Theses/Dissertations from 1982
Two-dimensional, intratidal model study of salinity intrusion structure and motion in partially-mixed estuaries (Virginia), Carl F. Cerco
Moral judgement and self-actualization as measures of mental health in the religious individual, John Brian Cheuvront
A study of nutritional requirements of the larvae of the American oyster (Crassostrea virginica), Fu-Lin E. Chu
The effect of plant density on departure decisions: A test of the marginal value theorem, Donald A. Cibula
Swiss demonstrated budgetary flexibility: A cantonal level analysis of budgetary priority setting, Giovanna M. Cinelli
Hymen's hazard, or The jilting of Susannah Trifle: A critical edition of St George Tucker's essay #27 "For the Old Batchellor", Alexander Spottswood Clark
The Democratic Steering and Policy Committee and the speaker, Arnold David Cohen
In the shadow of settled society: The safety valve in nineteenth century American thought, John M. Coski
Attribution of behavioral and characterological fault towards the victims of a disaster, Matthew Scott Davis
Adenine nucleotide levels and adenylate energy charge in Zostera marina (eelgrass): determination and application, Damon A. Delistraty
A study of the relationship between chronological age at the time of entrance to kindergarten and academic achievement, Jo Lynne DeMary
Pin-up art, interpreting the dynamics of style, Linda K. Derry
A test of the partial reinforcement effect, Richard Edward Dowell
Modernization in colonial Massachusetts, 1630-1763, Ronald P. Dufour
To be amiable and accomplished: Fitting young women for upper-class Virginia society 1760--1810, Tori Ann Eberlein
Elderly clients' perceptions of human services, Stephanie R. Egly
Down from the ivory tower: American artists during the Depression, Susan M. Eltscher
Examining the effects of three methods of study skill group intervention with middle school underachievers, George Ira Fenigsohn
The role of juvenile court structure in pre-adjudicatory detention decisions, Douglas Stuart Foister
The rating of nonverbal counseling techniques by reluctant adolescent clients, James Ernest Forrester
Annulus formation and microstructure of hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) shells, Lowell W. Fritz
The churchyard enclosure around the Elizabeth City Parish Church of 1728: with systemic and proxemic considerations, Anne W. H. Garland
A precision measurement of the lifetime of the positive muon, Kevin Louis Giovanetti
The perception of clothing and situational formality and their relationship to public and private self-consciousness, Susan Mozley Harris
The effects of role modeling as a technique in counteracting sexual stereotyping in the occupational election of high school girls, Nancy Eddins Helms
The effects of a program of structured group counseling on the self-concept and leadership skills of disadvantaged gifted elementary school students, Sheila Gibbs Hill
Early recollections, future events and social interest, William David Hollar
ROTC continuation model : a model for predicting whether Army ROTC cadets will terminate with the basic course or continue into the advanced course, George Napoleon. Ivey
Development of the National War College and peer institutions: a comparative study of the growth and interrelationship of US military senior service colleges, Vernon Eugene Johnson
An examination of the relationship between school environment and student achievement in an urban school division in Virginia, George L. Jones
Positive pion scattering on 24Mg, Donald Joyce
Participation of Environmental Coalitions in the Development of Public Policy, Wayne Richard Knight
A comparative analysis of two colonial Virginia populations: A skeletal consideration, Jana Elisa Koubek
Analysis of population and price aspects of the Virginia hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) fishery, Andre C. Kvaternik
Experimental studies of antiprotonic atoms in hydrogen and helium, Jeffrey Robert Lindenmuth
Grand River landings, Ottawa County, Michigan, Donald W. Linebaugh
Nineteenth-century settlement patterning in the Grand River Valley, Ottawa County, Michigan: An ecological approach., Donald Walter Linebaugh
Effects of disruptive grazing by the mud snail Ilyanassa obsoleta on mudflat nematode populations, David Ludwig
Organic compound levels in a sediment core from the Elizabeth River of Virginia, Muzhen Lu
Role reversal in "Barren Ground", Benjamin V. Madison
Reinhold Niebuhr on democracy, Paul Ashby Manson
Wave refraction by warm core rings, George R. Mapp
The North Carolina Bar, 1746--1776, William David Martin
The influence of inorganic ions on the oxygen binding of hemocyanin in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, Richard Patrick Mason
Zooplankton communities in Chesapeake Bay seagrass systems, Cathy Elizabeth Meyer
Chaos and conformity: The systematic grotesque of Flannery O'Connor, Audrey I. Miller
The impact of equal employment opportunity and affirmative action legislation on Virginia public school divisions as perceived by school personnel officials, John A. Mitchell
The politics and composition of Henry VIII's privy council 1540--1547, Alan George Moore
The relationship of selected variables to stress and job satisfaction of elementary school principals, Mary L. Murphy
A [mu]+SRstudy of uniaxial stress induced symmetry breaking in an Fe single crystal, Min. Namkung
Life history and management of spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias, off the northeastern United States, Marta Nammack
An investigation of sand transport phenomena in the Rappahannock River estuary, Virginia, Charles Joseph Natale
Diffusion and trapping of positive muons in niobium and in aluminum alloys, Muhammad Zillulhaq Numan
The relationship of student-teacher compatibility to perceived student discipline, Terrence J. O'Toole -1946
The development of building patterns in Tidewater Virginia, 1620--1670, Martha Irene Pallante
Utilization of a Zostera marina and Ruppia maritima habitat by four decapods with emphasis on Callinectes sapidus, Deborah L. Penry
A whole lot of different simple people: The degeneration of Nicole Warren Diver in "Tender is the Night", Ginger Smith Preston
Revitalization or extirpation: Anglo-Powhatan relations, 1622--1644, Michael J. Puglisi
Success in the Limberlost: Concepts of nature and the successful life in the Limberlost novels of Gene Stratton-Porter, Katherine Emma Rasche
Public taste: A comparison of movie popularity and critical opinion, R. Claiborne Riley
The development of behavior in nestling ospreys, Kevin Scott Roberts
An activity budget analysis and habitat partitioning in the eastern fence lizard, Sceloporus undulatus, Mary Angela Ross
Mrs Dalloway's flowers: An attempt to define a symbol, Betty I. Rychen
Multinational corporations: Social process, capitalism, and the development of capitalist firms, Daniel John Santoro
The Richard Corbin letterbook 1758-1760, Jeffrey Lynn -- editor's edition Scheib
Needs and resources of rural elderly., Theresa J. Shaffer
Anisotrophy in MHD turbulence due to a mean magnetic field, John V. Shebalin
Economic development in revolutionary Virginia : Fredericksburg, 1750-1810, William H. Siener
Reproductive success of the common tern (Sterna hirundo) and black skimmer (Rynchops niger) in different habitats in Virginia, Daniel Carey Smith
A comparison of ratings of the clinical competency of recent graduates of associate and baccalaureate degree programs in nursing, Carol Joan Magby Stanton
A study of paid faculty consulting and the policies of higher educational institutions in Virginia, Albert F. Stem
A description and analysis of male-male interaction behavior in the lizard, Anolis lividus, Philip H. Stevenson
Sex differences in elite political participation and recruitment, Kathleen Marie Sullivan
Northern Virginia slavery : a statistical and demographic investigation, Donald M. Sweig
The prediction of academic performance of open admissions students at Virginia State University, Joseph T. Tambe
Manakin Town: The development and demise of a French Protestant refugee community in colonial Virginia 1700--1750, Leslie Tobias
The migration of embryonic chick heart fibroblasts and myocytes through solid tissue masses, Mary Anne Tucci
An investigation of progress toward fiscal neutrality in expenditures for public education in Virginia, 1969-70-1979-80, Raymond E. Vernall
The influence of environmental conditions on the breeding behavior of the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in Virginia, David O. Wallin
The tragic mulatto: An attempt to read the icons of the multiple image, Conal Walsh
The Sino-Soviet dispute in Africa, 1974-1978, Charles andrew Waters
Legal aspects of probate inventories with examples from Writtle and Roxwell, Essex, England 1635-1749, Nancy E. Welch
A systems based stress reduction psychological education program for emergency veterinary personnel: development and evaluation, Dorsey Thomas Wessells JR.
"The money our fathers were accustomed to" : banks and political culture in Rutherford County, Tennessee, 1800-1850, Carroll Van West
An analysis of the relationship between organizational climate of elementary schools and student self concept, Beverly Whitaker-Braxton
Waterfowl utilization of a submerged vegetation (Zostera marina and Ruppia maritima) bed in the lower Chesapeake Bay, Elizabeth W. Wilkins
Sex roles, ego identity, and intimacy in college women, Jane G. Wilson
The distribution and ecology of gammaridean amphipods in the plankton of the middle Atlantic Bight, Cathy J. Womack
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
Recolonization of meiobenthos in oiled azoic subtidal muddy sands of the York River estuary, Virginia, Daniel M. Alongi
An analysis of selected state requirements for graduation from high school in Virginia 1900-1976, Virginia Richards Armstrong
The matriarchal society in Flannery O'Connor's fiction: its characteristics, treatment, and purpose, Ann L. Barfield
"The Criterion" 1922-1939, Margaret Beckman Benton
Ultrastructure and development of the female reproductive branches of Polysiphonia harveyi, Sharon Thompson Broadwater
Reproductive biology and recreational fishery for spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, in the Chesapeake Bay area, Nancy J. Brown
The relationship of early parental loss and later stressful life events to the onset of depression, Mary Burch
Aspects of the nutritional ecology of Sagitta tenuis (Chaetognatha) in the lower Chesapeake Bay, Michael F. Canino
The effects of reference groups on human lactation duration, Regina Cashman-Janowski
Ultrasonic determination of thermoelastic properties of stressed solids, Engmin J. Chern
A formal analysis of the clay pipes from Green Spring, David Colin Crass