Submissions from 1980
A Critique of the Introduction of Crassostrea Gigas to Europe, J. D. Andrews
A Study of Some Public Rocks in the Lower Rappahannock River Below Towles Point, Dexter S. Haven
Chesapeake Bay Finfishes and Fisheries, Herbert M. Austin
Evaluations of Menhaden Net Mesh Regulations Options, John A. Musick
Impacts of E.P.A.'s Proposed Effluent Guidelines on the Blue Crab Processing Industry, Thomas J. Murray
Position of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science on the Use of Hydraulic Dredging for the Taking of Hard Clams, Herbert M. Austin
Position of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science on the Use of Hydraulic Dredging for the Taking of Hard Clams, Herbert M. Austin
Preliminary Heights at Annulus of Scallops from Jeffrey's Ledge, Gulf of Maine, Lowell W. Fritz
Preliminary Management Plan for the Striped Bass of the Atlantic Coast from Maine Through North Carolina, Herbert M. Austin
Status of American Shad Stocks in Virginia, William H. Kriete Jr.
Status of Hickory Shad Stocks in Virginia, W. H. Kriete Jr.
Status of Sturgeons in Virginia, J. A. Musick
Summary of Arguments in Favor of and Against Use of a Hydraulic Escalator Dredge for Harvest of Hard Clams in Virginia with a Short Statement on Operation of the Machine, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Fisheries, and Wildlife Conservation and the Environment of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries on H.R. 4890 The Reauthorization of P.L. 88-309, William J. Hargis Jr.
Submissions from 1979
A Classification of Baylor Bottoms in Virginia, Dexter S. Haven
An Experiment in Raising the Salt Content of Oysters From Low Salinity Waters to Improve Their Taste, Reinaldo Morales-Alamo and Dexter S. Haven
Recommendations on Virginia Territorial Sea Trawl Mesh Size, Herbert M. Austin
Results of Planting Cultchless Spat in Buckners Creek off Nomini Creek on 14 June 1979, Dexter S. Haven and Paul C. Kendall
Submissions from 1978
Length-Weight Conversions for Potomac River Striped Bass, F. J. Wojcik
Position of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science on the Use of Hydraulic Dredding for the Taking of Hard Clams, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) in Virginian Waters, H. M. Austin