Theses/Dissertations from 1980
The shapers in John Gardner's "Grendel", Robert S. Grunska
Aspects of 14CO2 uptake in cyclostat grown Chlorella sp population exposed to varying lengths of photoperiods, Steven J. Hastings
The Determination of the Acute Toxicity, Uptake and Elimination Rates for Kepone by Crangon septemspinosa Say, Donna Jeannette Hixon
The functions of a capital city: Williamsburg and its "Public Times," 1699-1765, Mary S. Hoffschwelle
Anaerobic metabolism of the ribbed mussel, Geukensia demissa, Ming-Shan Ho
Demographic and clinical characteristics as predictors of the reinstitutionalization rate of emotionally disturbed adolescents, Lou Ross Hopewell
Behavioral responses of decapod larvae to light, salinity and chlorine, Jerome E. Illowsky
Nest site selection and foraging behavior of the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in Virginia, Norman Bernard Jaffee
Morphology and development of hatchery cultured American shad (Alosa sapidissima Wilson), with a comparison between field sampled and cultured, James Roy Johnson
The relationship among the cognitive, role-taking, and moral development abilities of emotionally disturbed adolescents, James Francis Kenney
The relationship between wind and current in the York River estuary, Virginia, April 1973, Kevin Patrick Kiley
The effects of chlorinated sea water on the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, Chae E. Laird
Reproductive biology of the egg parasite Gryon parkeri (Fouts) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), Richard Lee Lampman
Urban emergence and the pastoral ideal: A study of three related works by William Dean Howells, Robert Francis Lastowski
Forecasting enrollments in a Virginia community college, Sue C. Lawrence
Vegetative mitosis in the multinucleate green alga, Cladophora flexuosa: An ultrastructural study, Ruth Schwab Lewis
Seasonal changes in the growth and structure of the diatom Asterionella formosa Hassall in Lake Matoaka, Virginia, Kathy Joyce Lundgren
Petroleum degradation by naturally occurring populations of marine bacteria from Middle Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf waters, Alexander Maccubbin
The role of the blood in the temperature dependence of oxidative metabolism in decapod crustaceans, Nicholas A. Mauro
Death and the self, Jo Ann Langley Miller
Aggressive interactions, shelter competition, and mating interference as potential mechanisms relating to species displacement among crayfish of the genus Orconectes, Barbara Mansfield Munjal
A theory of prescribed academic change : the case of Title IX, Judith Patten Newcombe
Political and moral themes in the works of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Isaiah L. Parnell
Coral-nutrient relationships, Lawrence J. Pastor
Loose coupling and parallel interaction in family systems, Kay Phillips
The effect of zero-base budgeting on the preparation of the 1979 federal budget, Alan N. Ponanski
Joseph C Manning, Alabama populist : a rebel against the solid south, Paul M. Pruitt
The effects of imipramine on learned helplessness, Helga Friederike Remler
Understanding general and specific information, James David Roth
Descriptive characteristics of inpatients with tardive dyskinesia as distinguished from inpatients without tardive dyskinesia, Lucy Glover Savage
Resource use by Amphipoda (Crustacea: Peracarida) on the outer continental shelf of the Middle Atlantic Bight: Implications to community structure, Linda C. Schaffner
Food habits, prey selectivity and food resource partitioning of a community of fishes on the outer continental shelf, George R. Sedberry III
Using a structured group experience to enhance the group interaction and leadership skills of gifted children, Elizabeth Chilcott Shifflette
Pelagic amphipods (Amphipoda: Hyperiidea) of the continental shelf in the Middle Atlantic Bight, Russell Allen Short
Electron microscopic study of cell division and reproductive differentiation in male branches of Dasya baillouviana (Gmelin) Montagne (Rhodophyta), Dawn Phillips Sigfred
An investigation of staff development programs designed for Virginia school officials, Bob L. Sigmon
The life history of the cownose ray, Rhinoptera bonasus (Mitchill 1815), in lower Chesapeake Bay, with notes on the management of the species, Joseph W. Smith
An evaluative study of the 1972-74 standards of quality and objectives for public schools in Virginia, Norman Steven. Smith
Computer simulation of polymer dynamics, Rebecca Louise Moss Smithson
Bioaccumulation and effects of kepone on spot, Leiostomus xanthurus, Linda L. Stehlik
Improved characterization of silicon-silicon-dioxide interfaces, Pin Su
Measurement and analysis of tidal marsh fluxes of oxygen demanding materials, James Thomas Sweeney
The Indian trade in colonial Virginia, Mary Miley Theobald
The hidden life in "The Golden Bowl": An imagery of ambiguity, Mary Elizabeth Thompson
Age determination and growth of the blueback herring, Alosa aestivalis, Jack Gerald Travelstead
Vascular Flora of Mathews County, Virginia, Margaret Norman van Montfrans
Uptake, distribution, metabolism and clearance of kepone by channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), Peter A. VanVeld
Anxiety and the disabled, Wayne P. Villeneuve
Oxygen uptake and transport in the sabellid polychete Eudistylia vancouveri (Kinburg), Gregory Melhem Vogel
PL/99, a mid-level programming language for the TMS9900 microprocessor, Kenneth B. Walkley
Organization and doctrine in the Continental Army, 1774 to 1784, Robert K. Wright
Institutional origin : labor market signaling in higher education, Jean Conover Wyer
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
A political biography of John Witherspoon from 1723-1776, John Thomas anderson
Adjustment counseling with children of divorced parents, Barbara A. Bebensee
An evaluation of hydrocarbon extraction techniques for tissue, Colleen Gail Becker
Theories and Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa, Pamela Guyler Boll
The Development of an Operating System for the Microdata 32/S, George Edward Butler
The Virginia Chesapeake Bay: recent sedimentation and paleodrainage, Michael J. Carron
The relationships between socioeconomic status, sex, self-concept, academic achievement, and course selection of urban black tenth-grade students, Earl Birges Chappell
United States tactical nuclear doctrine: Developing a capability, Christopher Michael Cooke
St George Tucker's "Fairy Hill": A critical edition, Alyson Jane Francis Cooper
The relationship of personality to ability-achievement of college freshmen, Carolyn I. Allen Cooper -1942
An investigation of possible inhibitors for D-amino acid oxidase, Sue Ellen Delos
Search for metastable muonic 25 atomic states, George Whitfield Dodson
The regulation of body fluids in the estuarine annelid Nereis succinea, James Alan Dykens
Late Pleistocene stratigraphy and morphology of the lower Northern Neck, Virginia, Kathleen M. Farrell
A study of the relationship of achievement motivation to attribution and activity characteristics of military wives, Linda Joseph Fineran
The effects of rational self-counseling on selected personality dimensions of upward mobility registrants, Marguerite Charlotte Finnerty
"All the lost youth in the world": Youth worship in F Scott Fitzgerald's "Tender is the Night", Maria R. Freeman
A model study of the effects of bathymetric alterations on shoreline wave energy distribution, Adam Arthur Frisch
Political socialization: A study in the acquisition of political orientations, Judith Bailey Givens
The effect of a performance curriculum in human relations on attitudes, verbal communication, and interpersonal relationship of teacher trainee, Frances D. Graham
"Life's sweet calculations": Emily Dickinson's mathematics of experience, Martha Dix Graham
The influence of accreditation on the development of the Medical College of Virginia into an institution with university affiliation, Walter S. Griggs Jr.
A taxonomic treatment of the Gentianaceae in Virginia, Georgia A. Hammond-Soltis
Historical evolution of coastal sand dunes on Currituck Spit, Virginia/North Carolina, Harold F. Hennigar
An eighteenth-century world not quite lost : the social and economic structure of a northern New York town, 1810-1880, Paul Brent Hensley
Feminism in Henry James's "The Bostonians", Helen Eugenia Hester
An experimental study of the effects of classroom instruction and clinical learning experiences on the attitudes of students of nursing toward the aged, Elizabeth Barfield Hinchliffe
L'Ami du peuple in the French Revolution, Susan Marie Hoffman
The relationship between trait anxiety, locus of control and counselor interpersonal process variables, Lawrence Adrian Hollingsworth
Variation and prediction of water temperature in York River estuary at Gloucester Point, Virginia, Bernard B. Hsieh
Effects of spouse counseling on the treatment outcome of the problem drinker, Paul J. Johnston
The effects of client centered group counseling and relaxation on the self concept and negative bahavior of junior high school students who are disciplinary problems, Gladys Hammond Kaggwa
Angiosperm growth, distribution, and tissue nitrogen concentration in a sewage-impacted marsh, Yorktown Creek, Virginia, Mark Steven Kowalski
A study of the effects of the Program for Effective Teaching on academic secondary teacher behavior and general mathematics student achievement in the Newport News public schools, Newport News, Virginia, Alfred William Lebold
The development of blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, from kepone-contaminated eggs, A. Thomas Leggett
Comparison of scales and otoliths for determining age and growth of the alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus, Wilson), Douglas Wayne Lipton
Chitinoclastic bacteria from the Mid-Atlantic Shelf: Distribution, taxonomy, and effect of oil on growth and chitin degradation, Darbie Anne Lister
The relationship of work-study to the grade point averages of selected students enrolled in Norfolk State College during 1973-1974 through 1976-1977, Alvin Clinton Lomax
Marlow's Auditors, Susan Marie Wilson Lyons
Effects of sexual guilt upon affective responses to subliminal sexual stimuli, Michael Barton Magri
"An unsettled disposition": Social structure and geographic mobility in Amelia County, Virginia, 1768--1794, Paula Martinac
Notes on the comparative ecology of Cottus bairdi and Cottus girardi in Naked Creek, Virginia, Richard Edmond Matheson
Nonlinear evolution of the magnetohydrodynamic sheet pinch, William H. Matthaeus
Single mothers by choice, Candace Diane McCreary
The abundance, distribution, and bionomics of the family Macrouridae in the Norfolk Canyon area, Robert W. Middleton
Images of Virginia: Allen Tate, the Agrarians, and the Old South, Reid Hardeman Mitchell
Identification of the forces that led to the establishment of Tidewater Community College as a multi-campus institution, 1968-1978, Louis. Monroe
PL/STAR, a structured assembly language for the CDC STAR-100, Barry Lee Mowday