Submissions from 1987
Written Communications in Fishery Science, Management, Techonology, and Advisory Services Produced by Personnel of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science During the Years 1940-1987, Frank J. Wojcik and William J. Hargis Jr.
Submissions from 1986
A Preliminary Comparative Analysis of Sea Scallop Harvest Pattern Between Dredge and Trawl Vessels, James E. Kirkley
Assessment of Economic Heavy Minerals of the Virginia Inner Continental Shelf, C. R. Berquist and C. Hobbs
A Survey of Potential Problems Related to Toxic Organic Chemical Contamination of Aquatic Environments, Carol B. Rideout and Michael E. Bender
A survey of the temporary easement for construction of the proposed bridge over the Machipongo River, Roger Mann and James P. Whitcomb
Chesapeake Bay Marine Environmental Assessment December 1985 - February 1986, Karen Kelly, Terry L. Bashore, and Karen L. McDonald
Chesapeake Bay research initiatives at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science of the College of William and Mary : accomplishments for the 1984-1986 biennium and projected activities for the 1986-1988 biennium, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
CHSAC Working Group on Data Identification and Interpretation Data Set Inventory Request, Frank J. Wojcik
Cooperative state agency program / annual report FY 1985-1986, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries - 1985, Robert Orth, Jim Simons, Judith Capelli, Virginia Carter, Larry Hindman, Stephen Hodges, Kenneth Moore, and Nancy Rybicki
Dogfish harvesting and processing : an examination of key economic factors in the Mid-Atlantic Region, Ron Grulich and William D. DuPaul
Enhancing the value of commercial fish species through quality control procedures : an integrated approach for Mid-Atlantic fisheries., Virginia Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program and Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Handle with care : Mid-Atlantic marine animals that demand your respect, Jon Lucy
Hydrographic data from the Wolftrap section, 1982-1983, L. M. Huzzey and J. M. Brubaker
Laboratory and field investigations of potential predation on early life stages of striped bass in the Pamunkey River, Virginia /, John E. Olney and Gary H. Hill
Monthly Report on the State of Rivers 1986, Albert Kuo
Norfolk's Harborfest '86: A Tenth Anniversary Analysis, Jon A. Lucy and Eleanor A. Bochenek
Oyster Shoal Survey - Fall 1984, James Whitcomb
Oyster Shoal Survey - Fall 1985, James Whitcomb
Oyster Shoal Survey - Fall 1986, James Whitcomb
Oyster Shoal Survey - Spring 1986, James Whitcomb
Polynuclear hydrocarbons in sediments and clams in the vicinity of a refinery outfall, P. O. deFur, M. E. Bender, C. W. Su, and et al
Potential Effects of the 1986 Drought on the Oyster Industry of Virginia, Virginia Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program
Status of the 1985 Striped Bass Fisheries in Virginia After Implementation of the 1985 Amendment III to the 1981 ASMFC Interstate Management Plan for Striped Bass, Herbert M. Austin
Status of the Major Oyster Diseases in Virginia, Eugene M. Burreson
Study of Alosa stock composition and year-class strength in Virginia - Annual Report 1985, Joseph G. Loesch, William H. Kriete Jr., and Roxanne P. Trapani
Survey of Migratory Fishes in the Beaver Dam Creek, Sampled as Part of a Reservoir Construction Study for Gloucester County Final Report, Frank J, Wojcik and Deane Estes
The assessment of commercial fishing effort in Virginia Annual Report 1986, Joice S. Davis, James C. Owens, William H. Kriete Jr., and Joseph G. Loesch
The Expansion of America's Soft-Shell Crab Industry: a Sea Grant success story, Karen McDonald and William DuPaul
The York River: A Brief Review of Its Physical, Chemical and Biological Characteristics, Michael E. Bender
Third Quarterly Progress Report for the Period July 1, 1985 - December 31, 1985, Chesapeake Bay Research and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Initiatives, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Tributyltin in whole water and sediment collected from marinas and the Hampton Roads area in the southern Chesapeake Bay : a final report, Donna J. Westbrook, Ellen J. Travelstead, Francois A. Espourteille, Charles D. Rice, and Robert J. Huggett
Water Quality in a Virginia Potomac Embayment: Belmont-Occoquan Bay, Yothin Unkulvasapaul, Paul V. Hyer, and Albert Y. Kuo
Submissions from 1985
1985 MSX Update, Virginia Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program
Achievements of Soviet scientists in investigations of the helminthofauna of marine animals of the world ocean, S. L. Delamure and A. S. Skriabin
Anadromous Fisheries Research Program, Virginia - Completion Report 1980-83, Joseph G. Loesch and William H. Kriete Jr.
A Rapid Field Guide to the Identification of Flounders of the Genus (Paralichthys) in Virginia's Waters, Herbert M. Austin
A resurvey of the Hampton Roads corridor area adjacent to the proposed site of the I-664 bridge-tunnel, Roger L. Mann and James P. Whitcomb
A Survey in the Lafayette River for Oysters and Shell in the Vicinity of the Lakewood Bridge, Roger Mann and James P. Whitcomb
Baltimore Harbor and channels aquatic benthos investigations : final technical report, Robert J. Diaz, Linda C. Schaffner, Robert J. Byrne, and Robert A. Gammisch
Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries - 1984, Robert Orth, Jim Simons, Ruth Allaire, Virginia Carter, Larry Hindman, Kenneth Moore, and Nancy Rybicki
Effect of temperature and dissolved oxygen on sediment-water nutrient flux, C. F. Cerco
Evaluation of the toxicity of contaminated sediments in the James River, Virginia, Morris H. Roberts and Charles J. Strobel
Fall 1985 Potomac River Oyster Bar Survey, Elgin A. Dunnington and James P. Whitcomb
First Annual Progress Report for the Period July 1 , 1984 - June 30, 1985, Chesapeake Bay Research and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Initiatives, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Hydrodynamic and water quality measurements in the Appomattox River : a report to the City of Petersburg, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Monogeneans from the southern Pacific Ocean: Polyopisthocotyleids from the Australian fishes, the subfamily Microcotylinae, W. A. Dillon, William J. Hargis Jr., and Antonio E. Harrises
Monogeneans from the southern Pacific Ocean, Polyopisthocotyleids from the Australian fishes, the subfamily Polylabrinae and Microcotylinae, W. A. Dillon, William J. Hargis Jr., and Antonio E. Harrises
Monthly reports on the State of Rivers 1985, Albert Kuo
Multivariate analysis of meristic characters of juvenile Alosa : Completion report 1985, Joseph C. Desfosse and Joseph G. Loesch
Nearshore and surf-zone morphodynamics : a global environmental model for predicting hazards and changes, L. D. Wright, N. C. Shi, and John D. Boon
Nearshore and Surf-Zone Morphodynamics: A Global Environmental Model for Predicting Hazards and Changes. Appendix 6. Standing Waves on a Pronounced Bar Trough Beach, Nungjane C. Shi and L. D. Wright
Norfolk Canyon Marine Sanctuary resources study plan : final report, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Operation manual for the VIMS combined Hydrodynamic-Ecosystem Model (HEM), Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Oyster Spatfall in Virginia Rivers: 1984 Annual Summary, James Whitcomb
Oyster Spatfall in Virginia Rivers: 1985 Annual Survey, James Whitcomb
Potential Risk of Vibrio Infection in Virginia, Susan Schmidt and Robert Hoyt
Present and historical environmental survey of Broad Creek, Norfolk, Virginia : with special reference to biotic communities and the effects of alum discharge, Robert J. Diaz and Morris H. Roberts Jr.
Present and historical environmental survey of the Poquoson River, York County, Virginia and the Warwick River; Newport News, Virginia : with special reference to biotic communities and the effects of alum discharge, Robert J. Diaz, Morris H. Roberts Jr., Gene M. Silberhorn, and Gary F. Anderson
Rationale for Size and Catch Limits on Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) and Black Drum (Pogonias cromis) in Virginia Waters, Herbert M. Austin and Mark E. Chittenden
Relative contribution of three Virginia rivers to spawning activity of striped bass, Morone saxatilis, John E. Olney, George C. Grant, and Gary Hill
Richmond Crater James River Water Quality Management Program, final report 1984-85 and summary, toxic organics in sediments : a final report to Richmond Regional Planning District, C. L. Smtih, P. O. deFur, and R. J. Huggett
Sediment-water column exchanges of nutrients and oxygen in the tidal James and Appomattox Rivers, Carl F. Cerco
Status of Knowledge for Virginia Fisheries, Herbert M. Austin
Status of the 1984 Striped Bass Fisheries in Virginia After Implementation of the 1984 Emergency Regulations to the 1981 ASMFC Interstate Management Plan for Striped Bass, Herbert M. Austin
Striped Bass Research, Virginia - Annual Report 1985, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Study of Alosa stock composition and year-class strength in Virginia: Annual Report 1984, Joseph G. Loesch and William H. Kriete Jr.
The Marine Mammals Of Virginia: with notes on identification and natural history, Robert A. Blaylock
The Virginian Oyster, Dexter S. Haven and Herbert M. Austin
VIMS Monitors Effects of Flood Waters on James River Seed Oysters, Virginia Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program
Water Quality in a Virginia Potomac Embayment Aquia Creek, Albert Y. Kuo
Water Quality in a Virginia Potomac Embayment: Fourmile Run, Carl F. Cerco
Water Quality in a Virginia Potomac Embayment Gunston Cove, Carl F. Cerco
Submissions from 1984
Alternatives for a National Water Resources Research Center and Information Clearinghouse, Maurice P. Lynch and J. Kevin Sullivan
An Investigation of Oysters in the James River, Virginia with Emphasis on the Deep Water Shoal Area and Cruiser Shoals Rock, Dexter S. Haven
A Report on Surf Clam Shells as Cultch Material On the Seaside of the Eastern Shore, Dexter S. Haven
A Review of the Soft and Peeler Crab Industry of Virginia, With Special Reference to the Peeler Pot Fishery, W. A. Van Engel
A study of long-term environmental fluctuations in the Chesapeake Bay region, Reidar S. Leinebo and David A. Evans
A Summary of Chlorine Chemistry in Fresh and Saline Waters, Morris H. Roberts
Fall 1984 Survey of Proposed Potomac Handscrape Extension Area, Elgin A. Dunnington and Dexter S. Haven
Feasibility of Commercial Fishing Operations in the Mid-Atlantic Continental Slope, Philip W. Cahill, P. Ronald Grulich, and James A. Colvocoresses
Final Report to the Coastal Erosion Abatement Commission, Commonwealth of Virginia concerning the inventory of sand supplies in the southern Chesapeake Bay, Carl H. Hobbs III, Robert J. Byrne, and Robert A. Gammish
Hydrodynamic Aspects of Shark Scales, William G. Raschi and John A. Musick
Intensive Culture of Striped Bass: Review, Recommendations and Feasibility, Ron Grulich and Mike Oesterling
Long Range Planning for the Virginia Institute of Marine Science July 1, 1985- June 30, 1995, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Monthly Report on the State of Rivers 1984, Albert Kuo
Mortality and behavior of sea turtles in the Chesapeake Bay : summary report for 1979 through 1983, John A. Musick, Richard A. Byles, RuthEllen Klinger, and Sarah A. Bellmund
Oyster Spatfall in Virginia Rivers: 1983 Annual Summary, James Whitcomb
Presentations Made to the Fisheries Management Committee of the Virginia Marine Resources Commission on March 22, 1984, Herbert Austin, William D. DuPaul, Dexter Haven, Robert Huggett, Bruce Neilson, and Gene Silberhorn
Report to the Virginia Marine Resources Commission on Drumming Ground in the Rappahannock River, Va., Dexter S. Haven
Seed Oysters Stressed by Low Spring Salinities in Virginia, Dexter Haven and Jay Andrews
Split Winch - Combination Net Reel Allows Greater Variety of Fishing, Philip Cahill
Squid Nets of the Mid-Atlantic, Philip Cahill and W. E. Mansfield
Status of Striped Bass Fisheries in Virginia After Implementation of the 1984 Emergency 1984, Herbert M. Austin
Striped Bass Research, Virginia - Annual Report 1982, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Striped Bass Research, Virginia - Completion Report 1984, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Summary report on the calibration of the water quality models of the Chesapeake Bay system, H. S. Chen, Paul V. Hyer, Y. Unkulvasapaul, and Bruce Neilson