
Submissions from 1983


James River slack water data report : temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, 1971 - 1980, T. J. Brooks and C. S. Fang


Mattaponi River slack water data report : temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, 1970 - 1980, T. J. Brooks


Monthly Report on the State of Rivers 1983, Albert Kuo


MSX in Rappahannock River & Great Wicomico River, Jay D. Andrews


New Developments for Offshore Fishery Resources, William D. DuPaul


Oyster Survey, Great Wicomico River, Michael J. Oesterling and Dexter S. Haven


Pamunkey River slack water data report : temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, 1970 - 1980, T. J. Brooks


PRFC Restrictions on Striped Bass Fishing, Herbert M. Austin


Price Flexibility Analysis of Virginia Hard Clams: Economic Considerations for Management of the Fishery, Andre C. Kvaternik, William D. DuPaul, and Thomas J. Murray


Problems in Interstate Fisheries Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Products and Productivity of the Men and Women of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science from 1940 to June, 1983, William J. Hargis Jr. and Thomas M. Armitage


Rappahannock River Slack Water Data Report: Temperature, Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen 1970-1980, T. J. Brooks


Report to the Potomac River Fisheries Commission on Hand Scraping and Oyster Culture in the Lower Potomac River, Dexter S. Haven and Elgin A. Dunnington


Results of MSX tests for 1982 infections, Jay D. Andrews


ROKA 83 Exhibition for Delicatessen and Drinks September 11-13, 1983 Utrecht-Holland, William DuPaul and Charlie C. Thomas


Striped Bass Research, Virginia - Annual Report 1983, Virginia Institute of Marine Science


Summary of the Economic Impact of the Eighth Annual Virginia Beach Anglers Club Small Boat Marlin Tournament, Jon Lucy


Tangier Sound Waterman's Association v. Douglas: Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab Residency Restrictions Held Unconstitutional, Alison Rieser and Nancy Ziegler


The Blue Crab Fisheries of Virginia and Maryland: A Preliminary Review of Landings and Fishing Effort, 1929-1981, W. A. Van Engel and R. E. Harris Jr.


The density of oysters and shell upriver from the Campostella bridge in the Elizabeth River, Dexter S. Haven and James P. Whitcomb


The nature and extent of trace element contamination associated with fly-ash disposal sites in the Chisman Creek Watershed, Bruce J. Neilson, George C. Grant, Gary F. Anderson, and Cindy L. Bosco


The Role of Science in Fisheries Management, Herbert Austin


The Value of Virginia's Saltwater Recreational Fishery, Jon A. Lucy


The VIMS Trawl Survey : Juvenile Atlantic Croaker, Brenda L. Norcross and Ginny H. Shaw


Ware River intensive watershed study - Project Summary, Gary F. Anderson, Cindy Bosco, and Bruce Neilson


Water Quality in a Virginia Potomac Embayment: Hunting Creek - Cameron Run, Carl F. Cerco and Albert Y. Kuo


York River slack water data report : temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, 1971 - 1980, T. J. Brooks

Submissions from 1982


22nd Urbanna Oyster Festival: Analysis of Patrons and Expendatures, Jon A. Lucy and Tamara A. Vance


A Mathematical Model for the Study of Stormwater Impact on the Water Quality of Lynnhaven Bay, Virginia, Albert Y. Kuo, Paul V. Hyer, and Bruce J. Neilson


Anadromous Fisheries Research Program, Virginia - Annual Report 1982, Joseph G. Loesch and William H. Kriete Jr.


An Annotated Bibliography of Climate and Fisheries Interactions, Herbert M. Austin, Brenda L. Norcross, and Merton I. Ingham


A natural resources survey and habitat evaluation of the Willoughby Disposal Area, U.S. Naval Base, Norfolk, Virginia, Walter I. Priest, C. Richard Terman, and Willliam Ihle


An Overview of The Status of Alosa Stocks in Virginia, Steven M. Atran, Joseph G. Loesch, and William H. Kriete Jr.


A Report on the Area Impacted by the Tug "Tunnel" near the mouth of Onancock Creek from November 21 and 23, Dexter S. Haven


A Report on the Jail Island Repletion Area in the James River, Dexter S. Haven


Assessment of larval striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), stocks in Maryland and Virginia waters. Part II. Assessment of spawning activity in major Virginia rivers. Segment 2. Distribution and abundance of striped bass eggs and larvae in the James and Chickahominy Rivers, Virginia, during spring 1981 : draft final report, George C. Grant and John E. Olney


A water quality study of the Northwest River, Virginia, Albert Y. Kuo, Bruce Neilson, and Paul V. Hyer


Baseline sediment studies to determine distribution, physical properties, sedimentation budgets and rates in the Virginia portion of the Chesapeake Bay : Final report, Robert J. Byrne, Carl H. Hobbs III, and Michael J. Carron


Comments on the Reauthorization of PL 89-304, Herbert M. Austin


Development of oyster resources, Katherine V. Leonard


Distribution and Abundance of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay: A Scientific Summary, Robert J. Orth and Kenneth A. Moore


Estimates of abundance : VIMS small fish trawl survey, York and Rappahannock Rivers, 1955 to 1982, Frank J. Wojcik and Herbert M. Austin


Examination of Tidal Flats Vol. 1 - Research Report, R. J. Diaz, G. Markwith, R J. Orth, and W. Rizzo


Examination of tidal flats. Vol. 2 A review of identified values, R J. Orth and R. Wetzel


Examination of Tidal Flats Vol. 3 - Evaluation Methodology, Robert J. Diaz


Hydrocarbon fuel chemistry : sediment water interaction, William G. MacIntyre, C. L. Smith, P. O. deFur, and C. W. Su


Light and Submerged Macrophyte Communities in the Chesapeake Bay: A Scientific Summary, Richard L. Wetzel, Robin F. VanTine, and Polly A. Penhale


Management practice evaluation for urban areas in the Hampton Roads vicinity: a report to Hampton Roads Water Quality Agency, Gary F. Anderson, Bruce J. Neilson, and Donald H. Campbell


Monthly Report on the State of Rivers 1982, Albert Kuo


Mortalities in the Soft Crab Industry: Sources and Solutions, Michael J. Oesterling


Nansemond River, study of leased oyster grounds in the vicinity of the Mills E. Godwin Jr. bridge (after construction), Paul C. Kendall, Dexter S. Haven, and James R. Whitcomb


New working watercraft : a return to former capabilities, James W. Brown and National Conference on Applications of Sail-Assisted Power Technology


Nomini Creek, study of some leased oyster grounds in the vicinity of the Route 202 bridge (before construction), Paul C. Kendall and Dexter S. Haven


Position of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science on the Use of the "High-Roller Gill Net" in the Chesapeake Bay for the Taking of Bluefish and Weakfish, Herbert M. Austin


Report to the Potomac River Fisheries Commission on Hand Scraping and Oyster Culture In the Hand Scrape Area., Dexter S. Haven and Elgin A. Dunnington


Reproduction of oysters in Virginia, Jay D. Andrews


Russian roulette with oysters : a review of exotic introductions and information needed for planning new ones, Jay D. Andrews


Seasat SAR test of the Virginian Sea Wave Climate Model, John C. Munday Jr., Christopher S. Welch, and George R. Mapp


Striped Bass, Morone saxatilis, spawning season and grounds in Virginia River with notes on concomitant fisheries, John G. Travelstead, Herbert M. Austin, William H. Kriete, A. Deane Estes, and John E. Olney


Structural and Functional Aspects of the Biology of Submerged Aquatic Macrophyte Communities in the Lower Chesapeake Bay Volume III: Interactions of Resident Consumers in a Temperate Estuarine Seagrass Community: Vaucluse Shores, Virginia, USA, Robert J. Orth and Jacques van Montfrans


Structural and Functional Aspects of the Ecology of Submerged Aquatic Macrophyte Communities in the Lower Chesapeake Bay Volume I I: Submarine Light Quantity and Quality in the Lower Chesapeake Bay and Its Potential Role in the Ecology of Submerged Seagrass Communities, Robin F. Van Tine and Richard L. Wetzel


Study of leased oyster ground at the site of the proposed Rt.143 bridge across Hampton River, Paul C. Kendall and Dexter S. Haven


Submerged aquatic vegetation : distribution and abundance in the lower Chesapeake Bay and the interactive effects of light, epiphytes, and grazers Final Report, Robert J. Orth, Kenneth A. Moore, and Jacques van Monfrans


Surf Clams Off the Virginia Coast, Dexter S. Haven


The biogenic structure of lower Chesapeake Bay sediments : EPA Chesapeake Bay Program final report, Karl J. Nilsen, Robert J. Diaz, Linda C. Schaffner, Donald F. Boesch, Rodney Bertelsen, and Michel Kravitz


The Biology and Propagation of Zostera marina, Eelgrass, in the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, Robert J. Orth and Kenneth A. Moore


The effects of atrazine on Zostera marina in the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, Carl H. Hershner, Keith B. Ward, Jerome E. Illowsky, and et al


The Impact of Low Salinities on James River Oyster Populations 1979-1980, Dexter S. Haven


The Impact of the Extended Season for Tonging Seed Oysters in the James River Virginia, Dexter S. Haven


The James River Public Seed Oyster Area in Virginia (A Review of 22 years of Setting and Population Studies, 1946 to 1967 and Changes Caused by Minchinia nelsoni (MSX) after 1960), Jay D. Andrews


The Virginia Oyster Industry: Its Present Status and Remedial Measures Needed to Increase Statewide Production, Dexter S. Haven


Toxic organic compounds in surface sediments from Elizabeth and Patapsco Rivers and estuaries, Rudolph H. Bieri, Chris Hein, Robert J. Huggett, Philip Shou, Harold Slone, Craig Smith, and Chih-Wu Su


Virginia Eel Pot Study, Robert K. Dias


Ware River intensive watershed study- Part 1. Nonpoint source contributions, Gary F. Anderson, Cindy Bosco, and Bruce Neilson


Ware River intensive watershed study - Part 2. Estuarine Receiving Water Quality, Cindy Bosco, Gary F. Anderson, and Bruce Neilson


Water quality trends in the Lynnhaven Bay : a report to the Hampton Roads Water Quality Agency, Bruce J. Neilson


Water quality trends in the Northwest River : a report to the Hampton Roads Water Quality Agency, Bruce J. Neilson

Submissions from 1981


Adaptability of Beam Trawling Gear to Mid-Atlantic Waters, William H. Burton


A Definition of a Natural Oyster Rock, Dexter S. Haven and Herbert M. Austin


Anadromous Fisheries Research Program, Virginia - Annual Report 1980, Joseph G. Loesch and William H. Kriete Jr.


Anadromous Fisheries Research Program, Virginia - Annual Report 1981, Joseph G. Loesch and William H. Kriete Jr.


A Preliminary Analysis of the Virginia Pleasure Boat Fleet, Thomas J. Murray


A Preliminary study of community oxygen metabolism in the vicinity of the C. P. Crane electric power generating station : final report, Paul L. Zubkoff


A Report on the Operation of a Hydraulic Escalator Dredge on Private Ground on Hampton Flats, James River, During October 1980, Herbert M. Austin and Dexter S. Haven


Assessment and Monitoring of Sciaenid Stocks, with Particular Reference to the Weakfish, Cynoscion regalis, Herbert M. Austin


Assessment of larval striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), stocks in Maryland and Virginia waters. Part II. Assessment of spawning activity in major Virginia rivers. Segment 1. Distribution and abundance of striped bass eggs and larvae in the upper York River system, Virginia, during spring 1980, George C. Grant and John E. Olney


A Study of Dredging Effects in Hampton Roads, Virginia, Walter I. Priest III


A study of some leased oyster planting grounds adjacent to the James River bridge, Newport News, Virginia : conducted for the Virginia Dept. of Highways and Transportation, Project 0017-046-102, B-605, Paul C. Kendall and Dexter S. Haven


Climate Scale Environmental Factors Affecting Year Class Fluctuations of Chesapeake Bay Croaker Micropogonias undulatus, Brenda L. Norcross and Herbert M. Austin


Continuous plankton records : zooplankton and net phytoplankton in the southern regions of the Middle Atlantic Bight, 1978-80, Cathy E. Meyer and Herbert Austin


Determination of the Presence, Species Composition, and Relative Abundance of Anadeomous Fishes in Pohick Creek, Fairfax, Virginia, Joseph G. Loesch


Determination of the presence, species composition, and relative abundance of anadromous fishes in Pohick Creek, Fairfax, Virginia, Joseph G. Loesch


Development and application of an index to assess nutrient enrichment in estuaries : a report to the Chesapeake Bay Program, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Bruce J. Neilson


Effluent travel estimates from ships anchored in Chesapeake Bay : a report to the Virginia State Water Control Board, C. S. Fang, C. S. Welch, and T. J. Brooks


Experimental colonization of crude oil contaminated sediments by benthos on the Middle Atlantic continental shelf, Donald Boesch, Eugene Burreson, and et al


False Cape State Park: Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge Study: A Public Access Analysis, N. Bartlett Theberge


Fate and effects of experimental oil spills in an eastern coastal plain marsh system : final report, M. E. Bender, J. G. Hudgins, and R. A. Jordan


Feasibility of Crab Meal Processing in the Chesapeake Bay Region, Thomas J. Murray and William D. DuPaul


Investigation of hydrodynamic and behavioral factors that affect zooplankton sampling by pumps, Fred Jacobs, Albert Kuo, and George C. Grant


Landsat analysis of the dynamics of the Chesapeake Bay plume on the continental shelf, John C. Munday and Michael S. Fedosh