Submissions from 1980
Production of Halogenated Organics During Wastewater Disinfection, M. H. Roberts Jr.
Seafood Industrial Park Wave Tests Part 1: Intercomparison with Previous Configurations, C. Welch and T. Brooks
Shoreline Erosion in Virginia, C. Scott Hardaway Jr. and Gary L. Anderson
Status of American Shad Stocks in Virginia, William H. Kriete Jr.
Status of Hickory Shad Stocks in Virginia, W. H. Kriete Jr.
Status of Sturgeons in Virginia, J. A. Musick
Summary of Arguments in Favor of and Against Use of a Hydraulic Escalator Dredge for Harvest of Hard Clams in Virginia with a Short Statement on Operation of the Machine, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Fisheries, and Wildlife Conservation and the Environment of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries on H.R. 4890 The Reauthorization of P.L. 88-309, William J. Hargis Jr.
The Commercial Fishery of Virginia 1955-77 with emphasis on the James, York and Rappahannock Rivers, W. J. Hoagman and D. R. Rathbone
The Virginian Sea bibliography, Thomas M. Armitage and William J. Hargis Jr.
Virginia MSD Problems and Options, Jon Lucy
Zooplankton of the waters adjacent to the C.P. Crane Generating Station, George C. Grant, Cathy J. Womack, and John E. Olney
Submissions from 1979
A Classification of Baylor Bottoms in Virginia, Dexter S. Haven
Acute biological effects of chemically dispersed oil spillage : final report to the American Petroleum Institute, George C. Grant, Howard I. Kator, and Paul L. Zubkoff
A Description of the Commercial Marine Fisheries of Virginia, James Zaborski
A Laboratory Analysis of Kepone Depuration by Spot, Leiostomus xanthurus, Marion Y. Hedgepeth, Robert T. Doyle, and Linda Stehlik
An analysis of phytoplankton, microzooplankton and mesozooplankton populations in the vicinity of the C. P. Crane generating station during the spring months of 1979, George C. Grant and Stephen P. Berkowitz
An environmental assessment of the summer plankton in the vicinity of the C.P. Crane generating station, George C. Grant and Stephen P. Berkowitz
A New Roe Knife, Jim Zaborski
An Experiment in Raising the Salt Content of Oysters From Low Salinity Waters to Improve Their Taste, Reinaldo Morales-Alamo and Dexter S. Haven
Applications of remote sensing to estuarine management : Final report and annual report number 7, John C. Munday and Hayden H. Gordon
A Report to the Oyster Industry of Virginia on the Biology and Management of the Cownose Ray (Rhinoptera bonasus, Mitchill) in Lower Chesapeake Bay, John V. Merriner and Joseph W. Smith
A study of leased oyster ground in Hampton River in the vicinity of the I-64 bridge, Dexter S. Haven and Paul C. Kendall
A study of oyster ground leases adjacent to the James River bridge, Newport News, Virginia, Dexter S. Haven and Paul C. Kendall
A study of the shellfish resource in Brick Kiln Creek, below Route 172, before construction, Dexter S. Haven and Paul C. Kendall
A survey of the late summer benthos community in the vicinity of the C. P. Crane generating station, Robert A. Jordan, Charles E. Sutton, and Patrica A. Goodwin
A Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic and Biogeochemical Water Quality Model and It's Application to the Lower James River, H. S. Chen, R. J. Lukens, and C. S. Fang
A water quality modeling study of Lynnhaven Bay, Virginia, A. Y. Kuo and P. V. Hyer
A water quality study of the eastern branch of the Lynnhaven Bay, Virginia, Albert Y. Kuo and Paul V. Hyer
Biological description of Old Plantation Flats Deep Trough, a proposed dredged material disposal site: Interim report, W. A. Van Engle, J. V. Merriner, and F. J. Wojcik
Box core liner system for fluid mud, Craig Lukin and Maynard M. Nichols
City of Virginia Beach Marsh Inventory: Volume 2 Lynnhaven River, Lake Rudee, and Their Tributaries, Thomas A. Barnard, Damon G. Doumlele, and Gene M. Silberhorn
Commercially Valuable Shellfish on Leased Portions of Elizabeth River Bottom Near the New West Norfolk Bridge, Dexter S. Haven and Paul C. Kendall
Community structure of fishes on the continental slope and rise off the middle Atlantic coast of the United States, John A. Musick
Distribution and abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation in the lower Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, Robert J. Orth, Kenneth A. Moore, and Hayden H. Gordon
Effects of chlorinated seawater on decapod crustaceans and Mulinia larvae, Morris H. Roberts, Chae E. Laird, and Jerome E. Illowsky
Essex County Tidal Marsh Inventory, Damon G. Doumlele and Gene M. Silberhorn
Estimated total finfish biomass for the James River for 1975, Frank J. Wokcik
Estuarine fluid mud : its behavior and accumulation, Maynard M. Nichols, Richard Faas, and Galen Thompson
Estuarine response to nutrient enrichment, a counterpart of eutrophication : a bibliography, K. L. Webb, D. M. Hayward, J. M. Baker, and B. Murray
Estuarine response to nutrient enrichment, a counterpart of eutrophication : an annotated bibliography, K. L. Webb, D. M. Hayward, J. M. Baker, and B. Murray
Evaluation of Ventra Vacs at Pier 12 Naval Base, Norfolk, Virginia, Gaines C. Ho, Robert J. Diaz, and Bruce J. Neilson
Gear Feasibility Study for the Cownose Ray, Rhinoptera bonasus, J. V. Merriner and J. W. Smith
James River Hydraulic Model Study with Respect to the Proposed Third Bridge-Tunnel Causeway in Hampton Roads, C. S. Fang
Lower Bay zooplankton monitoring program : an introduction to the program and results of the initial survey of March 1978, George C. Grant and John E. Olney
Manual of Water Quality Models for Virginia Estuaries, Albert Y. Kuo, Paul V. Hyer, and C. S. Fang
Middle Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Studies Volume 1: Executive Summary, E. M. Burreson and H. J. Knebel
Middle Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Studies Volume II-A. Chemical and Biological Benchmark Studies, E. M. Burrreson, D. F. Boesch, and B. L. Laird
Middle Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Studies Volume II-B: Chemical and Biological Benchmark Studies, E. M. Burreson, D. F. Boesch, and B. L. Laird
Middle Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Studies Volume II-C: Chemical and Biological Benchmark Studies, E. M. Burreson, D. F. Boesch, and B. L. Laird
Middle Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Studies Volume II-D: Chemical and Biological Benchmark Studies, E. M. Burreson, D. F. Boesch, and B. L. Laird
Middle Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Studies Volume III: Geologic Studies, Harley J. Knebel and et al
Nansemond River, study of leased oyster grounds in the vicinity of the US 17 bridge (before construction), Dexter S. Haven and Paul C. Kendall
New Kent County Tidal Marsh Inventory, Damon G. Doumlele and Gene M. Silberhorn
On basin hyposmetry and the morphodynamic response of coastal inlet systems, John Boon and Robert J. Byrne
On basin hypsometry and the morphodynamic response of coastal inlet systems, John D. Boon III and Robert J. Byrne
Oyster Spatfall in Virginia Rivers: 1979 Annual Summary, Dexter S. Haven and Paul C. Kendall
Oyster Spatfall on Shellstrings in Virginia Rivers: 1978 Annual Summary, Dexter S. Haven and Paul C. Kendall
Part I - The Distribution and Depuration of Kepone in American Eels, Anguilla Rostrate, from the James River, Virginia. Part II - An Economic Analysis of the Commerical Depuration of Kepone contaminated American Eels, Anguilla rostrata, from the James River, Virginia, Marion Y. Hedgepeth, Linda L. Stehlik, and Charles C. Sharman Jr.
Problems in Chesapeake Bay of mutual interest to the state of Maryland and the Commonwealth of Virginia, J. Claiborne Jones and John B. Pleasants
Recommendations on Virginia Territorial Sea Trawl Mesh Size, Herbert M. Austin
Recreational Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) Fishery in Virginia, 1978, Joseph Smith
Report of sampling conducted in Chuckatuck Creek on leased grounds near the U.S. 17 bridge, Dexter S. Haven and Paul C. Kendall
Results of Planting Cultchless Spat in Buckners Creek off Nomini Creek on 14 June 1979, Dexter S. Haven and Paul C. Kendall
Sensing the sea : a curriculum guide in marine education for grades kindergarten and first, Ellen Odell-Fisher and Ronald N. Giese
Shoreline Erosion in the Commonwealth of Virginia: Problems, Practices, and Possibilities, Robert J. Byrne, Carl H. Hobbs III, and et al
Shoreline Situation Report Counties of Fairfax and Arlington, City of Alexandria, Dennis W. Owen, Lynne C. Morgan, Nancy M. Sturm, Robert J. Byrne, and Carl H. Hobbs III
Shoreline Situation Report King George and Caroline Counties, Lynne C. Morgan, Dennis W. Owen, Nancy M. Strum, Robert J. Byrne, and Carl H. Hobbs III
Shoreline Situation Report Richmond County, Virginia, Dennis W. Owen, Lynne C. Morgan, Nancy M. Sturm, Robert J. Byrne, and Carl H. Hobbs III
Spotsylvania and Caroline County Tidal Marsh Inventory Including City of Fredericksburg, Arthur F. Harris Jr., Joseph C. Mizell, and Gene M. Silberhorn
Summary of Shoreline Situation Reports for Virginia's Tidewater Localities, Carl H. Hobbs III, Dennis W. Owen, and Lynne C. Morgan
Survey of vegetation and elevational relationships within coastal marsh transition zones in the central Atlantic coastal region : final report, John D. Boon, Donna M. E. Ware, and Gene M. Silberhorn
The Chesapeake, a boating guide to weather, Jon Lucy, Terry Ritter, and Jerry LaRue
The Economic Impact and Status of the Offshore Fishing Industry in Virginia, William DuPaul and Samuel Baker
The Economic Impact of the Sea Scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) Fishery in Virginia, William DuPaul and Samuel Baker
The Functional ecology of submerged aquatic vegetation in the lower Chesapeake Bay, Richard L. Wetzel, Kenneth L. Webb, Polly A. Penhale, Robert J. Orth, Donald F. Boesch, and John V. Merriner
The impact of dredging on public grounds in the Pocomoke Sound area during the 1978-1979 oyster season, Dexter S. Haven, James P. Whitcomb, and Paul C. Kendall
The Role of Filter-Feeding Organisms in Concentration of Suspended Solids Containing Kepone Into Bottom Deposits, Dexter S. Haven and Reinaldo Morales-Alamo
The Virginia Institute of Marine Science Its Growth, Status, and Stature a Report on Progress During the Last 20 Years, William J. Hargis Jr. and Eileen L. Shea
VIMS-BLM Second Order Wave Climate Model and Wave Climatology of Baltimore Canyon Trough Shelf Area, Victor Goldsmith
Virginia Marine Turtle Stranding Form, Virginia Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program
Waste Water Discharges, Treatment and NPDES Permits, Walter I. Priest III and Joseph C. Mizell
Submissions from 1978
A Storm Surge Model Study: Volume I Storm Surge Height-Frequency Analysis and Model Prediction for Chesapeake Bay, John D. Boon, C. S. Welch, H. S. Chen, and R. J. Lukens
A survey of the shellfish resources adjacent to Croaker Landing in the York River, Virginia, Dexter S. Haven and Paul C. Kendall
A Water Quality Study of the Estuarine James River, Bruce J. Neilson and Penelope S. Ferry
Bacterial depuration by the American oyster (Crassostrea virginica) under controlled conditions. Vol. 1. Biological and technical studies, Dexter S. Haven, Frank O. Perkins, Reinaldo Morales-Alamo, and Martha W. Rhode
Bacterial depuration by the American oyster (Crassostrea virginica) under controlled conditions. Vol. 2. Practical considerations and plant design, Bruce J. Neilson, Dexter S. Haven, Frank O. Perkins, Reinaldo Morales-Alamo, and Martha W. Rhodes
Baltimore Harbor and channels : surface sediments in Virginia channels, Robert J. Byrne and Robert J. Huggett
Biological description of Old Plantation Flats Deep Trough, a proposed dredged material disposal site: Interim report, W. A. Van Engle, J. V. Merriner, and F. J. Wojcik
Biology and identification of rays in the Chesapeake Bay, Joseph W. Smith and J. V. Merriner
Biology and management of mid-Atlantic anadromous fishes under extended jurisdiction (1 October, 1977 to 30 September, 1978), N.C. Dept of Natural Resources and Community Development and Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Blue crab shedding plants, W. A. van Engel and Dale Ludi
Characterization of the Demersal Fish Community of a Deep-Sea Radioactive Dump Site (Results of Cruise EPA-7801, R/V ADVANCE II, 21-27 June 1978), John A. Musick and Kenneth J. Sulak
Chesapeake Bay Baseline Data Acquisition Appendix I: A Chesapeake Bay Directory, Chesapeake Research Consortium, Incorporated
Chesapeake Bay Baseline Data Acquisition Appendix III: Toxics in the Chesapeake Bay, Chesapeake Research Consortium, Incorporated
Chesapeake Bay Baseline Data Acquisition Appendix II: Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Report, Chesapeake Research Consortium, Incorporated; Virginia Institute of Marine Science; and University of Maryland, Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies
Chesapeake Bay Baseline Data Acquisition Appendix IV Eutrophication, Chesapeake Research Consortium, Incorporated; University of Maryland, Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies; and Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Chesapeake Bay Baseline Data Acquisition Appendix IX: Wetlands Alteration, Chesapeake Research Consortium, Incorporated; University of Maryland, Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies; and Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Chesapeake Bay Baseline Data Acquisition Appendix VI: Dredging and Spoil Disposal, Chesapeake Research Consortium, Incorporated; University of Maryland, Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies; and Virginia Institute of Marine Science