Theses/Dissertations from 1979
Municipal structure and citizens' attitudes, Lee Francis Mumpower
"Tales of the Jarvis Valley": A study of Dylan Thomas' early fiction, Nancy C. Parrish
Motivated Attributions of Responsibility: Defensive Attribution, Glenn Paule-Carres
Ralph Wormeley V of Rosegill: A deposed Virginia aristocrat, 1774--1781, Jonathan H. Poston
Comparative social structure among mammals, Kenna Louise Rogers
A comparison of the herpetofauna of four different-aged wooded stands, George Joseph Rosa
On the water masses of Norfolk Canyon, Evon Paul Ruzecki
The Richmond Newspaper Debate Over Know-Nothingism 1854-1855, John Daniel Schminky
The education through nature of Robert Jordan in "For Whom the Bell Tolls", Francis J. Sersanti
The effects of relaxation and positive suggestion on early symptoms of senility in older adults in an institutional setting, Helen Gernert Simons
A comparison of the perceptions of the characteristics of secondary teachers by black and white secondary school students in an urban school district, Robert Wilson Sizemore
Predicting student attrition at an urban college, E. Michael. Staman
The southern lady ideal in the life of Cynthia Beverly Tucker, 1840-1870, Doris C. Sturzenberger
Theory of electron detachment in collisions of negative ions with atoms, Ronald David Taylor
Exposure to violence and personality characteristics associated with conflict resolution techniques in intrafamily conflict, Carolyn Foster Tighe
St George Tucker's two "Old Batchellor" essays on duelling: An edition with critical commentary, Gary Dale Turner
Planktonic molluscan faunal structure across a large-scale environmental gradient, Michael Vecchione
Effects of objective self-awareness upon self concepts of persons with high or low empathy, Lawrence Bryant Vehrs
The diaries of Henry A Washington, 1842--1845, H. A. Washington
Cell phases during endoreduplication induced by Colcemid or radiation in cultured human lymphocytes, Kenneth Eugene Weber
The faunal assemblages, community structure and life history patterns of Decapod crustacea from the Middle Atlantic Bight, Elizabeth Lewis. Wenner
Distribution of macrobenthic mollusca and amphipoda in relation to a sharp thermal front: Cape Hatteras region, North Carolina, Donald Paul Weston
Continuity and change: Consociational democracy in the Benelux countries, John Hunter Porter Williams
The spatial distribution and agonistic behavior of an eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) population on Jamestown Island, Virginia, Marston Earl Youngblood
Irreversible nongenetic temperature adaptation of oxygen uptake in clones of the sea anemone Haliplanella luciae (Verrill), William Ernest Zamer
Development and application of Pleistocene sea level curve to the coastal plain of southeastern Virginia, Linda R. Zellmer
Theses/Dissertations from 1978
The effects of overwash on the vegetation of a Virginia barrier island, Christine Baumann
Intrapsychic and interpersonal personality and temperament changes in marital dyads resulting from a marriage enrichment program based on rational-emotive therapy, Russell Everett Bigney
The mythical monolith: American China policy and the Sino-Soviet split, 1945--1972, Rhonda Smither Blunt
The ultrastructure of cell division in male reproductive branches of Polysiphonia denudata, Cynthia Louise Bosco
The Deutschnationale Volkspartei and the Dawes Plan, 1923--1924, William Phillip Bradley
Female candidates for Virginia councils, 1976-1977, Agnes Logan Braganza
The attitudes of community college faculty toward academically disadvantaged students, Carolyn Rudd Brown
A study of the differential effects of three career counseling techniques on career-related activities and attitudes of black college freshmen, Judith Glenn Burke
Henry St George Tucker, legal educator, Alta Elizabeth Cassady
A study of teacher effectiveness training upon secondary school teachers and their pupils, William Norwood Cox
"The tale of Sir Tristam": its role in Malory's "Le morte Darthur", Barbara Ann Crump
The John Custis Letterbook, 1724 to 1734, John Custis
The chameleon poet's delight: Keats' treatment of the serpent tradition in "Lamia", Terrie Diane Dopp
Electrically-induced shifts of the gallium arsenide nuclear spin levels, Katherine Ann. Dumas
The incumbency effect: An analysis of Virginia's Second Congressional District, Mary Catherine Dunn
The English Alien Acts, 1793-1826, David LuVerne Ferch
"Sensing the sea": An inquiry-oriented approach to marine science for grades kindergarten through three, Ellen Odell Fisher
Thomas Road Baptist Church: A study of the new fundamentalism, Betty Gail Flint
Community college faculty members' attitudes toward correctional inmates : an attempt to increase faculty participation in off-campus instruction at correctional institutions, Arthur Howard Friedman
The Automated Environmental Information and Design Analysis System, George William Gavaras
Pheromone communication in the reproductive behavior of Callinectes sapidus, Richard Alan Gleeson
In vitro propagation and tissue culture of selected monocots, Reid Harvey Graves
The interaction of eolian sand transport, vegetation, and dune geomorphology: Currituck Spit, Virginia-North Carolina, Andrew L. Gutman
The effects of nonverbal warm-up exercises upon group counseling effectiveness with adolescent groups, Charles Grayson Guyer II
A study of the interrelationships among perceived leader behavior of principals, assessments of organizational output and teacher morale in the secondary schools of the Roman Catholic diocese of Richmond, Mitchell James Hartson
A study of the relationship between the importance of certain feedback sources and classroom teacher performance, Mary Tillotson Helliesen
Salt and water balance in the oligohaline clam, Rangia cuneata, Raymond Peter Henry
Bacterial Response to Crude Oil Spillage in a Salt Marsh, Russell Paul Herwig
The effects of administrative style and communications on faculty perceptions of shared authority in the Virginia community college system, Larry M. Hewin
The relationship of the actualizing process and the Human Potential Seminar to the self-concept and self-actualization of community college students, Carolyn W. Hines
Zooplankton distribution, biomass, biochemical composition and seasonal community structure in lower Chesapeake Bay, Fred Jacobs
Stress reactions by Black females in viewing conflict and no-conflict videotapes of a Black male or female as a function of the subject's blood pressure level and of history of stress, andrea Jean James-andrews
Pastoral imagery in Irving's "History of New York", Elizabeth Maria Johns
The Panama Canal treaties: A possible exception to the usual relationship between public opinion and foreign policy, Donna Sibley Johnston
The effects of a beginning art history class on selected aspects of creative disposition and verbal expressiveness in college students, Leslie Schenkman Kaplan
Identification and characterization of abnormal erythrocyte membrane proteins in hereditary spherocytosis, Clement Stokes Kirkland
The admission of religious nonconformists to the universities of Oxford and Cambridge and to degrees in those universities, 1828--1871, Valerie K. Lund
The reproductive biology and population dynamics of black sea bass, Centropristis striata, Linda P. Mercer
Role satisfaction in the sisterhood, Jacqueline Veronica Mikulka
The population, habitat, behavioral and foraging ecology of the red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) in southeastern Virginia, Gary L. Miller
The Knights of Labor and "the color line", Richmond, 1886, Claudia Ann Miner
Extending their usefulness: Women in mid-nineteenth-century Richmond, Rebecca Mary Mitchell
Perceived racial discrimination and political-racial stereotyping, Stephen John Morewitz
Theory of solid state muonSR experiments: positive muon hyperfine fields and trap-limited spin depolarization, Ram Lal Munjal
Effects of hotline voice quality on willingness to self-disclose, Nancy Sherman Musika
The library of Francis Jerdone, David Gerard Null
Planktonic fish eggs and larvae of the lower Chesapeake Bay, John E. Olney
Edaphic factors and forest vegetation in Virginia coastal plain swamps, Susan Emily Parsons
Numerical experiments with the multi-grid method, Theodore Craig Poling
Helper empathy and retention of empathetic skills on hotline telephone, Gail Wood Robertson
Life history aspects of the gray tilefish, Caulolatilus microps (Goode and Bean, 1878), Jeffrey L. Ross
Gloucester County, Virginia, in the American Revolution, Joanne Wood Ryan
A study of administrators' perceptions of change in three private liberal arts women's junior colleges : Averett, Southern Seminary, Virginia Intermont, in Virginia from 1966 to 1976, Aine Peterson Smith
Studies of negative ion-atom scattering at low collision energies, Barry T. Smith
Three American ambivalences in the works of Sidney Lanier, Wayne Studer
Semiclassical calculation of vibrational energy levels of nonseparable systems, Randall T. Swimm
Who is the Soviet politician?, Corliss Anne Tacosa
The capacity to wonder: An approach to C S Lewis' "Chronicles of Narnia", Deborah Cynthia Taylor
The cultivation theme in Hawthorne's novels, Jill Meznar Thompson
A study of the circadian rhythm and pre and post puberty concentrations of serum prolactin in male prairie deermice (Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii), Michael Kevin Thompson
A consideration of idealism in Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" and "Lord Jim", Wilbur Lee Thompson
The College of William and Mary, 1849-59: The Memoirs of Silas Totten, Silas Totten
The use of social interest, activity and affect as reflected in early recollections as predictors of stress in an analogue social situation, Michael D. Traver
The New Orleans riot of 1866 : the anatomy of a tragedy, Gilles Vandal
Shell-less opisthobranchs of Virginia and Maryland, Rosalie M. Vogel
Making a living on the continental slope and in the deep-sea: life history of some dominant fishes of the Norfolk Canyon area, Charles Anthony Wenner
Gamma ray radiation studies of undoped GaAs, William P. Winfree
Reduction of 1,2 cyclopentanedione with lithium aluminum hydride, David Curtis Winn
A sociological study of the needs of the elderly in a subarea of Hampton, Virginia, Dale Purnell Yeatts
A study of black female assertiveness, Dale Purnell Yeatts
The relationship of principal's level of moral development and school organizational climate, James L. Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
The use of active memory encoding strategies by thought disordered and non-thought disordered schizophrenics, Lois Abramczyk