
Submissions from 2009


Estimation of Bottom Trawl Catch Efficiency for Two Demersal Fishes, the Atlantic Croaker and White Perch, in Chesapeake Bay, Joel C. Hoffman, Chris F. Bonzek, and Robert J. Latour


Factors influencing mortality estimates in post-release survival studies, Michael K. Musyl, Christopher D. Moyes, Richard Brill, and Nuno M. Fragoso


First Records of Hypleurochilus geminatus and Centropristis philadelphica from Chesapeake Bay, Aimee D. Halvorson


Global change and eutrophication of coastal waters, N. N. Rabalais, R.E. Turner, Robert J. Diaz, and Dubravko Justic


Idiopathic Lesions and Visual Deficits in the American Lobster (Homarus americanus) From Long Island Sound, NY, Christopher R. Magel, Jeffrey D. Shields, and Richard Brill


Inter-relationships of haplosporidians deduced from ultrastructural studies, PM Hine, Ryan Carnegie, EM Burreson, and MY Engelsma


Introduction to the first symposium on the biology of the parasitic Crustacea, Jeffrey D. Shields and CB Boyko


Microbial activities accompanying decomposition of cladoceran and copepod carcasses under different environmental conditions, KW Tang, SL Bickel, C Dziallas, and HP Grossart


Mortality Of The Veined Rapa Whelk, Rapana Venosa, In Relation To A Bloom Of Alexandrium Monilatum In The York River, United States, Juliana M. Harding, Roger L. Mann, P Moeller, and MS Hsia


Nutrient Enrichment and Food Web Composition Affect Ecosystem Metabolism in an Experimental Seagrass Habitat, Amanda C. Spivak, Elizabeth A. Canuel, J. Emment Duffy, and J. Paul Richardson


Population Studies Of The Native Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea Virginica, (Gmelin, 1791) In The James River, Virginia, Usa, Roger L. Mann, Melissa Southworth, Juliana M. Harding, and James A. Wesson


Quantification of coral heat shock proteins from individual coral polyps, Erin Bromage, Lawrence Carpenter, Stephen Kaattari, and Mark Patterson


Salt marsh ecosystem biogeochemical responses to nutrient enrichment: a paired N-15 tracer study, DC Drake, BJ Peterson, et al, LE Lemay, and et al


Simple staining method for differentiating live and dead marine zooplankton in field samples, DT Elliott and KW Tang


Size-fractionated photosynthesis/irradiance relationships during Phaeocystis antarctica-dominated blooms in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, AR Shields and Walker O. Smith Jr.


Skill Assessment for Coupled Biological/Physical Models of Marine Systems, Craig A. Stow, Jason Joliff, Dennis J. McGillicuddy Jr., Scott C. Doney, J. Icarus Allen, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Kenneth A. Rose, and Philip Wallhead


Species-specific differences in long-chain n-3 essential fatty acid, sterol, and steroidal ketone production in six heterotrophic protist species, FLE Chu, ED Lund, PR Littreal, KE Ruck, and E Harvey


State and local governments plan for development of most land vulnerable to rising sea level along the US Atlantic coast, J. G. Titus and Carl Hershner


Survival And Growth Of Triploid Crassostrea Virginica (Gmelin, 1791) And C-Ariakensis (Fujita, 1913) In Bottom Environments Of Chesapeake Bay: Implications For An Introduction, PR Kingsley-Smith, HD Harwell, M. Lisa Kellogg, Standish K. Allen Jr., Donald W. Meritt, Kennedy Paynter, and Mark Luckenbach


Survival and recovery of Phaeocystis antarctica (Prymnesiophyceae) from prolonged darkness and freezing, KW Tang, Walker O. Smith Jr., AR Shields, and DT Elliott


Synergistic effects of iron and temperature on Antarctic phytoplankton and microzooplankton assemblages, J. M. Rose, Y. Feng, et al, Walker O. Smith Jr., B. Sigist, S. Tozzi, and et al




The Repulsive And Feeding-Deterrent Effects Of Electropositive Metals On Juvenile Sandbar Sharks (Carcharhinus Plumbeus), Richard Brill, Peter Bushnell, Leonie Smith, Coley Speaks, Rumya Sundaram, and John Wang


Use Of Pop-Up Satellite Archival Tag Technology To Study Postrelease Survival Of And Habitat Use By Estuarine And Coastal Fishes: An Application To Striped Bass (Morone Saxatilis), John E. Graves, Andrij Z. Horodysky, and Robert J. Latour

Submissions from 2008


ABSTRACTS OF TECHNICAL PAPERS Presented at the 100th Annual Meeting NATIONAL SHELLFISHERIES ASSOCIATION Providence, Rhode Island April 6–10, 2008, National Shellfisheries Association


Acoustic pressure and particle motion thresholds in six sciaenid fishes, AZ Horodysky, Richard Brill, ML Fine, JA Musick, and RJ Latour


Additional records of deep-sea fishes from off greater New England, KE Hartel, CP Kenaley, JK Galbraith, and TT Sutton


Anatomy and growth of a Holocene clinothem in the Gulf of Papua, Rudy Slingerland, Neal W. Driscoll, John D. Milliman, Scott R. Miller, and Elizabeth A. Johnstone


Anti-lipopolysaccharide factors in the American lobster Homarus americanus: Molecular characterization and transcriptional response to Vibrio fluvialis challenge, KM Beale, DW Towle, N Jayasundara, CM Smith, Jeffrey D. Shields, Hamish J. Small, and SJ Greenwood


Bacterial vs. zooplankton control of sinking particle flux in the ocean's twilight zone, Deborah K. Steinberg, Benjamin A.S. Van Mooy, Ken O. Buesseler, Philip W. Boyd, Toru Kobari, and David M. Karl


Biomarkers of oogenesis in Macoma balthica determined by subtractive immunization, E Bromage, WC Long, and S Kaattari


Bottom-up and climatic forcing on the worldwide population of leatherback turtles, VS Saba, JR Spotilia, FP Chavez, and JA Musick


Building the Holocene clinothem in the Gulf of Papua: An ocean circulation study, Rudy Slingerland, Robert W. Selover, Andrea S. Ogston, Timothy R. Keen, Neal W. Driscoll, and John D. Milliman


CO(2) sensitivity of Southern Ocean phytoplankton, PD Tortell, CD Payne, YY Li, S Trimborn, B Rost, Walker O. Smith Jr., and Et al.


Comparative Ultrastructure Of Digestive Diverticulae In Bathymodiolin Mussels: Discovery Of An Unknown Spherical Inclusion (Six) In Digestive Cells Of A Seep Mussel, Carol R. Logan, Megan B. Evans, Megan E. Ward, Joseph L. Scott, Ryan B. Carnegie, and CL Van Dover


Comparative visual function in five sciaenid fishes inhabiting Chesapeake Bay, AZ Horodysky, Richard Brill, EJ Warrant, JA Musick, and RJ Latour


Continuous culture of Perkinsus mediterraneus, a parasite of the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis, and characterization of its morphology, propagation, and extracellular proteins in vitro, SM Casas, KS Reece, YL Li, JA Moss, A Villalba, and et al


Crassostrea Ariakensis In Chesapeake Bay: Growth, Disease And Mortality In Shallow Subtidal Environments, KT Paynter, JD Goodwin, ME Chen, NJ Ward, MW Sherman, DW Meritt, and Standish K. Allen


Decadal Trends In Age Structure And Recruitment Patterns Of Ocean Quahogs Arctica Islandica From The Mid-Atlantic Bight In Relation To Water Temperature, Juliana M. Harding, SE King, EN Powell, and Roger Mann


Development, biological regulation, and fate of ctenophore blooms in the York River estuary, Chesapeake Bay, Robert H. Condon and Deborah K. Steinberg


Discrimination Of Nine Crassostrea Oyster Species Based Upon Restriction Fragment-Length Polymorphism Analysis Of Nuclear And Mitochondrial Dna Markers, Jan F. Cordes, Jie Xiao, and Kimberly S. Reece


Eastern US Continental Shelf Carbon Budget Integrating Models, Data Assimilation, And Analysis, E Hofmann, JN Droun, MAM Friedrichs, and et al


Effects of coastal development on nearshore estuarine nekton communities, Donna M. Bilkovic and Molly Mitchell


Effects Of Rapid Decompression And Exposure To Bright Light On Visual Function In Black Rockfish (Sebastes Melanops) And Pacific Halibut (Hippoglossus Stenolepis), Richard Brill, Christopher Magel, Michael Davis, Robert Hannah, and Polly Rankin


Effects Of Salinity On Bonamia Sp Survival In The Asian Oyster Crassostrea Ariakensis, C Audemard, RB Carnegie, NA Stokes, MJ Bishop, CH Peterson, and Eugene M. Burreson


Effects Of Triclosan On The Oyster Parasite, Perkinsus Marinus And Its Host, The Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea Virginica, Fu-Lin E. Chu, Eric D. Lund, and Jennifer A. Podbesek


Environmental distribution and persistence of Quahog Parasite Unknown (QPX), RJ Gast, DM Moran, Corinne Audemard, MM Lyons, J DeFavari, Kimberly S. Reece, D Leavitt, and R Smolowitz


Evaluating Recruitment Contribution Of A Selectively Bred Aquaculture Line Of The Oyster, Crassostrea Virginica Used In Restoration Efforts, Jens Carlsson, Ryan B. Carnegie, Jan F. Cordes, MP Hare, Thomas A. Leggett, and Kimberly S. Reece


Feeding patterns and predation potential of scyphomedusae in a highly productive upwelling region, Cynthia L. Suchman, Elizabeth A. Daly, Julie E. Keister, and William T. Peterson


Influence of sea ice on primary production in the Southern Ocean: A satellite perspective, Walker O. Smith Jr. and Josefino C. Comiso


Influence of sociality on allometric growth and morphological differentiation in sponge-dwelling alpheid shrimp, E Toth and JE Duffy


Melting glaciers: A probable source of DDT to the Antarctic marine ecosystem, HN Geisz, RM Dickhut, MA Cochran, WR Fraser, and HW Ducklow


Misuse of PCR assay for diagnosis of molluscprotistan infections, EM Burreson


Molecular epizootiology of Perkinsus marinus and P-chesapeaki infections among wild oysters and clams in Chesapeake Bay, USA, Kimberly S. Reece, CF Dungan, and EM Burreson


Mycobacteriosis-associated mortality in wild striped bass (Morone saxatilis) from Chesapeake Bay, USA, DT Gauthier, R J. Latour, DM Helsey, C F. Bonzek, J Gartland, EJ Burge, and W. K. Vogelbein


Ocean urea fertilization for carbon credits poses high ecological risks, PM Glibert, R Azanza, M Burford, K Furuya, E Abal, D. A. Bronk, and Et al.


Photosynthetic maximum quantum yield increases are an essential component of the Southern Ocean phytoplankton response to iron, MR Hiscock, VP Lance, AM Apprill, RR Bidigare, ZI Johnson, Walker O. Smith Jr., and Et al.


Phytoplankton and bacterial uptake of inorganic and organic nitrogen during an induced bloom of Phaeocystis pouchetii, MP Sanderson, DA Bronk, JC Nejstgaard, PG Verity, AF Sazhin, and Et al.


Population structure of striped marlin (Kajikia audax) in the Pacific Ocean based on analysis of microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA, JR McDowell and J. E. Graves


Post-settlement survival and growth of the Suminoe oyster, Crassostrea ariskensis, exposed to simulated emersion regimes, P.R. Kingsley-Smith and M.W. Luckenbach


Quantifying Benthic Exchange of Fine Sediment via Continuous, Noninvasive Measurements of Settling Velocity and Bed Erodibility, Carl T. Friedrichs, Grace M. Cartright, and PJ Dickhudt


Quantifying fecundity in Macoma balthica using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), WC Long, E Bromage, Rochelle D. Seitz, and S Kaattari


Quantitative significance of n-3 essential fatty acid contribution by heterotrophic protists in marine pelagic food webs, Fu-Lin E. Chu, Eric D. Lund, and Jennifer A. Podbesek


Relative and interactive effects of plant and grazer richness in a benthic marine community, JF Bruno, KE Boyer, JE Duffy, and SC Lee


Release of biodegradable dissolved organic matter from ancient sedimentary rocks, S Schillawski and S Petsch


Sediment dispersal in the northwestern Adriatic Sea, Courtney K. Harris, C. Sherwood, Richard P. Signell, A. J. Bever, and John C. Warner


Settlement Of Crassostrea Ariakensis Larvae: Effects Of Substrate, Biofilms, Sediment And Adult Chemical Cues, Mario N. Tamburri, Mark W. Luckenbach, Denise L. Brietburg, and Stephanie M. Bonniwell


Shellfish tissues evaluated for Perkinsus spp. using the Ray's fluid thioglycollate medium culture assay can be used for downstream molecular assays, C Audemard, RB Carnegie, and EM Burreson


Shell Length-At-Age Relationships In James River, Virginia, Oysters (Crassostrea Virginica) Collected Four Centuries Apart, Juliana M. Harding, Roger L. Mann, and Melissa Southworth


Size-Selectivity Of The Northwest Atlantic Sea Scallop (Placopecten Magellanicus) Dredge, Noelle Yochum and William D. DuPaul


Stock assessment of protogynous fish: evaluating measures of spawning biomass used to estimate biological reference points, EN Brooks, KW Shertzer, T Gedamke, and DS Vaughan


Technical Note: Molecular characterization of aerosol-derived water soluble organic carbon using ultrahigh resolution electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, AS Wosniak, JE Bauer, RL Sleighter, RM Dickhut, and PG Hatcher


Technical Note: Molecular characterization of aerosol-derived water soluble organic carbon using ultrahigh resolution electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, A. S. Wozniak, J. E. Bauer, R. L. Sleighter, R.M Dickhut, and P.G. Hatcher


The Charisma of Coastal Ecosystems: Addressing the Imbalance, Carlos M. Duarte, WC Dennison, Robert J. Orth, and Tim J. Carruthers


The influence of beam position and swimming direction on fish target strength, MJ Henderson, JK Horne, and RH Towler


The Trophic Dynamics Of Summer Flounder (Paralichthys Dentatus) In Chesapeake Bay, Robert J. Latour, James Gartland, Christopher F. Bonzek, and RaeMarie Johnson


Transmission of Panulirus argus virus 1 (PaV1) and its effect on the survival of juvenile Caribbean spiny lobster, Mark J. Butler, Donald C. Behringer, and Jeffrey D. Shields


Transmission of Panulirus argus virus 1 (PaV1) and its effect on the survival of juvenile Caribbean spiny lobster, MJ Butler, DC Behringer, and Jeffrey D. Shields


Trophic interactions under stress: hypoxia enhances foraging in an estuarine food web, William Christopher Long and Rochelle D. Seitz


Two new genera and three new species of leeches (Hirudinida:Piscicolidae) from New Zealand marine fishes, EM Burreson and JI Williams


US Caribbean fish trap fishery socioeconomic study, JJ Agar, JR Waters, M Valdes-Pizzini, M Shivlani, T Murray, JE Kirkley, and D Suman


Water and Sediment Discharge from Small Mountainous Rivers, Taiwan: The Roles of Lithology, Episodic Events, and Human Activities, S. J. Kao and John D. Milliman


what exactly are you inferring? A closer look at hypothesis testing, MC Newman


Why biodiversity is important to the functioning of real-world ecosystems, JE Duffy

Submissions from 2007


A 28-ka history of sea surface temperature, primary productivity and planktonic community variability in the western Arabian Sea, A Pourmand, F Marcantonio, TS Bianchi, Elizabeth A. Canuel, and EJ Waterson


ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS Presented at the 16th International Pectinid Workshop Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada May 11–18, 2007, G. Jay Parsons


Activity In The Pallial Nerve Of Knobbed (Busycon Carica) And Channeled (Busycotypus Canaliculatum) Whelks Recorded During Exposure Of The Osphradiurn To Odorant Solutions, Christopher Magel, Kristin Wakefield, Nancy Targett, and Richard Brill


An assessment of the use of sediment traps for estimating upper ocean particle fluxes, KO Buesseler, AN Antia, SW Fowler, et al, Deborah K. Steinberg, and T Trull


A Sex-Specific Metabolite Identified in a Marine Invertebrate Utilizing Phosphorus-31 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Robert A. Kleps, Terrell C. Myers, Rom Lipcius, and Thomas Henderson


Assessment of skill and portability in regional marine biogeochemical models: Role of multiple planktonic groups, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs and Et al.


Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary: Case study of a highly eutrophic coastal bay system, MJ Kennish, SB Bricker, WC Dennison, PM Glibert, RJ Livingston, Ken Moore, and Et al.


Biodiversity and food web structure influence short-term accumulation of sediment organic matter in an experimental seagrass system, Elizabeth A. Canuel, AC Spivak, EJ Waterson, and JE Duffy


Biodiversity mediates productivity through different mechanisms at adjacent trophic levels, ZT Long, JF Bruno, and JE Duffy


Characterization of a rediscovered haplosporidian parasite from cultured Penaeus vannamei, LM Nunam, DV Lightner, CR Pantoja, NA Stokes, and Kimberly S. Reece


Comparison of cell-specific activity between free-living and attached bacteria using isolates and natural assemblages, HP Gropssar, KW Tang, T Kiorboe, and H Ploug


Comparison Of Growth Rates Between Diploid DEBY Eastern Oysters (Crassostrea Virginica, Gmelin 1791), Triploid Eastern Oysters, And Triploid Suminoe Oysters (C. Ariakensis, Fugita 1913), Juliana Harding


Comparison of Plankton Catch by Three Light-Trap Designs in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Richard F. Shaw, Joseph S. Cope, G. Joan Holt, and et al


Conservation in the first internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1) in Hematodinium species infecting crustacean hosts found in the UK and Newfoundland, Hamish J. Small, Jeffrey D. Shields, JA Moss, and Kimberly S. Reece


Correcting for effective area fished in fishery-dependent depletion estimates of abundance and capture efficiency, JF Walter, JM Hoenig, and T Gedamke


Detection of Panulirus argus Virus 1 in Caribbean spiny lobsters, MM Montgomery-Fullerton, RA Cooper, KM Kauffman, Jeffrey D. Shields, and RE Raftlaff