
Submissions from 1992


Monkfish Guidelines for Liver Removal and Storage, Virginia Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program


MSX disease in Virginia, 1959 to 1965, Jay D. Andrews


Notes on the oyster industry of Virginia and related topics, Jay D. Andrews


Potomac River White Perch, Marone americana, Gill Net Study 10-12 March, 1992, Herbert M. Austin


Sediment inventory and characterization summary for the desk-top information system (COMPAS), Maynard M. Nichols, Caroline Brouwer-Riel, and et al


Sharks of Virginia Waters, Steve Branstetter and John Musick


Sporulation of haplosporidan parasites : notes and tables, Jay D. Andrews


Status of the Major Oyster Diseases in Virginia 1991 A Summary of the Annual Monitoring Program, Eugene M. Burreson


Status of the Virginia Public Oyster Fishery - Spring 1991, Bruce Barber


Temporal and Spatial Variations in Chesapeake Bay Water Quality: A Video Data Report, Sarah E. Rennie and Bruce Neilson


The phylum Chaetognatha : a bibliography, Grant C. George


Tray studies of oyster diseases on Eastern Shore of Virginia, 1959 to 1981 : mortality and disease prevalence of SSO and MSX, Jay D. Andrews


VIMS Hatchery Operations Manual, Mary Gibbons, Kenneth Kurkowski, and Michael Castagna


Water quality in Chesapeake Bay : Virginia portion, water year 1988 : a report to the Virginia Water Control Board, Kevin Curling and Bruce Neilson

Submissions from 1991


A Mark-recapture study of striped bass in the James and Rappahannock Rivers, Virginia Annual Report 1990-1991, Joseph G. Loesch, Bruce W. Hill, and Philip W. Sadler


A Modelling Study of the Water Quality of the Upper Tidal Rappahannock River, Albert Y. Kuo, Bruce J. Neilson, and Kyeong Park


Analysis of mixing and dilution of process water discharged into the Pamunkey River, John M. Hamrick


Analytical Protocol for Hazardous Organic Chemicals in Environmental Samples, Division of Chemistry and Toxicology, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


A Report on Aspects of Productivity of the Men and Women of VIMS: An Analysis of the Written Communications and Other Products Identified with Various Outside-Supported Projects or Programs from 1940 to 1982, With Emphasis on Time of Appearance and Significance, William J. Hargis Jr. and Thomas A. Armitage


A Survey for Oysters and Shell in the Vicinity of the Proposed Bridge Construction at the Site of the Hampton Boulevard Bridge (Rte. 337) Over the Lafayette River in Norfolk, VA., Reinaldo Morales-Alamo and Roger L. Mann


A Technique for the Functional Assessment of Nontidal Wetlands in the Coastal Plain of Virginia, Julie G. Bradshaw


Chesapeake Bay Shoreline Study: Headland Breakwaters and Pocket Beaches for Shoreline Erosion Control Final Report, C. Scott Hardaway Jr., George R. Thomas, and J. H. Li


Data report : hypoxia in the York River, 1988-1989, G. M. Sisson, A. Y. Kuo, and J. M. Brubaker


Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1990, Robert J. Orth, Judith F. Nowak, Adam F. Frish, Kevin P. Kiley, and Jennifer Whiting


Estimation of Relative Abundance of Recreationally Important Finfish in the Virginia Portion of Chesapeake Bay: Annual Progress Report 1990-1991, James A. Colvocoresses and Patrick J. Geer


Estimation of Standing Stock of Oysters in the James River, Virginia, Using Commercial Fishing Records, Bruce J. Barber and Roger L. Mann


Evaluation of spatial/temporal sources of variation in Nekton catch and the efficacy of stratified sampling in the Chesapeake Bay : final report for CBSAC V to Chesapeake Bay Stock Assessment Committee and the National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, Mark E. Chittenden


Final report to the Thomas Smythe Foundation, Inc. : concerning geophysical reconnaissance of a portion of the area offshore from Jamestown Island, Virginia, Carl H. Hobbs III


Increasing angler participation in marine catch/tag-and-release fishing programs: Workshop summary, program outlines, and angler survey results, Jon Lucy and et al


Investigation of isolated sand shoals on the inner shelf of Southern Virginia : final report, Suzette M. Kimball, James K. Dame, and Carl H. Hobbs III


Juvenile Finfish and Blue Crab Stock Assessment Program Bottom Trawl Survey Annual Data Summary Report Series Volume 1990, Christopher F. Bonzek, Patrick J. Geer, James A. Colvocoresses, and Robert E. Harris Jr.


Management plan : Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve System : Virginia, United States. Department of Commerce, United States. National Ocean Service, and Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Man versus mollusc: studies of water quality problems, how they affect shellfish and shellfish harvesting, and how the Commonwealth should address these problems. A Report to the Shellfish Enhancement Task Force, Bruce Neilson, Nancy C. Wilson, and Carl Hershner


Moisture / Protein Levels in Sea Scallops, Virginia Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program


Mycobacterium marinum, the "leisure-time pathogen", Howard Kator and Martha Rhodes


Phase I archaeological survey of the VIMS scientific storage building parcel and phase II evaluation of site 44GL357, Gloucester Point, Virginia, Dennis B. Blanton and Donald W. Linebaugh


Preliminary Assessment of the Economic Impacts of Various Catch and Effort Restrictions on the Uniteµ States Sea Scallop, Placopecten magellanicus, Fishery, James E. Kirkley and William D. DuPaul


Procedure for creating digital Baylor coverages in ARC/INFO, Gary F. Anderson, J. Berchman Smithson, and Anna K. Kenne


Public Beach Assessment Report Aqua-PO Stafford county, Virginia, Deborah Linden, Donna Radcliffe, C. Scott Hardaway Jr., and Suzette Kimball


Scallops Guidelines To Improve Quality: The Use of Insulated Tates at Sea, Virginia Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program


Sediment Characterization of Chesaapeake Bay and Its Tributaries, Maynard M. Nichols, S. C. Kim, and C. M. Brouwer


Sediment Characterization of Coastal Lagoons and Bays, Mid-Atlantic Region, Maynard N. Nichols and C. M. Brouwer-Riel


Status of the Major Oyster Diseases in Virginia 1990 A Summary of the Annual Monitoring Program, Eugene M. Burreson


Status of the Virginia Public Oyster Fishery - Fall 1991, Bruce Barber


Stock - Recruitment Relationship of Spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) from the Chesapeake Bay, Deborah A. Bodolus


Striped Bass Research, Virginia: Characterization of Virginia's Striped Bass Commercial Fisheries Annual Report 1991, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Tag and Release Programs Available to Fishermen, Jon Lucy


Tidal wetlands of the Mattaponi River : potential responses of the vegetative community to increased salinity as a result of freshwater withdrawal, Carl Hershner, Paul M. Booth, and Laura R. Mitchell


Water quality in Chesapeake Bay : Virginia portion, water year 1985 : a report to the Virginia Water Control Board, Kevin Curling and Bruce Neilson


Water quality in Chesapeake Bay : Virginia portion, water year 1989 : a report to the Virginia Water Control Board, Kevin Curling and Bruce Neilson


Water quality in Chesapeake Bay : Virginia portion, water year 1990 : a report to the Virginia Water Control Board, Kevin Curling and Bruce Neilson

Submissions from 1990


A 100-Year Sediment Budget for Chesapeake Bay, Carl H. Hobbs III, Jeffery P. Halka, Randall T. Kerhin, and Michael J. Carron


A Fisherman's Guide: Getting the Most Out of Monkfish, Robert A. Fisher and Bill DuPaul


A Mark-recapture Study of Striped Bass in the James River, Virginia : Annual Report 1989, Joseph G. Loesch and Bruce W. Hill


A Mark-recapture study of striped bass in the Rappahannock River, Virginia Annual Report 1989-1990, Joseph G. Loesch, Bruce W. Hill, and Philip W. Sadler


Analysis of organic pollutants in sediments and blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) tissues : final report to Virginia State Water Control Board, John Greaves


An Evaluation of At-Sea Handling Practices: Effects on Sea Scallop Meat Quality, Volume and Integrity, William D. DuPaul, Robert A. Fisher, and James E. Kirkley


A Review of the Fishery Management Plan for Sea Scallops, Placopecten magellanicus, James E. Kirkley and William D. DuPaul


A survey for oysters and shell in the vicinity of the proposed construction site for a city of Norfolk water line across the Lafayette River near the Hampton Boulevard bridge, Roger Mann and Reinaldo Morales-Alamo


A survey of compensatory mitigation within the tidal wetlands of Virginia, Thomas A. Barnard and Pamela Mason


A Survey of Oyster Resources at Glebe Point in the Great Wicomico River, R. A. Blaylock, K. J. Walker, and Roger Mann


Benthic habitat mapping for living resources, Robert J. Diaz, Paul Gapcynski, and Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Chesapeake Bay Status of Stocks Report 1988-89 : Virginia Juvenile Finfish Trawl Data, Herbert M. Austin and Christopher F. Bonzek


Chesapeake Bay Status of Stocks Report 1989-1990, Herbert M. Austin, Christopher F. Bonzek, Daniel Scoles, and Thomas C. Mosca


Chesapeake Bay wave climate : Thimble Shoals wave station, report and summary of wave observations, September 27, 1988 through October 17, 1989, John D. Boon, S. M. Kimball, K. D. Suh, and D. A. Hepworth


Dissolved Oxygen Conditions in the Machipongo River System near Willis Wharf, VA, Bruce Neilson and Nancy Wilson


Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1989, R J. Orth and Judith F. Nowak


Elimination of the Meat Count Standard on Sea Scallops, Placopecten magellanicus: A Preliminary Assessment, James E. Kirkley and William D. DuPaul


Estimation of standing crop of oysters in the James River, Virginia, using commercial fishing records : final report, Bruce J. Barber and Roger L. Mann


Eutrophication of Lake Matoaka Assessment and Projection, Bruce Neilson, Gary F. Anderson, and Martha Rhodes


Geological and benthic evaluation of sand resources in the lower Chesapeake Bay, Report 2, Tail of the Horseshoe : Appendix, Carl C. Hobbs III and Linda C. Schaffner


Geological and benthic evaluation of sand resources in the lower Chesapeake Bay, Report 2, Tail of the Horseshoe : Final Report v.1, Carl C. Hobbs III and Linda C. Schaffner


Heating Soft Crab Shedding Systems, Mike Oesterling


Hybrid striped bass aquaculture survey and the market potential, Patricia Harvey, James E. Kirkley, Lisa M. Richardson, and John J. Sanko


Initial information on the Atlantic croaker : a final report on "Development of age determination methods, life history - population dynamics information, and evaluation of growth overfishing potential for important recreational fishes, Mark E. Chitteneden, Luiz R. Barbieri, Cynthia Jones, and et al


Juvenile Finfish And Blue Crab Stock Assessment Program Bottom Trawl Survey Annual Report Series Volume 1989, Patrick J. Geer, Christopher F. Bonzek, James Colcovoresses, and Robert Harris Jr.


Marine Mammal Project : semi-annual report, 1 Jan-30 June 1990, John A. Musick


Marine Pollution Impacts on Living Marine Resources, Herbert M. Austin


Mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) stock structure along the mid-Atlantic coast, Jan McDowell, Ana Beardsley, and John Graves


On-Board Quality Control Preparing Mid-Atlantic Fisheries for the Future, Robert A. Fisher


Pliocene and Pleistocene depositional environments on the York-James Peninsula, Virginia; a field guidebook, Gerald H. Johnson and Carl H. Hobbs III


Public Oyster Shoal Survey - Spring 1990, Bruce Barber


Recruitment and Growth of Oysters on Shell Clutch Planted at Monthly Intervals (May-August 1986) at Jones Shore Basin the Lower Potomac River, Maryland, Reinaldo Morales-Alamo and Roger L. Mann


Sandbridge Bulkhead Impact Study, C. Scott Hardaway Jr. and George R. Thomas


Shellfish microbiology : a literature review including conclusions and recommendations to address current and future research needs, Howard Kartor


Short-Run Situation Outlook: Mid-Atlantic Sea Scallops, James Kirkley and William DuPaul


Status of the Major Oyster Diseases in Virginia 1989 A Summary of the Annual Monitoring Program, Eugene M. Burreson


Status of the Virginia Public Oyster Fishery - Fall 1990, Bruce Barber


Stock Identification of summer Flounder (Paralichthis dentatus) in the Southern Mid-Atlantic Bight, John A. Musick, Joseph C. Desfosse, A. Deane Estes, and Paul Lyons


Striped Bass Research, Virginia: Characterization of Virginia's Striped Bass Commercial Fisheries Annual Report 1989-90, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Striped bass research, Virginia : estimation of juvenile striped bass relative abundance, annual report 1989, James A. Colvocoresses


The Assessment of Commercial Fishing Effort in Virginia Annual Report 1990, Joice S. Davis, James C. Owens, and Joseph G. Loesch

Submissions from 1989


A Documentation of Virginia Trawl Surverys, 1955-1984, Listing Pertinent Variables: Date, Station Location, Gear, Vessel, Tow Direction, and Type of Survey Volume IV: Rappahannock River, Frank J. Wojcik and Willard A. Van Engel


A Mark-recapture Study of Striped Bass in the James River, Virginia : Annual Report 1988, Joseph G. Loesch and Bruce W. Hill


A Mark-recapture study of striped bass in the Rappahannock River, Virginia Annual Report 1988-1989, Joseph G. Loesch and Bruce W. Hill


A Summary of Continuing Research with Non Native Oysters at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Roger L. Mann


Catch Projection for the 1988-89 Blue Crab Dredge Fishery, Rom Lipcius and Willard A. Van Engel


Catch Trends and Fish Utilization in Virginia's Offshore Recreational Pelagic Fishery, 1987-1988, Jon A. Lucy, Nancy J. Chartier, and William D. DuPaul


Determination of marina buffer zones using simple mixing and transport models : a report to the Virginia State Dept. of Health, Bureau of Shellfish Sanitation as part of the Chesapeake Bay Initiatives Marine Pollution Abatement Initiative, John M. Hamrick and Bruce J. Neilson


Develop a fishery stock identification laboratory and identify coastal and estuarine stocks that are dependent on the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, Brian W. Meehan