Theses/Dissertations from 1950
A Study of Procedures Used by Teachers with Pupils on Educational Trips to Williamsburg, Virginia, Florence Dickerson Graham
The Development of a Physical Education Program for a Small Virginia High School, William Emerson Harding
A Measure in Terms of Income of the Ability to Pay for Public Free Education, and of the Effort Exerted by the Counties and Cities in Virginia, School Year 1947-1948, Robert Stanley Harpine
The Development of a State System of Teacher Certification in Virginia, 1870-1950, James McKinley Helmer
An Evaluation of the Public Relations Program of the Public Schools of Alleghany County, Virginia, Walter Lee Hodnett
Adaptability of a Twelve-Year School Program to the Holland High School, Clyde G. Johnson
A Study of College Admissions Policies in Virginia as a Limitation on the Development of the High School Curriculum, John M. MacGregor
Some Hydrographic Conditions Found in Winter in Lower Chesapeake Bay and their Possible Effects on the Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun) Population, John Strathern MacGregor
A Suggested Procedure for Developing a Handbook in an Elementary School, Charles Nottingham Moore
An Inquiry into the Marketing Problems of the Virginia Apple Industry, Mogene D. Newman
A Study of Selected Elements of Successful Offense for Six-Man Football., Hugh Douglas Pitts
The Decline and Fall of Arcadia: A Study in Eighteenth Century Thought, Barbara Joan Richards
Leisure Time Activities of Intermediate Grade Children at Mat[t]hew Whaley School., Berta Lynnette Schneider
Post-Revolutionary Theatre in Virginia 1784-1810, Susanne Ketchum Sherman
An Analysis and Appraisal of the Women's Intramural Sports Program at the College of William and Mary, 1945-1950, Inez Lois Smith
An Economic Inventory of Region 1 in Virginia, Dale Eugen Sumption
Spawning Grounds of the Striped Bass or Rock, Roccus saxatilis (Walbaum), in Virginia, Ernest Frederick Tresselt
An Examination of Some Rural Community Houses in Virginia, Coolie Verner
Theses/Dissertations from 1949
A Survey of the Requirements for the Master's Degree in Education in 208 Colleges and Universities in the United States., William Locke Brittingham
State Regulation of Labor Relations, Deane Chalmers Carson
Jefferson Looks at England, 1774-1823: An Essay on the Relation between Jeffersonian Theory and Practice, H. Trevor Colbourn
A Study of What Teachers Desire in a Basic Course in Guidance., Kathleen Goodwin Cover
The Nature of Virginia Opposition to Great Britain, Stella F. Duff
Initial Steps in the Development of an Organized Guidance Program in Tazewell High School., Mary Annella Greever
A Suggested Procedure for Effective Staff Meetings in the Elementary School., Logan Corbin Harding
An Appraisal of the Home Instruction Program in Montgomery County, Maryland, 1947 1948, Elizabeth Nelson Harrow
The Enrollment Trends in the Public Schools of Virginia and Indications of their Significance, Edwin Marion Logan
A Survey and Appraisal of Guidance Services in the High Schools of Virginia 1948-49, David Clarence Pulley
A Study of the Expressed Intentions of Virginia Teachers in Military Service Concerning Returning to Teaching, Hughes Kennedy Reveley
A History of the Eastern State Hospital of Virginia Under the Galt Family (1773-1862), James Harding Siske
A Study of the Administration of an Educational Institution., William Joseph Story
Theses/Dissertations from 1948
The Morris Reading-Houses: A Study in Dissent, Robert Leland Bidwell
The Relationships between Certain Teacher Traits and the Quality of Instruction as Revealed by form M of the Evaluative Criteria, Cameron Benjamin Dickerson
Some Literary Expressions of the American Attitudes to the British-Indian Conflict, 1919 -1935, Dulcie Hilda Duke
A Physical Education Program for a Small Virginia High School, Henry Lester Hooker
Role of the School in a Cooperative Program for Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, Josephine Peters Killinger
Lucian Minor, Cosmopolitan Virginia Gentleman of the Old School, James Norman McKean
Educational Implications of Local Property Assessments in the Lower Peninsula Region of Virginia., Benjamin Thomas Peele
An Analysis of the Functions of the Visiting Teacher in Virginia, Edith Alva Sawyer
The Girl in the Novels of Marcel Proust., Dorothy Badders Schlegel
A Proposed Physical Education Curriculum for Boys in Virginia High Schools., Louis Asbury Simonson
Martial's Use of Physical Defects in His Epigrams, Caroline Warner Stott
A Study of Scholastic Achievement of Selected Veterans at the College of William and Mary., Roland Edwin Sykes
The Initiation and Development of Student Government in a Junior High School, Ruth Jones Wilkins
Theses/Dissertations from 1947
A Survey and Evaluation of Guidance Practices in the High Schools of Virginia, Roderick Jenkins Britton
Charles Campbell: Early Life and Works (1807-1847), William Howell Cryer
Educating the Korean Juvenile Delinquent for Democracy, Harold Dwight Eastman
The Continuing School Census System in a Small City, Horace James Good
Colonial Legislation Affecting the Powhatan Confederation, Deucalion Gregory
Alexander Brown and the Renaissance of Virginia History, Marvin E. Harvey
A Study of Personnel Practices and Teacher Morale, Margaret Jeter Jeter
Cytotaxonomic Notes on Chimaphila (L) Pursh, James Victor Miracle
A Study of Pupil Progress in the Schools of Brookville District, Laura Jeter Parker
Vocal Music in a City High School and its Contribution to Community Life, Charles Troxell
A Synthesis of General Principles in the Field of Human Development, Nelle Blanche Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 1946
The Development of the Public Free School System in Virginia, 1870-1945, Floyd Hudnall Christopher
Impact of World War II upon School Population Enrollment, and Attendance in the Hampton Roads-Peninsula Area., Alf Johnson Mapp
A Study of the Children Attending Matthew Whaley from an Area of Williamsburg., Dorothy Virginia Nanry
The Use of Measurement to Determine the Condition of Oysters in Virginia, Alice Elizabeth Overcash
Structural Organization of the Hopewell City and Prince George County School System on a Regional Basis., Charles William Smith
A Study of Certain Selected Factors Related to Withdrawals, Kenneth Scott Tyler
Activities of a County Supervisor., Frances Treakle Whaley
Theses/Dissertations from 1945
An Experiment in Developing in Fourth Grade Children the Ability to Use English Through Experiences with Folklore Materials, Bessie Jennings Ansell
A Third Grade's Experience in Creative Writing., Mary Elizabeth Bowers
Educational Inequalities in Twenty Virginia Counties, Alexander Dudley Bragg
Experiences of a Fifth Grade in Marine Biology, Anna Roper Bruechert
Proposal for Consolidation of the White Public Schools in Lancaster and Northumberland Counties in 1945., Carrington Samuel Cockrell
The Development of the Local School Administrative Unit in Virginia and the Consequent Enlargement of the Duties of the Local Administrator, Cashell Donahoe
A Study of Practices and Trends in Promotion of Pupils in City School Systems, William Ashby Manson
An Analysis of the Philosophy of the Matthew Whaley School, Williamsburg, Virginia, Mildred Bienfait Matier
A Study of Changes in School and Community Resulting from Cooperative Action of Community Leaders and Teachers., Woodrow Wilson Piland
Distribution of the Fungus Lagenidium callenectes Couch and its Effect on Eggs of the Blue Crab, Mary Rosalie Rogers
A Study of Strengths and Weaknesses of Virginia High Schools as Revealed in the Reports of Evaluating Committees, James Leonard Walthall
Theses/Dissertations from 1944
A Proposal for the Coordination of Private Boys' Camps and Secondary Schools in Virginia, Robert Sydnor Bailey
A Study of the Differences in Ability and Performance in Two Sixth Grades, Helen Elizabeth Riis McDowell
The Development of Education in Spotsylvania County, 1721-1944, Charles Melvin Snow
Theses/Dissertations from 1943
A Study of Personal Relationships Within a Seventh Grade Class, Mary Carter
A Study in the Development of Cooperative Living in an Elementary School, Virginia Richardson Case
A Mental Health Survey of Four Hundred White Children of the Sixth Grade in the Portsmouth Public Schools, Eugene Greenfield
Notes on the Biology and Commercial Fishery of the Catfish of the James River, Virginia, Winston Menzel
A Comparative Study of the Use of Figurative Language by Plato and St. Paul., Joseph Boyd Williams
A Study of Human Development Through Esthetic Experiences, Margaret Fox Winder
Theses/Dissertations from 1942
An Economic and Sociological Survey of Lancaster County and the Relationship to the Educational Program, 1930-1940, James Judson Booker
Benedictine Monachism and its Contribution to Education Past and Present, Vincent de Paul Campbell
A Program for using Colonial Williamsburg as a Laboratory for the Study of Colonial Life, Louise Birnie Forsyth
A Study of the Causes of Failure Occuring in the Suffolk, Virginia, High School During the 1940-1941 School Session., William Thomas Harry
The Establishment of the Huguenots in Virginia, Mary Wilson Bohannan Land
A Study of Student Personnel Practices in Virginia Colleges, M. A. F. Ritchie
Factors Influencing Failure among Students in Schools of Nursing, Elizabeth Eleanor Sanders
William Randolph, of Turkey Island, Progenitor of a Famous Family, James Eldred Swartz
Theses/Dissertations from 1941
Study, Partial Description and Age Determination of Two Human Embryos, Belan Maria Bernabe-Prida
A Study of Withdrawals from a Small Rural High School, Evelyn Lindsey Berry
How Groups of Children Developed Values in Their School Work Through the Use of the Resources in Their Communities., Merle Davis
Personality Traits as Factors in Speech Proficiency, H. Haddon Dudley
A Survey of the Division of Purchase and Printing, Commonwealth of Virginia., John S. Harris
Non-English European Race Elements in Virginia, 1607-1776, Carlos Arbra Loop
Indecorus Language in Shakespeare, Alice Cowles Morris
The Governor of Virginia as Business Manager, Blake Tyler Newton
A Study of the Attitudes of Parents in Sections of Virginia and Florida toward their Schools, John Gibson Reveley
Mitosis in Leaves, Bernice Marguerite Speese