
Submissions from 2003


The Status of Virginia's Public Oyster Resource 2002, Melissa Southworth, Juliana Harding, and Roger L. Mann


The Three Faces of Isabel: Storm surge, storm tide, and sea level rise, John D. Boon


Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program Annual Report 2002, John A. Lucy and C.M. Bain III


Waterfront Development and Potential Impacts to Aquatic Habitat A Planning Tool for Evaluating Resource Sensitivity, Marcia Berman and Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Wetlands of Virginia: total, isolated and headwater, Carl Hershner, Kirk J. Havens, Marcia Berman, Tamia Rudnicky, and Daniel Schatt

Submissions from 2002


Accomack County Shoreline Situation Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Dewing, J. B. Glover, Carl Hershner, Tamia Rudnicky, and Daniel E. Schatt


An Analysis of Shoreline Development Risk for Secondary Dune Systems in Tidewater Virginia with Associated Management Recommendations, Lyle M. Varnell and C. Scott Hardaway Jr.


An evaluation of interactions between sea turtles and poundnet leaders in the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia : final report, Katherine L. Mansfield


An evaluation of sea turtle abundances, mortalities and fisheries interactions in the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, 2001, Katherine L. Mansfield, Erin E. Seney, and John A. Musick


Application of an Integrated Watershed and Tidal Prism Model to Cockrell Creek, Jian Shen, Harry V. Wang, and Mac Sisson


Application of an Integrated Watershed and Tidal Prism Model to the Poquoson Coastal Embayment, Jian Shen, Harry V. Wang, and Mac Sisson


Assessing Larval American Shad Growth and Survival with in situ mesocosm experiments in three differing habitats within a coastal estuary, Donna Marie Bilkovic, David Stanhope, and Carl Hershner


A study of the river origin of American shad captured in the Atlantic Ocean intercept fishery in Virginia : Final report, 2001, Kristin L. Maki, John E. Olney, and John M. Hoenig


A Summary of Methods for Controlling Phragmites australis, Libby Norris; James E. Perry; Kirk J. Havens; and Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Wetlands Program


Causes of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Declines in Tangier Sound, Chesapeake Bay, Robert J. Orth, Kenneth Moore, James Fishman, David J. Wilcox, Lee Karrh, and Thomas Parham


Chemical and Toxicological Characterization of Tidal Freshwater Areas in the James River, Virginia from Jamestown Island to Jordan Point, Morris H. Roberts Jr., Mary Ann Vogelbein, Mark A. Richards, and Lou Seivard


City of Norfolk - Shoreline Situation Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Carl Hershner, Sharon Killeen, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, David Weiss, and Helen Woods


Constraints On Sustainable Marine Fisheries In The United States: A Look At The Record, J. A. Musick and J. K. Ellis


Estimating population parameters of American shad in the York River, Virginia : Final report, 2001, K. L. Maki, J. E. Olney, and J. M. Hoenig


Estimation of juvenile striped bass relative abundance in the Virginia portion of Chesapeake Bay, January 2001-December 2001 : annual progress report, Herbert M. Austin, A. Dean Estes, and Donald M. Seaver


Estimation of Relative Abundance of Recreationally Important Juvenile Finfish in the Virginia Portion of Chesapeake Bay Project RFOl-3 July 2001 - June 2002, Marcel M. Montaine, Herbert M. Austin, Patrick J. Geer, and Wendy A. Lowery


Evaluating the recruitment of American eel, Anguilla rostrata, to the Potomac - Spring 2002 : February 2002 - June 2002, Hank Brooks, M. Todd Mathes, and Marcel M. Montane


Evaluation of Bycatch Reduction Devices to Facilitate Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) Escapement from Sea Scallop Trawls, David Rudders and William D. DuPaul


Evaluation of Comparative Watercraft Personal Property Taxation In Northern Neck Localities, Thomas J. Murray


Evaluation of striped bass stocks in Virginia, monitoring and tagging studies, 1999-2003 Annual report, 1 September 2001 - 31 October 2002, Philip W. Sadler, Robert J. Latour, Robert E. Harris, Kristin L. Maki, and John E. Olney


Final Contract Report "Performance of a 4" Ring Scallop Dredge in the Context of an Area Management Strategy", William D. DuPaul


Finfish and Invertebrate Bycatch in the Georges Bank and Hudson Canyon Closed Areas Using a 3.5-lnch (88.9mm) and a 4.0-Inch (101.6mm) Ring Sea Scallop Dredge, William D. DuPaul, David Rudders, and Kevin D. Goff


Instruction for Using an Integrated Watershed Tidal Prism Modeling System for Simulating Fecal Colifrom, Jian Shen, Mac Sisson, and Harry V. Wang


Lancaster County Shoreline Situation Report, Marcia Berman, Tamia Rudnicky, Harry Berquist, and Carl Hershner


Marina site suitablity tool : final project report, Marcia Berman, Kirk J. Havens, Tamia Rudnicky, and Thomas A. Barnard


Monitoring Relative Abundance of American Shad in Virginia’s Rivers 2001 Annual Report, John E. Olney and Kristin L. Maki


Performance of a 4" Ring Scallop Dredge in the Context of an Area Management Strategy Award No. NA16FM1030 Closed Area I and Nantucket Lightship Closed Area, William D. DuPaul


Performance of a 4" Ring Scallop Dredge in the Context of an Area Management Strategy Research TAC Set-Aside Georges Bank Scallop Exemption Program, Closed Area Access, William D. DuPaul


Public Beach Assessment Report Central Beach and Castlewood Park Beach Colonial Beach, Virginia, Donna A. Milligan, C. Scott Hardaway Jr., R. H. Brindley, and G. R. Thomas


QPX Susceptibility in Hard Clams Varies with Geographic Origin of Brood Stock, Lisa M. Ragone Calvo and Eugene Burreson


Restoration of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in the Tidal Freshwater James River: Year 3, Kenneth A. Moore, Britt Anderson, and Betty Neikirk


Settlement and survival of the oyster Crassostrea virginica on created oyster reef habitats in Chesapeake Bay, Janet A. Nestlerode, Mark W. Luckenbach, and Robert J. Diaz


Shellfish Culture Forum: Industry Issues An Annual Evaluation 2002, Michael J. Oesterling


Standing policy for Virginia Institute of Marine Science non-native oyster research in Virginia, Standish K. Allen and Eugene M. Burreson


Stated preference methods for environmental management : recreational summer flounder angling in the northeastern United States, Robert L. Hicks


Status and Trends of Phragmites australis invasion within constructed wetlands in Virginia, Kirk J. Havens, Harry Berquist, Walter I. Priest III, James E. Perry, John Anderson, and Libby Norris


Status of the Major Oyster Diseases in Virginia 2001 A Summary of the Annual Monitoring Program, Lisa M. Ragone Calvo and Eugene M. Burreson


Supplemental Data: Effects of physical mixing on the attenuation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in estuarine sediments., Krisa M. Arzayus, Rebecca M. Dickhut, and Elizabeth A. Canuel


The Status of Virginia's Public Oyster Resource 2001, Melissa Southworth, Juliana Harding, and Roger L. Mann


Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program Annual Report 2001, John A. Lucy and C.M. Bain III


Virginia’s Coastal Program: Strategic Mapping of Management Goals, Jennifer Newton, Pamela Mason, and Carl Hershner

Submissions from 2001


Analysis of Historical Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in the York and Rappahannock Rivers as Evidence of Historical Water Quality Conditions, Ken Moore, David J. Wilcox, Britt Anderson, and R J. Orth


Application of a watershed model (BasinSim) and a tidal prism water quality model (TPWQM) to the Great Wicomico River, Virginia, Sung-Chan Kim, Richard Wetzel, Leonard Hass, and Albert Kuo


Aquaculture of Triploid Crassostrea ariakensis in the Chesapeake Bay A Symposium Report, Eric Hallerman, Merrill Leffler, Sally Mills, and Standish K. Allen Jr.


Assessing Essential Fish Habitat for Bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus, 1766), in Virginia's Portion of Chesapeake Bay and Near Shore Coastal Waters, 1988-1999, Hank Brooks and Patrick J. Geer


Boat scarring effects on submerged aquatic vegetation in Virginia (year 1), R J. Orth, James R. Fishman, Amy Tillman, Sara Everett, and Kenneth A. Moore


Chesapeake Bay Dune Systems: Evolution and Status, C. Scott Hardaway Jr., Lyle M. Varnell, Donna A. Milligan, George R. Thomas, and Carl H. Hobbs III


City of Poquoson Shoreline Situation Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Dewing, J. B. Glover, Carl Hershner, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, and Kevin Skunda


Ecological Characterization of Stormwater Detention Ponds in Virginia's Coastal Plain, Rebecca Jo Thomas and Carl H. Hershner


Enhanced Water Quality Monitoring of Virginia's Chesapeake Bay Tributaries, Kenneth Moore, Iris C. Anderson, Larry W. Haas, and Howard Kator


Essex County and the Town of Tappahannock Shoreline Situation Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Dewing, J. B. Glover, Carl Hershner, Tamia Rudnicky, Dan Schatt, and Kevin Skunda


Estimating relative abundance of young of the year American eel, Anguilla rostrata, in the Virginia tributaries of Chesapeake Bay, Patrick J. Greer


Estimating relative abundance of young of year American eel, Anguilla rostrata, in the Virginia tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay March 2000 - June 2001, Patrick J. Geer


Estimation of juvenile striped bass relative abundance in the Virginia portion of Chesapeake Bay, January 2000-December 2000 : annual progress report, Herbert M. Austin, A. Dean Estes, and Donald M. Seaver


Estimation of Relative Abundance of Recreationally Important Finfish in the Virginia Portion of Chesapeake Bay, Patrick J. Geer and Herbert M. Austin


Estimation of Relative Abundance of Recreationally Important Finfish in the Virginia Portion of Chesapeake Bay: Annual Progress Report 2000-2001, Patrick J. Geer and Herbert M. Austin


Evaluation of Comparative Watercraft Personal Property Taxation in Middle Peninsula Localities, Thomas J. Murray


Evaluation of striped bass stocks in Virginia, monitoring and tagging studies, 1999-2003 Annual report, 1 September 2000 - 31 October 2001, Philip W. Sadler, Robert J. Latour, Robert E. Harris, and John E. Olney


Finfish Bycatch for the Georges Bank and Hudson Canyon Closed Areas During 4 Inch Ring Dredge Experiments, William D. DuPaul, Kevin Goff, and David Rudders


Food Habits of Large Striped Bass in the Lower Chesapeake Bay and its Tributaries March 1997 - May 1998, Herbert M. Austin and John F. Walter


Internesting Movements of Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) Sea Turtles in Virginia, USA, Katherine L. Mansfield, John A. Musick, and Soraya M. Bartol


King William County Shoreline Situation Report, Marcia Berman, Harry Berquist, Sharon Dewing, J. B. Glover, Carl Hershner, Tamia Rudnicky, Daniel E. Schatt, and Kevin Skunda


Lined Seahorse Distribution, Abundance, and Habitat Preferences from the VIMS Trawl Survey 1979-2000, Patrick J. Geer and Joy C. Dameron


Molecular Methods for the Dectection of Quahog Parasite Unknown (QPX), Lisa M. Ragone Calvo, Nancy A. Stokes, and Eugene Burreson


Monitoring of Suspended Sediment Plume Formed During Oyster Shell Dredging in the James River, Virginia, August 2001, Carl T. Friedrichs and Grace M. Massey


Monitoring Relative Abundance of American Shad in Virginia’s Rivers 2000 Annual Report, John E. Olney and John M. Hoenig


Phragmites australis: Ecology and Management in Virginia, Kirk J. Havens


Polychaete Key for Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Virginia, Aaron Bartholomew and Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Red Drum Tag Return Data Overview Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program 1995-2000, Jon Lucy


Riparian Forest Buffer Restoration Targeting for the Rappahannock River Watershed, Anne Newsome; Carl Hershner; Dan Schatt; and Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Wetlands Program


Shark Attack in Virginia: A Report to the Governor's Task Force, J. A. Musick


Statement on the use of Crassostrea ariakensis in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Status of the Major Oyster Diseases in Virginia 2000 A Summary of the Annual Monitoring Program, Lisa M. Ragone Calvo and Eugene M. Burreson


Summary of Essential Fish Habitat Description and Identification for Federally Managed Species Inhabiting the Virginia Waters of Chesapeake Bay 1988 - 1999, Patrick J. Geer


The 2000 Virginia Beach Red, White, and Blue Fishing Tournament: Participants’ Characteristics, Attitudes, Expenditures, and Economic Impacts, Carol E. Thailing


The Status of Virginia's Public Oyster Resource 2000, Melissa Southworth, Juliana Harding, and Roger L. Mann


Three Dimensional Hydrodynamic Modeling Study, Craney Island eastward expansion, lower James River and Elizabeth River, Virginia, Harry V. Wang, S. C. Kim, John D. Boon, A. Y. Kuo, G. M. Sisson, J. M. Brubaker, and J. P-Y. Maa


VIMS Shoreline Permit Database Impacts and Alterations Impacts and Alterations Summary 1993- 2000, Thomas A. Barnard; Patty Clancy; Karen Duhring; Kirk J. Havens; Carl Hershner; Pamela Mason; David O'Brien; Walter L. Priest; William L. Roberts; Lyle M. Varnell; David Weiss; and Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Wetlands Program


Virginia Boating Plan and Access Needs Assessment, Thomas J. Murray


Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program Annual Report 2000, John A. Lucy and C.M. Bain III


Virginia Marine Infrastructure Needs Assessment, Thomas J. Murray


Yellowtail Flounder (Limanda ferruginea) Bycatch During the 1999 Commercial Sea Scallop Opening of Georges Bank Area II, William D. DuPaul, David Rudders, and Todd Gedamke

Submissions from 2000


A Comparative Field Study of Crassostrea ariakensis and Crassostrea virginica in Relation to Salinity in Virginia, Gustavo W. Calvo, Mark Luckenbach, Standish K. Allen Jr., and Eugene M. Burreson


Ambient toxicity of water samples from four locations in the Elizabeth River : a comparison of species sensitivities, Morris H. Roberts and Peter F. De Lisle


Answering local wetlands boards needs regarding guidance in investigating wetlands violations : final report to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Wetlands Protection State Development Project Period July 1, 1998-June 30, 2000, Kirk J. Havens and Bartlett N. Theberge


BasinSim 1.0 A Windows-Based Watershed Modeling Package, Ting Dai, Richard L. Wetzel, Tyler R.L. Christensen, and E. Amy Lewis


Clam Strain Registry, Tom Gallivan and Standish K. Allen Jr.


Environmental survey of potential sand resource sites, offshore Delaware and Maryland : Final Report, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Evaluating the recruitment of American eel, Anguilla rostrata, to the Potomac - Spring 2000 : March 2000 - June 2000, Patrick J. Geer, Julie A. Weeder, Steven Hammond, and Rudolph Lukacovic


Evaluation of striped bass stocks in Virginia, monitoring and tagging studies, 1999-2003 annual report, 1 September 1998 - 31 October 1999, Philip Sadler, Robert E. Harris, Jason Romine, and John E. Olney Sr.


Evaluation of striped bass stocks in Virginia, monitoring and tagging studies, 1999-2003 Annual report, 1 September 1999 - 31 October 2000, Philip W. Sadler, Robert E. Harris, John E. Olney, and Robert J. Latour


Genetic Considerations for Hatchery-Based Restoration of Oyster Reefs : A summary from the September 21-22, 2000 workshop, Standish K. Allen Jr. and T. Jerry Hilbish


Increasing the probability of success in the construction of marshes in coastal Virginia, Kirk J. Havens and Lyle M. Varnell


Jackson Creek Federal Navigation Project: Stove Point Placement Area Analysis Final Draft, Donna A. Milligan, C. Scott Hardaway Jr., George R . Thomas, and Rebecca C.H. Brindley


James City County Shoreline Situation Report 1999, Marcia Berman, Sharon Dewing, Daniel Schatt, and Harry Berquist