Honors Theses from 2015
Open wounds, shrunk...but wounds still: Mental Illness in the Life and Literature of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Leah C. Bailey
Portraits of Strangers, Dana Lotito
The Pendragon Cycle: Celtic Christianity in the Arthurian Legend through Bards, Prophets, and Historians, Rebecca L. Heine
Thrown Into America: Existentialism in the New World, William Toler Marsh
Honors Theses from 2014
"A Density of Meaning": Literary Representations of the British Museum, 1818-1929, Rory E. Sullivan
“All Persons Living and Dead Are Purely Coincidental:” Unity, Dissolution, and the Humanist Wampeter of Kurt Vonnegut’s Universe, Danielle M. Clarke
A Love Story, a Tragedy, or Both, Hannah Boes
A New Wessex: The Influence on Shakespeare on Genre in the Novels of Thomas Hardy, Catherine G. Strycharz
"As the Work had its origin in love": Masculine Responsibility and the Economy of Sympathy in Anti-Tom Novels, 1852-1854, Eleanor A. Pace
"Can't They Stop The Guns?" Trauma and Inter-War Detective Fiction, Kyla J. Ainsworth
Charlotte Bronte's Other Belgian Novel: Sex, the Foreign Body, and the Legacy of Brussels in "Jane Eyre", Rachel M. Watson
Freedomland, Elyse J. Endick
Memory Dress: Fiction and Nonfiction Inspired by Fukushima, Jordan Thomas Sutlive
"See here my show": Providence and The Theatrum Mundi in Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy, Miles S. Drawdy
Taboos and Primitivism: James Frazer, H.G. Wells, and the Intersection of Anthropology and Science Fiction, Eleanor L. Riesenberg
"The Art of Questioning": Interrogations of Exceptionalist History and Cultural Mythology in the Novels of Salman Rushdie and William Faulkner, Hannah R. Barnhart
The Reverie Genre: Rousseau, Dostoevsky, Eliot, and the Roots of Modern Consciousness, Corinne Tucker
“Things as they are/Are changed upon the blue guitar”: Wallace Stevens and the Visual Arts, Olivia Sweet
"Wit so rare and grace so peerless": The Collaborative Construction of Frances Sargent Osgood's Public Image, Madeline V. Benjamin
Honors Theses from 2013
Letters, Desire, and the Novel in the Late Nineteenth Century, Kayla Grant
Liminal Agency: Texts, Textiles, and Gendered Performance in the Courtship Narrative of The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Emily L. Loney
Still Lives, Claire Lewis Pittman
The Aftertaste of Memories: Capturing the Cultural Zeitgeist in Fiction, Arthi Aravind
The Gaze of the Woman Artist in Novels by the Sisters Bronte, Elaine L. Bevington
"The vernacular of light": Wallace Stevens' Constructions of Belief, Emma Carter Aylor
Voyages, Aaron Aubrey Barksdale
Honors Theses from 2012
'A Counterfeit Presentment': The Duality of Portraiture in the Novels of George Eliot and Thomas Hardy, Sarah Catherine Ross
Courting Revitalization: Companionate Marriage and the Problem of the Landed Gentry's Reform in Jane Austen, Meredith Paige Luze
Divine Harmony Amongst Many Spheres: The Relationship Between Literal and Metaphoric Music in Shakespeare, Ann Katherine Allen
Hit: A Novella, Hannah McCarthy
Lurch: Short Stories on Revolution, Elizabeth Marie Wallace
Mirrors in the Sky: A Novel, Brianna Nicole Frentzko
"No Order Save That Which Death Has Put There": Identity Formation In Cormac McCarthy's Border Trilogy, Matthew Miles Chaney
The Courage to Write, Caroline Noël Winter
The (Re)Production Craze: Taylorism, the Modern American Family, and Non-Progressive Narratives in Edith Wharton's Late Fiction, Katelyn Durkin
Honors Theses from 2011
An American Troubadour: The Career and Life of Alfred Kreymborg as a Modernist and Beyond, Benjamin Dwight Norris
Between Waste and Efficiency: Reading Virginia Woolf's Orlando as Co-Operative Text, Cassandra C. Adair
Black Brides: Examining the Eastern Threat to Victorian Womanhood in Fiction, Virginia Lynn Butler
I Am No Man; J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings as Gender-Progressive Text, Justine A. di Giovanni
Marginal Man: An Exploration of Hypermasculinity in Black Male Protagonists in Light in August, Native Son, and Invisible Man, Kathryn Susan Ikeler
On the Margins of Cool: Women Poets of the Beat Generation, Megan R. Keeling
"Our voices will not be silenced": Edwidge Danticat, Haiti, and the Silences of History, Victoria Paige Pinkston
Scottish Chaucerians: Transforming and Reclaiming a Discarded Category, Christina Mitchell
"That Thing that Ends All Other Deeds": Silence as a Literary Device in the Suicides of Shakespeare's Female Characters, Amanda Guiliano
The Leningrad Symphony: A Screenplay, Maria K. Moy
The Sublime Uniting Romanticism and Feminism in Jane Austen, Elizabeth Brooke Powell
Translation, Criticism, and/or Politics: Assessing and Contextualizing Ezra Pound's "Homage to Sextus Propertius", Brendan Ross Higgins
Honors Theses from 2010
Between Two Truths: Herman Melville's New Patriotism, Leah Fry
Dangerous Sanctity: John Capgrave's The Life of St. Norbert and its Literary and Cultural Significance, James C. Staples
"For ne'er was a story of such wit" Nostalgic Tragicomedy in Chinese Romeo and Juliets, Megan Ammirati
"I refuse these givens:" Reintegrating the Split Self in the Poetry of H.D. and Adrienne Rich, Jennifer Lynn MacLure
Open Water: A Collection, Emily Newhook
Paralysis: A Collection of Short Stories, Sarah English
Skunk Ape: Stories and Poems, Aaron Fallon
"The Cast-Off Mistress;" The changing face of seafaring in Conrad's Middle-fiction, Margaret Hutchison
The "silent dialogue": Parallel Trajectories of H.D.'s and Adrienne Rich's Poetic Treatment of Patriarchal Violence, Katherine E. Merk
Honors Theses from 2009
Consuming Fictions: Trauma and Ideology in Irish Famine Literature, Sean O'Mealia
Hill House, Not Sane: Shirley Jackson's Subversion of Conventions and Conventionality in The Haunting of Hill House, Ryen Christopher Rasmus
Revealing the Wizard Behind the Curtain: Deconstructivist Fairytale Politics in the Works of Margaret Atwood, Anne Sexton, and Angela Carter, James Devin Hood
The History, Printing, and Editing of The Returne from Pernassus, Christopher A. Adams
Voicing the Mutilated Woman's Story: The Intertextual Relationship Between Katherine Anne Porter and William Faulkner, Ashley Hockensmith
Wordsworth and the Odic Tradition, Lindsay Gail Gibson
Honors Theses from 2008
"Beauty, Enlightenment, and Comfort at Top Speed" : Cognitive spaces and blending in the fictional universes of Kurt Vonnegut and Gabriel García Márquez, James Michael Gertzog
Damned Woman, Christopher Lamont Chaulk
From Maiden to Matron: Victorian Heroines and the Creation of Domestic Identity, Margaret Patricia Harvey
"I Hate, I Love:" How Mothers Fail in Virginia Woolf's Fiction, Charlotte Savino
The Blood Jet of Poetry: Muse myths, poetic influence, and the common text of Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes, Nathaniel Scott Amos