Submissions from 2000
Genetic Considerations for Hatchery-Based Restoration of Oyster Reefs : A summary from the September 21-22, 2000 workshop, Standish K. Allen Jr. and T. Jerry Hilbish
Increasing the probability of success in the construction of marshes in coastal Virginia, Kirk J. Havens and Lyle M. Varnell
Jackson Creek Federal Navigation Project: Stove Point Placement Area Analysis Final Draft, Donna A. Milligan, C. Scott Hardaway Jr., George R . Thomas, and Rebecca C.H. Brindley
James City County Shoreline Situation Report 1999, Marcia Berman, Sharon Dewing, Daniel Schatt, and Harry Berquist
Juvenile Fish and Blue Crab Stock Assessment Program Bottom Trawl Survey Annual Data Summary Report Volume 1999, Wendy A. Lowery, M. Todd Mathes, and Patrick J. Geer
King and Queen County Shoreline Situation Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Tamia Rudnicky, J. B. Glover, Sharon Dewing, Daniel E. Schatt, and Kevin Skunda
Mathews County Shoreline Situation Report (2000), Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Dewing, J. B. Glover, Carl Hershner, Tamia Rudnicky, Dan Schatt, and Kevin Skunda
Middlesex County Shoreline Situation Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Dewing, J. B. Glover, Carl Hershner, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, and Kevin Skunda
Monitoring Relative Abundance of American Shad in Virginia's Rivers Annual Report 1998, John E. Olney and John Hoenig
Monitoring Relative Abundance of American Shad in Virginia's Rivers Annual Report 1999, John E. Olney Sr. and John M. Hoenig
Piankatank River Shoreline Situation Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Tamia Rudnicky, and Julie Glover
Preliminary Results of Commercial Sea Scallop Survey in the Hudson Canyon South Closed Area June 2000, William D. DuPaul, David Rudders, and Paul J. Rago
Restoration of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in the Tidal Freshwater James River: 1999 Pilot Study, Ken Moore, R J. Orth, and James Fishman
Restoration of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in the Tidal Freshwater James River: Year 2, Ken Moore, Kevin Segerblom, Betty Neikirk, and James Fishman
Results of Commercial Sea Scallop Survey in the Hudson Canyon South Closed Area, William D. DuPaul, David B. Rudders, and Paul J. Rago
Results of Commercial Sea Scallop Survey in the Virginia Beach Closed Area September 2000, William D. DuPaul, David Rudders, and Paul J. Rago
State of the York Watershed 2000, Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Status of the Major Oyster Diseases in Virginia 1999 A Summary of the Annual Monitoring Program, Lisa M. Ragone Calvo and Eugene M. Burreson
The Status of Virginia's Public Oyster Resource 1999, Melissa Southworth, Juliana Harding, and Roger L. Mann
Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program Annual Report 1999, John A. Lucy, M. D. Arendt, and C.M. Bain III
Virginia Marina Needs Assessment: Summary Statistics, Thomas J. Murray
Virginia's Public Beach Board 20 Years of Coastal Management, Donna A. Milligan and C. Scott Hardaway Jr.
York County Shoreline Situation Report 1999, Marcia Berman, Sharon Dewing, Daniel Schatt, and Harry Berquist
Submissions from 1999
A Comparative Field Study of Crassostrea gigas and Crassostrea virginica in Relation to Salinity in Virginia, Gustavo W. Calvo, Mark Luckenbach, and Eugene M. Burreson
Analysis of Historical Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in the James River, Ken Moore, David J. Wilcox, R J. Orth, and Eva Bailey
An introduction to culturing oysters in Virginia, Mark Luckenbach, Francis X. O'Beirn, and Jake Taylor
A Preliminary Study of Predation on Blue Crabs by Three Fish Predators in a Seagrass Bed, R J. Orth, Jacques van Montfrans, and James Fishman
Chesapeake Bay oyster restoration : consensus of a meeting of scientific experts, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Wachapreague, Virginia, Virginia Institute of Marine Science and Chesapeake Research Consortium
Development of an Expert System Based on a Tidal Prism Water Quality Model for Small Coastal Basins in Virginia, Albert Y. Kuo, Sung-Chan Kim, Kyeong Park, and M. Dale Phillips
Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries and the Coastal Bays - 1998, R J. Orth, Judith F. Nowak, David J. Wilcox, Jennifer R. Whiting, and Leah S. Nagey
Ecological functions of constructed oyster reefs along an environmental gradient in Chesapeake Bay: Final Report, FX O'Beirn, Mark Luckenbach, Roger L. Mann, J Harding, and J Nestlerode
Estimation of juvenile striped bass relative abundance in the Virginia portion of Chesapeake Bay, January 1998-December 1998 : annual progress report, Herbert M. Austin, A. Dean Estes, and Donald M. Seaver
Estimation of relative abundance of recreationally important finfish in the Virginia portion of the Chesapeake Bay : annual progress report July 1998 - June 1999, Patrick J. Geer and Herbert M. Austin
Evaluation of Fixed Gear for the Capture of Summer Flounder in Coastal Waters of Virginia, Robert A. Fisher and David Rudders
Evaluation of Striped Bass Stocks in Virginia: Monitoring Studies, 1993-1998 Completion Report 1 September 1997 - 31 October 1998, Philip W. Sadler, Robert E. Harris Jr., Jason Romine, and John E. Olney Sr.
Exploratory Field Evaluation of Hook-Release Mortality in Tautog (Tautoga onitis) in Lower Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, John A. Lucy and Michael D. Arendt
Fish and Fisheries of the Seaside of the Eastern Shore of Virginia, John A. Musick, John J. Norcross, and David Hata
Gloucester County Shoreline And Tidal Marsh Inventory, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Dewing, George Thomas, and Rose Laird
Increasing the probability of success in restored forested wetlands, Kirk J. Havens and Gene Silberhorn
Interannual Decline, Compensatory Exploitation, and Conservation of the Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab Population in Winter, Rom Lipcius and Marcel M. Montane
Internet Access to Virginia Wetland Resource Management Support and Advisory Information, Lyle M. Varnell, Carl Hershner, David Weiss, and Gary F. Anderson
Juvenile Fish and Blue Crab Stock Assessment Program Bottom Trawl Survey Annual Data Summary Report Volume 1998, Patrick J. Geer
Laws, Regulations, and Environmental Factors and Their Potential Effects on the Stocks and Fisheries for the Blue Crab, Callinectes Sapidus, in the Chesapeake Bay Region, 1888-1940, Willard A. Van Engel
Modeling Coastal Hydrodynamics and Water Qualityof Kyunggi Bay Korea:Application of VIMS HEM-3D Model, Jian Shen, Chang-Shik Kim, and Albert Y. Kuo
Mortality and pathophysiology studies of blue crabs infected with the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium perezi, Jeffrey D. Shields
Oyster Reef Habitat Restoration : a synopsis and synthesis of approaches; proceedings from the symposium, Williamsburg, Virginia, April 1995, Mark Luckenbach, Roger L. Mann, and James A. Wesson
Preliminary Observations of Barndoor Skates (Raja laevis) on Georges Bank, Todd Gedamke and William D. DuPaul
Report on spectral wave modeling : extended study of the effects of sand mining on the wave regime at Sandbridge, Virginia - Comparison of results using a phase-revolving and a phase-averaging spectral wave model (REF/DIF S and SWAN), John D. Boon and Sung Chan Kim
Results of Modifications to Sea Scallop Dredge Twine Tops to Facilitate the Reduction of Finfish Bycatch: Georges Bank Closed Area II Experimental Fishery September-October 1998, William D. DuPaul, David B. Rudders, and David Kerstetter
Shallow Water Resource Use Conflicts: Clam Aquaculture and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Shoreline Management In Chesapeake Bay, C. Scott Hardaway Jr. and Robert J. Byrne
Status of the Major Oyster Diseases in Virginia 1998 A Summary of the Annual Monitoring Program, Lisa M. Ragone Calvo and Eugene M. Burreson
The Economic Value of Saltwater Angling in Virginia, James Kirkley, N. P. Bockstael, Kenneth E. McConnell, and Ivar Strand
Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program Annual Report 1998, John A. Lucy, C.M. Bain, and M. D. Arendt
Submissions from 1998
A Comparison of Size Selectivity And Relative Efficiency Of Sea Scallop Trawls And Dredges, David Rudders, William D. DuPaul, and James E. Kirkley
Application of a Tidal Prism Water Quality Model to Virginia Small Coastal Basins: Poquoson River, Piankatank River, Cherrystone Inlet and Hungars Creek, Albert Y. Kuo, Arthur J. Butt, Sung-Chan Kim, and Jing Lin
Bay Scallop Culture, Michael J. Oesterling
Biomass of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay, Kenneth A. Moore, David J. Wilcox, and Robert J. Orth
Chincoteague Bay, Virginia, effectiveness of the SAV sanctuary and revegetation of SAV habitat disturbed by clam dredging - Report to the Virginia Marine Resources Commission, Robert J. Orth, Ken Moore, David J. Wilcox, and James R. Fishman
Continuing trophic studies on constructed “restored” oyster reefs, Roger Mann and Juliana M. Harding
Data Report: Pump Sampling and Sediment Analysis in Support of the Sensor Insertion System Duck, N.C. April and October, 1997, Grace M. Massey, Carl T. Friiedrichs, Amo de Kruif, and Daan C. Rijks
Development and Implementation of a Catch and Effort Data Collection System for Monitoring Trends in Fishing Success on Virginia's Artificial Fishing Reefs, 1987-1988, John A. Lucy, Charles L. Barr, and William D. DuPaul
Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries and the Coastal Bays - 1997, R J. Orth, Judith F. Nowak, David J. Wilcox, Jennifer R. Whiting, and Leah S. Nagey
Environmental Studies Relative to Potential Sand Mining in the Vicinity of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, Carl H. Hobbs III
Estimation of juvenile striped bass relative abundance in the Virginia portion of Chesapeake Bay, January 1997-December 1997 : annual progress report, Herbert M. Austin, A. Dean Estes, and Donald M. Seaver
Exchanges of carbon and nitrogen between tidal freshwater wetlands and adjacent tributaries : a final report, Iris C. Anderson, Scott C. Neubauer, Betty B. Neikirk, and Richard L. Wetzel
Internet Access to Cumulative Wetland Impacts in Virginia, Lyle M. Varnell, Gary F. Anderson, and David Weiss
Juvenile Finfish and Blue Crab Stock Assessment Program Bottom Trawl Survey Annual Data Summary Report Series Volume 1997, Patrick J. Geer
Laser In-situ Scattering and Transmissometer (LISST) Observations in Support of the Sensor Insertion System Duck, NC October, 1997, Grace M. Massey and Carl T. Friedrichs
Model HACCP Program for Fresh and Frozen Soft Shell Blue Crabs Process Flow Chart/Hazard Analysis and Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP), Robert A. Fisher, Mike Oesterling, and Tom Rippen
Potomac River pound-net survey, summers 1996-1997 : 1998 final report, Herbert M. Austin, Kevin Hovel, William Connelly, and Andrea Goodnight
RDE Model: A Program for Simulating Water Wave Transformation for Harbor Planning, Jerome P.Y. Maa, T. W. Hsu, and H. H. Hwung
Record Numbers of Sea Turtle Strandings in Virginia in May and June 1998, W. C. Coles and J. A. Musick
Release Mortality in Virginia's Recreational Fishery for Summer Flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, Jon A. Lucy and Tracy D. Holton
Remote characterization of wetland vegetation and corresponding relationship to soils : final report on the evaluation of imagery-derived terrain attributes in the coastal zone, John E. Anderson, James E. Perry, and Jill Meyer
Resource Limitation of Phytoplankton In the Virginia Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries Using Nutrient-Addition Bioassays, Leonard W. Haas and Kenneth L. Webb
Short-Term Hooking Mortality of Summer Flounder In New York and Virginia, Mark H. Malchoff and Jon A. Lucy
Status of the Major Oyster Diseases in Virginia 1997 A Summary of the Annual Monitoring Program, Lisa M. Ragone Calvo and Eugene M. Burreson
Strata Formation on Margins (STRATAFORM) S-60 and S-70 Sites Benthic Boundary Layer Tripod Data Report, December 1995 - March 1996, L. D. Wright, D. A. Hepworth, S. C. Kim, and R. A. Gammisch
The Status of Virginia's Public Oyster Resource 1997, Reinaldo Alonzo-Morales and Roger L. Mann
Veined Rapa Whelk, Rapana venosa, Found in Virginia Waters, Roger L. Mann and Susan Waters
Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program Annual Report 1997, C.M. Bain III, John A. Lucy, and M. D. Arendt
Submissions from 1997
An investigation into the epizootiology of Hematodinium perezi, a parasitic dinoflagellate in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus : final report, Jeffrey D. Shields
A Stock assessment program for Chesapeake Bay fisheries: Development of an Alosa juvenile index of abundance : 1995 and 1996 index sampling results, Douglas A. Dixon, James D. Goins, and John E. Olney
Body burden of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and tributyltin in hard clams, Mercenaria mercenaria from the Elizabeth River, Va, Morris H. Roberts and Michael A. Unger
Coastal marine science and the Virginia Institute of Marine Science in the International Year of the Ocean, 1998, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Development of monitoring protocol for created wetlands : project summary for 1997, James E. Perry
Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries and the Coastal Bays - 1996, Robert J. Orth, Judith F. Nowak, David J. Wilcox, Jennifer R. Whiting, and Leah S. Nagy
Economic and Business Considerations for Small-Scale Soft Crab Production, Michael J. Oesterling and Chuck Adams
Estimation of juvenile striped bass relative abundance in the Virginia portion of Chesapeake Bay, January 1996-December 1996 : annual progress report, Herbert M. Austin, A. Dean Estes, and Donald M. Seaver
Estimation of Relative Abundance of Recreationally Important Finfish in the Virginia Portion of the Chesapeake Bay: Annual Progress Report 1996-1997, Patrick J. Geer and Herbert M. Austin
Evaluation of Crew Size Limits and Dredge Ring Size Restriction in the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery, William D. DuPaul and James E. Kirkley
Evaluation of the Potomac River American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) Pot Fishery based on Commercial Landings, Patrick J. Geer
Evidence of widespread destruction of submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) from clam dredging in Chincoteague Bay, Virginia, Kenenth A. Moore and Robert J. Orth
Final report for the project entitled A stock recruit model of the James River oyster fishery, Roger L. Mann, Eugene Burreson, David Evans, and David Weiss
Fishery independent standing stock surveys of oyster populations in Virginia 1997, Roger L. Mann and James Wesson
Fish Lesions, Pfiesteria and The Chesapeake Bay, Virginia Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program
Geological and Geophysical Character of the East China and Yellow Seas, John D. Milliman and Nicole D. Scott