Submissions from 1989
Autotrophic picoplankton dynamics in a Chesapeake Bay sub-estuary, RT Ray, LW Hass, and ME Sieracki
Evaluation Of Automated Threshold Selection Methods For Accurately Sizing Microscopic Fluorescent Cells By Image-Analysis, ME Sieracki, SE Reichenbach, and KL Webb
Evidence of a semiannual reproductive cycle for the sea scallop, Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin, 1791), in the mid-Atlantic region, William D. DuPaul, James E. Kirkley, and Anne C. Schmitzer
Ingestion of gametes by protists: fate of surplus reproductive energy in the sea, HM Galvao, AT Fritz, and R Schmaljohann
Submissions from 1988
Pipefish foraging: effects of fish size, prey size and altered habitat complexity, CH Ryer
Subsurface chlorophyll maximum in August-September 1985 in the CLIMAX area of the North Pacific, RW Eppley, E Swift, DG Redalje, MR Landry, and LW Haas
Survival Of Escherichia-Coli And Salmonella Spp In Estuarine Environments, MW Rhodes and HI Kator
Submissions from 1987
Effect of fixation on particle retention by microflagellates: underestimation of grazing rates, ME Sieracki, LW Haas, DA Caron, and EJ Lessard
Oxygen production and consumption associated with the major autotrophic components in two temperate seagrass communities*, L Murray and RL Wetzel
Utilization of a seagrass meadow and tidal marsh creek by blue crabs Callinectes sapidus. I. Seasonal and annual variations in abundance with emphasis on post-settlement juveniles, R J. Orth and J van Montfrans
Submissions from 1986
Submissions from 1985
Submissions from 1984
Dynamics of microbial plankton communities: experiments in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, MR Landry, LW Haas, and VL Fagerness
High phytoplankton growth and production rates in oligotrophic Hawaiian coastal waters, E. A. Laws, DG Redalje, Larry W. Haas, P. K. Bienfang, RW Eppley, W. G. Harrison, David Karl, and J. Marra
Model Studies On The Interactions Among Carbon Substrates, Bacteria And Consumers In A Salt-Marsh Estuary, RL Wetzel and RR Christian
Submissions from 1983
Comparative ecology of nekton residing in a tidal creek and adjacent seagrass meadow: community composition and structure, MP Weinstein and HA Brooks
In Situ Development Of Sublethal Stress In Escherichia-Coli - Effects On Enumeration, MW Rhodes, Iris C. Anderson, and H Kator
Seasonal-Variation In Survival Of Escherichia-Coli Exposed Insitu In Membrane-Diffusion Chambers Containing Filtered And Nonfiltered Estuarine Water, I. C. Anderson, MW Rhodes, and HI Kator
Spectral differences and temporal stability of phycoerythrin fluorescence in estuarine and coastal waters due to the domination of labile cryptophytes and stabile cyanobacteria, RJ Exton, WM Houghton, W Esaias, LW Haas, and D Hayward
Submissions from 1982
in situ Measurements of Nutrient and Oxygen Fluxes in a Coastal Marine Benthic Community, CS Hopkinson and RL Wetzel
Spatial and Temporal Resource Use by Dominant Benthic Amphipoda (Ampeliscidae and Corophiidae) on the Middle Atlantic Bight Outer Continental Shelf, LC Schaffner and DF Boesch
Submissions from 1981
Nitrate-Rich Groundwater Inputs To Discovery Bay, Jamaica - A Significant Source Of N To Local Coral Reefs, CE D'Elia, KL Webb, and JW Porter
Primary Productivity And Nitrogen-Fixation In 2 Macroalgae-Cyanobacteria Associations, PA Penhale and DG Capone
Submissions from 1980
A Review Of Introductions Of Exotic Oysters And Biological Planning For New Importations, Jay D. Andrews
Submissions from 1979
Cell Structure Of Shellfish Pathogens And Hyper-Parasites In The Genera Minchinia, Urosporidium, Haplosporidium, And Marteilia - Taxonomic Implications, Frank O. Perkins
Haplosporidian And Haplosporidian-Like Diseases Of Shellfish, Frank O. Perkins
Sublethal Stress In Escherichia-Coli - Function Of Salinity, I. C. Anderson, MW Rhodes, and H Kator
Submissions from 1976
Dermocystidium-Marinum Infection In Oysters, Frank O. Perkins
Effects of substratum on growth of the bivalve Rangia cuneata, Gray, 1831, Richard K. Peddicord
Fine Structure of Marteilia sydneyi sp. n.: Haplosporidan Pathogen of Australian Oysters, Frank O. Perkins and Peter H. Wolf
Malate Dehydrogenase Isozymes Of Different Stages Of Chesapeake Bay Jellyfish, Alin L. Lin and Paul L. Zubkoff
Occurrence Of Hematopoietic Neoplasms In Virginia Oysters (Crassostrea-Virginica), EM Frierman
Physiology And Ecology Of Bacteriophages Of Marine Bacterium Beneckea-Natriegens - Salinity, A Zachary
Zoospores of the Oyster Pathogen, Dermocystidium marinum. I. Fine Structure of the Conoid and Other Sporozoan-Like Organelles, Frank O. Perkins
Submissions from 1975
Fine-Structure of Haplosporidian Kernstab, a persistent, intranuclear mitotic apparatus, Frank O. Perkins
Fine-Structure Of Minchinia Sp (Haplosporida) Sporulation In Mud Crab, Panopeus-Herbstii, Frank O. Perkins
Submissions from 1974
Combined effects of changes in temperature and salinity on early stages of Rangia cuneata, Thomas D. Cain
Effect of an oil spill on benthic animals in the lower York River, Virginia, M E. Bender, J. L. Hyland, and T. K. Duncan
Isolation of bacteriophages of the marine bacterium Beneckea natriegens from coastal salt marshes, Arthur Zachary
Larval Development Of Pagurus Longicarpus Say Reared In The Laboratory. V. Effect Of Diet On Survival And Molting, Morris H. Roberts
Strobilation Of The Sea Nettle, Chrysaora Quinquecirrha, Under Field Conditions, Dale R. Calder
The Utilization of Dissolved Free Amino Acids by Estuarine Microorganisms, C. C. Crawford, J. E. Hobbie, and K. L. Webb
Submissions from 1973
Lymphocystis in fish from east African lakes, Ilan Paperna
Malate Dehydrogenase and Tetrazolium Oxidase of Scyphistomae of Aurelia-aurita, Chrysaora-quinquecirrha, and Cyanea-capillata (Scyphozoa-Semaeostomeae), AL Lin and PL Zubkoff
The Marine Algae Of Virginia And Maryland Including The Chesapeake Bay Area, Franklyn D. Ott
Submissions from 1972
Effects of diet on larval development of Thor floridanus (Decapoda, Caridea) in the laboratory, Paul A. Sandifer
Submissions from 1971
Effects of salinity and starvation on release of dissolved free amino acids by Dugesia dorotocephala and Bdelloura candida (Platyhelminthes, Turbellaria), Kenneth L. Webb, R. E. Johannes, and S. J. Coward
Larval Development of Pagurus longicarpus Say Reared in the Laboratory. II. Effects of Reduced Salinity on Larval Development, Morris H. Roberts Jr.
Larval Development of Pagurus longicarpus Say Reared in the Laboratory. III. Behavioral Responses to Salinity Discontinuities, Morris H. Roberts Jr.
Larval Development of Pagurus longicarpus Say Reared in the Laboratory. IV. Aspects of the Ecology of the Megalopa, Morris H. Roberts Jr.
Some Predators of Polyps of Chrysaora quinquecirrha (Scyphozoa, Semaeostomeae) in the Chesapeake Bay, Martin J. Oakes and Dexter S. Haven
Submissions from 1970
Formation Of Centriole And Centriole-like Structures During Meiosis And Mitosis In Labyrinthula Sp. (Rhizopodea, Labyrinthulida) - An Electron Microscope Study, Frank O. Perkins
Hydroid and young medusa stages of Dipurena strangulata (Hydrozoa, Corynidae), Dale R. Calder
Larval Development of Pagurus longicarpus Say Reared in the Laboratory, I. Description of Larval Instars, Morris H. Roberts Jr.
Northward range extension of Cyclinella tenuis Recluz, K. J. Boss and W. L. Wass
Submissions from 1969
Batillipes gilmartini, a New Marine Tardigrade from a California Beach, Maxine McGinty
Boring Mechanism of Polydora websteri Inhabiting Crassostrea virginica, Sarah A. Haigler
Larval development of Bathynectes superba (Costa) reared in the laboratory., Morris H. Roberts Jr.
Strobilation of Chrysaora quinquecirrha polyps in the laboratory, Harold N. Cones Jr.
Submissions from 1968
Occurrence of the parasitic dinoflagellate Oodinium cyprinodontum Lawler, 1967 in North Carolina., Adrian R. Lawler
Oyster Mortality Studies In Virginia. VII. Review Of Epizootiology And Origin Of Minchinia Nelson, Jay D. Andrews
Submissions from 1967
Seasonal Occurrence of Epifauna on Test Panels In Hampton Roads, Virginia, Dale R. Calder and Morris L. Brehmer
Submissions from 1966
Larval development of the large blood clam, Noetia ponderosa (Say), Paul E. Chanley
Morphological and cultural studies of a motile stage in the life cycle of Dermocystidium marinum., Frank O. Perkins and R. W. Menzel
Provisional list of parasites occurring on Fundulus spp, W. A. Dillon
Submissions from 1965
Frequencies of infaunal invertebrates related to water content of Chesapeake Bay sediments, W. Harrison and Marvin L. Wass
Frequencies Of Infaunal Invertebrates Related To Water Content Of Chesapeake Bay Sediments, W. Harrison and Marvin L. Wass
Submissions from 1964
Investigations of Inner Continental Shelf Waters Off Lower Chesapeake Bay. Part V. Seasonality of the Diatom Genus Chaetoceros, Richard A. Mulford
Pseudocohnilembus longisetus, a hymenostome ciliate from Antarctica, Jesse C. Thompson
Studies on oyster scavengers and their relation to the fungus Dermocystidium marinum, Hinton Dickson Hoese
Submissions from 1963
Dictyota dichotoma in Virginia, Harold J. Humm
Differentiation of effects of two pesticides upon Urosalpinx cinerea Say from the Eastern Shore of Virginia, Langley Wood and Beverly A. Roberts
Rhynchocoela: nemerteans from Marine and Estuarine Waters in Virginia, William E. McCaul
Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William J. Hargis Jr.
Submissions from 1962
Oyster Mortality Studies in Virginia: Ill. Epizootiology of a Disease Caused by Haplosporidium costale Wood and Andrews, Jay D. Andrews, John L. Wood, and H. Dickson Hoese
Respiration, electron-transport enzymes, and Krebs-cycle enzymes in early developmental stages of the oyster Crassostrea virginica, Robert E. Black
Submissions from 1957
Some effects of high-frequency x-rays on the oyster drill Urosalpinx cinerea, William J. Hargis Jr., Mary F. Arrighi, Robert W. Ramsey, and R. Williams
Submissions from 1956
Monogenetic Trematodes of Gulf of Mexico Fishes. Part XII. The Family Gastrocotylidae Price, 1943, William J. Hargis Jr.
Submissions from 1952
The River Shrimp, Macrobrachium ohione (Smith), in Virginia, Horton H. Hobbs and William H. Massman