Theses/Dissertations from 1965
On Hereditary Properties of Topological Spaces, John Turner Conway
Characterizations of Real Linear Algebras, Anthony Paul Cotroneo
On Perfect Numbers, David Thomas Eastham
Effect of Environmental Salinity on the Amino Acids of Balanus improvisus Darwin, Joan L. Faunce
Bremsstrahlung Production in Lanthanum Thick Targets, David Neil Ferguson
Bounds for the Eigenvalues of a Matrix, Kenneth Ross Garren
Colonial Dining Equipage and Furnishings as Revealed in Isle of Wight County Records, 1743-1752, Mary Lee Glenn
Measurement of N₂X¹[sigma]⁺g rotational and vibrational temperatures over a 300⁰ K to 1100⁰ K range using a high-energy electron beam, William Winslow Hunter
The Distribution of Hydrolytic Enzymes and Ribonucleic Acid in Subcellular Fractions from Eggs and Adult Tissue of Arbacia punctulata, Charlotte Jackson
Reduction of Sensory Environment: Effects on Measures of Body Image and Perceptual Orientation, George Robert Jacobson
The Effects of Environmental Salinity on Free Amino Acids of Crassostrea virginica, Maurice Patrick Lynch
Thick Target Bremsstrahlung Production in Silicon, Maurice C. McGee
Sequential Binary Prediction in Children and Adults, Marianne Irmgard Paclisanu
The Structure of South Carolina Politics 1783-1787, Angeline Polites
Nonlinear Response of an Oscillating Discharge to Very High Frequency Signals, Daniel Burnley Raiford
Functional Morphology of the Mouth Parts of Pagurus longicarpus Say, Morris H. Roberts
The Evolution of Confederate Policy Regarding Interbelligerent Commerce in the Civil War, Judith Baker Rutherford
A Formula for Predicting the Angular Distribution of Thick Target Bremsstrahlung, William Wayne Scott
A Study of the Scup (Stenotomus chrysops), Based on Data Obtained from Catches of the 1963-64 Winter Trawl Fishery, Wallace Gibb Smith
Analogous Concepts of Normal Subgroups and Ideals, Ellen Joyce Stone
The British Slave Trade to Virginia, 1698-1728, Elizabeth Louise Suttell
Incubation of Anxiety as Measured by Response Suppression, Roger M. Tarpy
Development of a Textbook Concerned with Municipal Government for Use in Secondary Schools in Danville, Virginia, Theodore Edward Temple
Matrix Approach to Quadric Surfaces, Maria Vallas
The Uniform and Uniform Stieltjes integrals, Barry James Walsh
On the Proof of Cauchy's Theorem, Raoul Louis Weinstein
Theses/Dissertations from 1964
Solar Cycle Effects on Inner Belt Protons, Robert C. Blanchard
A Study and Comparison of the Consumption Basis of Taxation, Douglas Wayne Blevins
The Military Career of William Booth Taliaferro, April 1861-February 1863, Robert Charles Bolander
The Omegatron in Ultra High Vacuum Partial Pressure Analysis, James McLure Bradford
On the Sequence of "Lucky Numbers", Beverly Roane Campbell
On the Basis Theorem for Abelian Groups, Robert Marsden Chapman
Stimulus Reduction and Augmentation, Moods, and Reliability of Kinesthetic Figural Aftereffects, Richard Lockwood Cherry
Symmetric functions, Neil Hiden Drummond
Four Classical Generations of Euler's [phi]-function, Robert Jackson Hursey
Shipbuilding in Virginia, 1763-1774, William Martin Kelso
Capsalids (Monogenea: Capsalidae) of Some Australian Fishes, Adrian R. Lawler
Performance of First Grade Children on the Bender Gestalt Test Under Conditions of Timed Presentation, Dale William Leonard
The Powers of the Governor in Early Eighteenth-Century Virginia, Anita Joy Lonnes
The Mathematics Teacher Shortage, Class Size and Programmed Learning, William Maltby
The Caprellidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) of Virginia and a Partial Revision of Mayer's Varieties of Caprella acutifrons Latreille, John C. McCain
Scintillation in the Ionosphere, M. Patrick McCormick
Investigation of Thermal Conductivity Gage Calibrations in Condensible Vapors, Leonard Theodore Melfi
A Study of Osmotic Response in Neomysis americana Smith, Robert J. Miller
Virginia High School Journalism Contrasted with the Professional Concept of Journalism, Paul Frederick Rule
The Effect of Copper Sulfate on Spot, Leiostomus xanthurus, Charles Rutherford
Equivalent Forms of the Axiom of Choice, Leon Francis Sagan
A Study of Satellite Amplitude Scintillation and its Correlation with Radio Star Scintillation, William Beeuwkes Shuler
On the Metrization Problem, James Clarence Smith
Orphans' Courts in Colonial Virginia, Evelyn McNeill Thomas
Hemispherical Spectral Emittance of Ablation Chars, Carbon, and Zirconia to 3,700 degrees K, Robert Gale Wilson
Improving a Method for Numerical Construction of Wave Rays, W. Stanley Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 1963
On Compactness and Related Concepts, Willard Robert Boland
Some Considerations of an Axial Arc in a Radial Magnetic Field, Philip Brockman
Monogenetic Trematodes of Some New Zealand Fishes, W. A. Dillon
Nutrient Limitation of Primary Production in the York River, Virginia, Robert Omer Fournier
Wind-Tunnel Measurements of the Aerodynamic Damping and Oscillatory Stability in Pitch of a Sphere at Mach Numbers from 0.20 to 4.63, Robert Ashworth Kilgore
Effects of High-Energy X-Rays on the Reproduction of Urosalpinx cinerea, Kenneth Allen Leon
Diurnal and Seasonal Variations of Satellite Scintillation, John David Martin
Rocket Observations of the Earth's Limb, Thomas B. McKee
Abolitionism and Revivalism: A Study in Religious and Political Motivation, Sandra Lang McNair
Thick Target Bremsstrahlung Production, Donald I. McRee
A Technique for Measuring the Electrical Conductivity of Moving Conductors, Joseph Norwood
A Study of the Al27 (d,p) Al28 Reaction, Richard Heath Parker
Bimodal-Cavity Measurement of the Microwave Faraday Effect in a Gaseous Magnetoplasma, Maurice Terrell Raiford
Ben Jonson: The Poet as Maker, Glenda Pevey Rhyne
On the Problem of Radio Signal Attenuation during Hypervelocity Reentry, David Joseph Romeo
A Quantitative Study of Benthic Fauna in Lower Chesapeake Bay with Emphasis on Animal-Sediment Relationships, Richard Byron Stone
Experimental Studies on the Phototactic Response of the Marine Isopod, Ligia exotica (Roux), John Wesley Vogel
On Convolution of Arithmetic Functions, Nathaniel Riddick Withers
Theses/Dissertations from 1962
Angular Distribution of Satellite Scintillation, Joseph Kunkle Alexander
A Comparative Study: Two Methods of Teaching French 101-102 at the College of William and Mary in Virginia, 1959-1961, Virginia Nelson Anding
Robert Carter Letterbook, 1764-1768, Robert Carter
VHF Oscillations in a Penning Gauge, Robert Newman Dennis
Observations on the Winter Trawl Fishery for Summer Flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, Peter J. Eldridge
Rousing a Nation: The "Virginia Gazettes" and the Growing Crisis 1773-1774, Willard Chabot Frank
A Theory of Space Probe Entry Near the Low-Meteoric Velocity Limit, Frederick Cyril Grant
The Chaetognatha of the Inner Continental Shelf Waters off Virginia, their Taxonomy, Abundance, and Dependence on Physical Factors of the Environment, George Clifford Grant
Modifications of the Chesapeake Bay Commercial Crab Pot, Peter Alan Isaacson
The Development of the Elementary Music Curriculum Guide for Princess Anne County-Virginia Beach City Schools, Irene Altheide Korte
The Visibility of an Object in a Space Environment, Dennis J. Martin
Considerations of the Motion of a Small Body in the Vicinity of the Stable Liberation Points of the Earth-Moon System, William H. Michael
Some Physical Properties of an Axial Electric Arc in a Radial Magnetic Field, Robert Norris Rigby
A Study of Luminous-Shock Fronts in an Electromagnetic Shock Tube, James Franklin Roach
Studies on Osmotic and Ionic Regulation in the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, Eng-chow Tan
The Republicans, 1800-1804: A Study in Political Consistency, Susan Anne Torbit
Adsorption of Radionuclides on Clay Minerals, J. Ernest Warinner
The Effect of Pronunciability, Familiarity, and Mode of Presentation on Acquisition of CVC Trigrams, John Marion Williams
Chemistry of Chesapeake Bay Sediments, David Kenneth Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1961
Analysis of a Vertically Rising Vehicle, Sheldon Baron
The Effect of Stimulus Differentiation and Intertrial Interval on Spontaneous Alternation Behavior in Rats, Vernon Stephen Bisese
Ego Threat and Noxious Stimulation as a Means of Inducing the Inhibition of Associative Recall, John Henry Borghi
Comparison of Simultaneous and Successive Tachistoscopic Presentation of Binary Patterns, David Sumner Camp
A Study at a Mach Number of 2.01 of the Shock Boundary-Layer Interaction Resulting from the Deflection of a Wedge Mounted on a Bypass Plate, Emma Jean Landrum
The Early Political Career of Robert Carter Nicholas, 1728-1769, William J. Lescure
Morphology and Histology of the Reproductive Organs of Urosalpinx civerea (Say) and Eupleura caudata (Say), Richard Byron Moore
Angle Sensitivity of a Silicon Cell Solar Sensor Application of Electromagnetic Radiation Pressure for Plasma Acceleration, Theodore Morin
Social Mobility in Puritan Massachusetts: A Case Study of Fifty Indentured Servants and Apprentices in Essex County, 1630-1680, Richard Albert Rutyna
Some Effects of Three Dosages of Alcohol on Several Measures of Performance in an Alley Maze, Nelson Fay Smith
Angle Sensitivity of a Silicon Cell Solar Sensor, Paul R. Spencer