Submissions from 1990
A Review of the Fishery Management Plan for Sea Scallops, Placopecten magellanicus, James E. Kirkley and William D. DuPaul
Elimination of the Meat Count Standard on Sea Scallops, Placopecten magellanicus: A Preliminary Assessment, James E. Kirkley and William D. DuPaul
Marine Pollution Impacts on Living Marine Resources, Herbert M. Austin
Public Oyster Shoal Survey - Spring 1990, Bruce Barber
Status of the Major Oyster Diseases in Virginia 1989 A Summary of the Annual Monitoring Program, Eugene M. Burreson
Status of the Virginia Public Oyster Fishery - Fall 1990, Bruce Barber
Submissions from 1989
A Summary of Continuing Research with Non Native Oysters at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Roger L. Mann
Catch Projection for the 1988-89 Blue Crab Dredge Fishery, Rom Lipcius and Willard A. Van Engel
Field Studies of Comparative Settlement of Oyster Larvae on Oyster Shell, Expanded Shale and Tire Chips, Roger L. Mann
Laboratory and Field Studies of Oyster Larvae Settlement on Three Substrates, Oyster Shell, Tire Chips, and Expanded Shale, and the Relative Mobility of the Three Substrates, Mary C. Gibbons, Roger L. Mann, and L. D. Wright
Marine Fishery Population Trends Current and Emerging Natural Resource Issues, Herbert Austin
Prevalence of the Major Oyster Diseases in Virginia Waters 1988 A Summary of the Annual Monitoring Program., Eugene M. Burreson
Public Oyster Shoal Survey - Spring 1989, Bruce Barber
Status of the Public Oyster Fishery of Virginia - Fall 1989, Bruce Barber
Submissions from 1988
A Comparative Analysis of the Effects on Technical Efficiency and Harvest of Sea Scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) By Otter Trawls of Various Mesh Sizes, William D. DuPaul, Edward J. Heist, James Kirkley, and Salvatore Testaverde
At-Sea Volumetric Measures and Monitoring Meat-Count Regulations: The Sea Scallop Fishery, William D. DuPaul and James E. Kirkley
Comparison of Condition Indicies (K) of Spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) from the Elizabeth and York Rivers, Virginia, Kinloch Nelson
Contribution of the 1982 and Subsequent Year Class Females to the Virginia 1987 Commercial and Recreational Harvest, Herbert M. Austin
Effort Restrictions in the New England, Sea Scallop, Dredge Fishery: A Preliminary Analysis, William D. DuPaul and James E. Kirkley
Hard Clam Culture Project Preliminary Financial Evaluation, Jeffrey J. Povolny
Oyster Shoal Survey - Spring 1988, James Whitcomb
Public Oyster Shoal Survey - Fall 1988, Bruce Barber and James Whitcomb
Specification and Estimation of Weight-Length Relationships and Fishery Regulations, William D. DuPaul and James E. Kirkley
Status of Wild Stocks of Striped Bass, Herbert M. Austin
Submissions from 1987
A Partial Analysis of the Equity of Meat Count and Shell Height Regulation in the Sea Scallop Fishery, James E. Kirkley and William D. DuPaul
Comments on the Use of Containers for Hard Clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) Relaying, M. J. Oesterling and W. D. DuPaul
Consideration of a 12" TL Minimum Size Limit for Spotted Weakfish, Cynoscion nebulosus in the Potomac River, Herbert M. Austin
Contribution of 1982 and Subsequent Year Class Females to the Virginia 1986 Commercial and Recreational Harvest, Herbert M. Austin
Limited Information on Utilization of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Area by Recreational Fishermen, Jon A. Lucy
Oyster Shoal Survey - Fall 1987, James Whitcomb
Oyster Shoal Survey - Spring 1987, James Whitcomb
Position of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science on the Use of the Patent Tongs in the Upper Rappahannock River, Herbert M. Austin
Preliminary Analysis of Virginia's Black Drum (Pogonias cromis) Recreational and Commerical Fisheries, Joseph C. Desfosse
Problems and Promises for Shellfishes in Chesapeake Bay, Herbert M. Austin
Progress Report No. 2: Industry, NMFS, and VIMS Joint-Sponsored Sea Scallop Research, William D. DuPaul and James E. Kirkley
Sessions from the Past: Perspectives on the Chesapeake Bay Study the Living Resources, Herbert M. Austin
Submissions from 1986
A Preliminary Comparative Analysis of Sea Scallop Harvest Pattern Between Dredge and Trawl Vessels, James E. Kirkley
CHSAC Working Group on Data Identification and Interpretation Data Set Inventory Request, Frank J. Wojcik
Oyster Shoal Survey - Fall 1985, James Whitcomb
Oyster Shoal Survey - Fall 1986, James Whitcomb
Oyster Shoal Survey - Spring 1986, James Whitcomb
Status of the 1985 Striped Bass Fisheries in Virginia After Implementation of the 1985 Amendment III to the 1981 ASMFC Interstate Management Plan for Striped Bass, Herbert M. Austin
Survey of Migratory Fishes in the Beaver Dam Creek, Sampled as Part of a Reservoir Construction Study for Gloucester County Final Report, Frank J, Wojcik and Deane Estes
Submissions from 1985
A Rapid Field Guide to the Identification of Flounders of the Genus (Paralichthys) in Virginia's Waters, Herbert M. Austin
Fall 1985 Potomac River Oyster Bar Survey, Elgin A. Dunnington and James P. Whitcomb
Rationale for Size and Catch Limits on Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) and Black Drum (Pogonias cromis) in Virginia Waters, Herbert M. Austin and Mark E. Chittenden
Status of Knowledge for Virginia Fisheries, Herbert M. Austin
Status of the 1984 Striped Bass Fisheries in Virginia After Implementation of the 1984 Emergency Regulations to the 1981 ASMFC Interstate Management Plan for Striped Bass, Herbert M. Austin
The Virginian Oyster, Dexter S. Haven and Herbert M. Austin
Submissions from 1984
An Investigation of Oysters in the James River, Virginia with Emphasis on the Deep Water Shoal Area and Cruiser Shoals Rock, Dexter S. Haven
A Report on Surf Clam Shells as Cultch Material On the Seaside of the Eastern Shore, Dexter S. Haven
A Review of the Soft and Peeler Crab Industry of Virginia, With Special Reference to the Peeler Pot Fishery, W. A. Van Engel
A Summary of Chlorine Chemistry in Fresh and Saline Waters, Morris H. Roberts
Fall 1984 Survey of Proposed Potomac Handscrape Extension Area, Elgin A. Dunnington and Dexter S. Haven
Intensive Culture of Striped Bass: Review, Recommendations and Feasibility, Ron Grulich and Mike Oesterling
Presentations Made to the Fisheries Management Committee of the Virginia Marine Resources Commission on March 22, 1984, Herbert Austin, William D. DuPaul, Dexter Haven, Robert Huggett, Bruce Neilson, and Gene Silberhorn
Report to the Virginia Marine Resources Commission on Drumming Ground in the Rappahannock River, Va., Dexter S. Haven
Status of Striped Bass Fisheries in Virginia After Implementation of the 1984 Emergency 1984, Herbert M. Austin
Transcript of the Forum on Greater Hampton Roads as a Center for National and International Seafood Marketing, Ron Grulich
Submissions from 1983
A Comparison of Expected Returns to Independent and Joint Venture Squid Vessels on the East Coast of the U.S., Ron Grulich
Development of Virginia's Artificial Fishing Reefs A Historical Outline (1959-1977), Jon A. Lucy
Ecosystem Management, an Alternative to Fisheries Management, Herbert M. Austin
New Developments for Offshore Fishery Resources, William D. DuPaul
Oyster Survey, Great Wicomico River, Michael J. Oesterling and Dexter S. Haven
PRFC Restrictions on Striped Bass Fishing, Herbert M. Austin
Problems in Interstate Fisheries Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Report to the Potomac River Fisheries Commission on Hand Scraping and Oyster Culture in the Lower Potomac River, Dexter S. Haven and Elgin A. Dunnington
ROKA 83 Exhibition for Delicatessen and Drinks September 11-13, 1983 Utrecht-Holland, William DuPaul and Charlie C. Thomas
The Blue Crab Fisheries of Virginia and Maryland: A Preliminary Review of Landings and Fishing Effort, 1929-1981, W. A. Van Engel and R. E. Harris Jr.
The Role of Science in Fisheries Management, Herbert Austin
The Value of Virginia's Saltwater Recreational Fishery, Jon A. Lucy
Submissions from 1982
An Overview of The Status of Alosa Stocks in Virginia, Steven M. Atran, Joseph G. Loesch, and William H. Kriete Jr.
A Report on the Area Impacted by the Tug "Tunnel" near the mouth of Onancock Creek from November 21 and 23, Dexter S. Haven
A Report on the Jail Island Repletion Area in the James River, Dexter S. Haven
Comments on the Reauthorization of PL 89-304, Herbert M. Austin
Mortalities in the Soft Crab Industry: Sources and Solutions, Michael J. Oesterling
Position of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science on the Use of the "High-Roller Gill Net" in the Chesapeake Bay for the Taking of Bluefish and Weakfish, Herbert M. Austin
Report to the Potomac River Fisheries Commission on Hand Scraping and Oyster Culture In the Hand Scrape Area., Dexter S. Haven and Elgin A. Dunnington
Striped Bass, Morone saxatilis, spawning season and grounds in Virginia River with notes on concomitant fisheries, John G. Travelstead, Herbert M. Austin, William H. Kriete, A. Deane Estes, and John E. Olney
Surf Clams Off the Virginia Coast, Dexter S. Haven
The Impact of the Extended Season for Tonging Seed Oysters in the James River Virginia, Dexter S. Haven
The Virginia Oyster Industry: Its Present Status and Remedial Measures Needed to Increase Statewide Production, Dexter S. Haven
Virginia Eel Pot Study, Robert K. Dias
Submissions from 1981
Adaptability of Beam Trawling Gear to Mid-Atlantic Waters, William H. Burton
A Definition of a Natural Oyster Rock, Dexter S. Haven and Herbert M. Austin
A Preliminary Analysis of the Virginia Pleasure Boat Fleet, Thomas J. Murray
A Report on the Operation of a Hydraulic Escalator Dredge on Private Ground on Hampton Flats, James River, During October 1980, Herbert M. Austin and Dexter S. Haven
Assessment and Monitoring of Sciaenid Stocks, with Particular Reference to the Weakfish, Cynoscion regalis, Herbert M. Austin
Determination of the Presence, Species Composition, and Relative Abundance of Anadeomous Fishes in Pohick Creek, Fairfax, Virginia, Joseph G. Loesch
Preliminary Report the Impact of the Extended Season for Dredging Seed Oysters in the James River Virginia, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Report of Trip to Investigate Area Around Heron Island Bar in the Potomac River, Paul C. Kendall and Dexter S. Haven
Sand Clearance by the Surf Clam, Spisula solidissima: A Preliminary Investigation, John N. Kraeuter
The Allocation of James River Living Marine Resources, Herbert M. Austin
The Backus Patent Tong and Its Potential for Harvesting Oysters Commercially, James P. Whitcomb