Factors that contribute to the academic success of African American males: Perceptions of African American male high school students, Alexis C. Swanson
Catalogue of Interventions for Systemic Family Therapy Assessment, Sydney Marissa Tafuri
From the Unpolished to the Refined: The Evolution of the Furniture Trades at Hampton Institute, 1868-1960s., Vanessa Darlene Thaxton-Ward
Letters to Annie: Ordinary Women in Late Nineteenth Century Maine, Rachel Catherine Thomas
Investigation of Microwave Technologies for Biochemical Applications, Valerie Terynn Tripp
Foraging ecology and habitat use of the northern diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin terrapin) in southern Chesapeake Bay, Diane C. Tulipani
Epidemic models on adaptive networks with network structure constraints, Ilker Tunc
An Allegory for Life: An 18th century African-influenced cemetery landscape, Nassau, Bahamas, Grace S. Turner
Executive search firms' consideration of person-organization fit in college and university presidential searches, James Christopher Turpin
The Revolutionary Career of Louis Philippe de Ségur: Caught between Tradition and Reform, Lauren Wallace
Plough Deep While Sluggards Sleep; and You Shall have Corn to Sell and to Keep: An Analysis of Plow Ownership in Eighteenth Century York County Virginia, Zachary John Waske
Improving Security and Privacy in Online Social Networks, Wei Wei
"Friendly Fire": Free Quakers, Fatherhood and Religious Identity in the Early Republic, Samuel S. Wells
From the Middle of Nowhere: Place-Making on My Supermodern American Road, Maxwell Allen Werner
Outlaw Reproduction: Childbearing and the Making of Colonial Virginia, 1634-1785, andrea Kathleen Westcot
Analysis of Extreme Water Levels in the Lower Chesapeake Bay, Carissa N. Wilkerson
Conflict at the College: William and Mary 1750-1776, andrea Lynn Williams
How direct descendants of a school lockout achieved academic success: Resilience in the educational attainments of Prince Edward County's children, Randolph Williams