Theses/Dissertations from 1985
A new face on the countryside: Indians and colonists in the Southeastern forest (ecology, environment, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina), Timothy Howard Silver
Environmental Factors Affecting Dispersal Behavior in Nasonia vitripennis (Hym, Pteromalidae), Robert Perry Steele
Vineyard: A Jamaican Cattle Pen, 1750-1751, Carol Stiles
Samuel Davies: Promotor of "Religion and Public Spirit", Alan Dale Strange
A matter of degree : mid-career professional training for museum workers in the United States & Great Britain, William Joseph. Tramposch
Vascular Flora of Southeastern King and Queen County, Virginia, Anna Lord Vascott
First principles structure calculations using the general potential LAPW method, Su-Huai Wei
In search of a home : an historical analysis of the major factors concerning the location of Virginia Commonwealth University, Ann Laurens Williams
An investigation into current evangelical college secularization, William Arthur Wilson
The effects of word processing on the writing of selected fifth- grade students, Walter C. Woolley
Anatomy of a Law Practice: John Marshall at the Bar, the Early Years, 1780-1788, John Thomas Wren
Preparation of Methyl-Substituted Dienols by the Hydromethylation of Ene-yn-ol Substrates with Titanium Tetrachloride and Trimethylaluminum, Terry James Zitzelberger
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
On the anatomy and phylogeny of the Zoarcidae (teleostei: perciformes), M. Eric. Anderson
The Mystery of Evil in Five Works by Graham Greene, Stephen D. Arata
The effects of written paradoxical directives on problem resolution and level of intimacy in selected married couples, Daniel Thomas Avery
An Approach to the Synthesis of Pyrans, Thomas F. Ball
An experimental study of the effects of goal interdependence on the anxiety levels and attitudes of prospective teachers towards visually impaired persons, Clarrissa D. Jackson Banks
Southern Ambivalence: The Relationship of Mark Twain and Joel Chandler Harris, William R. Bell
Incest: Clinical Treatment Perspectives, Beverly Chitty Bennett
Indian Slavery in Colonial Virginia and South Carolina, Kevin Jay Bertelsen
John Leacock's "The Fall of British Tyranny" in the Whig propaganda offensive: The personalization of the Revolution, Philip Bigler
The Human Body as Metaphor in Robert Lowell's Poetry: "Lord Weary's Castle" to "For the Union Dead", Claudia Maria Bischoff
The Distribution and Abundance of the Bottlenose Dolphin, Tursiops truncatus in Virginia, Robert A. Blaylock
Electron microscopic investigations of aspects of red algal reproductive differentiation and developmental morphology, Sharon Thompson Broadwater
Sexual Mores among the Eastern Woodland Indians, Lisa Louise Broberg
The use and effect of puppetry and bibliotherapy in group counseling with children of divorced parents, Kenneth Paul Bunting
Feeding strategies and functional morphology of demersal deep-sea ophidiid fishes, H. Jacque. Carter
The Effect of Beaver (Castor canadensis) Dams on the Vegetation of Tidal Marshes, Mary Hedrick Causey
Benjamin Stoddert Ewell : a biography, Anne W. Chapman
Imaginative Transference in Coleridge's Poetry, Kevin Coakley-Welch
Accounting accountability : ;b an exploratory model for the evalution of Virginia community college accounting programsÂ, Joseph Victor Colmie
Food habits and body composition of some dominant deep-sea fishes from temperate and tropical regions of the western North Atlantic, Roy E. Crabtree
Thoreau's Characteristic Yankee in Canada, Sharon Roberts Curry
The Ultrastructure of Cell Division in the Marine Red Alga Lomentaria baileyana, Elizabeth Carpenter Davis
Ut prosim, the balance of liberal and useful education in the American land-grant university: a case study of Virginia Tech, Deborah M. DiCroce
The Incest Taboo and Lynn Riggs' Territory Folk, Vivan Baker Donaldson
"A School for Stoicism": The Life and Letters of Thomas Tudor Tucker, Diana Dru Dowdy
Cognitive Storage Modes for Color Memory, Edythe Burt Dunn
Electroencephalographic Spectra Preceding Spontaneous Blinks, Marion Auerswald Eppler
Temperature Adaptation in Seagrasses, Ann Saunders Evans
Semi-Flexible Polyimide and Polyamide Systems, John Ryan Evans
An investigation of the motivational-study skills-self-regulatory skills model for improving academic competence in community college students, Okey Rex Evans
Lower Chesapeake Bay surface turbidity variations as detected from Landsat images, Michael S. Fedosh
The Frequency of the Fragile-X Chromosome in Twenty-Three Autistics from Eastern Virginia, Jennifer Morris Ferguson
Sugar manufacturing in the West Indies: A study of innovation and variation, Linda Gail France
Disaster and the Social Order: Organization and Social Network, Patricia Rae Francis
Menhaden distribution as mediated by feeding (filter-feeding, phytoplankton), Kevin David Friedland
Evolution of mill settlement patterns in the Antietam drainage, Washington County, Maryland, Susan Winter Frye
The Response of Benthic Respiration to Nutrient Levels, Laurence E. Gadbois
Nanoplankton Dynamics in a Salt Marsh-Mudflat Ecosystem, Helena Maria Galvaeo
"The Greatest of All Arts": Mark Twain and the Theater, Michael J. Garcia
Non-Tidal Sea Level Variations Across the Lower Chesapeake Bay, Richard Leo Garfield
Postwar martial arts program in Japanese higher education : case of Nippon College of Physical Education, Hiroyuki Hamada
A theory of associative detachment, Susan Elizabeth. Haywood
Presumption of Innocence: Bias as a Function of Gender and Crime Congruence, Vicki Sue Helgeson
Low Alcohol Consumption: Maternal Functioning and offspring Development, Jana J. Herrman
Patrician culture, public ritual and political authority in Virginia, 1680-1740, Carter L. Hudgins
Deformation in a chiral bag model, John W. Hunter
Electron detachment in negative ion-molecule collisions, Mohammed Saiful Huq
Aspects of Breeding Behavior of the Royal Tern (Sterna maxima) with Particular Emphasis on Prey Size Selectivity, William James Ihle
That Also These Children May Become Useful People: Apprenticeships in Rowan County, North Carolina from 1753 to 1795, Kathi Rae Jones
Serum Prolactin in Reproductively Inhibited Prairie Deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus bairdi) from Laboratory Populations, Larry Eugene Kirkland
Differences in the psychological types of student leaders and non-leaders at a private liberal arts college, Paul G. Leavenworth
Synthesis and Characterization of Some Oxoperoxopolycarboxylato Vanadates (V) and their Biochemical Significance, Myunghi Lee
An analysis of the influences affecting the standards for certifying public school teachers in Virginia, Wayne Dixon Lett
The Novel as Vanishing Point: Fiction as Epistemology in "Little Dorrit", Jayne Elizabeth Lewis
Acoustic radiation-induced static strain in single crystal silicon, Ka Kui Peter Li
The gospel of preservation in Virginia and New England : historic preservation and the regeneration of traditionalism, James Michael Lindgren
Synthesis of 2-alkylidene-1,3-cyclohexanediones, Mary Virginia Manson
"Cry Havoc and Let Loose the Dogs of War": Canines and the Colonial American Military Experience, Mark A. Mastromarino
Electrochemical Studies on Peroxo Heteroligand Vanadates (V) in Aqueous Solution, David J. Mayonado
Walt Whitman and the City Dooryard, William Sanford McCarter
A genetic and morphologic comparison of Macoma balthica from the eastern and western North Atlantic, Brian W. Meehan
Solvolysis of 2-Buten-2-yl Triflates, Michael M. Mellis
Notes on Algophagus pennsylvanicus, an Aquatic Treehole Mite, Donna Middleton
Geologic Responses to Late Cenozoic Marine Transgressions in the Poropotank River Estuary, Virginia, Martin Lane Mitchell
Transition Metal Promoted Carbometallation of Alkynols, Douglas W. Moore
The Salem Witch Trials from a Legal Perspective: The Importance of Spectral Evidence Reconsidered, Susan Kay Ocksreider
"A Dutiful Obedient Wife": The Journal of Elizabeth Foote Washington of Virginia, 1779-1796, Linda Eileen Parris
Late cenozoic landforms, stratigraphy and history of sea level oscillations of southeastern Virginia and northeastern North Carolina, Pamela Crowson Peebles
Historical archaeology at Jamestown, Virginia, Roni Hinote Polk
Antibody Production in Spot (Leiostomus xanthurus Lacepede): A Model to Test the Impact of Elizabeth River Sediments on the Humoral Immune System of Fish, Catherine Nancy Pourreau
Southern Attitudes Towards Europe during the Civil War, Kevin Quinlan
Anatomical observations on the ampullae of Lorenzini from selected skates and galeoid sharks of the Western North, William Raschi
The New Right, Elizabeth Julia Reiley
Analysis of the effectiveness of an instructional strategy to teach selected problem-solving skills to nursing students, Rebecca Baum Rice
Dylan Thomas, D.H Lawrence and "The Force", Mark Riffe
Disaster and the Social Order: Organization and Emergent Units, Sarah Lee Saunders
Cumulative Advantage and Scientific Productivity, Charles P. Schober
The development of the image of a selective collegiate public institution and the effects of that image upon admissions : the case of the College of William and Mary in Virginia, 1946-1980, Karen Cottrell. Schoenenberger
An introduction to artist A B Jackson and his portrayal of the American neighborhood, Cindy R. Shepard
Major General William Farrar Smith: critic of defeat and engineer of victory, Stephen Nicholas Siciliano
An archaeological survey of "The Governor's Land," James City County, Virginia, John Harold Sprinkle
"So Good a Work": The Brafferton School, 1691-1777, Karen A. Stuart
Weaving Fearful Vision: Malcolm Lowry's Poetry, Mark Ellis Thomas