
Submissions from 2022


Tripod Deployment: YR160328 to YR160520, ADV, Clay Bank, York River Virginia, Grace M. Massey and Carl T. Friedrichs


Tripod Deployment: YR160330 to YR160520, AWAC, Clay Bank, York River Virginia, Grace M. Massey and Carl T. Friedrichs


Tripod Deployment: YR160406 to YR160420, PC-ADP and LISST, Clay Bank, York River Virginia, Grace M. Massey and Carl T. Friedrichs


Tripod Deployment: YR160526 to YR160727, ADV, Clay Bank, York River Virginia, Grace M. Massey and Carl T. Friedrichs


Tripod Deployment: YR160531 to YR160614, PC-ADP and LISST, Clay Bank, York River Virginia, Grace M. Massey and Carl T. Friedrichs


Tripod Deployment: YR160531 to YR160727, AWAC, Clay Bank, York River Virginia, Grace M. Massey and Carl T. Friedrichs


Tripod Deployment: YR160824 to YR161103, AWAC, Clay Bank, York River Virginia, Grace M. Massey and Carl T. Friedrichs


Tripod Deployment: YR160825 to YR160913, PC-ADP and LISST, Clay Bank, York River Virginia, Grace M. Massey and Carl T. Friedrichs


Tripod Deployment: YR160825 to YR161103, ADV, Clay Bank, York River Virginia, Grace M. Massey and Carl T. Friedrichs

Submissions from 2021


Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) Data 2017: Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar, Courtney K. Harris and Jacob T. Wacht


A Data Repository for Effects of Reduced Shoreline Erosion on Chesapeake Bay Water Clarity, Jessica Turner, Pierre St-Laurent, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, and Carl T. Friedrichs


A Data Repository for Extent and Causes of Chesapeake Bay Warming, Kyle E. Hinson, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, and Pierre St-Laurent


Areas Suitable for Living Shorelines: Ranked for Co-Benefits Provided, Pamela Mason, Tamia Rudnicky, Jessica Hendricks, and Marcia Berman


Coastal Natural and Nature-Based Features (NNBFs) Ranked: Co-Benefits for Coastal Buildings and Target Areas for the Creation of New or Restoration of NNBFs in Coastal Virginia, Pamela Mason, Jessica Hendricks, and Julie Herman


Coastal Virginia Social Vulnerability Index at the Block Group Level, Sarah Stafford and Schyler Vander Schaaf


Environmental conditions at fish capture sites in Virginia waters, 2000 -2016, Mary C. Fabrizio, Troy D. Tuckey, Aaron J. Bever, and Michael L. MacWilliams


GIS Data: Anne Arundel County, Maryland - Shoreline Inventory Data 2020, Karinna Nunez, Marcia Berman, Sharon Killeen, Jessica Hendricks, Tamia Rudnicky, and Catherine Riscassi


GIS Data: Calvert County, Maryland - Shoreline Inventory Data 2020, Karinna Nunez, Marcia Berman, Sharon Killeen, Jessica Hendricks, Tamia Rudnicky, and Catherine Riscassi


GIS Data: Dorchester County, Maryland - Shoreline Inventory Data 2020, Karinna Nunez, Marcia Berman, Sharon Killeen, Jessica Hendricks, Tamia Rudnicky, and Catherine Riscassi


GIS Data: Talbot County, Maryland - Shoreline Inventory Data 2020, Karinna Nunez, Marcia Berman, Sharon Killeen, Jessica Hendricks, Tamia Rudnicky, and Catherine Riscassi


Maps depicting extent of suitable habitats for four forage fish species in Chesapeake Bay, 2000-2016, Mary C. Fabrizio, Troy D. Tuckey, Aaron J. Bever, and Michael L. MacWilliams


Mechanisms driving decadal changes in the carbonate system of a coastal plain estuary: Associated dataset, Fei Da, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, and Pierre St-Laurent


Migration of the Tidal Marsh Range Under Sea Level Rise for Coastal Virginia, with Land Cover Data, Julie Herman and Molly Mitchell


Nitrogen reductions have decreased hypoxia in the Chesapeake Bay: Evidence from empirical and numerical modeling : Data Repository, Luke T. Frankel and Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs


Physical Vulnerability Index, Karinna Nunez, Molly Mitchell, and Alexander Renaud


Road accessibility from county seat under flooding: Hampton, Newport News, James City, Poquoson, Williamsburg, York, Accomack, Northampton, Alexandria, Fairfax, Gloucester, Mathews, Middlesex, Molly Mitchell, Jessica Hendricks, Daniel Schatt, and Marcia Berman


Supporting Data: Controls on Sediment Bed Erodibility in a Muddy, Partially-Mixed Tidal Estuary, York River, Virginia, Cristin L. Wright, Grace M. Massey, Patrick J. Dickhudt, and Carl T. Friedrichs


The effect of coastal landform development on decadal- to millennial-scale longshore sediment fluxes: Evidence from the Holocene evolution of the central mid-Atlantic coast, USA - Sediment Core and Chronology Data, Justin L. Shawler, Christopher J. Hein, Chloe Obara, Mahina Robbins, Jennifer E. Connell, Sebastien Huot, and Michael Fenster


VIMS Ferry Pier Ambient Water Monitoring and Meteorological Data, Six-minute data 1986-2003, Gary F. Anderson


VIMS Ferry Pier Ambient Water Monitoring Data, Salinity and Temperature, Daily Summary 1947-2003, Gary F. Anderson


VIMS Hydrofile: Ambient Water Monitoring and Meteorological Data for Chesapeake Bay and Near Coastal Shelf Waters, 1942-1982, Gary F. Anderson


Ware River Intensive Watershed Study Data Files: Part 1. Nonpoint source contributions, Gary F. Anderson


Ware River Intensive Watershed Study Data Files - Part 2. Estuarine Receiving Water Quality, Gary F. Anderson

Submissions from 2020


A Model Archive for a Coupled Hydrodynamic-Sediment Transport-Biogeochemistry Model for the Chesapeake Bay, USA, Julia Moriarty, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, and Courtney K. Harris


Associated dataset: Relative impacts of global changes and regional watershed changes on the inorganic carbon balance of the Chesapeake Bay, Pierre St-Laurent and Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs


CO2-system observations from a mooring on the West Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf, Elizabeth H. Shadwick and Olivia A. De Meo


Fate of Ayeyarwady and Thanlwin River Sediment: Relative Importance of Oceanographic and Tectonic Controls - Associated Dataset, Steven Kuehl and Courtney K. Harris


Relative influence of antecedent topography and sea-level rise on barrier-island migration: Sediment Core Data, Justin L. Shawler, Jennifer E. Connell, Bianca Q. Boggs, and Christopher J. Hein


Search for Selection: Genomic, Transcriptomic, and Phenotypic Investigations of Spotted Seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus): Supplemental Data, Jingwei Song


Secchi Disk Measurements in Turbid Water: Supporting Data, D. G. Bowers, E. M. Roberts, A. M. Hoguane, K. A. Fall, Grace M. Massey, and Carl T. Friedrichs


The effects of elevated potassium, acidosis, reduced oxygen levels, and temperature on the functional properties of isolated myocardium from three elasmobranch fishes: clearnose skate (Rostroraja eglanteria), smooth dogfish (Mustelus canis), and sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus) - Associated Data, Gail D. Schwieterman, Maggie M. Winchester, Holly A. Shiels, Peter G. Bushnell, Diego Bernal, Heather M. Marshall, and Richard W. Brill


The importance of organic content to fractal floc properties in estuarine surface waters, insights from video, LISST, and pump sampling: Supporting data, Kelsey A. Fall, Grace M. Massey, and Carl T. Friedrichs


VIMS 2019 Potomac River Estuary Data in Support of: Improved Penetrometer Performance in Stratified Sediment for Cost-Effective Characterization, Monitoring and Management of Submerged Munitions Sites (SERDP project: MR18-1233), Grace M. Massey, Cristin L. Wright, Carl T. Friedrichs, Nina Stark, and Dennis Kiptoo


VIMS 2019 York River Estuary Data in Support of: Improved Penetrometer Performance in Stratified Sediment for Cost-Effective Characterization, Monitoring and Management of Submerged Munitions Sites (SERDP project: MR18-1233), Grace M. Massey, Cristin L. Wright, Carl T. Friedrichs, Nina Stark, and Dennis Kiptoo

Submissions from 2019


A Data Repository for Minimal Effects of Oyster Aquaculture on Water Quality: Examples from Southern Chesapeake Bay, Jessica Turner, Grace M. Massey, M. Lisa Kellogg, and Carl Friedrichs


A Model Archive for Simulations in a Partially-Mixed Idealized Estuary using the COAWST System: Model Code and Output, Danielle R.N. Tarpley, Courtney K. Harris, and Carl Friedrichs


Associated dataset: Modeling the seasonal cycle of iron and carbon fluxes in the Amundsen Sea Polynya, Antarctica, Pierre St-Laurent


Discrete CO2-System Measurements in the Chesapeake Bay Mainstem between 2016 and 2018, Elizabeth H. Shadwick, Olivia A. De Meo, and Jaclyn R. Friedman


GIS Data: King & Queen County Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie G. Bradshaw, Carl Hershner, and Evan Hill


GIS Data: King William County Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie G. Bradshaw, Carl Hershner, and Evan Hill


High-frequency CO2-system observations from a moored sensor in the York River, Elizabeth H. Shadwick and Olivia A. De Meo


King and Queen County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Data 2019, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Jessica Hendricks, Carl Hershner, and Evan Hill


King William County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Data 2019, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, Jessica Hendricks, Carl Hershner, and Evan Hill


Metabolic Rates and Hypoxia Tolerences of clearnose skate (Rostaraja eglanteria), summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus), and thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata), Gail D. Schwieterman, Daniel P. Crear, Brooke N. Anderson, Danielle R. Lavoie, James A. Sulikowski, Peter G. Bushnell, and Richard W. Brill


Simulating storm surge and compound flooding events with a creek-to-ocean model: importance of baroclinic effects : Model files, Fei Ye, Yinglong J. Zhang, Haocheng Yu, Weiling Sun, Saeed Moghimi, Edward Myers, Karinna Nunez, Ruoyin Zhang, Harry V. Wang, Aron Roland, Kevin Martins, Xavier Bertin, Jiabi Du, and Zhou Liu


Virginia Non-Tidal Wetland Condition Assessment 2016, Tamia Rudnicky, Kirk J. Havens, Michelle Henicheck, Dave Davis, Kory Angstadt, and David Stanhope

Submissions from 2018


A climatological dataset of nutrient, chlorophyll, and particulate matter distributions on the Ross Sea continental shelf derived from cruise-based measurements spanning 1967 to 2016, Walker O. Smith Jr. and Daniel E. Kaufman


A Model Archive for a Coupled Hydrodynamic-Sediment Transport-Biogeochemistry Model for the Northern Gulf of Mexico, USA, Julia Moriarty, Courtney K. Harris, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Katja Fennel, and Kehui Xu


A model archive for a numerical model of geochronological tracers for sediment deposition and reworking applied to the Mississippi subaqueous delta, Justin J. Birchler, Courtney K. Harris, and Tara A. Kniskern


A model archive for sediment transport model including short-lived radioisotopes: Model description and idealized test cases, Justin J. Birchler, Courtney K. Harris, and Tara A. Kniskern


Associated dataset: Impacts of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition and Coastal Nitrogen Fluxes on Oxygen Concentrations in Chesapeake Bay, Fei Da, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, and Pierre St-Laurent


Associated dataset: Ocean circulation causes strong variability in the Mid-Atlantic Bight nitrogen budget, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs and Pierre St-Laurent


Associated dataset: The competing impacts of climate change and nutrient reductions on dissolved oxygen in Chesapeake Bay, Isaac D. Irby and Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs


Catch the King Tide 2018: All King Tide Data, Jon Derek Loftis


GIS Data: Arlington County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, and Carl Herschner


GIS Data:: Arlington County, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie Bradshaw, and Carl Herschner


GIS Data: Caroline County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon A. Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie G. Bradshaw, Jessica Hendricks, and Carl H. Hershner


GIS Data: Caroline County, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie G. Bradshaw, Jessica Hendricks, and Carl Hershner


GIS Data: Caroline County, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie G. Bradshaw, Jessica Hendricks, and Carl Hershner


GIS Data: Essex County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie G. Bradshaw, Jessica Hendricks, David Stanhope, and Carl Hershner


GIS Data: Essex County, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie G. Bradshaw, Jessica Hendricks, David Stanhope, and Carl Hershner


GIS Data: Essex County, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie G. Bradshaw, Jessica Hendricks, David Stanhope, and Carl Hershner


GIS Data: New Kent County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie G. Bradshaw, Jessica Hendricks, and Carl Hershner


GIS Data: New Kent County, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie G. Bradshaw, Jessica Hendricks, and Carl Hershner


GIS Data: New Kent County, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie G. Bradshaw, Jessica Hendricks, and Carl Hershner


GIS Data: Richmond County, Virginia Shoreline Inventory Report, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie G. Bradshaw, Jessica Hendricks, Kory Angstadt, and Carl Hershner


GIS Data: Richmond County, Virginia Shoreline Management Model, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie G. Bradshaw, Jessica Hendricks, Kory Angstadt, and Carl Hershner


GIS Data: Richmond County, Virginia Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Karinna Nunez, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Julie G. Bradshaw, Jessica Hendricks, Kory Angstadt, and Carl Hershner


Predicting the trajectories of dead sea turtles in Virginia using experimental data and model simulations, Bianca Santos and David Michael Kaplan


Section: 01 Line Frame: 01, 18 October 2017: Aerial Imagery Acquired to Monitor the Distribution and Abundance of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Bays, Robert J. Orth, David J. Wilcox, Jennifer R. Whiting, Anna K. Kenne, and Erica R. Smith


Section: 01 Line Frame: 01 Aug27-17: Aerial Imagery Acquired to Monitor the Distribution and Abundance of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Bays, R. J. Orth, David J. Wilcox, Jennifer R. Whiting, Anna K. Kenne, and Erica R. Smith


Section: 01 Line Frame: 06, 27 August 2017: Aerial Imagery Acquired to Monitor the Distribution and Abundance of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Bays, Robert J. Orth, David J. Wilcox, Jennifer R. Whiting, Anna K. Kenne, and Erica R. Smith

Submissions from 2017


2016 Aerial Imagery Acquired to Monitor the Distribution and Abundance of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Bays, Robert J. Orth, David J. Wilcox, Jennifer R. Whiting, Anna K. Kenne, Erica R. Smith, and L. Nagey


2016 Data collected for Resistivity, Magnetic Susceptibility and Sediment Characterization of the York River Estuary, VA in Support of the Empirical Investigation of the Factors Influencing Marine Applications of EMI (Year 2 of SERDP Project MR-2409), Grace M. Massey and Carl T. Friedrichs


A 3D unstructured-grid model for Chesapeake Bay: importance of bathymetry - Supplemental Materials, Fei Ye, Yinglong J. Zhang, Harry V. Wang, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Isaac D. Irby, Arnaldo Valle-Levinson, Zhengui Wang, Hai Huang, Jian Shen, and Jiabi Du


A Model Archive for a Coupled Hydrodynamic-Sediment Transport-Biogeochemistry Model for the Rhône River Sub-aqueous Delta, France, Julia Moriarty, Courtney K. Harris, Katja Fennel, Kehui Xu, Christophe Rabouille, and Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs


Associated Dataset: Assimilating bio-optical glider data during a phytoplankton bloom in the southern Ross Sea, Daniel E. Kaufman, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, John C.P. Hemmings, and Walker O. Smith


Associated dataset: Climate change impacts on southern Ross Sea phytoplankton composition, productivity and export, Daniel E. Kaufman, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Walker O. Smith Jr., Eileen E. Hofmann, Michael S. Dinniman, and John C.P. Hemmings


Catch the King Tide 2017: All King Tide Data, Jon Derek Loftis


Catch the King Tide 2017 Data: Chesapeake, Virginia, Jon Derek Loftis


Catch the King Tide 2017 Data: Gloucester & Mathews, Virginia, Jon Derek Loftis


Catch the King Tide 2017 Data: Hampton, Virginia, Jon Derek Loftis


Catch the King Tide 2017 Data: Newport News, Virginia, Jon Derek Loftis


Catch the King Tide 2017 Data: Norfolk, Virginia, Jon Derek Loftis


Catch the King Tide 2017 Data: Outside Hampton Roads, Virginia, Jon Derek Loftis


Catch the King Tide 2017 Data: Portsmouth, Virginia, Jon Derek Loftis


Catch the King Tide 2017 Data: Suffolk, Virginia, Jon Derek Loftis


Catch the King Tide 2017 Data: Virginia Beach, Virginia, Jon Derek Loftis

Catch the King Tide 2017 Data: Williamsburg & James City County, Virginia, Jon Derek Loftis


Catch the King Tide 2017 Data: York & Poquoson, Virginia, Jon Derek Loftis