Theses/Dissertations from 1971
The Measurement of Flame Temperatures with Coated, Electrically Heated Thermocouples, Irvin Milton Miller
The Influence of Party Affiliation on Decisions of the Interstate Commerce Commission, William Thomas Molloy
The End-Segregation Effect in Tachistoscopic Perception of Binary Patterns, Peter Michael Monti
The Solvolysis of Triaryhaloallenes, Henry Wayne Moran
Benthic infauna of eelgrass, Zostera marina, beds, Robert Joseph Orth
Numerical modeling investigation of cyclonic Gulf Stream eddies, Robert Lee Pickett
Cytology of the Adenohypophysis of the Blue Spiny Lizard, Sceloporus cyanogenys, Marie Ellen anderson Potts
Age and Growth of the Silver Perch (Bairdiella chrysura), Scott F. Rhodes
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities as Indicators of Pollution in the Elizabeth River, Hampton Roads, Virginia, Michael Donald Richardson
Analysis of Morone saxatilis and Morone americanus Spawning and Nursery Area in the York-Pamunkey River, Virginia, Ronald Gilbert Rinaldo
The Effectiveness of Systematic Desensitization Employing Muscle Relaxation and Positive Imagery, Robert Schopp
Temperature Sensitivity of Oxygen Consumption of Latitudinally Separated Populations of Urosalpinx cinerea (Prosobranchia: Muricidae), J. Malcolm Shick
Virginia's Reaction to John Brown's Raid: Rebirth of a Strong State Militia, Todd Munfort Small
Abraham Lincoln and Negro Colonization: The Ile A'vache, Hayti Experience, 1862-1864, Jayme Ruth Spencer
A Verbal Behavior Analysis of Speech Patterns in Psychiatric Populations, Richard Lowell Steele
Age, growth, and mortality of the white perch, Morone americana (Gmelin), in the James and York Rivers, Virginia, Richard Alan St. Pierre
The Process of Poetic Exploration in E A Robinson's "Captain Craig", Wendy Burns Tilghman
Neutralization and a Proposed Application to Israel, John Alfred Tinkham
The Puritan Conscience in the Diary of Samuel Sewall, Carson Linwood Tucker
Selling and the Salesman: Prediction of Short-Term Success, Personality Changes, and Cognitive Dissonance, Allen anderson Turnbull
A Study of the Exotic Game Bird Introduction Program in the Sandy Point Area of Virginia 1970-1971, Hans Wachtmeister
Novel Stimulation Enrichment and Deprivation: Effects on Early Stage REM Sleep, James Catesby Ware
An Inquiry into some aspects of Nat Turner's Rebellion, Randolph Dennis Werner
Reactions of the Tin Tetrahalides with 2,4-Pentanedione in the Presence of Organic Amines, Kwai-Sam Wong
Too Little, Too Late: The Campaign of 1777 in the Hudson Highlands, Robert K. Wright
The Inhibitory Effects of Prolactin and Progesterone Upon Gonadotrophin-Stimulated Ovarian Growth in the Female Iguanid Lizard, Dipsosaurus dorsalis, Harvey Harmon Zeigler
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
Relationship of VMH, Amygdala, and Taste Under Two Feeding Schedules, Winifred Lee Angelo
The Corporal's Guard in Congress, 1841-1843, Nigel Graeme Barber
Studies on the Thiocyanato Complexes of Niobium, Richard Paul Barrett
An Investigation of the Role of Hormones and the Hypothalamus in Ovarian Growth and Vitellogenesis in Sceloporus cyanogenys, Cary Gresham Bayne
Democratic Political Development: A Methodological Inquiry Focusing on Southern States, Sandra Kaye Burden
The Effect of Harmonic and Inharmonic Frequency Components on the Perception of Loudness and Annoyance in Complex Sounds, Ann Berenson Carroll
Low-Country Planter Society in Colonial South Carolina, John C. Dann
The Development of Political Theory in Colonial Massachusetts, 1688-1740, Ronald P. Dufour
The beach water table as a response variable of the beach-ocean-atmosphere system, Leland Edward Fausak
Land and Quit-Rent Reform in Virginia during the Administration of Francis Nicholson, 1698-1705, Margaret Conner Fortier
Enteric Bacteria in Aquatic Turtles, David Alger Gapp
The Vascular Plants of New Kent County, Mary Sabra Gillespie
Virginia Newspaper Editors and the Coming of World War II, 1935-1939, Robert Wayne Gray
The Heat Budget of the Waters of a Portion of the Chesapeake Bight, 1967, George Washington Greer
Perceptual Tempo with Visual Patterns by Educable Retarded Children, Phoebe Martin Harcum
North Korea and Sino-Soviet Competition, William A. Hazleton
The Negro American: Images and Identities, Joseph F. Healey
Shipping between England and Virginia 1606-1630, Susan Elizabeth Hillier
A Kinetic Study of the Solvolysis of 1-Chloro-1,3,3-Triphenylpropadiene, Sharon Conley Hixon
Suppression of the Galvanic Skin Response by Cognitively Mediated Behavior, William Gresby Hughes
Millinery and Milliners in Colonial Virginia, 1750-1780, Patricia Ann Hurdle
The Nail Making Industry in Early Virginia, John Tracy Keene
Responses to Ion Oxygen in Two Species of the Mud Snail Nassarius, Leonard Jay Kushins
The Vascular Flora of Jamestown Island, James City County, Virginia, Lynn Ellen Loetterle
A seasonal study of zostera epibiota in the York River, Virginia, George Alexis Marsh III
The Influence of Hypothalamic Steroid Implants on Ovulation and Ovarian Growth and Function in the Iguanid Lizard, Sceleporus cyanogenys, William F. McConnell
Violence in Colonial South Carolina, 1700-1740, Russell David Millbranth
The Student-Worker Crisis in France May-June, 1968, John Bingham Munroe
Study of Geography in Virginia, Wolf Prow
The Library of Robert Carter of Nomini Hall, Katherine Tippett Read
The Combined Effects of D-Amphetamine Sulfate and Bilateral Lesions of the Medial Hypothalamus on Food and Water Deprived Rats, Edward Vicar Reynolds
Pionic X-ray yields and level broadening in low-Z atoms, William Wade Sapp Jr.
The Orientation of Crystallites in Molded Graphites, David R. Schryer
Community Power and Urban Renewal Success: A Replication, Robert Franklin Seward
Reproduction in Three Species of Lizards from Dominica, West Indies, Carolynn Ann Somma
A Survey of the Effects of Mobility on Children of Career Military Personnel, Howard T. Taylor
Discipline in Middletown Friends Meeting, 1755-1770, William Henry Toner
Mortality Rates and Population Size of the Alewife Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson) in the Rappahannock and Potomac Rivers, Nicholas C. Tsimenides
The Public School Principal and Desegregation: The Principal as Change Agent, Martha Allen Turnage
Survival and Activity of the Oyster Drill, Urosalpinx cinerea (Say), Under Conditions of Fluctuating Salinity, Arthur Zachary
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
Vascular Flora of the College Woods, the College of William and Mary, James City County, Virginia, Allene Claire Phillips Barans
Distribution, Growth and Behavior of the Spotted Hake in the Chesapeake Bight, Charles A. Barans
The Virginia-North Carolina Frontier in 1776: William Preston, William Christian and the Military Expedition Against the Overhill Cherokee Towns, Arthur George Barnes
The Somalia-Kenya Relationship, 1962-1968: A Study in African Nationalism, Murray Lee Carroll
Methods of Distinguishing Larval Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) from Larval Blueback Herring (A aestivalis), James Ross Chambers
Aspects of the Ecology, Life History, and Host-Parasite Relationship of Loxothylacus panopaei (Sacculinidae) in Chesapeake Bay, Seth Jerome Daugherty
Faunal Variation on Pelagic Sargassum, Michael L. Fine
Effect of Parietalectomy on Oxygen Consumption, Heart Rate and Ventilatory in Sceloporus occidentalis, Cleveland Francis
Reproductive Seasonality and Related Behavior in the Marsh Periwinkle, Littorina irrorata Say (Gastropoda, Prosobranchiata), Daniel Gilbert Gibson
The Secretion of Antimicrobial Material by Aspen Tissue (Populus tremuloides Michx), Edward Dale Helton
Grist Milling in Eighteenth-Century Virginia Society: Legal, Social, and Economic Aspects, Paul Brent Hensley
The Royal African Company Slave Trade to Virginia, 1689-1713, Charles Lintner Killinger
Color Preferences and Self-Concept Related Through Color Meanings, Maureen Lucille Landis
The Soft Bottom Macrobenthic Community of Arthur Harbor, Antarctica, James K. Lowry
Raman backscatter of laser radiation in the earth's atmosphere, Samuel Harvey Melfi
A Look at the Management Information System at the office of Economic Opportunity: The Planning, Programming Budgeting System as it Applies to a Human Resource Development Program, Alexander G. Monroe
Charles Bridges, Painter and Humanitarian, Susanne Hening Neale
William Edward Dodd and the Progressive South, 1900-1908, George Robert Orser
The Role of the Vestry in Late Seventeenth-Century Virginia: Christ Church Parish, Middlesex County, 1663-1680 and 1695-1700, John Frederic Page
Maurice Francis Egan: Writer, Teacher, Diplomat, Caroline Patrice Peck
The Pattern of RNA Synthesis in Dormant and Germinating Statoblasts of Pectinatella magnifica, Virginia Kent Proud
The Governor's Council of Maryland, 1634-1689, Eleanor Putnam
Larval development of pagurus longicarpus (say) in laboratory culture, Morris H. Roberts Jr
Formation Cross Sections for Rb86 from Rb87 and Sr87 with Intermediate Energy Protons, Rae Worley Sawyer
Spatial Distribution, Movement, and Growth of the Bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, Michael John Sebetich
Nuclear magnetic resonance and knight shift of cadmium in dilute alloys, Robert Richard Slocum
The Distribution of Dissolved Fatty Acids in the James River Estuary and Adjacent Ocean Water, Thomas B. Stauffer
A theoretical investigation of electromagnetic waves obliquely incident upon a plasma slab, Calvin Thomas Swift
The Early Auditors of Virginia, 1680-1716, William John Thompson
Major Environmental Variables Affecting Grain Size Distribution in the Shoaling-Wave Zone Under Storm Conditions at Virginia Beach, Virginia, Dunnie Richard Tuck
Pionic and muonic x-rays in liquid Helium-4, Robert John. Wetmore
Status Differentiation within American Slavery, Margaret Pratt Williams
Optical radar observations of the stratosphere and mesosphere, Douglas Parker Woodman