Submissions from 1982
Water quality trends in the Lynnhaven Bay : a report to the Hampton Roads Water Quality Agency, Bruce J. Neilson
Water quality trends in the Northwest River : a report to the Hampton Roads Water Quality Agency, Bruce J. Neilson
Submissions from 1981
Adaptability of Beam Trawling Gear to Mid-Atlantic Waters, William H. Burton
A Definition of a Natural Oyster Rock, Dexter S. Haven and Herbert M. Austin
Anadromous Fisheries Research Program, Virginia - Annual Report 1980, Joseph G. Loesch and William H. Kriete Jr.
Anadromous Fisheries Research Program, Virginia - Annual Report 1981, Joseph G. Loesch and William H. Kriete Jr.
An Animal-sediment study in the lower York River : February 1965 to February 1966, Dexter S. Haven, John N. Kraeuter, Richarad C. Krauter, and Reinaldo Morales-Alamo
A Preliminary Analysis of the Virginia Pleasure Boat Fleet, Thomas J. Murray
A Preliminary study of community oxygen metabolism in the vicinity of the C. P. Crane electric power generating station : final report, Paul L. Zubkoff
A Report on the Operation of a Hydraulic Escalator Dredge on Private Ground on Hampton Flats, James River, During October 1980, Herbert M. Austin and Dexter S. Haven
Assessment and Monitoring of Sciaenid Stocks, with Particular Reference to the Weakfish, Cynoscion regalis, Herbert M. Austin
Assessment of larval striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), stocks in Maryland and Virginia waters. Part II. Assessment of spawning activity in major Virginia rivers. Segment 1. Distribution and abundance of striped bass eggs and larvae in the upper York River system, Virginia, during spring 1980, George C. Grant and John E. Olney
A Study of Dredging Effects in Hampton Roads, Virginia, Walter I. Priest III
A study of some leased oyster planting grounds adjacent to the James River bridge, Newport News, Virginia : conducted for the Virginia Dept. of Highways and Transportation, Project 0017-046-102, B-605, Paul C. Kendall and Dexter S. Haven
Chesapeake Bay Bibliography - Volume V. Virginia and Maryland Waters, Marilyn Neff Loesch
Climate Scale Environmental Factors Affecting Year Class Fluctuations of Chesapeake Bay Croaker Micropogonias undulatus, Brenda L. Norcross and Herbert M. Austin
Continuous plankton records : zooplankton and net phytoplankton in the southern regions of the Middle Atlantic Bight, 1978-80, Cathy E. Meyer and Herbert Austin
Determination of the Presence, Species Composition, and Relative Abundance of Anadeomous Fishes in Pohick Creek, Fairfax, Virginia, Joseph G. Loesch
Determination of the presence, species composition, and relative abundance of anadromous fishes in Pohick Creek, Fairfax, Virginia, Joseph G. Loesch
Development and application of an index to assess nutrient enrichment in estuaries : a report to the Chesapeake Bay Program, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Bruce J. Neilson
Effluent travel estimates from ships anchored in Chesapeake Bay : a report to the Virginia State Water Control Board, C. S. Fang, C. S. Welch, and T. J. Brooks
Experimental colonization of crude oil contaminated sediments by benthos on the Middle Atlantic continental shelf, Donald Boesch, Eugene Burreson, and et al
False Cape State Park: Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge Study: A Public Access Analysis, N. Bartlett Theberge
Fate and effects of experimental oil spills in an eastern coastal plain marsh system : final report, M. E. Bender, J. G. Hudgins, and R. A. Jordan
Feasibility of Crab Meal Processing in the Chesapeake Bay Region, Thomas J. Murray and William D. DuPaul
Investigation of hydrodynamic and behavioral factors that affect zooplankton sampling by pumps, Fred Jacobs, Albert Kuo, and George C. Grant
Isle of Wight Tidal Marsh Inventory, Gene M. Silberhorn and Arthur F. Harris Jr.
Landsat analysis of the dynamics of the Chesapeake Bay plume on the continental shelf, John C. Munday and Michael S. Fedosh
Manual for Growing the Hard Clam Mercenaria, Michael Castagna and John N. Kraeuter
Middlesex County Tidal Marsh Inventory, Walter L. Priest III and Gene M. Silberhorn
Monthly Report on the State of Rivers 1981, Albert Kuo
Monthly salinity data for the York River plotted by river mile by month, Frank J. Wojcik
Morphology of Udonella caligorum Johnston, 1835, and the position of Udonellidae in the systematics of platyhelminths, A. V. Ivanov
Nesting of loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta, in Virginia : final report, Richard A. Byles and John A. Musick
Notes on MSX resistance of selected Virginia oysters, J. D. Andrews
Notes on Oyster Diseases in Virginia, J. D. Andrews
Ontogenesis and phylogenetic interrelationships of parasitic flatworms, Boris E. Bychowsky
Organic compounds in surface sediments and oyster tissues from the Chesapeake Bay, R. H. Bieri, P. O. DuFur, R. J. Huggett, W. MacIntyre, P. Shou, C. L. Smith, and C. W. Su
Oyster Spatfall in Virginia Rivers: 1980 Annual Summary, Dexter S. Haven and Paul C. Kendall
Potential Effects of the 1980-81 Drought on Oyster Diseases and Predators, J. D. Andrews
Preliminary Report the Impact of the Extended Season for Dredging Seed Oysters in the James River Virginia, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Real-Time Water Quality Model of the Elizabeth River System, Carl F. Cerco and Albert Y. Kuo
Recreational Boating in Virginia: a preliminary analysis, Thomas Murray and Jon A. Lucy
Relationship between the Chesapeake Bay blue crab and its climatological environment : oceanographic and atmospheric data, Robert E. Harris Jr. and Willard A. Van Engel
Report of Trip to Investigate Area Around Heron Island Bar in the Potomac River, Paul C. Kendall and Dexter S. Haven
Report to the Coastal Erosion Abatement Commission Commonwealth of Virginia concerning the Inventory of Sand Supplies in the Southern Chesapeake Bay, Robert J. Byrne, Carl H. Hobbs III, and Robert A. Gammish
Response to freshwater inflow in the Rappahannock Estuary, Virginia : Operation HIFLO '78, Maynard M. Nichols, L. Eugene Cronin, William B. Cronin, M. Grant Gross, Bruce W. Nelson, Jack W. Pierce, and Robert E. Ulanowicz
Salinity Projections for the James, York, and Rappahannock Rivers, Albert Kuo and Michael J. Oesterling
Sand Clearance by the Surf Clam, Spisula solidissima: A Preliminary Investigation, John N. Kraeuter
Sediment Mixing by Invertebrates as Shown by 85KR1, Dexter S. Haven, Reinaldo Morales-Alamo, and John N. Krauter
Study to Investigate Source and Transport Route of Marine Organisms (Hydroids and Bryozoans) in Hampton Roads and Current Velocity Profiles of the Pier 12 Area, Naval Station, Norfolk, Virginia, Robert J. Diaz and Evon P. Ruzecki
Summary of Sea Turtle Research in Virginia During 1979 and 1980: final report for NMFS contract #80 FAC 00004, John A. Musick
Surry County Tidal Marsh Inventory, Kenneth A. Moore and Gene M. Silberhorn
The Allocation of James River Living Marine Resources, Herbert M. Austin
The Backus Patent Tong and Its Potential for Harvesting Oysters Commercially, James P. Whitcomb
The consequences of nutrient enrichment in estuaries, Bruce J. Neilson
The Present and Potential Productivity of the Baylor Grounds in Virginia - Volume II: James River, Pocomoke and Tangier Sounds, The Bayside and Seaside of the Eastern Shore, and the Virginia Tributaries of the Potomac River (Coan and Yeocomico Rivers, and Lower Machodoc and Nomini Creeks), Dexter S. Haven, James P. Whitcomb, and Paul C. Kendall
The Present and Potential Productivity of the Baylor Grounds in Virginia Volume I: Rappahannock, Corrotoman, Great Wicomico, Piankatank, York and Poquoson Rivers, and Mobjack Bay and Its tributaries, Dexter S. Haven, James P. Whitcomb, and Paul C. Kendall
The Present State of Organic Xenobiotics in the Chesapeake Bay - A Synthesis Paper, R. J. Huggett, R. H. Bieri, P. O. DeFur, W. G. MacIntyre, P. Shou, C. L. Smith, and C. W. Su
The shellfish resource in the vicinity of the proposed bridge-tunnel for I-664, Paul C. Kendall and Dexter S. Haven
Virginia's Charter and Head Boat Fishery Analysis of Catch and Socioeconomic Impacts, Anne R. Marshall and Jon A. Lucy
Water Quality in a Small Tidal Creek: Parker Creek, Virginia, Carl F. Cerco and Albert Y. Kuo
Submissions from 1980
A Critique of the Introduction of Crassostrea Gigas to Europe, J. D. Andrews
An Investigation of Sea Scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) of the Mid-Atlantic from Commercial Samples in 1979, Lowell W. Fritz
A Preliminary Evaluation of the Potential for a Shark Fishery in Virginia, J. A. Colvocoresses and J. A. Musick
A proposed work plan for continuing 208 studies in the Hampton Roads area involving the Lynnhaven River and Northwest River drainage basins, Bruce Neilson and Linda Kilch
A resurvey of the Hampton Roads corridor adjacent to the proposed site of the I-664 bridge-tunnel, Dexter S. Haven and Lowell W. Fritz
A Study of Some Public Rocks in the Lower Rappahannock River Below Towles Point, Dexter S. Haven
Benthic macroinvertebrate population distributions in relation to the C. P. Crane power plant thermal discharge : final report, Robert A. Jordan, Charles E. Sutton, and Patrica Goodwin
Biology and Management of Mid-Atlantic Anadromous Fishes Under Extended Jurisdiction- Completion Report Anadromous Fish Project 1977-1979, North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Marine Fisheries and Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Biology and management of the American lobster : June 1974 - December 1978, Robert E. Harris and W. A. Van Engel
Chesapeake Bay Finfishes and Fisheries, Herbert M. Austin
Continuous plankton records : zooplankton and net phytoplankton in the southern regions of the Middle Atlantic Bight, Cathy E. Myer and Herbert M. Austin
Developing Crab Creek : fifteen points of view on economy and ecology in an estuary : a simulation for advanced students exploring coastal resource management decisions in Virginia, Frances Lee Lawrence
Ecological effects of experimental oil spills in eastern coastal plain estuaries, Michael E. Bender, E. A. Shearls, R. J. Huggett, and et al
Ecological study of the tidal segment of the James River encompassing Hog Point (site of the Surry Nuclear Power Station) : Completion Report, Robert A. Jordan, Patrica A. Goodwin, and Charles E. Sutton
Elizabeth River Surface Circulation Atlas, John C. Munday Jr., Hayden H. Gordon, and Charles J. Alston
Estimate of the total weight of Kepone in the major components of the molluscan fauna of the James River, Virginia, Dexter S. Haven and Reinaldo Morales-Alamo
Evaluations of Menhaden Net Mesh Regulations Options, John A. Musick
Fishing Gear Statistics of Virginia 1929-1977, W. J. Hoagman and J. C. Siefert
Harborfest '79 Norfolk, Virginia: An Analysis of Patrons and Their Expenditures, William DuPaul and Samuel Baker
Heavy metal inventory of suspended sediment and fluid mud in Chesapeake Bay, Richard Harris, Maynard M. Nichols, Galen Thompson, John Banacki, and George Vadas
Historical shoreline changes and wave refraction analysis, Smith Island, Chesapeake Bay : final report, Victor Goldsmith, Caroline H. Sutton, and Kevin Kiley
Impacts of E.P.A.'s Proposed Effluent Guidelines on the Blue Crab Processing Industry, Thomas J. Murray
Index of juvenile striped bass, white perch, and alosine fishes in the Rappahannock River following the March 1980 oil spill, William H. Kriete Jr.
James City County Tidal Marsh Inventory, Kenneth A. Moore and Gene M. Silberhorn
James River finfish biomass study, Frank Wojick
Kepone monitoring at Skiffs Creek : in fulfillment of contract number DACW65-79-C-0027, Harold D. Sloan and Michael E. Bender
Location of Foreign Fishing Vessels Harvesting Squid in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States: 1970-1976, James Zaborski
Oyster Mortalities in the Upper Rappahannock River and in the Virginia Tributaries of the Lower Potomac - Their Association With High River Discharge and Low Salinity., Jim Zaborski and Dexter Haven
Population dynamics of Atlantic coast striped bass, Morone saxatilis : recommendations for management strategy and monitoring and research programs, Herbert M. Austin
Position of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science on the Use of Hydraulic Dredging for the Taking of Hard Clams, Herbert M. Austin
Position of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science on the Use of Hydraulic Dredging for the Taking of Hard Clams, Herbert M. Austin
Preliminary Heights at Annulus of Scallops from Jeffrey's Ledge, Gulf of Maine, Lowell W. Fritz
Preliminary Management Plan for the Striped Bass of the Atlantic Coast from Maine Through North Carolina, Herbert M. Austin