Theses/Dissertations from 1976
Legislative opinions of the members of the Virginia General Assembly toward the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, Marlene Joyce Claya Hager
St George Tucker's Essay "For the Old Batchellor" in Praise of Virginia Women: A Critical Edition, John Lee Hare
Presentments of the Grand Jury of Northumberland County, Virginia, 1744-1770, Lawrence George Herman
An investigation into the modification of locus of control in outpatient alcoholics and its relationship to preference for alcoholics anonymous, Bettsy H. -1944 Hettinger
Studies of ion wave propagation in inhomogeneous plasmas, Shiew-luan Y. Hsieh
Two electron bond-orbital model, Chuping. Huang
A study of the effects of life career development counseling on the self-concept and career maturity of community college students, Michael Joseph Johnson
A Two-Dimensional Stratospheric Model of the Dispersion of Aerosols from the Fuego Volcanic Eruption, Carolyn Frances Jones
Local Environmental Management, A Case Study: The Virginia Wetlands Act, 1972-1974, John Claiborne Jones
A descriptive study of offices of institutional research in Virginiaʼs public senior colleges and universities, Janie C. Jordan
A Post-Watergate Study of Children's Attitudes toward Political Authority, Frederick Richard Kozak
The Biology of the Sandbar Shark Carcharhinus plumbeus (Nardo, 1827) in the Lower Chesapeake Bay and Adjacent Waters, Edward Fenton Lawler
Enzymes associated with carbohydrate metabolism of scyphozoan jellyfish, Alan Lung-Ming Lin
Growth in a Frontier Society: Population Increases in the Northern Neck of Virginia, Karla V. MacKesson
Preliminary studies on the systematics of deep-sea alepocephaloidea (pisces: salmoniformes), Douglas F. Markle
A Critique of the Labeling Approach: toward a Social Theory of Deviance, Robert Glenn Mattson Croninger
A comparison of the impact of selected individualized curriculum organizations on faculty perceptions, student attitudes, and student achievement,  Michael T. McCormick
A Reading of Robert Henryson's "Testament of Cresseid", Craig McDonald
The Romantic and Tragic Ballads: Popular Dreams for an Egalitarian Society?, Shirlee Alcinda McGuire
The Meaning of Value: A Review and Analysis of a Sociological Concept, Bruce Longley Mead
The founding of the permanent denominational colleges in Virginia, 1776-1861, Stuart Bowe Medlin
The Anatomy of Pain in Emily Dickinson's Poetry, Emily Paul Miller
An Examination of Motivational Barriers to Negative Assertion in Women, Mary Jo Moeschl
Consciousness and its Reproduction in Higher Education, Elizabeth Ann Monk
Turmoil in an orderly society, Colonial Virginia, 1607-1754: a history and analysis, Timothy E. Morgan
Fitzgerald's Schizoid Stahrr: America's Past, Present and Future in "The Last Tycoon", Rosalind Urbach Moss
The Influence of Vision and Olfaction on the Homing Ability of the White-Footed Mouse (Peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis), Lynn Mabelle Parsons
North Carolina Legislators: Role-Orientations and Socialization, Donald Pergerson
William F Willoughby, a Progressive in China, 1914-1916, Elizabeth Courtenay Ramsey
The Mechanism of the Meyer-Schuster Rearrangement, Carol Virginia Roane
From Benevolent Individual to Professional Agency: Personal Service to the Poor, 1880-1910, David Harry Robinson
A Floristic Study of Hone Quarry Watershed, Rockingham County, Virginia, Gerald Francis Roe
The morphology and processes of the Virginia Chesapeake Bay shoreline, Peter Stuart Rosen
A Phenomenological Analysis of Schizophrenic Delusional Systems as a Regression toward a Shared, Primordial Thought Structure, Ronald Savage
British convict servant labor in colonial Virginia, Frederick Hall Schmidt
Pressure anisotropy effects on the stability of the guiding center model of the bumpy theta pinch, Michael J. Schmidt
Relative Deprivation and Ghetto Riots, Joseph Daniel Sekul
The Treatment of Love and Marriage in Thomas Hardy's "Far from the Madding Crowd" and Henry James's "The Portrait of a Lady", Susan Shepeard
The relationship between teacher perceptions of managerial styles and the quality of interpersonal relationships between teachers and supervisory personnel, Hazel Burgett Sherman
Titanium Assisted Alkylations of Selected Alkynols, Leslie C. Smedley
A two-dimensional time-dependent numerical model investigation of the coastal sea circulation around the Chesapeake Bay entrance, Everett Michael Stanley
Relationships between selected teacher characteristics and tendencies toward collective action, Richard Stephen. Sternberg
The Evolutionary and Ecological Significance of the Clutch Size of the Osprey (Pandion haliaetus), Christopher Hall Stinson
Prompt gamma rays from pion absorption on C, N, Na, S, and Ca, Carey Elliott Stronach
Serum Corticosterone Concentrations in Reproductively Mature and Inhibited Deermice (Peromyscus maniculatus Bairdii) from Experimental Laboratory Populations, Kuo-Li Paul Sung
A study of self-disclosure prediction and two types of interviewer modeling in the counseling interview, John David Sykes
Work values and their relationship to certain personality types of community college students, Howard Thornton Taylor
The Commercial Endeavors of a Virginia Merchant during the Confederation Period: The Rise and Fall of Richard Blow, 1781-1790, Fredrika J. Teute
The Care of the Poor in Albemarle Parish, Surry and Sussex Counties, Virginia, 1742-1787, Amanda Jane Townes
A Mathematical Model of Chincoteague Bay, Virginia, John Joseph Vaccaro
A review of tenure policies in private higher education in the Commonwealth of Virginia, 1964 to 1974, Jack C. Van Newkirk
The effects of predation by epibenthic crabs and fishes on benthic infauna in Chesapeake Bay, Robert W. Virnstein
Deep-inelastic electroproduction of pions in a quark-parton model ; Pion-deuteron elastic scattering and the pion-pion scattering lengths, Mary Elizabeth. Vislay
The Influence of Environmental Salinity on Hemocyanin Function in the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus, Alan Lawson Weiland
An Examination of Shoaling Wave Parameters, Lee Weishar
Similarities in Analgesia Produced by Cervical Probing and Intracranial Stimulation to the Mesencephalic Grey Matter, Kathleen Casey Westlake
A study of the status of women counselors in the Virginia community college system, Patricia Elizabeth Clifton White
Isolation and characterization of estuarine and marine sedimentary humic acids, John G. Windsor Jr
The use of counselor selection instruments and measures of creativity in the construction of prediction equations for counselor trainee selection, Lenard Joseph Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
The Least Tern in Virginia: Breeding Biology and Population Distribution, John William Akers
Faculty perceptions of shared authority and collective bargaining at the public institutions of higher education in Virginia, James Owen Armstrong II
Elder Lightfoot Solomon Michaux : his social and political interests and influence, Lillian Ashcraft-Eason
An Analysis of Help Patterns and Interaction between Parents and their Married Children, Harold L. Bare
Decision on the Environment: A Study of Environmental Roll Call Behavior in the United States House of Representatives, John Bartosiewicz
Issue Conflict among Party Followers: A Re-Examination, John Haywood Blakemore
Oxygen Uptake and Transport in the Lamellibranch Mollusc Modiolus demissus, Charles Edward Booth
An Examination of John Osborne's "Luther" in Light of Erik Erikson's "Young Man Luther" and Historical Tradition, Anne Lawrence McIntosh Bowman
A Study of Women in Virginia Politics, Elizabeth Williams Bullock
The Influence of Displacement Distance and Vision on the Homing Behavior of the White-Footed Mouse (Peromyscus leucopus Noveboracensis), Judith Ann Cooke
Management in the Airline Industry, David S. Crooks
Humanitarian reform and organized benevolence in the southern United States, 1780-1830, John C. Dann
The quasi-elastic (ALPHA,2-ALPHA) reaction at 700 MEV on several light and medium nuclei, William Edward Dollhopf
Woman's Rights in Virginia, 1909-1920, Alice Matthews Erickson
Electron-phonon resonances, Carl L. Fales
The Presence of Acid Polysaccharides in the Mesogloea of Chrysaora quinquecirrha, Edward P. Gardner
Serum Concentrations of Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone in Laboratory Populations of the Prairie Deermouse (Peromyscus maniculatus Bairdii), Larry Stephen Hirsh
Elizabeth City County, Virginia, 1782-1810 : the economic and social structure of a Tidewater county in the early national years, Sarah S. Hughes
The Evolution of the Soviet Bloc, Robert L. Hutchings
Density of states and conductivity of metal alloys, Hsing-Chow Hwang
Beach Sands of the Southern Delmarva Peninsula, Patterns and Causes, Carey Ingram
Alienation among College Faculty Members, Mitchell Phillips Kambis
Verbal Communication Characteristics of Couples at Principled, Conventional, or Mixed Levels of Moral Development, Barbara Bledsoe Keller
Visual Recognition Memory: The Effect of Cognitive Style and Exposure Time, Kathleen C. Kirasic
An exploratory study of the effects of bankruptcy on the susceptibility of small businessmen to Right-Wing ideology, Rayford Kytle
Studies of elastic and inelastic scattering of H⁻ and D⁻ by inert gas atoms, Siu-Kwong Lam
Contributions to the Biology of Bathynectes superbus (Costa) (Decapoda:Portunidae) from the Chesapeake Bight of the Western North Atlantic., Elizabeth Gayle Lewis
The Analysis of Short Term Tidal Data, James Kenneth Lewis
A one-dimensional mathematical model of tidal hydraulics and salt intrusion in estuarine rivers, Fwu-Ding Lin
Zirconium Complexes with the 3-Cyanoacetylacetonate Anion: A Potential Trifunctional Ligand, George Arbuthnot Lock
The Ultrastructural Effects of Cytochalasin B on Fusing Reaggregates of Embryonic Chick Heart and Liver Cells, Peter Anthony Meade
The other Civil War : Lincoln and the Indians, David A. Nichols
Ovarian 3 Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Activity in Normal Cycling and Reproductively Inhibited Prairie Deermice (Peromyscus maniculatus Bairdii), Lawrence Gilmar Oliver
An Organizational Analysis of Professionalization in Police Departments, Pamela J. Oppenheim
The Physical Effects of a Thermal Discharge on an Estuary, G. C. (Gary Cridlin) Parker
The influence of Scottish sentimentalist ethical theory on Thomas Jefferson's philosophy of human nature, William Parks
St George Tucker's "Vision of Selim": An Edited Text with Introduction and Critique, Angela H. Patmore
Attribution of Responsibility in Paranoid and Nonparanoid Schizophrenics, Mary Ruth Marsh Payne
Changes in Amount and Composition of Gelatin from Development Stages of the Scyphozoan Jellyfish, Chrysaora quinquecirrha, Janet Murphy Quensen
The Effect of Low O2 Levels on the Filtration Efficiency and Pumping Rate of Crassostrea virginica, John F. Quensen