Peer-Reviewed Articles | Biological Sciences | William & Mary


Submissions from 2002


Total cover and cover quality: predicted and actual effects on a predator's foraging success, A Bartholomew


Widespread distribution in polar oceans of a 16S rRNA gene sequence with affinity to Nitrosospira-like ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, JT Hollibaugh, HW Ducklow, and N Bano

Submissions from 2001


Aerobic respiratory costs of swimming in the negatively buoyant brief squid Lolliguncula brevis, Ian K. Bartol, Roger L. Mann, and Mark R. Patterson


Density-dependent predation, habitat variation, and the persistence of marine bivalve prey, Rochelle D. Seitz, Rom Lipcius, AH Hines, and DB Eggleston


Grazer diversity, functional redundancy, and productivity in seagrass beds: An experimental test, JE Duffy, KS Macdonald, JM Rhode, and JD Parker


Magnitude and variability of benthic and pelagic metabolism in a temperate coastal lagoon, KJ McGlathery, Iris C. Anderson, and AC Tyler


Microbial loop carbon cycling in ocean environments studied using a simple steady-state model, T. R. Anderson and H. W. Ducklow


Nitrogen cycling through a fringing marsh-aquifer ecotone, CR Tobias, Iris C. Anderson, Elizabeth A. Canuel, and SA Macko


Plant species diversity and composition: experimental effects on marine epifaunal assemblages, JD Parker, JE Duffy, and R J. Orth


Population biology and secondary production of the suspension feeding polychaete Chaetopterus cf. variopedatus: Implications for benthic-pelagic coupling in lower Chesapeake Bay, ML Thompson and Linda C. Schaffner


Quantifying groundwater discharge through fringing wetlands to estuaries: Seasonal variability, methods comparison, and implications for wetland-estuary exchange, CR Tobias, JW Harvey, and Iris C. Anderson


Species-specific impacts of grazing, amphipods in an eelgrass-bed community, JE Duffy and AM Harvilicz


Swimming mechanics and behavior of the shallow-water brief squid Lolliguncula brevis, Ian K. Bartol, Mark R. Patterson, and Roger L. Mann


The Identification, Conservation, and Management of Estuarine and Marine Nurseries for Fish and Invertebrates: A better understanding of the habitats that serve as nurseries for marine species and the factors that create site-specific variability in nursery quality will improve conservation and management of these areas, Michael W. Beck, KL Heck, Kenneth W. Able, Daniel L. Childers, David B. Eggleston, Bronwyn M. Gillanders, Benjamin Halpern, Cynthia G. Hays, Kaho Hoshino, Thomas J. Minello, R J. Orth, Peter F. Sheridan, and Michael P. Weinstein


The Paraguay-Paraná Hidrovía: Protecting the Pantanal with Lessons from the Past: Large-scale channelization of the northern Paraguay-Paraná seems to be on hold, but an ongoing multitude of smaller-scale activities may turn the Pantanal into the next example of the “tyranny of small decisions”, Johan F. Gottgens, James E. Perry, and et al


Tracking the fate of a high concentration groundwater nitrate plume through a fringing marsh: A combined groundwater tracer and in situ isotope enrichment study, CR Tobias, SA Macko, Iris C. Anderson, Elizabeth A. Canuel, and JW Harvey


Variation in top-down and bottom-up control of marine bivalves at differing spatial scales, Rochelle D. Seitz and Rom Lipcius

Submissions from 2000


A review of issues in seagrass seed dormancy and germination: implications for conservation and restoration, Robert J. Orth, MC Harwell, EM Bailey, A Bartholomew, J Jawad, A Lombana, Ken Moore, J Rhode, and H Woods


A stable isotopic study to determine carbon and nitrogen cycling in a disturbed southern Californian forest ecosystem, S Korontzi, SA Macko, and Iris C. Anderson


A Systematic Treatment of Acacia coulteri (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae) and Similar Species in the New World, Jennifer T. Jawad, David S. Seigler, and John E. Ebinger


Atmospheric CO2 evasion, dissolved inorganic carbon production, and net heterotrophy in the York River estuary, Peter Raymond, James E. Bauer, and Jonathan Cole


Autumnal biomass and potential productivity of salt marsh fungi from 29 degrees to 43 degrees North latitude along the United States Atlantic coast, SY Newell, LK Blum, RE Crawford, T Dai, and M Dionne


Carbon cycling in a tidal freshwater marsh ecosystem: a carbon gas flux study, SC Neubauer, WD Miller, and Iris C. Anderson


Changes in bacterioplankton metabolic capabilities along a salinity gradient in the York River estuary, Virginia, USA, G. E. Schultz and H. W. Ducklow


Induced defenses in response to an invading crab predator: An explanation of historical and geographic phenotypic change, GC Trussell and L. D. Smith


Limitation of bacterial growth by dissolved organic matter and iron in the Southern Ocean, MJ Church, DA Hutchins, and HW Ducklow


Local demographics of the polychaete Chaetopterus pergamentaceus within the lower Chesapeake Bay and relationships to environmental gradients, ML Thompson and Linda C. Schaffner


Modeling distinct vertical biogeochemical structure of the Black Sea: Dynamical coupling of the oxic, suboxic, and anoxic layers, T Oguz, HW Ducklow, and P Malanotte-Rizzoli


New dimensionless indices of structural habitat complexity: predicted and actual effects on a predator's foraging success, A Bartholomew, R. J. Diaz, and G Cicchetti


Phenotypic clines, plasticity, and morphological trade-offs in an intertidal snail, GC Trussell


Strong impacts of grazing amphipods on the organization of a benthic community, JE Duffy and ME Hay


Temperature effects on export production in the open ocean, EA Laws, PG Falkowki, Walker O. Smith Jr., H Ducklow, and JJ McCarthy


The Effect Of Cytochalasin B Dosage On The Survival And Ploidy Of Crassostrea Virginica (Gmelin) Larvae, JE Supan, CE Wilson, and Standish K. Allen Jr.

Submissions from 1999


Abundance and vertical distribution of drifting, post-larval Macoma spp. (Bivalvia : Tellinidae) in the York River, Virginia, USA, LP Garrison and JA Morgan


Bacterial growth in experimental plankton assemblages and seawater cultures from the Phaeocystis antarctica bloom in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, H. W. Ducklow, C. Carlson, and Walker O. Smith Jr.


Comparative Field Study Of Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) And Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin, 1791) In Relation To Salinity In Virginia, Gustavo W. Calvo, Mark Luckenbach, Standish K. Allen, and Eugene Burreson


Estimation of bacterial respiration and growth efficiency in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, C. A. Carlson, N. R. Bates, H. W. Ducklow, and D. A. Hansell


Non-Redfield carbon and nitrogen cycling in the Arctic: Effects of ecosystem structure and dynamics, Kendra L. Daly, Douglas W.R. Wallace, Walker O. Smith Jr., Annelie Skoog, Ruben Lara, Michel Gosselin, Eva Falck, and Patricia L. Yager


Ontogenetic changes in habitat use by postlarvae and young juveniles of the blue crab, RA Pardieck, R J. Orth, R. J. Diaz, and Rom Lipcius


Perkinsus marinus extracellular protease modulates survival of Vibrio vulnificus in eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) hemocytes, BD Tall, JF La Peyre, et al, and M Faisal


Phytoplankton growth rates in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, determined by independent methods: temporal variations, Walker O. Smith Jr., D. M. Nelson, and S. Mathot


Radiocarbon in marine bacteria: Evidence for the ages of assimilated carbon, J Cherrier, JE Bauer, and et al


Selective feeding behavior of larval naked gobies Gobiosoma bosc and blennies Chasmodes bosquianus and Hypsoblennius hentzi: preferences for bivalve veligers, JM Harding


The bacterial component of the oceanic euphotic zone, H. W. Ducklow


Vertical migration behavior and larval transport in brachyuran crabs, LP Garrison

Submissions from 1998


Application Of Molecular Genetic Markers To Conservation Of Freshwater Bivalves, Margaret Mulvey, Hsiu-Ping Liu, and Karen Kandl


Effects of periodic environmental hypoxia on predation of a tethered polychaete, Glycera americana: implications for trophic dynamics, JA Nestlerode and R. J. Diaz


Growth dynamics of Phaeocystis antarctica-dominated plankton assemblages from the Ross Sea, Walker O. Smith Jr., CA Carlson, HW Ducklow, and DA Hansell


Novel Optical Remote Sensing And Ground-Truthing Of Benthic Habitat Using The Burrow-Cutter-Diaz Plowing Sediment Profile Camera System (Bcd Sled), GR Cutter Jr. and Robert J. Diaz


Observations of a Protistan Disease Similar to QPX in Mercenaria mercenaria (Hard Clams) from the Coast of Massachusetts, Roxanna Smolowitz,; Dale Leavit; and Frank Perkins


On the frequency of eusociality in snapping shrimps (Decapoda : Alpheidae), with description of a second eusocial species, JE Duffy


Organic carbon partitioning during spring phytoplankton blooms in the Ross Sea polynya and the Sargasso Sea, C.A. Carlson, Hugh Ducklow, DA Hansell, and Walker O. Smith Jr.


Predation on postlarvae and juveniles of the shore crab Carcinus maenas: importance of shelter, size and cannibalism, PO Moksnes, L Pihl, and J van Montfrans


Response Of Settling Oyster Larvae, Crassostrea Virginica, To Specific Portions Of The Visible Light Spectrum, Patrick Baker and Roger L. Mann

Submissions from 1997


Bacterioplankton growth responses to temperature and chlorophyll variations in estuaries measured by thymidine:leucine incorporation ratio, FK Shiah and HW Ducklow


Development of a process-based nitrogen mass balance model for a Virginia (USA) Spartina alterniflora salt marsh: implications for net DIN flux, Iris C. Anderson, CR Tobias, BB Neikirk, and RL Wetzel


Investigating the management potential of a seagrass model through sensitivity analysis and experiments, P Fong, ME Jacobson, MC Mescher, D Lirman, and MC Harwell


Phenotypic plasticity in the foot size of an intertidal snail, GC Trussell


Settlement Site Selection By Oyster Larvae, Crassostrea Virginica: Evidence For Geotaxis, Patrick Baker

Submissions from 1996


Characterization of soft-bottom benthic habitats of the Aland islands, northern Baltic sea, E Bonsdorff, R. J. Diaz, R Rosenberg, and A Norkko


Concentrations and uptake of neutral monosaccharides along 14°W in the equatorial Pacific: Contribution of glucose to heterotrophic bacterial activity and the DOM flux, James Rich, Hugh Ducklow, and David L. Kirchman


Density-dependent settler-recruit-juvenile relationships in blue crabs, AJ Pile, R Lipcius, J Van Montfrans, and R J. Orth


Effects of predation on Zostera marina L. seed abundance, James R. Fishman and R J. Orth


Effects of sunlight on bacteriophage viability and structure, KE Wommack, RT Hill, TA Muller, and RR Colwell


Gas chromatographic isolation of individual compounds from complex matrices for radiocarbon dating, TI Eglinton, LI Alueihare, JE Bauer, ERM Druffel, and AP McNichol


Growth of bacterioplankton and consumption of dissolved organic carbon in the Sargasso Sea, C. A. Carlson and H. W. Ducklow


In situ grazing on plankton <10 mu m by the boreal sponge Mycale>lingua, AJ Pile, MR Patterson, and JD Witman


Non-structural carbohydrate reserves of eelgrass Zostera marina, MK Burke, WC Dennison, and KA Moore


Phylogenetic covariance probability: Confidence and historical associations, ME Siddall


Species boundaries, specialization, and the radiation of sponge-dwelling alpheid shrimp, J Duffy


Stratigraphic Consistency and the Shape of Things, Mark E. Siddall


Stratigraphic consistency and the shape of things, ME Siddall


Zostera marina (eelgrass) growth and survival along a gradient of nutrients and turbidity in the lower Chesapeake Bay, Ken Moore, HA Neckles, and R J. Orth

Submissions from 1995


Introduction to the Proceedings of the Blue Crab Recruitment Symposium, EJ Olmi and RJ Orth


Nitrification potentials of benthic macrofaunal tubes and burrow walls: effects of sediment NH4+ and animal irrigation behavior, MS Mayer, L Schaffner, and WM Kemp


Ocean Biogeochemical Fluxes - New Production And Export Of Organic-Matter From The Upper Ocean, HW Ducklow


Review Of Ecology And Fishery Of The Olympia Oyster, Ostrea Lurida With Annotated Bibliography, P Baker


The Magnitude And Persistence Of Soil No, N2O, Ch4, And Co, Fluxes From Burned Tropical Savanna In Brazil, M Poth, Iris C. Anderson, and et al


The Use of Night-Vision Equipment to observe Wildlife in Forested Wetlands, Kirk J. Havens, Walter I. Priest III, and Ann Jennings

Submissions from 1994


Aerobic And Anaerobic Degradation And Mineralization Of C-14 Chitin By Water Column And Sediment Inocula Of The York-River-Estuary, Virginia, JN Boyer


Seed Dispersal In A Marine Macrophyte - Implications For Colonization And Restoration, R J. Orth, Mark Luckenbach, and Ken Moore


Vertical migration of blue crab Callinectes sapidus megalopae: implications for transport in estuaries, EJ Olmi

Submissions from 1993


Biological And Hydrodynamic Regulation Of The Microbial Food-Web In A Periodically Mixed Estuary, PM Eldridge and ME Sieracki


Effects Of 2 Bloom-Forming Dinoflagellates, Prorocentrum-Minimum And Gyrodinium-Uncatenum, On The Growth And Survival Of The Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea-Virginica (Gmelin 1791), Mark Luckenbach, KG Sellner, SE Shumway, and K Greene


Spatial and temporal bacterioplankton dynamics during destratification of the James River estuary, Virginia, USA, ET Koepfler, HI Kator, RL Wetzel, and LW HAAS

Submissions from 1992


A Rapid Chromatographic Method For Recovery Of 15No2- And No3- Produced By Nitrification In Aqueous Samples, H Kator, LJ Morris, and RL Wetzel


Measurement Of Marine Picoplankton Cell-Size By Using A Cooled, Charge-Coupled Device Camera With Image-Analyzed Fluorescence Microscopy, CL Viles and ME Sieracki


Oligomer Composition and Oxygen Binding of the Hemocyanin of the Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus, CP Mangum, J Greaves, and JS Rainer


Unexplained mortalities of hatchery-reared, juvenile oysters, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin), VM Bricelj, SE Ford, FJ Borrero, FO Perkins, and et al

Submissions from 1991


Oligomer Composition and Oxygen Binding of the Hemocyanin of the Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus, CP Mangum, J Greaves, and JS Ranier


Swimming rate and responses of larvae of three mactrid bivalves to salinity discontinuities, R Mann, BM Campos, and MW Luckenbach

Submissions from 1990


Color Image-Analyzed Fluorescence Microscopy: A New Tool For Marine Microbial Ecology, ML Sieracki and CL Viles


Daily, Monthly And Annual Settlement-Patterns By Callinectes-sapidus And Neopanope-sayi Megalopae On Artificial Collectors Deployed In The York River, Virginia - 1985-1988, J van Montfrans, CA Peery, and R J. Orth


Molting In The Mature Female Blue-Crab, Callinectes-sapidus Rathbun, Kirk J. Havens and JR Mcconaugha


Small-scale organism distributions and patterns of species diversity: evidence for positive interactions in an estuarine benthic community, Linda C. Schaffner


Utilization Of A Seagrass Meadow And Tidal Marsh Creek By Blue Crabs Callinectes-sapidus II. Spatial And Temporal Patterns Of Molting, CH Ryer, J van Montfrans, and RJ Orth


Utilization Of Marsh And Seagrass Habitats By Early Stages Of Callinectes-aapidus - A Latitudinal Perspective, R J. Orth and J van Montfrans


Variation In Planktonic Availability And Settlement Of Blue-Crab Megalopae In The York River, Virginia, EJ Olmi, J van Montfrans, RN Lipcius, R J. Orth, and PW Sadler

Submissions from 1989


A comparison of the utermohl and epifluorescent microscopic techniques for quantifying natural picophytoplankton : final report, Leonard W. Haas and Harold G. Marshall


Algorithm To Estimate Cell Biovolume Using Image Analyzed Microscopy, ME Sieracki, CL Viles, and KL Webb