Theses/Dissertations from 1984
The Seminar for Historical Administration: Companion to change, William Joseph Tramposch
Resin acid compounds in a kraft pulp and paper mill effluent and their distribution in bottom sediments near the outfall, Manida Unkulvasapaul
The Role of Olfaction in Mediation of Pregnancy Block in White-Footed Mice, Peromyscus leucopus noveboracencis, Dale Alan Utt
Electrophoretic Stock Identification of Summer Flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, Garret Van Housen
A study of the assessment center as a process for identifying prospective school principals and assistant principals, Carolyn J. Van Newkirk
Mark Twain, Richard Irving Dodge, and the Indian: Myth and disillusionment, Carol Van Dessel Vaugh
The Importance of Family in the Community of New Poquoson Parish, York County, Virginia, in the Late Seventeenth Century, Sarah Jane Weatherwax
A study of the relationship between sex-role identification and characteristics attributed to an effective administrator among black and white women school administrators, Hattie Driver Webb
Russian-American relations in northeast Asia during the nineteenth century, Donald Blinn Wenger
Childrearing in the Early Chesapeake: The Tucker Family and the Rise of Republican Parenthood, Linda Clark Wentworth
Soviet Nuclear Doctrine: Perspectives and Purposes, John David Wilson
Resource management and control decision making : toward a grounded theory, Fred Hobart Wise
A Method for Evaluating the Long-Term, Cumulative Impacts of Tidal Marsh Alterations: The York River System, a Case Study, andrew W. Zacherle
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
An environmental model predicting the relative recruitment success of blue crab, Callinectes sapidus (Rathbun), in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, andrew Jackson Applegate
"Innocent and necessary": Music and dancing in the life of Robert Carter of Nomony Hall, 1728--1804, John R. Barden
Seasonal phenotypic change and its effect on some life-history characteristics in Daphnia retrocurva (Cladocera), Julie Anne Bebak
A statistical model to predict the incidence of pathogenic protozoa (amoebida: acanthamoebidae) in oceanic sediments using surrogate variables, Carl Robert Berman Jr
Quebec nationalism and separatism: A study of a continuing Canadian crisis, Robert Michael Berry
Virginia Federalist: The business and political career of Leven Powell, 1737--1810, Richard Joseph Brownell
The effects of objective self awareness and anxiety upon cartoon humor appreciation, Kathleen Marshall Bullock
The just objects of war: Conduct of Union troops toward non-combatants and private property in Alabama, 1862--1865, Ronald Edward Colvin
Organic toxic substances monitoring in Virginia, Robert Emile. Croonenberghs
A study of the reaction deuteron (proton, deuteron-positive pion) neutron at 506 MeV, Betru Debebe
Dynamics of population growth in rural counties: A study of Mathews County, Virginia, Michael Hunley DeWitt
Thomas, Lord Seymour of Sudeley: Treason and power in Tudor England, Diane Lucille Dunkley
HILDA: The Flexible Design and Implementation of a Database Machine Executive, Paul Anthony Fishwick
Pupil productivity in elementary school mathematics as related to principal and teacher leadership style, Beverly Roane Forster
Life history and secondary production of the crustacean gammarus mucronatus say (amphipoda: gammaridae) in warm temperate estuarine habitats, York River, Virginia, Thomas J. Fredette
The peregrine falcon in Virginia: Survey of historic eyries and reintroduction effort, Johannes Kurt Gabler
Benthic polychaeta of the Middle Atlantic Bight: feeding and distribution, Gary Russell Gaston
The Character of Marlow, Paula James Gilley
A study of the relationship of regional school accreditation status to achievement test scores in public elementary schools in Virginia, Richard Daniel Glancy
The effectiveness on problem resolution of three different treatment modalities : client-centered, rational emotive therapy and paradoxical directives, Michael Wagner Gombatz
The effects of cognitive behavior modification on type A behavior in academically superior secondary school students, Robert John Grant
Solvolysis of 1-t-butylvinyl trifluoromethanesulfonate, Barbara L. Gross
Factors related to special educators concepts of exceptional students, regular students, and themselves, Patricia Hubbell Harris
Age, growth and reproduction of American eels, Anguilla rostrata, (Lesueur), from the Chesapeake Bay area, Marion Yvonne Hedgepeth
A precision measurement of the magnetic moment of the sigma minus hyperon, David William Hertzog
Long-time states of inverse cascades in the presence of a maximum length scale, Murshed Hossain
The effects of mitigating circumstances on attributions of responsibility, Charles Huff
The development of an exceptional Brethern ministers scale for the California Psychological Inventory, James Ralph Hutchison
Perceptions and expectations as measures of satisfaction with the freshman advising program at the College of William and Mary, Amy Louise Jarmon
Effect of molecular weight on polyphenylguinoxaline properties, Brian J. Jensen
Culture Contact and Acculturation in New Sweden 1638-1655, Glenn J. Jessee
Niche relations among polychaetes of a meso-polyhaline assemblage in the York River, Virginia, Michael Joseph Kravitz
NMR study of molecular motions in two disordered organic solids, Philip L. Kuhns
Striped bass management in the Chesapeake Bay, Thor John Lassen
The interrelationship between moral judgment, sex role development and perceived parental childrearing practices, Christine Tracey Laws
A study of an intervention designed to increase awareness of the effects of sex role socialization on the attitudes, cognitions, and behaviors of black high school girls, Mary Elizabeth Hubbard Lewis
Evaluation of sediment sources and sinks: A sediment budget for the Rappahannock River estuary, Craig G. Lukin
The search for security : Indian-English relations in the Trans-Appalachian region, 1758-1763, Michael N. McConnell
The short term effects of a developmentally based substance abuse program with incarcerated youth, Everett Gerard McLaren Jr.
A study of the relationship of death anxiety to openness toward change and sense of well-being, Joan Ruth. Moore
On water masses of the Red Sea, Mohamed Zaki Moustafa
An analysis of the development of selected areas of the legal status of Virginia division superintendents 1869-1970, Richard Jay. Nelson
A study of selected factors related to moral development in children ages seven to ten, Gail Brooke. Newton
Climate scale environmental factors affecting year-class fluctuations of Atlantic croaker (micropogonias undulatus) in the Chesapeake Bay (Maryland, Virginia), Brenda L. Norcross
Vascular Flora of eastern Middlesex County, Virginia, Gretchen Barrow North
The existence and nature of hypothyroidism in reproductively inhibited prairie deermice (Peromyscus maniculatus bairdi) from laboratory populations, John Mathews Pitman
The influence of nursing faculty role models in predominately black colleges on students' professional practice expectations, Dorothy Lewis Powell
Declining student enrollment in Virginia 1972-1981 : an examination of its extent, State Board of Education policies, and changes effected by selected school divisions, Edward Hughes Pruden
Catastrophes in the Elmo bumpy torus, Alkesh R. Punjabi
Pion production and absorption in helium isotopes, Vanamali Raghunathan
The role of boards of visitors in Virginia higher education : views of visitors, presidents, and external role definers, James Gordon Rennie Jr.
"St Erkenwald": A study in contrasts, Davis Arthur Rice
A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of educational treatment programs for emotionally disturbed students, Claire Millhiser Rosenbaum
An exploration into the induction of greater reflectiveness and "lucidity" in nocturnal dream reports, Gregory Scott Sparrow
The acting motif in "Tender is the Night": The man and the mask, John M. Thompson
An investigation of cognitive and affective prerequisites for conventional moral reasoning, Robert Bowers Thompson
Faculty's relationship to the identity problem of the community college : a study of faculty support for specific institutional directions for the Virginia community college system, Barbara Kate Townsend
In vitro steroid biosynthesis by the adrenal tissue of prairie deermice (Peromyscus maniculatus Bairdi) from laboratory populations, Richard Paul Tucci
Energy utilization in bay anchovy and black sea bass eggs and larvae contrasting ecological roles, John Wotring Tucker Jr
Modeling of water quality in estuaries and estuarine networks (Virginia, Maryland), Yothin Unkulvasapaul
The Symbolic Significance of the Houses in William Faulkner's "Light in August", Wendy Van Epps
Language disability and measures of intelligence in handicapped children : a comparison of the McCarthy scales of children's abilities and the Leiter international performance scale, Shirley-Ann German Vulpe
Mark Twain's Zoo: The higher animals, Iva A. Walker
The impact of feminism on subjective class identification, Emilie Patricia Walter
A general theory of electron detachment in negative ion collisions, Tzuu-Shin Wang
On the occurrence and origins of hopanoids in the Chesapeake Bay (Maryland, virginia), Gullaya Wattayakorn
The problem of pitying Macbeth, Paul A. Wellen
Distribution of macrobenthic invertebrates on the North Carolina continental shelf with consideration of sediment, hydrography and biogeography, Donald Paul Weston
Clues to a community: Transactions at the anderson-Low Store, 1784--1785, Jeanne Ellen Whitney
A mathematical model for small tidal streams capable of simulating both short-term and long-term water quality variations, Stephen Anthony Williams
The deterrent efficacy of capital punishment on the homicide of law enforcement officers, Christina Beth Yaw
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
Alternate methods of changing nursing home staff attitudes toward sexual behavior in the aged, Anne Marie Cipoletti Aja
The distribution of dissolved silica and particulate biogenic silica in the James, York and Rappahannock estuaries, Virginia, Gary F. Anderson
An evaluation of the effects of a career decision-making course on tenth grade non-college bound students, Carol Gelo Barr
The effects of rational emotive therapy on academic achievement for community college probation students participating in a study skills class, Jack John Becherer
Perceptual-expectancy style (PES) and pretreatment adjustment : a study of subtypes among male alcohol abusers, Jonathan H. Berns
The impact of live supervision on the family therapist's level of immediacy, anxiety, responsiveness, and genuineness, John L. Bistline
A study of English as a subject in the curriculum of the College of William and Mary, Jane Agnew Brown
The writings of Thomas Forsyth on the Sauk and Fox Indians, 1812--1832, Lucy Trumball Brown
A construct validity study and comparison of four measures of Eriksonian ego identity development, Charles E. Burt
Comparative ecology of two sympatric species of atherinids, Menidia menidia and Membras martinica, William Howard Burton