
Submissions from 1989


Development and implementation of a catch and effort data collection system for monitoring trends in fishing success on Virginia's artificial fishing reefs, 1987-1988 : for the period January 1, 1988 - December 31, 1988, Jon A. Lucy and Charles G. Barr


Distribution of Potentially Endangered and Threatened Plants of the Northern Neck of Virgina, James E. Perry and Carl H. Hershner


Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1987, R J. Orth, Adam A. Frisch, Judith F. Nowak, and Ken Moore


Feasibility of Crab Meal Processing in the Chesapeake Bay Region II: An Integrated Economic Analysis for Hampton/Newport News, Virginia, Phillip R. Grulich and William D. DuPaul


Field Studies of Comparative Settlement of Oyster Larvae on Oyster Shell, Expanded Shale and Tire Chips, Roger L. Mann


Geotechnical and Benthic Evaluation of Sand Resources in the Lower Chesapeake Bay - Report 1: Thimble Shoal, Suzette M. Kimball, Linda C. Schaffner, and Carl H. Hobbs III


Geotechnical evaluation of sand resources on the inner shelf of southern Virginia : final report to the city of Virginia Beach, Suzette M. Kimball and James K. Dame


James River seed oyster bed project : physical data report, I, 1984-1987, D. Hepworth


Laboratory and Field Studies of Oyster Larvae Settlement on Three Substrates, Oyster Shell, Tire Chips, and Expanded Shale, and the Relative Mobility of the Three Substrates, Mary C. Gibbons, Roger L. Mann, and L. D. Wright


Marine Fishery Population Trends Current and Emerging Natural Resource Issues, Herbert Austin


Occurrence of indicators of fecal pollution in water and sediment of a subestuary impacted by non-point pollution, Howard I. Kator and Martha Rhodes


Plume monitoring of Rappahannock and York spit channels, Baltimore Harbor and channels: Phase II, York spit channel, M. Nichols, R. J. Diaz, and et al


Preliminary assessment of beaches and offshore sand resources of St. Eustatius, Netherlands Antilles : a report to the Government of St. Eustatius, John D. Boon, Robert J. Byrne, L. D. Wright, Robert A. Gammisch, and Lauro Julio Calliari


Prevalence of the Major Oyster Diseases in Virginia Waters 1988 A Summary of the Annual Monitoring Program., Eugene M. Burreson


Public Oyster Shoal Survey - Spring 1989, Bruce Barber


Sediment Processes Monitoring Annual Report for Calendar Year 1988, Richard Wetzel and Bruce Neilson


Status of the Public Oyster Fishery of Virginia - Fall 1989, Bruce Barber


Striped Bass Research, Virginia - Annual Report 1987-88, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Striped Bass Research, Virginia - Annual Report 1988-89, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Striped Bass Research, Virginia: Characterization of Virginia's Striped Bass Commercial Fisheries Annual Report 1988-89, Bruce W. Hill and Joseph G. Loesch


Striped bass research, Virginia : estimation of juvenile striped bass relative abundance, annual report 1988, James A. Colvocoresses


Study of Alosa stock composition and year-class strength in Virginia - Annual Report 1988, Loisirene Blumberg and Joseph G. Loesch


The Assessment of Commercial Fishing Effort in Virginia Annual Report 1989, Joice S. Davis, James C. Owens, and Joseph G. Loesch


Virginia's Recreational Marlin and Tuna Fishery 1983 -1988 : A Report to the Fishermen, Eleanor A. Bochenek, Nancy J. Chartier, and Jon A. Lucy


Wetlands mitigation evaluation vegetation studies : Final report to the city of Norfolk, Walter I. Priest III


Zinc distributions in sediments, the common mussel, Mytilus edulis (L.), the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin), and the commensal pea crab, Pinnotheres ostreum (Say), Cheol Mo and Bruce Neilson

Submissions from 1988


A Comparative Analysis of the Effects on Technical Efficiency and Harvest of Sea Scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) By Otter Trawls of Various Mesh Sizes, William D. DuPaul, Edward J. Heist, James Kirkley, and Salvatore Testaverde


A Documentation of Virginia Trawl Surverys, 1955-1984, Listing Pertinent Variables: Date, Station Location, Gear, Vessel, Tow Direction, and Type of Survey Volume I: Chesapeake Bay, Frank J. Wojcik and Willard A. Van Engel


A Documentation of Virginia Trawl Surverys, 1955-1984, Listing Pertinent Variables: Date, Station Location, Gear, Vessel, Tow Direction, and Type of Survey Volume III: James River- Including Burwell Bay and Three Oxbows, Frank J. Wojcik and Willard A. Van Engel


A Documentation of Virginia Trawl Surverys, 1955-1984, Listing Pertinent Variables: Date, Station Location, Gear, Vessel, Tow Direction, and Type of Survey Volume II: York River System, Frank J. Wojcik and Willard A. Van Engel


A Documentation of Virginia Trawl Surverys, 1955-1984, Listing Pertinent Variables: Date, Station Location, Gear, Vessel, Tow Direction, and Type of Survey Volume V: Potomac River, Frank J. Wojcik and Willard A. Van Engel


Alternate cultch for bottom oyster cultivation, Robert J. Byrne


A Mark-recapture study of striped bass in the Rappahannock River, Virginia Annual Report 1987-1988, Joseph G. Loesch, Bruce W. Hill, and William H. Kreite Jr.


Analysis of effluents and associated sediments and tissue for toxic organic compounds, 1987-1988 : final report to Virginia State Water Control Board, Robert Hale and Craig L. Smith


A Study of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Virginia Assuming 404 Regulatory Authority Under the Federal Clean Water Act, N. Bartlett Theberge


At-Sea Volumetric Measures and Monitoring Meat-Count Regulations: The Sea Scallop Fishery, William D. DuPaul and James E. Kirkley


Catch Trends and Fish Utilization in Virginia's Offshore Recreational Pelagic Fishery: For the Period: September 1, 1986 - August 31, 1987 (work period extended to March 31, 1989, Jon A. Lucy, Nancy J. Chartier, and William D. DuPaul


Chesapeake Bay Bibliography Thesaurus, Julia Wilcox and Susan Barrick


Chesapeake Bay Marine Environmental Assessment 1985 Annual Summary, Karen L. Kelly


Chesapeake Bay research initiatives at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science of the College of William and Mary : accomplishments for the 1986-1988 biennium, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Comparative Analysis of Sea Scallop Escapement/Retention and Resulting Economic Impacts, William D. DuPaul, Edward J. Heist, and James E. Kirkley


Comparison of Condition Indicies (K) of Spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) from the Elizabeth and York Rivers, Virginia, Kinloch Nelson


Contribution of the 1982 and Subsequent Year Class Females to the Virginia 1987 Commercial and Recreational Harvest, Herbert M. Austin


Cooperative state agency program / annual report FY 1987-1988, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Development and implementation of a catch and effort data collection system for monitoring trends in fishing success on Virginia's artificial fishing reefs, 1987-1988 : for the period September 1, 1986 - August 31, 1987 (work period extended to December 31, 1987), Jon A. Lucy, Charles G. Barr, and William D. DuPaul


Effort Restrictions in the New England, Sea Scallop, Dredge Fishery: A Preliminary Analysis, William D. DuPaul and James E. Kirkley


Evaluation of Alternate Microbial Indicators of Fecal Pollution in a Non-Point Source Impacted Shellfish Growing Area, Howard I. Kator and Martha Rhodes


Experimental studies of Zinc-65 uptake rates by the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica with regard to salinity, sediment concentration, and body size, Cheol Mo and Bruce Neilson


Hard Clam Culture Project Preliminary Financial Evaluation, Jeffrey J. Povolny


Oyster Shoal Survey - Spring 1988, James Whitcomb


Phytoplankton, nutrients, macroalgae and submerged aquatic vegetation in Delaware's inland bays, 1985-1986, Benedict Estuarine Research Laboratory. and Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control


Population status of five potentially threatened vascular plants from coastal plain tidal rivers in Virginia, Carl Hershner and James Perry


Public Oyster Shoal Survey - Fall 1988, Bruce Barber and James Whitcomb


Recalibration of Pagan River water quality model, Albert Kuo, Gamble M. Sisson, and Bruce J. Neilson


Reconnaissance of economic heavy minerals of the Virginia Inner Continental Shelf, C. R. Berquist and C. H. Hobbs III


Remote Sensing of Offshore Water Mass Features: Present and Potential Benefits to Virginia's Recreational Fishery for Marlin and Tuna, David B. Eggleston


Sediment nutrient flux data from a seasonal simulation of water chemistry in Gunston Cove, VA, B. E. Baker and C. F. Cerco


Specification and Estimation of Weight-Length Relationships and Fishery Regulations, William D. DuPaul and James E. Kirkley


Status of Wild Stocks of Striped Bass, Herbert M. Austin


Study of Alosa stock composition and year-class strength in Virginia - Annual Report 1987, Loisirene Blumberg and Joseph G. Loesch


Study of economic heavy minerals of the Virginia Inner Continental Shelf, C. R. Berquist and C. H. Hobbs III


Summaries of twenty-five years of MSX studies in Chesapeake Bay, 1959 to 1983, Jay D. Andrews


The Durability of Gabions Used for Marine Structures in Virginia, C. Scott Hardaway Jr.


The Imperilled Oyster Industry of Virginia: A Critical Analysis with Recommendations for Restoration, William J. Hargis Jr. and Dexter S. Haven

Submissions from 1987


A Mark-recapture study of striped bass in the James River, Virginia : Annual Report 1987, Joseph G. Loesch, William H. Kriete Jr., and Bruce W. Hill


A Partial Analysis of the Equity of Meat Count and Shell Height Regulation in the Sea Scallop Fishery, James E. Kirkley and William D. DuPaul


Cabin Point Creek Channelization Study : Final Report, Walter I. Priest III, Robert J. Byrne, Bruce J. Neilsen, and George R. Thomas


Chesapeake Bay Marine Environmental Assessment March 1986 - August 1986, Terry L. Bashore and Karen L. Kelly


Comments on the Use of Containers for Hard Clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) Relaying, M. J. Oesterling and W. D. DuPaul


Consideration of a 12" TL Minimum Size Limit for Spotted Weakfish, Cynoscion nebulosus in the Potomac River, Herbert M. Austin


Contribution of 1982 and Subsequent Year Class Females to the Virginia 1986 Commercial and Recreational Harvest, Herbert M. Austin


Cooperative state agency program / annual report FY 1986-1987, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Development of an Index of Juvenile Striped Bass Abundance for the Chesapeake Bay System: I. An Evaluation of Present Measures and Recommendations for Future Studies, James A. Colvocoresses and Herbert M. Austin


Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1986, Robert Orth, Jim Simons, Judith Capelli, Virginia Carter, Adam A. Frisch, Larry Hindman, Stephen Hodges, Kenneth A. Moore, and Nancy Rybicki


Ecology of Sea Turtles in Virginia, Sarah A. Bellmund, John A. Musick, Ruth Ellen C. Klinger, and Richard A. Byles


Field measurements of tidal currents, I664 tunnel axis, Hampton Roads, Virginia : a report to Morrison-Knudsen/Interbeton, Physical Oceanography Division, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Field Validation of Multi-Species Laboratory Test Systems for Estuarine Benthic Communities, Robert J. Diaz, Mark Luckenbach, Sandra Thornton, Morris H. Roberts Jr., and et al


Forested buffer zones : pilot studies on efficiency in reducing surface and shallow groundwater nutrient inputs to estuarine waters, Carl Hershner


Limited Information on Utilization of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Area by Recreational Fishermen, Jon A. Lucy


New Port Island: An Evaluation of Potential Impacts on Marine Resources of the Lower James River and Hampton Roads, Robert J. Byrne et al


Occurrence and distribution of shell in the vicinity of Parker's Rock, Pocomoke Sound, Carl H. Hobbs III


Oyster Shoal Survey - Spring 1987, James Whitcomb


Plume monitoring of Rappahannock and York spit channels, Baltimore Harbor and channels: Phase 1, M. Nichols, R. J. Diaz, and et al


Polynuclear hydrocarbons in sediments and clams in the vicinity of a refinery outfall, P. O. DeFur, M. E. Bender, C. W. Su, and et al


Position of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science on the Use of the Patent Tongs in the Upper Rappahannock River, Herbert M. Austin


Preliminary Analysis of Virginia's Black Drum (Pogonias cromis) Recreational and Commerical Fisheries, Joseph C. Desfosse


Problems and Promises for Shellfishes in Chesapeake Bay, Herbert M. Austin


Progress Report No. 2: Industry, NMFS, and VIMS Joint-Sponsored Sea Scallop Research, William D. DuPaul and James E. Kirkley


Response Characteristics of a Short Range, High resolution, Digital Sonar Altimeter, Malcolm O. Green and John D. Boon


Results of comparative studies of preservation techniques for nutrient analysis of water samples, Betty A. Salley, Julie G. Bradshaw, and Bruse J. Neilson


Salinity Distribution in the James Estuary, Julie G. Bradshaw and A. Y. Kuo


Sediment oxygen demand in Hunting Creek and the Potomac River, Carl F. Cerco


Sessions from the Past: Perspectives on the Chesapeake Bay Study the Living Resources, Herbert M. Austin


Shoreface and Beach Dynamics of the Coastal Region from Cape Henry to False Cape, Virginia, L. D. Wright, C. S. Kim, C. S. Hardaway Jr., S. M. Kimball, and M. O. Green


Striped Bass Research, Virginia - Annual Report 1986-87, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Study of Alosa stock composition and year-class strength in Virginia - Completion Report 1984-1986, Joseph G. Loesch, William H. Kriete Jr., and Roxanne P. Trapani


The 1987 update on leased grounds near the US 17 bridge over Chuckatuck Creek, Roger L. Mann and James P. Whitcomb


The Assessment of Commercial Fishing Effort in Virginia 1987, Joice S. Davis, James C. Owens, William H. Kriete Jr., and Joseph G. Loesch


Ware Creek Reservoir release study : final contract report submitted to James City County, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Water Quality in a Virginia Potomac Embayment: Neabsco Creek, Paul V. Hyer and Albert Y. Kuo