Theses/Dissertations from 1981
The library of Landon Carter of Sabine Hall, 1710--1778, Carol Edith Curtis
An investigation of various group perceptions on task performance of curriculum specialists, Vasti DeLoatch
The effects of daily fluctuating temperatures and dimethylnaphthalene contaminated food on the estuarine grass shrimp, palaemonetes pugio, Thomas Mitchell Dillon
Parish apprenticeship in colonial Virginia: A study of Northumberland County, 1680--1695 and 1750--1765, Barbara Lynn Doggett
Kerouac, Spengler, and the "Faustian soul", Michael D'Orso
The demise of the tribe in Edith Wharton's old New York: A comparative study of "The House of Mirth" and "The Age of Innocence", Nancy Z. Fitch
A study of the relation of organizational climate to individually guided education programs in selected elementary schools in an eastern Virginia city school division, Theodore L. Forte
St George Tucker's "Narrative of Moses Do-Little": An Edition with Critical Commentary, James A. Frazier
Aspects of colonial nesting in four species of herons in Virginia, Paula Christine Frohring
Bisegmented and multisegmented lovers' nests: An exploratory study, Hallett German
A study of the relationship of selected federal court cases to student control policies found in Virginia school board policy manuals, Harold David. Gibson Sr.
The differences of individuals with type A and type B behavior patterns and the women's awareness seminar on self-actualization and flexibility, Carolyn A. Glass
The effects of covert modeling and progressive relaxation on the locus of control orientation and drinking behavior of inpatient alcohol abusers, Ronald Willis Goodman
Ethnicity in the graveyard, Conrad M. Goodwin
Information, rationality, and politics: A critique of Anthony Downs's "An Economic Theory of Democracy", Robert F. Graboyes
Japan's prefectural budgetary process: An incremental analysis, Michael Gresalfi
Phosphorus-31 Knigh shifts in amorphous nickel-phosphorus and nickel-cobalt-phosphorus alloys, Paul Stuart Gustafson
The relevance of social isolation to the community tenure of former mental patients, Sue Ellen Hargadon
Emotions and ego defenses, Donald Healy
Interpretation of GC-MS data by reverse search and relative retention indices, Christopher Hein
Political alienation and its relationship to community residence, Paul C. Henneman
The relationship between need for achievement in women and achievement goals: An application of Atkinson's "expectancy-value" theory, Daina Paupe Henry
The "Private History," Grant, and West Point: Mark Twain's exculpatory triad, Franklin J. Hillson
Macrobenthic community structure in the vicinity of an oil refinery: A consideration of sampling design and statistical technique, Priscilla Hinde
The development of a dietitian selection scale and a comparison of therapeutic and administrative dietitians, Patricia Ann Hodges
The relationship of need fulfillment to job attitudes of faculty in higher education, Frances Goodwin Holt
The work ethic, daily activities, and their relationship to satisfaction in retirement, Karen Hooker
The differential effects of three life career development courses on the self-concept and career maturity of college underclassmen, James Stewart Huntington-Meath
Respiratory structure anatomy of two marine annelids: Evidence for the respiratory role of the superior ligule in Nereis succinea and the gill of Arenicola cristata, Jerome M. Johnson
Political Protestants and the conservative sect, Richard B. Kelley
The foreign policies of the Fifth Republic: A study in presidential styles, Robert L. Lane
A comparative study of priorities for pre-college marine education objectives in Virginia, James A. Lanier
Fish predator-prey interaction in areas of eelgrass (Zostera marina), Joseph Lascara
Slaves and tenant farmers at Shirley Plantation: Social relationships and material culture, Genevieve Leavitt
The effects of women's studies on the fear of success and locus of control of female college students, Arlene Spielholz Levine
The acid-catalyzed hydration of phenylallene, Gary Wayne Long
The status of marine turtles in Chesapeake Bay and Virginia coastal waters, Maryellen Lutcavage
The women in "Sister Carrie", Mary Jackson Lutz
The socioeconomic and fisheries characteristics of Virginia's commercial sport fishing industry, Anne R. Marshall
No-fault divorce legislation and its impact on state divorce rates, Elizabeth Ann Massey
NMR in amorphous vanadium alloys, Larry Mattix
Temperature-dependency of transformation and cell cycle length in human lymphocytes, John Patrick McGee
Political factors affecting the establishment and growth of Richard Bland College of the College of William and Mary in Virginia 1958-1972, James B. McNeer
Hendrik van Paesschen, architect of the Northern European Renaissance, John Fitzhugh Millar
The Kara Sea: geologic structure and water characteristics, Donald B. Milligan
Sociological contributions to the community mental health movement: A reformulation, Richard Drury Morrison
Physical and attitudinal metamorphoses in "The Wife of Bath's Tale", Lynn Mowry
Job satisfaction and attitudes toward collective negotiations by fire and police personnel, E. Gayle Nowell
The relationship between the school environment and student achievement in Virginia elementary schools, Craig P. Organ
The College of William and Mary in Virginia, 1800-1827, Ruby Orders. Osborne
The relationship of serum thyroxine to the reproductive capabilities of prairie deermice (Peromyscus maniculatus bairdi) from laboratory populations, Edgar David Peebles
Richard Wilbur and the hypnagogic state, Beverly Peterson
The Weather Underground: A study in mobilization, Paul Michael Pigulski
The distinctive character types in Henry James' New England fiction, Karen E. Pilson
Situational constraints, individual differences in self-monitoring, and self-presentation, Robin L. Pinkley
The shock of brass on porcelain: Egotism and "The Sacred Fount", Georgia Taft Pye
An analysis of the effects of a faculty advisor training program and certain other variables upon student satisfaction, Donald Leroy. Reichard
A comparison of the effects of open-ended and consensus seeking group discussion processes on the moral judgment of dental hygiene students, Lindsay Lorimer Rettie
The vegetation of the Balsam Mountains of southwest Virginia: A phytosociological study, Richard D. Rheinhardt
The feeding ecology and trophic role of the northern pipefish, Syngnathus fuscus, in a lower Chesapeake Bay seagrass community, Clifford H. Ryer
Behavioral response of the amphipod Gammarus fasciatus and the isopod Asellus communis to fish (Lepomis macrochirus) and dragon fly (Gomphidae), Bill D. Saunders
Ultra structure of cell division in the unicellular red alga Porphyridium purpureum, Kathleen L. Schornstein
A study of the relationship between father-absent homes and father-present homes and the academic performance and social adjustment of black middle school students, Joe Louis Simmons
The structure of axisymmetric turbulence, Charles W. Smith
The pottery and kiln of Green Spring: A study in 17th century material culture, James M. Smith
Duff Green and the United States' telegraph, 1826-1837, Kenneth Laurence Smith
Distinctive traditions at the College of William and Mary and their influence on the modernization of the college, 1865 to 1919, Russell T. Smith
A history of governance at Lee College : a study in Pentecostal higher education, Raphael Weller Stephens III
History of the Virginia Teachers Association, 1940-1965, Alfred Kenneth Talbot Jr.
Influence of marinas on hydrocarbons in sediments of two estuarine creeks, Evangelos Alexandros Voudrias
Vascular Flora of Three Ridges Mountain, Nelson County, Virginia, Francis D. Watson
Sensitivity to nonverbal communication among schizophrenic subtypes., Steven E. Weinstein
The Claphamite fathers and sons: A study of two generations, Nancy Lee Wentzel
The high-level fool as critic: Mark Twain and music, Lana A. Whited
The effects of pacing and cognitive style upon student achievement and attitude in basic college mathematics, Barbara Upton Wilson
Population growth, social behavior, and selected organ weights in laboratory populations of Peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis, Charles Wolfe
Freedom in the early American novel (1790--1800), Ann Ruth Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1980
Most probable magnetohydrostatic equilibria for tokamaks and reversed field pinches, John Joseph Ambrosiano
An analysis of parasite communities of the Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus (Linnaeus), within the Chesapeake Bay, David A. Benner
A study of portability and retargetability of an ICS, Sharon Beskenis
The "Hymn to Pan" and thematic structure in "Endymion", Nancy Kathryn Bost
Trading with the enemy: Legal theory and the Civil War, Carole Johnson Breitenbach
Empathy revisited: the effect of representational system matching on certain counseling process and outcome variables, William Philip Brockman
Refinery Siting and the Regulatory Process: A Case Study in Coastal Zone Management, John Garretson Brokaw
The importance of Donjalolo in Melville's "Mardi", Ronald Elwood Brown
Literacy in England, 1718--1759: Indenture contracts as a source, Dorothy Hagberg Cappel
The transformation of the Heads of Grievances into the Declaration of Rights 22 January--12 February 1689, Catherine Rand Chamberlin
The Roles of the Pituitary-Adrenal Axis in the Reproductive Physiology of Male Prairie Deermice (Peromyscus maniculatus bairdi), John Charles Coppes
Azalea tissue culture, Albert G. Curry
The osmotic fragility of red blood cells of marine animals: A comparative study, Robert Demanche
The Battle of Williamsburg, Carol Kettenburg Dubbs
The compulsive eater: The role of objective self awareness in conflict situations, Patricia K. Dunn
Effects of ingestion of kepone contaminated food by juvenile blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun), Daniel J. Fisher
Macrobenthic colonization of muddy and sandy substrates in the York River, Virginia, Thomas J. Fredette
Aspects of vertical distribution and ecology of the dominant meso- and bathypelagic fishes from the Norfolk Canyon region, John V. Gartner
Egyptian myth and Walt Whitman's "Lilacs", Rosemary Landow Gates
Role satisfaction in the sisterhood: A cross-cultural replication, Raquel Miranda German
The men in "The House of Mirth", Irene C. Goldman
Voting on constitutional amendments in Louisiana 1960--1972, Paul Acland Gough
Morphological, histological, and physiological aspects of assimilation in larval spot, leiostomus xanthurus lacepede, John Jeffrey Govoni