
Submissions from 1991


Estimation of Relative Abundance of Recreationally Important Finfish in the Virginia Portion of Chesapeake Bay: Annual Progress Report 1990-1991, James A. Colvocoresses and Patrick J. Geer


A Mark-recapture study of striped bass in the James and Rappahannock Rivers, Virginia Annual Report 1990-1991, Joseph G. Loesch, Bruce W. Hill, and Philip W. Sadler


Spawning and recruitment of black drum, Pogonias cromis, in the lower Chesapeake Bay, John E. Olney and Louis B. Daniel


Striped Bass Research, Virginia: Characterization of Virginia's Striped Bass Commercial Fisheries Annual Report 1991, Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Submissions from 1990


Chesapeake Bay Status of Stocks Report 1988-89 : Virginia Juvenile Finfish Trawl Data, Herbert M. Austin and Christopher F. Bonzek


Initial information on the Atlantic croaker : a final report on "Development of age determination methods, life history - population dynamics information, and evaluation of growth overfishing potential for important recreational fishes, Mark E. Chitteneden, Luiz R. Barbieri, Cynthia Jones, and et al


Striped bass research, Virginia : estimation of juvenile striped bass relative abundance, annual report 1989, James A. Colvocoresses


The Assessment of Commercial Fishing Effort in Virginia Annual Report 1990, Joice S. Davis, James C. Owens, and Joseph G. Loesch


A Mark-recapture Study of Striped Bass in the James River, Virginia : Annual Report 1989, Joseph G. Loesch and Bruce W. Hill


A Mark-recapture study of striped bass in the Rappahannock River, Virginia Annual Report 1989-1990, Joseph G. Loesch, Bruce W. Hill, and Philip W. Sadler


A survey for oysters and shell in the vicinity of the proposed construction site for a city of Norfolk water line across the Lafayette River near the Hampton Boulevard bridge, Roger Mann and Reinaldo Morales-Alamo


Mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) stock structure along the mid-Atlantic coast, Jan McDowell, Ana Beardsley, and John Graves


Stock Identification of summer Flounder (Paralichthis dentatus) in the Southern Mid-Atlantic Bight, John A. Musick, Joseph C. Desfosse, A. Deane Estes, and Paul Lyons


Striped Bass Research, Virginia: Characterization of Virginia's Striped Bass Commercial Fisheries Annual Report 1989-90, Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Submissions from 1989


Study of Alosa stock composition and year-class strength in Virginia - Annual Report 1988, Loisirene Blumberg and Joseph G. Loesch


Striped bass research, Virginia : estimation of juvenile striped bass relative abundance, annual report 1988, James A. Colvocoresses


The Assessment of Commercial Fishing Effort in Virginia Annual Report 1989, Joice S. Davis, James C. Owens, and Joseph G. Loesch


Striped Bass Research, Virginia: Characterization of Virginia's Striped Bass Commercial Fisheries Annual Report 1988-89, Bruce W. Hill and Joseph G. Loesch


A Mark-recapture Study of Striped Bass in the James River, Virginia : Annual Report 1988, Joseph G. Loesch and Bruce W. Hill


A Mark-recapture study of striped bass in the Rappahannock River, Virginia Annual Report 1988-1989, Joseph G. Loesch and Bruce W. Hill


Catch Trends and Fish Utilization in Virginia's Offshore Recreational Pelagic Fishery, 1987-1988, Jon A. Lucy, Nancy J. Chartier, and William D. DuPaul


Develop a fishery stock identification laboratory and identify coastal and estuarine stocks that are dependent on the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, Brian W. Meehan


Striped Bass Research, Virginia - Annual Report 1987-88, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Striped Bass Research, Virginia - Annual Report 1988-89, Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Submissions from 1988


Study of Alosa stock composition and year-class strength in Virginia - Annual Report 1987, Loisirene Blumberg and Joseph G. Loesch


A Mark-recapture study of striped bass in the Rappahannock River, Virginia Annual Report 1987-1988, Joseph G. Loesch, Bruce W. Hill, and William H. Kreite Jr.

Submissions from 1987


The Assessment of Commercial Fishing Effort in Virginia 1987, Joice S. Davis, James C. Owens, William H. Kriete Jr., and Joseph G. Loesch


A Mark-recapture study of striped bass in the James River, Virginia : Annual Report 1987, Joseph G. Loesch, William H. Kriete Jr., and Bruce W. Hill


Study of Alosa stock composition and year-class strength in Virginia - Completion Report 1984-1986, Joseph G. Loesch, William H. Kriete Jr., and Roxanne P. Trapani


Striped Bass Research, Virginia - Annual Report 1986-87, Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Submissions from 1986


The assessment of commercial fishing effort in Virginia Annual Report 1986, Joice S. Davis, James C. Owens, William H. Kriete Jr., and Joseph G. Loesch


Study of Alosa stock composition and year-class strength in Virginia - Annual Report 1985, Joseph G. Loesch, William H. Kriete Jr., and Roxanne P. Trapani


A survey of the temporary easement for construction of the proposed bridge over the Machipongo River, Roger Mann and James P. Whitcomb


Laboratory and field investigations of potential predation on early life stages of striped bass in the Pamunkey River, Virginia /, John E. Olney and Gary H. Hill

Submissions from 1985


Multivariate analysis of meristic characters of juvenile Alosa : Completion report 1985, Joseph C. Desfosse and Joseph G. Loesch


Anadromous Fisheries Research Program, Virginia - Completion Report 1980-83, Joseph G. Loesch and William H. Kriete Jr.


Study of Alosa stock composition and year-class strength in Virginia: Annual Report 1984, Joseph G. Loesch and William H. Kriete Jr.


A Survey in the Lafayette River for Oysters and Shell in the Vicinity of the Lakewood Bridge, Roger Mann and James P. Whitcomb


Relative contribution of three Virginia rivers to spawning activity of striped bass, Morone saxatilis, John E. Olney, George C. Grant, and Gary Hill


Striped Bass Research, Virginia - Annual Report 1985, Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Submissions from 1984


Feasibility of Commercial Fishing Operations in the Mid-Atlantic Continental Slope, Philip W. Cahill, P. Ronald Grulich, and James A. Colvocoresses


Mortality and behavior of sea turtles in the Chesapeake Bay : summary report for 1979 through 1983, John A. Musick, Richard A. Byles, RuthEllen Klinger, and Sarah A. Bellmund


Hydrodynamic Aspects of Shark Scales, William G. Raschi and John A. Musick


Striped Bass Research, Virginia - Annual Report 1982, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Striped Bass Research, Virginia - Completion Report 1984, Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Submissions from 1983


Assessment of larval striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), stocks in Maryland and Virginia waters. Part II. Assessment of spawning activity in major Virginia rivers. Segment 3. Pt.A. Distribution and abundance of striped bass eggs and larvae in the Rappahannock River during spring, 1982 : final report, John E. Olney, Bruce H. Comyns, and George C. Grant


Striped Bass Research, Virginia - Annual Report 1983, Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Submissions from 1982


Assessment of larval striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), stocks in Maryland and Virginia waters. Part II. Assessment of spawning activity in major Virginia rivers. Segment 2. Distribution and abundance of striped bass eggs and larvae in the James and Chickahominy Rivers, Virginia, during spring 1981 : draft final report, George C. Grant and John E. Olney


Development of oyster resources, Katherine V. Leonard


Anadromous Fisheries Research Program, Virginia - Annual Report 1982, Joseph G. Loesch and William H. Kriete Jr.


Estimates of abundance : VIMS small fish trawl survey, York and Rappahannock Rivers, 1955 to 1982, Frank J. Wojcik and Herbert M. Austin

Submissions from 1981


Nesting of loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta, in Virginia : final report, Richard A. Byles and John A. Musick


Assessment of larval striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), stocks in Maryland and Virginia waters. Part II. Assessment of spawning activity in major Virginia rivers. Segment 1. Distribution and abundance of striped bass eggs and larvae in the upper York River system, Virginia, during spring 1980, George C. Grant and John E. Olney


Determination of the presence, species composition, and relative abundance of anadromous fishes in Pohick Creek, Fairfax, Virginia, Joseph G. Loesch


Anadromous Fisheries Research Program, Virginia - Annual Report 1980, Joseph G. Loesch and William H. Kriete Jr.


Anadromous Fisheries Research Program, Virginia - Annual Report 1981, Joseph G. Loesch and William H. Kriete Jr.


Continuous plankton records : zooplankton and net phytoplankton in the southern regions of the Middle Atlantic Bight, 1978-80, Cathy E. Meyer and Herbert Austin


Summary of Sea Turtle Research in Virginia During 1979 and 1980: final report for NMFS contract #80 FAC 00004, John A. Musick

Submissions from 1980


Population dynamics of Atlantic coast striped bass, Morone saxatilis : recommendations for management strategy and monitoring and research programs, Herbert M. Austin


Index of juvenile striped bass, white perch, and alosine fishes in the Rappahannock River following the March 1980 oil spill, William H. Kriete Jr.


Biology and Management of Mid-Atlantic Anadromous Fishes Under Extended Jurisdiction- Completion Report Anadromous Fish Project 1977-1979, North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Marine Fisheries and Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Submissions from 1979


A Mechanical Escalator Harvester For Live Oysters And Shell, Dexter S. Haven, John P. Whitcomb, and Q C. Davis

Submissions from 1978


Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) in Virginian Waters, H. M. Austin


A survey of the shellfish resources adjacent to Croaker Landing in the York River, Virginia, Dexter S. Haven and Paul C. Kendall


Biology and management of mid-Atlantic anadromous fishes under extended jurisdiction (1 October, 1977 to 30 September, 1978), N.C. Dept of Natural Resources and Community Development and Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Submissions from 1977


Assessment of mechanical damage to entrained ichthyoplankton, VEPCO Surry Nuclear Power Station, J. V. Merriner and A. D. Estes


Biology and management of mid-Atlantic anadromous fishes under extended jurisdiction (1 October, 1976 to 30 September, 1977), N.C. Dept of Natural Resources and Community Development and Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Submissions from 1976


A Survey in the Lafayette River for Oysters, Clams, and Shell in the Vicinity of the Proposed Granby Street Bridge., Dexter S. Haven, James P. Whitcomb, and Paul C. Kendall


Biology and management of river herring and shad in Virginia : Completion report 1974-1976, Joseph G. Loesch and William H. Kriete Jr.

Submissions from 1975


Biology and management of river herring and shad in Virginia : Annual report, Anadromous Fish Project 1975, Walter J. Hoagman and William H. Kriete


Biology and management of river herring and shad in Virginia : Annual report, Anadromous Fish Project 1974, Walter J. Hoagman, John V. Merriner, William K. Kriete, and Woodrow L. Wilson


Inventory of surf clams in nearshore waters from Cape Henlopen to the False Cape area : quarterly progress report, December 16, 1974 - March 15, 1975, Joseph G. Loesch


Inventory of surf clams in nearshore waters from Cape Henlopen to the False Cape area : quarterly progress report, March 16, 1975 - June 15, 1975, Joseph G. Loesch


A study of the archibenthic and abysobenthic fishes of Deep Water Dump Site 106 and the adjacent area : completion report, John A. Musick, Charles A. Wenner, and George R. Sedberry

Submissions from 1973


A survey in the Elizabeth River for oysters, clams and shell in the vicinity of the proposed TRANSCO construction site, Dexter Haven and Paul Kendall


Biology and management of river herring and shad in Virginia : Completion report, 1970-73, Walter J. Hoagman, John V. Merriner, Richard St. Pierre, and Woodrow L. Wilson


Feasibility of increasing striped bass populations by stocking of underutilized nursery grounds : Completion report 1970-1973, John V. Merriner and Walter J. Hogman

Submissions from 1972


Biology and Utilization of Anadromous Alosids: Annual progress report (October 1, 1971 - September 30, 1972), Jackson Davis, Walter J. Hoagman, John V. Merriner, Richard A. St. Pierre, and Woodrow L. Wilson


Survey of Leased Oyster Grounds Adjacent to the James River Bridge at Newport News, Virginia, Dexter Haven and Paul Kendall


Feasibility of increasing striped bass populations by stocking of underutilized nursery grounds : annual progress report 1971-1972, John V. Merriner and Walter J. Hogman


The active pound net fishery in Virginia 1959-1972, Woodrow L. Wilson and Jackson W. Davis

Submissions from 1971


Biology and utilization of anadromous alosids: Annual progress report (October 1, 1970 - September 30, 1971), Jackson Davis, John Merriner, Walter Hoagman, and et al


Feasibility of increasing striped bass populations by stocking of underutilized nursery grounds : annual progress report 1970-1971, George C. Grant and John V. Merriner

Submissions from 1970


Biology and utilization of anadromous alosids: Annual progress report (October 1, 1969 - September 30, 1970), Jackson Davis and et al


Estimation of Parameters of Striped Bass Populations and Description of the Fishery of Lower Chesapeake Bay: Final Report, George C. Grant

Submissions from 1969


Biology and utilization of anadromous alosids: Annual progress report (October 1, 1968 - September 30, 1969, Jackson Davis, Joseph P. Miller, and J. Ernest Warriner


Estimation of Parameters of Striped Bass Populations and Description of the Fishery of Lower Chesapeake Bay : Annual Progress Reports, George C. Grant

Submissions from 1968


Seasonal availability and distribution of benthic fishes of Chesapeake Bight, Jackson Davis, John A. Musick, and Edwin B. Joseph


Biology and utilization of anadromous alosids: Annual progress report (October 1, 1967 - September 30, 1968), Jackson Davis, J. Ernest Warinner, and Joseph P. Miller


Characterization of Coastal and Estuarine Fish Nursery Grounds as Natural Communities, Willard A. Van Engel and Edwin B. Joseph

Submissions from 1967


Biology and utilization of anadromous alosids: Annual progress report (March 3 - September 30, 1967), Jackson Davis and Joseph Miller

Submissions from 1957


Supplement to The public oyster grounds of the Rappahannock River, Jay D. Andrews and Dexter S. Haven

Submissions from 1953


Studies on the relation between black mud and mortalities in the Rappahannock River, Virginia, in 1953, Jay D. Andrews

Submissions from 1952


The public oyster grounds of the Rappahannock River, Jay D. Andrews and Dexter S. Haven

Submissions from 1951


The Virginia Fisheries Laboratory, J L. McHugh and Robert L. Marble

Submissions from 1950


Activities Associated with the Dedication of the new physical plant Virginia Fisheries Laboratory, College of William and Mary and Commission of Fisheries

Submissions from 1948


Oyster setting records for Rappahannock River, Jay D. Andrews


Announcement of the Virginia Fisheries Laboratory of the College of William and Mary and Commission of Fisheries of Virginia, College of William and Mary and Commission of Fisheries in Virginia

Submissions from 1946


A Study of Oyster Strike on the Seaside of Virginia, John G. Mackin

Submissions from 1942


Announcement of the College of William and Mary and Commission of Fisheries in Virginia Virginia Fisheries Laboratory, College of William and Mary