Theses/Dissertations from 1977
Social and Demographic Factors in Perinatal Mortality: A Study Conducted in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, R. Douglass Arbuckle
A study of the effects of a group education program, systematic training for effective parenting, upon parental self concept and assessment of child behavior, Marcia Thompson Bauer
A Reading of Death and Life, Lisa Belloni
The ecology of the marine Cladocera of lower Chesapeake Bay, Burton Barker Bryan
The effects of peer facilitator self-disclosure upon adolescent self-disclosure in a group interview, William Arthur Butler
Imagery and Syntactic Reconstruction of Sentences, Patrick James Carroll
Race, Relief and Politics: The Civilian Conservation Corps in Virginia, 1933-1942, Joseph Carvalho
Theory of amorphous copper-nickel alloys, Kun-San Chang
Situational and Interpersonal Influences on the Perception of Prosocial Behavior, Rosemary Eleanore Clark
The Use of Plans for Self-Control: A Developmental Study, Pamela Marie Cole
Vascular Flora of the Jones and Mill Creek Watershed, Powhatan County, Virginia, Celeste Maureen Corcoran
The Randolphs of Turkey Island : a prosopography of the first three generations, 1650-1806, Gerald Steffens Cowden
The relationship between college freshmen resident students' levels of maturity and the attribution of causality for a stimulus person's behavior, Terry Bradford Cox
The effects of conditioning the American oyster (Crassostrea virginica) with Tetraselmis suecica and cornstarch on the growth, vigor and survival of its larvae, Laura Lee Creekman
The National Committee for Citizens in Education: A Descriptive Analysis, Elizabeth Lewis Crutchfield
The relationship of principal-teacher life style and interpersonal need compatibilities to principals' ratings of teacher performance, Joseph Roland Davis
The Effects of Environmental Variables on the Heart Rate of Invertebrates, Peter L. DeFur
Effects of the small components of the nuclear wave function on threshold pionic disintegration of the deuteron, Etienne Amedee. Delacroix
The effects of pollution on benthic communities of the tidal James River, Virginia, Robert J. Diaz
Reproductive Behavior of the Spider Meycyanogea lemniscata, Robert Thomas Doyle
The Powhatan Uprising of 1622 : a historical study of ethnocentrism and cultural conflict, John Frederick Fausz
Theodore Roethke's "Beckoning Rose", Celeste Goodridge
Suppress and protect: the United States Navy, the African slave trade, and maritime commerce, 1794-1862, Judd Scott Harmon
A method of evaluating a planning, programming, budgeting system (PPBS) : a case study of Virginia Union University, Ruth Coles Harris
Measurement of radiative muon capture in calcium, Richard Dennis Hart
An investigation of selected experimental methods for increasing military service veteran applications for enrollment in selected colleges of the Virginia community college system, Frederic Allison Henney
Effects Of Petroleum Hydrocarbons On Salt Marsh Communities, Carleton H. Hershner Jr.
Copper and zinc in bottom sediments and oysters, Crassostrea virginica, from Virginia's estuaries, R. J. Huggett
Crowding and Housing Satisfaction: An Exploratory Study, Kathleen Marie Joyce
"Heart of Darkness" and "Benito Cereno": A Comparative Study, Carla Mary Kay
Dielectric Relaxation in the UHF and RF Regions, Theodore Bryant Kingsbury
Currents in Contemporary American Evangelical Political Thought, Darrell Romanus Kopp
Absorption of orthophosphate and tripolyphosphate by clay minerals, Carol A. Lake
The effects of petroleum on the salt marsh ecosystem, James L. Lake
Ishmael and His Sleeping Partners, John Langley
Cross field current instabilites in a vlasov plasma, Don S. Lemons
The office of the Principal Secretary in the Reign of Mary Tudor (1553-1558): Some Aspects of the Conduct of State Business, David Frederick Long
The Effects of Subliminal Aggressive and Symbiotic Stimulation on Ego Functioning in Two Subtypes of Schizophrenics, Lori Kay Loveland
Characterization of Carbohydrates in Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Hemolymph, Robert Joel Lowy
Littletown Plantation, 1700-1745, James Patrick McClure
Effects of Personal Similarity and Situational Possibility on Attributions of Personal Responsibility for Institutionalization, Phyllis White Oksner
Affective development training and disability simulation with sighted children and its effects on interaction strain and attitudes toward visually handicapped peers, Christopher Raymond Ovide
The Voice of Doubt, the Voice of Denial: A Comparative Study of Anne Bradstreet and Emily Dickinson, Eloise Suzanne Owens
Locus of Control, Extraversion and Preferred Style of Defense, Daniel Jeremy Ozer
Effects of Pre-Conception Parental Stress on Sex Ratio in Rat Litters, Pamela L. Parent
The Work of Clarence S Stein, 1919-1939, Prudence Anne Phillimore
Relationships among Skin Conductance Activity, Averaged Evoked Potential Amplitude, and Behavior in Chronic Schizophrenia, C. Michael Powell
Faculty perceptions of selected characteristics of full-time students attending Rappahannock Community College, fall quarter 1975, Oscar L. Prater
Eighteenth-century Alexandria, Virginia, before the Revolution, 1749-1776, Thomas M. Preisser
Play Preferences in Children's Art: A Study of Gender Roles, Amelia Baxter Pullen
Discord and Unity: Soviet Dissident Thought, Kevin M. Quinley
Forecasting Beach Erosion along the Oceanic Coastlines of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States, William S. Richardson
Pious Wives and "Hen-Pecked" Husbands: White Women, Evangelical Religion, and the Honor Ethic in the Old South, Sharon Elizabeth Romeo
A Focus of attention and its effects on the attribution of blame for children's problems, Ellen Kean Rudolph
The Tidewater Virginia Osprey Population, Gary Lynn Seek
Comedy and Tragedy in Joseph Conrad's "Nostromo", Audrey Joan Serniak
The use of the career motivation process as a means of influencing the self concept and career development of tenth grade students, Sanford Dean Snider
From Cold War to Detente: Acheson, Dulles, Kissinger and their Perceptions of American Foreign Policy in the Nuclear Age, Richard Lee Stevens
Behavior in a World of Flux: Rochester's Poetic Vision, Mitchell A. Sutterfield
Social and Reproductive Consequences of Bridging Asymptotic Laboratory Populations of Prairie Deermice, Betty Ann Swenson
Tone and Intention in Swift's Verses on His Own Death, Eleanor Leslie Taylor
An approach to the measurement of unit costs in higher educationÂ, Robert David Teitelbaum
Nitrogen fixation in Virginia salt marshes and the effects of chronic oil pollution on nitrogen fixation in the Mobjack Bay marshes, Alyce Diane Thomson
Cyclic AMP and Enzyme Induction in Aging Cultures of Aspergillus ornatus, Dennis Francis Unger
The Nesting Ecology of Several Species of Herons and the Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) in Three Heronries in Virginia, Barbara Susan Warren
The Child of Decrepitude: Sexual Incompetence in "Tristram Shandy", Nancy Joe Weeks
Black Leadership in a Small Town, William Harry Whitley
Ideology and Change in the Kibbutz, Jeffrey Jay Wilhelms
Some Characteristics of Enzyme Induction in Aging Cultures of Aspergillus ornatus, Pamela Hunt Wilson
Effect of Various Algal Diets and Larval Density in the Larviculture of the American Oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin), Nancy T. Windsor
Reversals of Fate in "The Knight's Tale", John Wing
Discrimination of Simple Patterns by the Honeybee Apis mellifera, Mary Agnes Linehan Wiseman
A Role Analysis of Police Chiefs in Contemporary Departments, Thomas Wolf
Theses/Dissertations from 1976
Robert Pleasants Letterbook, 1771-1773, Betsy August
Attitudes toward Drinking and Drunkeness in Seventeenth-Century Virginia, Kendra Bonnett
Geomorphic Interpretation of Vegetation on Fisherman Island, Virginia, Mark Eliot Boule
Calculation of deuteron wave functions with relativistic interactions, Warren Wesley Buck
Life History of the Spotfin Killifish, Fundulus luciae (Pisces Cyprinodontidae), in Fox Creek Marsh, Virginia, Donald M. Byrne
Geomorphic Processes of a Drowned River Valley, Lower York River Estuary, Virginia, Michael Joseph Carron
Stability and spectra of the bumpy theta pinch, Thomas E. Cayton
Aspects of systematics, morphology, life history and feeding of western Atlantic sciaenidae (pisces: perciformes), Labbish Ning. Chao
The effects of rational self-counseling upon the locus of control of treated subjects, Thomas Warren Clawson
Foraging Ecology of the Common Yellowthroat, the Prairie Warbler and the White-Eyed Vireo, Otis Bland Crowder
Quadrupole modulation of NMR free induction decays, M. Kent Cueman
Hemingway's Sub-Text in "The Sun Also Rises", Nigel Alastair Roy Cutting
Development of a Tidal Prism Model and its Application to the Pagan River, Virginia, Angela D'Amico
The Ecological Basis of Voting Behavior in Two State Senates, Wesley Sutphen Dennis
Vascular Flora of the Kent Branch Watershed, Fluvanna County, Virginia, George M. Diggs
The Search for Truth: Narrative Technique in "Lord Jim" and "Absalom, Absalom!", Jacquelyn King Donegan
A comparison of the relative efficiencies of reinforcement and trait-expectancy theories in the prediction and control of self-esteem, David Edward Dooley
Primary Production and Plant Community Structure in a Tidal Freshwater Marsh, Damon G. Doumlele
Role conceptions of faculty and clinicians in the field of physical therapy, John Lennox Echternach
A Survey of the Role of Upper Houses in Six Select Westminster-Model Parliamentary Democracies, Bruce Richard Eells
Policies and practices of coordination and cooperation between the public community colleges and the public senior colleges and universities in Virginia, Donald James Finley
The effects of gender similarities and differences between subject and stimulus on dropout prediction, Joan James George
Unusual Responses and Overinclusive Thinking in Subgroups of Schizophrenics, David Michael Gilfoil
Plankton dynamics in a temperate estuary with observations on a variable hydrographic condition, Leonard W. Haas