Theses/Dissertations from 1974
Surface phytoplankton community structure of Mobjack Bay and York River, Virginia, Paul E. Stofan
Diversifying Selection and Ecotypic Variation in Experimental Populations of Drosophila melanogaster, James Richard Todd
Development of Podocysts of the Scyphozoan, Chrysaora quinquecirrha, after Removal of the Cyst Covering, Lan-Ping Amy Tseng
Robert Cohn in "The Sun Also Rises": A Failure of Vision, Jan Garnett Van Horn
Mr Rockefeller's Other City: Background and Response to the Restoration of Williamsburg, Virginia, 1927-1939, Roy Brien Varnado
The Response of the Bivalve Mercenaria mercenaria to Declining Oxygen Tensions, Dennis Walsh
The Social Mean: Freedom and Restraint in William Wycherley's Plays, James Ray Weidman
The Empathic Accuracy of Subordinate and Superordinate in the Social Work Bureaucracy, Beverly Louise West
A strategy for teaching decision-making skills utilizing simulation techniques, Marcella Fortner Whitson
Cognitive Complexity and Etiological Conflict Areas of Paranoid Schizophrenics, James Michael Willis
Guilt and Atonement in "Lord Jim" and "Under Western Eyes", Norma Sue Tester Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
Plasma Progesterone Concentrations and Ovarian Histology in Prairie Deermice (Peromyscus maniculatus Bairdii) from Experimental Laboratory Populations, Barry Douglas Albertson
The Vascular Flora of Fort Eustis, City of Newport News, Virginia, Phyllis Ann Kline Appler
The Heroic Image in a Modern World: Enlightened Naturalism in Ernest Hemingway's "A Farewell to Arms", Winifred Allison Bailey
Image Fluctuation and International Events: Public Opinion and Attitude Variance as a Function of President Nixon's Visit to the People's Republic of China, Terry Dixon Bevels
Regionalism and Recent Voting Trends in Virginia Politics: Focus on the Wallace Electorate, Dorothy Susan Boland
A Numerical and Spatial Study of the Meadow Vole, Microtus pennsylvanicus, Margaret Whitney Higgins Bowker
An identification and analysis of the expectations of Virginia school board members for their superintendents, Edward E. Brickell JR.
Ultrastructure of Mitosis and Gametogenesis in Cladophora flexuosa (Dillwyn) Harvey, Kenneth Wilson Bullock
A Characterization of the Corticosterone-Binding-Globulin in the Plasma of the Duck (Anas platyrhynchos), James Leon Cheshier
The Library of St George Tucker, Jill Moria Coghlan
Variations in Major Cations and Certain Heavy Metals in the Serum of the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus, James Alden Colvocoresses
A study of the relationship between secondary teacher satisfaction and attitude toward collective negotiations, David Ray Corley
Shipping in Yorktown, Virginia, 1740-1744, June Meredith Costin
A Two Dimensional Jet Flowing into a Semi-Infinite Flow Field with an Ambient Velocity, Michael Leonard Crane
Organizational climate and participation mode as related to the productivity of high and low cohesive formal faculty groups, Elizabeth-Anne Bartlett Daly
Reform and the Virginia General Assembly, 1916-1920, Orelia Sparrow Dann
The Recent History of Wachapreague Inlet, Virginia, J. T. DeAlteris
The Quantitative Role of Hemoglobin in Oxygen Uptake and Oxygen Storage in the Ponderosa Ark Clam, Noetia ponderosa, Lewis Edward Deaton
Mechanisms of isosmotic intracellular regulation in marine molluscs, William D. DuPaul
A Kinetic Examination of 1,3-Di-t-butyl-3-methylbromoallene Solvolysis, Dwight Ellen Foster Ellis
A history of the relationships between the state of Virginia and its public normal schools, 1869-1930, Bruce Emerson
The Function of Irony in Wallace Stevens' "Esthétique du mal", Isota Tucker Epes
Social perceptions and verbal interactions in tape-directed and counselor-directed encounter groups, John C. Ficht
What Price Greatness: A Study of the Protagonists in Three Plays by Henrik Ibsen---"The Master Builder", "John Gabriel Borkman", and "When We Dead Awaken", Janet Rose Fuchs
Nuclear magnetic resonance in the amorphous transition metal VZr alloy, Kwang Soo Han
Two Techniques of Modifying an Impulsive Tempo, Patricia Ann Hargrove
Counselor reputation and previous performance as an influence upon counselee interaction and attitude in a group experience, Janice Lee Harris
The Amblers of Virginia: A Family's Rise to Prominence., Hope M. Hockenberry
Struggle for Suffrage: Interrelationships between Woman Suffrage and Prohibition and Child Labor, Margaret Jeanne Beck Hogenson
A study of certain attitudinal and biographical characteristics of upper echelon administrators in the Virginia community college system, Paul St. Clair Hurd
The political, social, and economic factors in the shaping of the structure of public higher education in West Virginia:Â a history, 1863-1969, William Preston Jackameit
Total and partial muon-capture rates on oxygen-16 leading to bound-levels in nitrogen-16, Francis R. Kane
Interpersonal Evaluation, Cognitive Aspects and the Effects of Stress, Kevin Thomas Kelso
Family Interaction Studies and the Etiology of Schizophrenia, Kenneth Eugene Kirby
The Effects of Intrinsic and Environmental Factors on the Oxygen Consumption of the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, Chae E. Laird
A Computer-Assisted Instruction Program in Mathematics, William Lindsay Lawrence
Field Dependence in Relation to Severity of Alcohol Abuse, York Yee Lee
Campaign Strategy: The Impact of Inter-Party Competition, James Douglas Lewis
The development of a counselor selection scale through an item analysis of the California psychological inventory, Willard LeGrande Lewis III
Anywhere, So Long as it Be Free: A Study of the Cohen Family of Richmond and Baltimore, 1773-1826, Ann Lynn Lipton
The Oxygen Equilibrium Properties of Hemerythrin in Solution and in Coelomic Cells of Phascolopsis gouldi, MarÃa London
"The New American" Magazine, Carol Lynn Toop McCollough
The Pearl-Poet's Imaginative Treatment of His Biblical Source in "Cleanness", Laura Ruth McCord
Biology of seven species of skates (pisces: rajidae), John Douglas McEachran
Angiosperm Production of Three Virginia Marshes in Various Salinity and Soil Nutrient Regimes, Irving Avrum Mendelssohn
The Comparative Ecology of Two Species of Pipefish (Syngnathidae) in the York River, Virginia, Linda P. Mercer
The Huguenots in South Carolina, 1680-1720, Carol Merchant
The XYZ Affair and the Congressional Election of 1799 in Richmond, Virginia, Nancy M. Merz
Retention and Escapement Characteristics of Pound Nets as a Function of Pound-Head Mesh Size, Henry Louis Meyer
The Effects of Extraneous Lateral Stimulation on Tachistoscopic Pattern Perception, Don Stephen Nice
Child Labor and Virginia Politics in the Progressive Era, Mary Randolph Nichols
Distribution of Foraminiferida in an estuarine marsh system, Charles Warren Norton
Reaffirmation in the Last Poems of Stevens and Yeats, Gael Monie O'Brien
New England Reactions to the English Civil Wars, 1640-1660, James Michael O'Toole
Optimum age, temperature, and salinity for estuarine stocking of juvenile striped bass, Morone saxatilis, Walter Steven Otwell
Biographical Sketches of Anglican Clergymen Trained at the College of William and Mary, 1729-1776: A Study of James Blair's Plan and its Result, Susan Louise Patterson
Growth and condition of Rangia cuneata in the James River, Virginia, Richard Knox Peddicord
The Effects of Defensive Orientation on Stress Reduction for Paranoid and Nonparanoid Schizophrenics, Anne Klare Riley
Development of a Scale to Predict Patterns of Cognitive Appraisal of Stress, Eileen A. Schmaltz
Uptake, metabolism, and distribution of DDT in organs of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, Peter F. Sheridan
Biology of the rock crab, Cancer irroratus Say, in coastal waters of Virginia, Lewis Roller Shotton
William Booth Taliaferro: A Biography, Martha Arle Sibley
William Allason : merchant in an emerging nation, Robert W. Spoede
Relative Growth, Reproduction and Distribution of the Rock Crab, Cancer irroratus, in Chesapeake Bay during the Winter, Roy Tim Terretta
The Kinship between "Moby Dick" and "The Divine Comedy", Lynne Elizabeth Thornton
Congress, the Presidency, and Public Opinion: A Study of Congressional-Presidential Disagreements Correlated with the Majorities of National Public Opinion Polls, 1947-1969, Vance Russell Tiede
Power and Politics in the Korean War: A Study in negotiatory naiveté, James Hugh Toner
Model Legislation for the Administration of Subaqueous Hard Mineral Resources within Virginia Waters, William Jeffery Wardrop
St George Tucker's Essay "For the Old Batchellor" on Avarice: A Critical Edition, Mary Beth Wentworth
Growth Rate and Nesting Aspects for the Glossy Ibis in Virginia, 1972, John William Williams
The hermit crabs (crustacea, decapoda, anomura) collected by the International Indian Ocean Expedition, 1963-1964, with notes on their distribution and the zoogeography of the western Indian Ocean, Philip Dalton Witherington
Salt Water Plasma Model of the Venus Atmosphere, Eueng-nan Yeh
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
Cumberland County, Virginia Agriculture, 1840-1860, Susan Elizabeth Agee
Rationality in Conglomerate Succession: A Case Study, Raymond E. Alie
Secretory Vesicle Formation and Dictyosome Morphology in Tetrasporangia of the Marine Red Alga Polysiphonia denudata (Dillwyn) Kutzing, Charles Dickson Alley
The Ultrastructure of Cothurnia simplex Kahl, with Special Reference to the Stalk, Myonemes, and Basal Bodies, Robert Thomas Banes
Calender of the Preston Family Papers, Joyes Collection, James Robert Bentley
An investigation of one and two state molecular systems based on the results of elastic differential scattering experiments, Stephen Michael Bobbio
One Versus Two Cues and Positive Versus Negative Cues in Learning and Reversal, John Dugger Bruner
St George Tucker and the Complexities of Antislavery Advocacy in Jeffersonian Virginia, Donna Stillman Bryman
Distribution, growth, selective feeding, and energy transformations of young-of-the-year blueback herring, Alosa aestivalis (Mitchill), in the James River, Virginia, Richard Greig Burbidge
Distribution and abundance of calanoid copepods in the York River Estuary, Virginia, 1968 and 1969, Victor G. Burrell Jr.
An Analysis of Growth and Respiratory Changes with Age of Mycelial Mats of Alternaria solani Ell and G Martin) L R Jones and Grout, William Leslie Butman
The Ultrastructure of Chrysaora quinquecirrha Strobilae, Mary Ann Ott Bynum
The reproductive cycle and larval tolerances of Rangia cuneata in the James River, Virginia, Thomas David Cain
Oxygen Equilibrium Properties of Coelomic Hemoglobin in the Polychaete Glycera dibranchiata, Judy Ann Carhart
Race, Intelligence and Sense of Political Efficacy a Multivariate Political Socialization Study, Edward G. Carmines
An Unsuccessful Search for Intentional Forgetting, Vaughan Eperson Church