Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Bondage on the Border: Slaves and Slaveholders in Tazewell County, Virginia, Laura Lee Kerr
A Tale of Two Blooms: Dynamics of Nitrogen Uptake by Harmful Algae in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico and York River, Virginia, USA, Lynn M. Killberg-Thoreson
Effective Large Scale Computing Software for Parallel Mesh Generation, andriy Kot
Social Compensation, Social Enhancement, and Rejection in Everyday Online Conversations, David Matthew Kovaz
Eavesdropping on History: Olmstead v U.S and the Emergence of Privacy Jurisprudence during Prohibition, Anna Leslie Krouse
Fine Art and Clandestine Identity: American Indian Artists in the Contemporary Art Market, Jaclyn Kuizon
Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect: The impact on academic self-concept, Peter O. Kwiterovich III
Effective reading comprehension teaching and research: How do they relate, Lauri M. Leeper
The Effects of Methylmercury on Corticosterone and Thyroid Hormones in a Breeding Songbird Model Organism, Sarah Ross Lemelin
Charmed Hadron Spectrum and Interactions, Liuming Liu
On the Real-Time Performance, Robustness and Accuracy of Medical Image Non-Rigid Registration, Yixun Liu
Molecular genetic studies of Hematodinium sp., a parasitic dinoflagellate of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, Katrina M. Pagenkopp Lohan
Ghent Gayland: A Case Study of the Gay and Lesbian Community and Media of Norfolk, Virginia, Michael Anthony Lusby
Liberty, Bondage, and the Pursuit of Happiness: The Free Black Expulsion Law and Self-Enslavement in Virginia, 1806--1864, Edward Downing Maris-Wolf
The Effects of Socially-mediated Exposure to Ethanol on the Self-administration of Ethanol in Adolescent Rats, Maria Markhelyuk
Search for Effects Beyond the Born Approximation in Polarization Transfer Observables in ep Elastic Scattering, Mehdi Meziane
The Effects of Seagrass Species and Trophic Interactions in Experimental Seagrass Communities, Althea F. P. Moore
Towns in Mind: Urban Plans, Political Culture, and Empire in the Colonial Chesapeake, 1607--1722, Paul Philip Musselwhite
Investigation of Hg(II) Solution Speciation by ESI-MS and Proton NMR, Madeline R. Nestor
The North American Peltry Exchange: A Comparative Look at the Fur Trade in Colonial Virginia and New Netherland, Laura Ann Norbut
First-principles Calculations of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Chemical Shielding Tensors in Complex Ferroelectric Perovskites, Daniel Lawrence Pechkis
Synthesis and Fluorescence Studies of Spirooxazine-Functionalized Poly(phenylene Vinylene) Prepared via Gilch Polymerization and Click Chemistry, Kathryn Anne Peth
Slow and stored light under conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency and four wave mixing in an atomic vapor, Nathaniel Blair Phillips
The Influence of Golf Course Landscapes on the Occupancy and Reproductive Success of Eastern Bluebirds, Marie Louise Pitts
Prospective principals for the 21st century: Factors that motivate and inhibit the pursuit of school leadership for educational administration students, Tambra Michelle Pope
National Remedies for National Evils: The Problem of Universal Reform and Race in the American Moral Reform Society, 1835-1841, Kristina Elizabeth Poznan
Battling Girlhood: Sympathy, Race and the Tomboy Narrative in American Literature, Kristen Beth Proehl
Effects of Concurrent Phenathrene and Mycobacterium marinum Exposure in the Zebrafish (Danio rerio), Christopher M. Prosser
The Positivity Effect: Is it a Memory Retrieval Bias?, Jennifer Maureen Pryor
Evaluating the use of Flow-Through Larval Culture for the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, Stephanie L. Reiner
Advanced learner perceptions of psychological well-being and school satisfaction in two educational settings, Janice C. Robertson
Building and Planting: The Material World, Memory, and the Making of William Penn's Pennsylvania, 1681--1726, Catharine Christie Dann Roeber
Dynamics and Composition of the Extracellular Polymeric Substances Produced by Benthic Microalgae: An in Situ 13C and 15N Approach, Stephanie Kara Salisbury
Parental Emotion Socialization and its Associations to Internalizing Symptoms: The Influence of Parent Gender and Emotion Understanding, Wesley Mark Sanders
A New England State of Mind: Identity and Commodification in "Yankee" Magazine, 1935-1942, andrew Robert Sargent
From Astoria to Annexation: The Hawaiian Diaspora and the Struggle for Race and Nation in the American Empire, Amanda Lee Heikialoha Savage
An analysis of the validity of the Enneagram, Sara Ann Scott
Unsung Heroes: Lesbian Activists in the AIDS Epidemic in North Carolina and California, 1981-1989, Maggie Shackelford
Research evidence use by rural central office administrators leading educational improvement, Patricia Moore Shaffer
Mobutu and Nyerere, 1960-1979: Trajectories and Creativity in Re-Imagining the Nation, Jonathan Edwards Shaw
Thin Film and Chemical Ordering Effects on the Magnetic Anisotropy in Binary Alloys, Jonathan Ronald Skuza
Fine Sediment Dynamics in Dredge Plumes, Stanley Jarrell Smith II
"What's a Nice Mormon Girl Like You Doing Writing about Vampires?": Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight" Saga and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Karen Elizabeth Smyth
Molecular Marker Development for the Discrimination of Atlantic and Pacific Blue Marlin (Makaira nigricans), Laurie Sorenson
Microscopic Dynamics and Transport of Hydrogen in Proton Conducting Oxides, Erik J. Spahr
The Development and Application of an Antibody-based Biosensor for the Detection of the Petroleum-derived Compounds, Candace Rae Spier
The Effects of Hypoxia on Macrobenthic Production and Function in the lower Rappahannock River, Chesapeake Bay, USA, S. Kersey Sturdivant
Jealous neighbors: Rivalry and alliance among the native communities of Detroit, 1701--1766, andrew Keith Sturtevant
Storyville: Discourses in Southern Musicians' Autobiographies, Matthew Daniel Sutton
The Political Imaginings of Slave Conspirators: Atlantic Contexts of the 1710 Slave Conspiracy in Martinique, Jeffrey Scott Thomas
Pacific Trade Winds: Towards a Global History of the Manila Galleon, Matthew F. Thomas
Teacher instructional practices designed to meet the individual learning needs of mathematically gifted/talented students in middle school Algebra I, Virginia Caine Tonneson
Mercury Exposure Assessment of South River Floodplain Birds, Jincheng Wang
The SUMO-Targeted Ubiquitin Ligase Subunit Slx5 Functional Interacts with the SUMO E3 Ligase Siz1, Jason William Westerbeck
Basal Food Web Dynamics in a Natural Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Community: Cage-Free Field Experimentation, Matthew A. Whalen
Strategic Victimization: News Photographs, the Birmingham Children's Crusade, and the Revisualization of America, Margaret Keeton Williams
Mate-Guarding in the Australian Zebra Finch, Taeniopygia guttata: for Males, Protecting Paternity is More Important Than Extra-Pair Copulations, Leah Catherine Wilson
Authority and Consent: Politics, Power, and Plunder in Charleston, South Carolina, 1700-1745, Kristen Ann Woytonik
Quantum turbulence in two dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates, Bo Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
The Alan Lomax Photographs and the Music of Williamsburg (1959-1960), Peggy Finley Aarlien
The Effects of Cumulative Risk Experience and Violence Exposure on Children's Prosocial Behaviors, Lauren Aaron
Silver-Polyimide Nanocomposite Films: Single-Stage Synthesis and Analysis of Metalized Partially-Fluorinated Polyimide BTDA/4-BDAF Prepared from Silver(I) Complexes, Joshua Erold Robert Abelard
Hadron structure from holographic QCD, Zainul Abidin
Electron scattering from an almost free neutron in deuterium, Nathan Kidd Baillie
Flow Cytometric Analyses on the Activation, Proliferation, and Differentiation State of B Cells in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Maggie Jeanne Barr
Building Freedom: Nineteenth Century Domestic Architecture on Barbados Sugar Plantations, Stephanie Bergman
Applications of pattern classification to time-domain signals, Crystal Ann Bertoncini
Integrating space-and time-scales of sediment-transport for Poverty Bay, New Zealand, Aaron J. Bever
The lost art of pledging within NPHC fraternities: The continuing presence of hazing during the membership intake process., Jerryl Briggs
Heresy and Simony: John Wyclif and Jan Hus Compared, April Marie Brinker
An interoperable and secure architecture for internet-scale decentralized personal communication, David Alan Bryan
Alternative substrates as a native oyster (Crassostrea virginica) reef restoration strategy in Chesapeake Bay, Russell Paul Burke
Migration Dynamics, Within-Estuary Behaviors and Cardiorespiratory Responses of Summer Flounder to Selected Estuarine Conditions, Karen M. Capossela
Beyond Words: Nonverbal Communication, Performance, and Acculturation in the Early French-Indian Atlantic (1500--1701), Celine Carayon
Rituals of the Re-Founded Bolivian State, Raquel Elizabeth Nava Cerball
University leadership in energy and environmental design: How postsecondary institutions use the LEED® green building rating system, Shannon Massie Chance
Gaming among Enslaved Africans in the Americas, and its Uses in Navigating Social Interactions, Katrina Ann Christiano
Neither United States Citizens Nor British Nationalists: A Postwar Loyalist Trade Diaspora, Justin Clement
Acts of reciprocity: Analyzing social exchange in a university theater for social change project, Nicole Birgit Cloeren
The Effect of Salinity on Experimental Hematodinium sp Infections in the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus, Anna Huntley Coffey
The Immigrant, the Native Son, and the Ambassador: The Transnational Travels of "Godzilla", "Speed Racer", and "Akira", Amber Shandling Cohen
Art, Mystery, and Occupation: Building Culture in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg, Virginia, Elizabeth Cook
The professional learning community and its effect on African American students' achievement, Anthony Eugene Copeland
Age, growth, and reproductive biology of deep-water chondrichthyans, Charles F. Cotton
Keep on keeping on: The NAACP and the implementation of Brown v. Board of Education in Virginia, Brian James Daugherity
Dunmore's new world: Political culture in the British Empire, 1745--1796, James Corbett David
Upward mobility -- a study of barriers encountered and strategies employed by assistant principals aspiring to be principals, Todd Calvert Davidson
Flying under the radar with the Royal Chicano Air Force: The ongoing politics of space and ethnic identity, Ella Maria Diaz
Habitat Utilization and Dive Characterization of Blue Marlin (Makaira nigricans) and White Marlin (Kajikia albida) in the Western Atlantic Ocean, Daniel J. Dutton
Homogeneity in heterogeneous environments? An analysis of generation theory applied to college generations, Donna M. Eddleman
Copepod carcasses, mortality and population dynamics in the tributaries of the Lower Chesapeake Bay, David Thomas. Elliott
Against the odds: Academic resilience among high -ability African American adolescents living in rural poverty, Wendy Taylor Ellis
Survey of physical activity in elementary school classrooms in the state of Virginia, Gail Smith Elmakis
The Search for a New England Character: Change, the Town, and the Wilderness in Timothy Dwight's "Travels in New England and New York", Nicolette Gable
Possible Regulatory Effects of Coalition Computations on the Mu Rhythm, Kyle Timothy Gagnon