
Submissions from 2012


2012 Cultchless (Single seed) Oyster Crop Budgets for Virginia User Manual, Karen Hudson, Dan Kauffman, Thomas J. Murray, and Alexander Solomon


An Assessment of Sea Scallop Abundance and Distribution in a Selected Closed Area: DelMarVa Closed Area, David Rudders and William D. DuPaul


An Assessment of Sea Scallop Abundance and Distribution in Selected Areas: Nantucket Lightship Closed Area, Hudson Canyon Closed Area, and the DelMarVa Closed Area, David Rudders, William D. DuPaul, and Jessica Bergeron


A Pilot Project for Assessing the Socioeconomic Issues Facing Maryland’s Working Waterfront; An Inventory of the Choptank River Watershed, Thomas J. Murray


Assessment of the Economic Impacts of Recreational Boating in Virginia, Thomas J. Murray


Blue Crab Industry - Oyster Aquaculture Training and Transition June 2011- June 2012 Final Report, Matthew Richmond


Final Report: An Assessment of Sea Scallop Abundance and Distribution in a Selected Closed Area: Georges Bank Closed Area II, David Rudders and William D. DuPaul


Final Report : An Assessment of Sea Scallop Abundance and Distribution in Open Access Areas: New York Bight and the Southern New England Area, David Rudders and William D. DuPaul


Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Primer For the Virginia Shellfish Industry, Kimberly S. Reece and Karen Hudson


Non-Commercial Oyster Culture, or Oyster Gardening, Michael Oesterling and Christopher Petrone


Product Development for Cownose Ray Final Report, Robert A. Fisher


Reducing Yellowtail Flounder Bycatch in the Sea Scallop Dredge Fishery: Twine Top Modifications, Kelli Milleville Wright, David Rudders, and William D. DuPaul


Virginia Charter Boat Workshop Summary March 2012, Susanna Musick


Virginia Fishery Resource Grant Program 2011, Virginia Fishery Resource Grant Program


Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program Annual Report 2011, Susanna Musick and Lewis Gillingham


Virginia Shellfish Aquaculture Situation and Outlook Report : Results of the 2011 Virginia Shellfish Aquaculture Crop Reporting Survey, Thomas J. Murray and Karen Hudson

Submissions from 2011


An Assessment of Sea Scallop Abundance and Distribution in Selected Areas: Georges Bank Closed Area II, Southern New England/Long Island, New York Bight and the DelMarVa Closed Area, David Rudders and William D. DuPaul


An Assessment of the Social and Economic Importance Of Menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) (Latrobe, 1802) In Chesapeake Bay Region, James E. Kirkley


Assessment of the Economic Impacts of Recreational Boating in Middlesex County, Virginia, Thomas J. Murray


Contract Report on Behalf of Promar International Project “Evaluation of Cultivated Clam Pilot Crop Insurance Program”, Tom Murray


Final Report : An Assessment of Sea Scallop Abundance and Distribution in a Selected Closed Area: Georges Bank Closed Area I, David Rudders and William D. DuPaul


Final Report : An Assessment of Sea Scallop Abundance and Distribution in a Selected Closed Area: Hudson Canyon Closed Area, David Rudders and William D. DuPaul


Preliminary Analysis of the Economic Impact of the H-2B Worker Program on Virginia’s Economy, Thomas J. Murray


Results for the 2010 VIMS/Industry Cooperative Surveys of Georges Bank Closed Area I and the Hudson Canyon Closed Area, David Rudders and William D. DuPaul


Results for the 2011 VIMS/Industry Cooperative Survey of Georges Bank Closed Area II, William D. DuPaul and David Rudders


Sea Grant Extension Program Catch Share Workshop Report, Ken La Valley and Tom Murray


Virginia Fishery Resource Grant Program 2010, Virginia Fishery Resource Grant Program


Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program Annual Report 2010, Susanna Musick and Lewis Gillingham


Virginia Seafood Sustainability: A Report Requested by the Virginia Marine Products Board, Thomas J. Murray and Christopher J. Petrone


Virginia Shellfish Aquaculture Situation and Outlook Report : Results of the 2010 Virginia Shellfish Aquaculture Crop Reporting Survey, Thomas J. Murray and Karen Hudson

Submissions from 2010


Abundance and Distribution of Sea Scallops and Yellowtail Flounder during the 2009 VIMS/Industry Cooperative Survey of the Nantucket Lightship Closed Area (NLCA), William D. DuPaul and David B. Rudders


An Assessment of Sea Scallop Abundance and Distribution in Selected Closed Areas: Georges Bank Closed Area I and Hudson Canyon Closed Area, David B. Rudders and William D. DuPaul


An examination of methods: Hand picking red crabs and keeping them alive on shore, Dan Kauffman and Robert A. Fisher


Annual Report to the Governer and General Assembly of Virginia: Virginia Fishery Resource Grant Program 2009, Virginia Sea Grant


Estimated Economic Impact of Gulf Oil Spill on Virginia’s Oyster Industry – July 2010, Thomas J. Murray and James E. Kirkley


Final Report An Assessment of Sea Scallop Abundance and Distribution in Selected Closed Areas: Nantucket Lightship Closed Area, David Rudders and William D. DuPaul


Final Report Continuing the Time Series: Calibrating the NMFS Sea Scallop Survey to the R/V Hugh R. Sharp, David Rudders and William D. DuPaul


Life history, trophic ecology, & prey handling by cownose ray, Rhinoptera bonasus, from Chesapeake Bay, Robert A. Fisher


Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program Annual Report 2009, John A. Lucy and Lewis Gillingham


Virginia Shellfish Aquaculture Situation and Outlook Report : Results of the 2009 Virginia Shellfish Aquaculture Crop Reporting Survey, Thomas J. Murray and Michael J. Oesterling

Submissions from 2009


Abundance and Distribution of Sea Scallops and Yellowtail Flounder During the 2008 VIMS/Industry Cooperative Survey of Georges Bank Closed Area II, William D. DuPaul, Kelli Milleville Wright, and David Rudders


A Practical Manual for Remote Setting in Virginia, Michael S. Congrove, James A. Wesson, and Standish K. Allen Jr.


Assessment of the Economic Impacts of Recreational Boating in the City of Hampton, Thomas J. Murray, James Kirkley, and Doug Lipton


Final Report An Assessment of Sea Scallop Abundance and Distribution in Selected Closed Areas: Georges Bank Area II and the DelMarVa Closed Area, David Rudders and William D. DuPaul


Regional Workshop on Cownose Ray Issues Identifying Research and Extension Needs, Virginia Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program


Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program Annual Report 2008, John A. Lucy and Lewis Gillingham


Virginia Shellfish Aquaculture Situation and Outlook Report : Results of the 2008 Virginia Shellfish Aquaculture Crop Reporting Survey, Thomas J. Murray and Michael J. Oesterling

Submissions from 2008


An Evaluation of Size Selectivity and Relative Efficiency of Black Sea Bass, Centropristis striata, Habitat Pots Equipped with Large Mesh Panels, David Rudders, Robert A. Fisher, and Noelle Yochum


Best Management Practices for the Virginia Shellfish Culture Industry, Michael Oesterling and Mark Luckenbach


Bycatch Reduction Panels Improve Catch Composition and Size Distribution of Fishes Retained in Pound Nets, Christian Hager


Economic Outlook for Expansion of the Eastern Shore Farmers’ Market: Seafood Handling, Storage, and Transportation Facility, Thomas J. Murray and James E. Kirkley


Environmental Code of Practices for the Virginia Shellfish Culture Industry, Michael Oesterling and Mark Luckenbach


FINAL REPORT An Assessment of Sea Scallop Abundance and Distribution in Selected Closed Areas: Georges Bank Area I and II, Nantucket Lightship and Elephant Trunk, William D. DuPaul and David Rudders


FINAL REPORT Calibrating Industry Scallop Surveys with NOAA Vessel Platforms, William D. DuPaul and David Rudders


Interim Report An Assessment of Sea Scallop Abundance and Distribution in Selected Closed Areas: Georges Bank Area II and the DelMarVa Closed Area, William D. DuPaul and David Rudders


Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program Annual Report 2007, John A. Lucy and Lewis Gillingham


Virginia Shellfish Aquaculture Situation and Outlook Report : Results of the 2007 Virginia Shellfish Aquaculture Crop Reporting Survey, Thomas J. Murray and Michael J. Oesterling

Submissions from 2007


An Assessment of Sea Scallop Abundance and Distribution in the Georges Bank Closed Area II, William D. DuPaul and David Rudders


An Assessment of Sea Scallop Abundance and Distribution in the Georges Bank Closed Area II - Preliminary Results, William D. DuPaul and David Rudders


Conference Proceedings Water Access 2007: A National Symposium on Working Waterways & Waterfronts, Virginia Sea Grant


Estimating Capacity and Efficiency in Fisheries with Undesirable Outputs, Rolf Fare, James E. Kirkley, and John B. Walden


FINAL REPORT An Assessment of Sea Scallop Abundance and Distribution in Selected Closed Areas: Georges Bank Area I, Nantucket Lightship and Elephant Trunk, William D. DuPaul and David Rudders


Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program Annual Report 2006, John A. Lucy and C.M. Bain III


Virginia Shellfish Aquaculture Situation and Outlook Report : Results of the 2005-2007 Virginia Shellfish Aquaculture Crop Reporting Survey, Thomas J. Murray and Michael J. Oesterling

Submissions from 2006


An Assessment of Sea Scallop Abundance and Distribution in Selected Areas of Georges Bank and the Mid-Atlantic, William D. DuPaul and David Rudders


An Assessment of Sea Scallop Abundance and Distribution in Selected Areas of Georges Bank and the Mid-Atlantic Part I: Abundance, Distribution and Biomass Part II: Selectivity of a New Bedford Style Sea Scallop Dredge, William D. DuPaul, David Rudders, and Noelle Yochum


An Assessment of Sea Scallop Abundance and Distribution in Selected Areas of Georges Bank and the Mid-Atlantic Part II: Selectivity of a New Bedford Style Sea Scallop Dredge, Noelle Yochum, William D. DuPaul, and David B. Rudders


An Assessment of Sea Scallop Abundance and Distribution in the Elephant Trunk Closed Area: June 2006, William D. DuPaul and David Rudders


An Evaluation of the Behavioral Responses of Cownose Rays (Rhinoptera bonasus) to Permanent Magnets and Electropositive Alloys, Robert A. Fisher, Eric M. Stroud, Michael M. Herrmann, and Patrick H. Rice


Assessing a Decade of Implementing Water Quality Best Management Practices (BMPs) at Virginia Marinas 1994 vs. 2005, Thomas J. Murray


Economic Activity Associated With the Inaugural “Virginia In-Water Boat Expo”, September 9-11, 2005, Thomas J. Murray


Initial Market Assessment of the Cultured, Non-native Oyster C. ariakensis, Robert A. Fisher


Market Assessment and Feasibility Analysis for Small Scale Aquaculture Development in the Southside of Virginia Aquaculture Cooperative Feasibility Study, Thomas J. Murray


The Use of Bait Bags to Reduce the Need for Horseshoe Crab as Bait in the Virginia Whelk Fishery, Robert A. Fisher and Dylan Lee Fisher


Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program Annual Report 2005, John A. Lucy and C.M. Bain III


Virginia Shellfish Aquaculture Situation and Outlook Report : Results of the 2004-2006 Virginia Shellfish Aquaculture Crop Reporting Survey, Thomas J. Murray and Michael J. Oesterling

Submissions from 2005


A Comparison of Gill Net Labeling Methods for Fisher Identification, Christian Hager


Developing a Vision for Land Use and Waterfront Access in Lancaster County, Lands End Planners


Economic Activity Associated with Clam Aquaculture in Virginia – 2004, Thomas J. Murray and James E. Kirkley


Economic Contributions of Virginia’s Commercial Seafood and Recreational Fishing Industries: A User’s Manual for Assessing Economic Impacts, James E. Kirkley, Thomas J. Murray, and John Duberg


Final Project Report Fisheries Extension Enhancement Plan to Enhance Education and Outreach to the Mid-Atlantic Charter Boat Fisheries, Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program


Mesh-Specific Catch Compositions and Size Distributions Occuring in Virginia's 2005 Winter-Spring Striped Bass Gill Net Fishery, Christian Hager


Pilot-scale Production Economics of C. ariakensis Oysters Summary of Virginia Seafood Council Industry Grow-out Trials (2003-2005), Thomas J. Murray


The Potential Economic Impacts on Virginia’s Economy Of the Closure of One Crab Processing Plant, James E. Kirkley


Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program Annual Report 2004 (and 2003 update), John A. Lucy and C.M. Bain III

Submissions from 2004


A Comparative Evaluation of a 3.5" Ring Dredge Versus a 4.0" Ring Sea Scallop Dredge Equipped with Sea Turtle Excluder Chains, William D. DuPaul and David Rudders


A Comparative Evaluation of a 3.5" Ring Versus a 4.0" Ring Sea Scallop Dredge, William D. DuPaul and Kevin D. Goff


Discard Reduction Concerning Selectivity and Overall Gear design in the Black Sea Bass, Centropristis s(fiata, Trap Fishery, Robert A. Fisher, David Rudders, and James Dawson


Evaluation of Gear Modifications to Reduce the Bycatch of Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) in Sea Scallop Dredges, Ronald J. Smolowitz, Paul J. Struhsaker, William DuPaul, and David Rudders


FINAL REPORT Industry Trials of a Modified Sea Scallop Dredge to Minimize the Catch of Sea Turtles, William D. DuPaul, David Rudders, and Ronald J. Smolowitz


Industry Trials of a Modified Sea Scallop Dredge to Minimize the Catch of Sea Turtles, William D. DuPaul, David B. Rudders, and Ronald J. Smolowitz


INTERIM REPORT Industry Trials of a Modified Sea Scallop Dredge to Minimize the Catch of Sea Turtles, William D. DuPaul, David Rudders, and Ronald J. Smolowitz


Preliminary Gear Comparison between 16/0 and 18/0 Sizes Non-Offset Circle Hooks in the Southeastern U.S. Coastal Pelagic Longline Directed Swordfish Fishery, David W. Kerstetter


Seasonal, Interannual and Geographic Variations in Sea Scallop Shell Height and Meat Weight, William D. DuPaul and David Rudders


Virginia Marine Trades Feasibility Study, Northern Neck Planning District Commission and Thomas J. Murray


Virginia Marine Trades Workforce Training -A Regional Needs Assessment, Thomas J. Murray

Submissions from 2003


Exploratory Study of Hook Release Mortality in Speckled Trout in Virginia's Recreational Fishery, Jon A. Lucy and Charles E. Machen


Status of the Major Oyster Diseases in Virginia 2002 A Summary of the Annual Monitoring Program, Lisa M. Ragone Calvo and Eugene M. Burreson


The Development of a Modified Sea Scallop Dredge, William D. DuPaul and Ronald J. Smolowitz


The Effect of Circle and Square Escape Vents on Discard Reduction in the Black Sea Bass, Centropristis striata, Trap Fishery, Robert A. Fisher and David Rudders