Theses/Dissertations from 1969
Taxonomy and Distribution of Western Atlantic Bittium (Gastropoda: Mesogastropoda), Ella May Thomson Wulff
Token Economy: An Incentive Program for Chronic Mental Patients, Zeena Ellen Zeidberg
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
Studies of Labyrinthula spp in Culture, James P. Amon
To Save an Empire: The Earl of Dartmouth as American Secretary 1773-1775, Nancy Briska anderson
Age and Growth of the Blueback Herring Alosa aestivalis (Mitchill), Kenneth Lee Beal
Quantitative Analysis of Beach Sand Movement, Virginia Beach, Virginia, John D. Boon
The Ecological Significance of a Ctenophore, Mnemiopsis leidyi (A. Aggasiz), in a Fish Nursery Ground, Victor G. Burrell
Hydrozoa of Southern Chesapeake Bay, Dale R. Calder
The Social Institution of Insanity, Frank A. Chesno
Distribution of Chrysaora quinquecirrha in the York River, Harold Nelson Cones
The Effects of Repeated Exposures on Short Term Recognition, Lee Erwin Doerris
The Effect of Temperature on the Salinity-Induced Changes in the Free Amino Acid Pool of Mya arenaria, William D. DuPaul
The History of the Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, Janice Lynn Fivehouse
"Moderate" and "Radical" Republicans in the Senate in the First Session of the Thirty-Ninth Congress: An Interpretation, Curtis Edward Fooks
Story of a Regiment: The Campaigns and Personnel of the Fifteenth Virginia Cavalry, 1862-1865, John Bertram Fortier
Blood Physiology of a West Indian Frog, Leptodactylus fallax, Robert Edward Gatten
Taverns in Tidewater Virginia, 1700-1774, Patricia Ann Gibbs
A Calculation of Electron-Bremsstrahlung Produced in Thick Targets, Chris Gross
Species composition and distribution of net plankton diatoms in the Pacific sector of the Antarctic Ocean, Paul Eric Hargraves
Measurements of 2p-1s line widths in low-Z pionic atoms, Robert J. Harris Jr.
Infantile Stimulation and Later Behaviour in the C57bl/6j Mouse, Veena Kapur
Correlation of Perceptual and Cognitive Measures in Older Institutionalized Men, Carol Ann Horvat Kominski
Ovarian Function in the Ovoviviparous Elasmobranch Squalus acanthias: A Histological and Histochemical Study, Valentine A. Lance
Training in Paired-Associate Mediation for Elderly Subjects, Bryant Astor Lindsey
Seasonal Distribution of Dinoflagellates in the Lower York River, Virginia, Gail Brown Mackiernan
Heat of Combustion of Tris-(Acetylacetonato) Gallium III, Richard William MacNamee
Heats of Combustion of Some Tris (2,4-Pentanedionato) Metal (III) Complexes, Ronald Courtland Maynard
Age and Growth of the Striped Searobin, John D. McEachran
The Virginia Law Revision of 1748-49, Gwenda Morgan
Some Endoparasites of the Herpetofauna of Dominica, West Indies, and their Use as Clues to Host Zoogeography, Eugene William Nicholls
Multiple Bar Systems in Chesapeake Bay, Michael O'Brien
Habit Reversal in Parakeets, Chickens, and Rats, Martin Edward Pschirrer
Child-Rearing Attitudes of Process Schizophrenics, Alcoholics and their Mothers, Steven Marc Ratnow
The Anglican Church in Virginia 1723-1743, Joan Louise Rezner
Distribution of the Midwater Fishes of the Gulf of California, Bruce Hammond Robison
Crisis and Response: The Creation of Maryland's Militia, 1793-1794, John Kenneth Rowland
Measurements of pionic and muonic k(alpha) x-ray energies in low Z atoms, William Beeuwkes. Shuler
Field-Dependency and Process-Reactive Schizophrenia, Walter William Stelle
Guide to Estuarine and Inshore Bivalves of Virginia, Donna DeMoranville Turgeon
Effects of Small Quantities of Cornstarch and Dextrose on the Oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin), Kenneth Wayne Turgeon
Personality Patterns among Freshman Members of the Virginia General Assembly: A Testing of the James Barber Typology, Sue Crutchlow Whitley
Age and Growth of the Northern Searobin Prionotus carolinus (Linnaeus), Robert Seng-Pui Wong
Theses/Dissertations from 1967
Proton-Produced Defects in N-Type Silicon, Roger Allen Breckenridge
A Study of the Interference in Selective Attention on the Stroop Test, Elizabeth Secord Calder
Aids for Identification of Bivalve Larvae of Virginia, Paul Chanley
Bremsstrahlung Production in Thick Germanium Targets, Harold R. Compton
The Olive Branch Petition to the King, 1775, Lorna Gayle Cooper
The Distribution and Ecology of the Gammaridea (Crustacea, Amphipoda) of the Lower Chesapeake Estuaries, James B. Feeley
The Relationship between Age of Grouping and Weight of the Reproductive Organs of Male Prairie Deermice, R. H. Gardner
Historic Causation in the Histories of the United States of George Bancroft and Richard Hildreth, Susan Hill Grey
A Study of Unique Factorization Domains, James D. Harris
Littleton Waller Tazewell's Sketch of His Own Family 1823: Transcribed and Edited, Lynda R. Heaton
A Search for Defect Energy Levels Produced in Czochralski Grown Silicon Irradicated with 22 Mev Protons, using Infrared Absorption Techniques, Gerald Franklin Hill
Collective effects in stellar dynamics and plasma physics, Frank Hohl
Numerical Integration of Systems with Large Frequency Ratios, James Thompson Howlett
Measurements of Stark Widths of Argon Ion Lines, Nelson Wayne Jalufka
The American Image of Mussolini: Public Opinion and the Press in Italian-American Relations, 1922-1930, Laylon Wayne Jordan
The Administration of Lieutenant-Governor Hugh Drysdale, 1722-1726, Madeleine Curcio Kaduboski
Situational Factors in Emitted Reinforcing Behavior, Jo Ellen Kirssin
Imitation as a Function of Drive, Reinforcement, and Stimulus Ambiguity, Anne V. Larson
The Effect of Heterologous DNA and DNA Precursors on Irradiated L-Cells, David Chyi-Kwei Lin
Vapor Pressure and Heat of Sublimation of Gallium Acetylacetonate, Arthur John Massey
Laser backscatter measurements of the lower atmosphere, M. Patrick McCormick
The Export Trade of Four Colonial Virginia Ports, 1768, Beverly Wellings Miller
A Comparison of Ribosomal Ribonucleic Acid using Disc Electrophoresis, Carolyn Gene Mohler
An Analysis of Avoidance Behavior, Judith Ann Nichols
Legal Status of Women in Colonial Virginia, 1700-1785, Patricia Ann Padgett
Biochemical Patterns of Limnaea palustris Embryos, Warren Leonard Rottmann
A Comparison of (P,2n) and (P,Pn) Reactions on Cerium-140 at Intermediate Energies, Thomas Jean Ruth
Biosystematic Studies of Three Sympatric Elephantopus Species (Compositae), Mary V. Sheffy
Steepest Descent Techniques for Operator Equations, William T. Suit
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Studies of a Radiation-Induced Defect Center in Anthracene Crystals, Emmitt O. Wright
Intertidal Zonation of Marine Algae at Gloucester Point, Virginia, Barry Lee Wulff
Aggression and Growth in Confined Mouse Populations, Robert Walter Zemore
Theses/Dissertations from 1966
The Metabolism of Krebs Cycle Intermediates and Malonate by Eggs and Early Embryonic Stages of Arbacia punctulata, Russell Chancellor Addison
Selected Functions of an Educator in Medical Technology: The Teaching Supervisor, Camille Ann Atwood
Comparative Definitions of the Derivative, Richard Francis Barry
Changes in Minority Carrier Lifetime in Silicon and Gallium Arsenide Resulting from Irradiations with 22- and 40-Mev Protons, Marvin E. Beatty
Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Fouling Organisms in Hampton Roads, Virginia, Dale R. Calder
The Diary of Charles Campbell, October 4, 1861-April 5, 1862, Charles Campbell
Influence of Environmental Factors on Color Change in the Lizard, Anolis carolinensis, June Elizabeth Emerson
Simple Association Versus Mediation in Reversal Learning, William Martin Ewald
Virginia Enters the Union: A Legislative Study of the Commonwealth, 1789-1792, Susan Lee Foard
Overlearning and Reversal of a Successive Discrimination Task, Phyllis Ann Hornbuckle
Classification and Structures of the Tidal Marshes of the Poropotank River, Virginia, James Arthur Kerwin
Descriptions of Fecal Pellets of Some Common Invertebrates in the Lower York River and Lower Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, John N. Kraeuter
The Relation of the Divergent-Convergent Associative Processes to Mednick's Response Hierarchy Theory of Creativity, Evelyn Cecile Mayrand
Skin Reactivity, Allergic Diagnosis and Personality, Richard Herbert McCollum
The Origins of the British Expedition to the Carolinas, 1775-1776, William Leo Moran
The Wearing Apparel of the Women of Westmoreland County, Virginia, 1700-1775, Nancy Lou Oberseider
Relationship between RAT Scores and Associative Hierarchy, Donald Lee Philbrook
Investigation of a Two-Dimensional Negative Resistance Oscillator, Leo Rogon
A History of the Virginia Academy of Science, 1923-1945, Harry Joseph Staggers
Fourier Transforms in Euclidean K Space, Terry A. Straeter
John Millington, Civil Engineer and Teacher, 1779-1868, Lavonne Olson Tarleton
On the Solution to Partial Differential Equations by Means of Bergman's Integral Operator, George R. Young
A Test for the Aversiveness of an acquired Drive Based on Hunger, Jen-Hen Yu
Parasitic Copepods of Some Antarctic and New Zealand Fishes, David E. Zwerner
Theses/Dissertations from 1965
The Roles of Merlin, Morgan, and Nyneve in "Morte Darthur": The Supernatural in Arthur's Tragedy, Glenda Bates
A Study in Virginia Politics: The Virginia House of Delegates, 1794-1796, Richard R. Beeman