
Submissions from 2011


Catchability of pelagic trawls for sampling deep-living nekton in the mid-North Atlantic, M Heino, FM Porteiro, TT Sutton, T Falkenhaug, and OR Godo


Characterization of photochromogenic Mycobacterium spp. from Chesapeake Bay striped bass Morone saxatilis, DT Gauthier, AM Helenthal, MW Rhodes, Wolfgang K. Vogelbein, and HI Kator


Climate-Related Hydrological Regimes And Their Effects On Abundance Of Juvenile Blue Crabs (Callinectes Sapidus) In The Northcentral Gulf Of Mexico, Guillermo Sanchez-Rubio, Harriet M. Perry, Patricia M. Biesiot, Donald R. Johnson, and Rom Lipcius


Comparative metabolic rates of common western North Atlantic Ocean sciaenid fishes, A. Z. Horodysky, R. W. Brill, P. G. Bushnell, Jack A. Musick, and R. J. Latour


Copepod guts as biogeochemical hotspots in the sea: Evidence from microelectrode profiling of Calanus spp., KW Tang, RN Glud, A Glud, S Rysgaard, and TG Nielsen


Cownose Ray (Rhinoptera Bonasus) Predation Relative To Bivalve Ontogeny, Robert A. Fisher, Garrett C. Call, and Rochelle Grubbs


Declining impact of an introduced pathogen: Haplosporidium nelsoni in the oyster Crassostrea virginica in Chesapeake Bay, Ryan B. Carnegie and Eugene M. Burreson


Dietary metal and macro-nutrient intakes of juvenile lemon sharks determined from the nutritional composition of prey items, Harri Pettitt-Wade, Steven P. Newman, Kristene T. Parsons, and et al


Diet Selectivity of Juvenile Blue Crabs (Callinectes sapidus) in Chesapeake Bay, Rochelle D. Seitz, KE Knick, and M Westphal


Early season depletion of dissolved iron in the Ross Sea polynya: Implications for iron dynamics on the Antarctic continental shelf, P. N. Sedwick and Walker O. Smith Jr.


Escaping paradise: larval export from Hawaii in an Indo-Pacific reef fish, the yellow tang Zebrasoma flavescens, Jeff A. Eble, Robert J. Toonen, Laurie Sorenson, and Larry V. Basch


Food chain length and omnivory determine the stability of a marine subtidal food web, ZT Long, JF Bruno, and JE Duffy


Fossil and contemporary aerosol particulate organic carbon in the eastern United States: Implications for deposition and inputs to watersheds, AS Wozniak, JE Bauer, and RM Dickhut


Frequency of Multiple Paternity in the Spiny Dogfish Squalus acanthias in the Western North Atlantic, A Verissimo, D Grubbs, Jan McDowell, J Musick, and D Portnoy


Genetic Diversity In U.S. Hatchery Stocks Of Crassostrea Ariakensis (Fujita, 1913) And Comparison With Natural Populations In Asia, Jie Xiao, Jan F. Cordes, JA Moss, and Kimberly S. Reece


Global Conservation Priorities for Marine Turtles, Bryan P. Wallace and John A. Musick


High Salinity Relay as a Postharvest Processing Strategy To Reduce Vibrio vulnificus Levels in Chesapeake Bay Oysters (Crassostrea virginica), Corinne Audemard, Howard I. Kator, Martha W. Rhodes, Thomas Gallivan, A.J. Erskine, and Kimberly S. Reece


Influence of carcass abundance on estimates of mortality and assessment of population dynamics in Acartia tonsa, David T. Elliott and Kam W. Tang


Jellyfish blooms result in a major microbial respiratory sink of carbon in marine systems, Robert H. Condon, Deborah K. Steinberg, Paul Del Giorgio, Thierry Bouvier, Deborah A. Bronk, William Graham, and Hugh W. Ducklow


Lack of transmission of Hematodinium sp in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus through cannibalism, CW Li, KN Wheeler, and Jeffrey D. Shields


Lessons Learned From Efforts To Restore Oyster Populations In Maryland And Virginia, 1990 To 2007, VS Kennedy, DL Breitburg, MC Christman, Mark Luckenbach, Kennedy Paynter, J Kramer, Kevin Sellner, J Dew-Baxter, C Keller, and Roger L. Mann


Linked indicator sets for addressing biodiversity loss, TH Sparks, SHM Butchart, A Balmford, L Bennun, D Stanwell-Smith, R. J. Diaz, and Et al.


Metazooplankton community structure, feeding rate estimates, and hydrography in a meltwater-influenced Greenlandic fjord, Kam W. Tang, Torkel Gissel Nielsen, Peter Munk, and John Mortensen


Microbial methane production in oxygenated water column of an oligotrophic lake, Hans-Peter Grossart, Katharina Frindte, Claudia Dziallas, Werner Eckert, and Kam W. Tang


Multi-Locus Phylogeny Of Sponge-Dwelling Snapping Shrimp (Caridea: Alpheidae: Synalpheus) Supports Morphology-Based Species Concepts, KM Hultgren and JE Duffy


Multivariable statistical regression models of the areal extent of hypoxia over the Texas-Louisiana continental shelf, David R. Forrest, Rochelle Hetland, and SF DiMarco


Non-consumptive predator effects indirectly influence marine plant biomass and palatability, PL Reynolds and EE Sotka


Observations On The Early Life History And Growth Rates Of Juvenile Channel Whelks Busycotypus Canaliculatus (Linnaeus, 1758), Juliana Harding


Oyster Reefs at Risk and Recommendations for Conservation, Restoration, and Management, Michael W. Beck, Robert D. Brumbaugh, Laura Airoldi, Alvar Carranza, Loren D. Coen, Christine Crawford, Omar Defeo, Graham J. Edgar, Boze Handcock, Matthew C. Kay, Hunter S. Lenihan, Mark Luckenbach, Caitlyn L. Toropova, Guofan Zhang, and Ximing Guo


Performance of pop-up satellite archival tags, M. K. Musyl, M. L. Domeier, N. Nasby-Lucas, and Richard Brill


Population structure of a deep-water squaloid shark, the Portuguese dogfish (Centroscymnus coelolepis), A Verissimo, Jan McDowell, and John Graves


Postrelease Survival, Vertical And Horizontal Movements, And Thermal Habitats Of Five Species Of Pelagic Sharks In The Central Pacific Ocean, Michael K. Musyl, Richard Brill, Daniel S. Curran, Nuno M. Fragoso, Lianne McNaughton, Anders Nielsen, Bert S. Kikkawa, and Christopher D. Moyes


Regional Variation In The Annual Feeding Cycle Of Juvenile Walleye Pollock (Theragra Chalcogramma) In The Western Gulf Of Alaska, Matthew T. Wilson, Andre Buchheister, and Christina M. Jump


Review of Panulirus argus virus 1-a decade after its discovery, DC Behringer, MJ Butler, Jeffrey D. Shields, and JA Moss


Sailfish Habitat Utilization and Vertical Movements in the Southern Gulf of Mexico and Florida Straits, David W. Kerstetter, Shannon M. Bayse, Jenny L. Fenton, and John Graves


Sea Turtles as Potential Dispersal Vectors for Non-indigenous Species: The Veined Rapa Whelk as an Epibiont of Loggerhead Sea Turtles, JM Harding, WJ Walton, CM Trapani, MJ Frick, and Roger L. Mann


The effect of stimulation frequency on the transmural ventricular monophasic action potential in yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares, M Patrick, E White, Richard Brill, and HA Shiels


The functional role of producer diversity in ecosystems, Bradley J. Cardinale, Kristin L. Matulich, David U. Hooper, Jarrett E. K. Byrnes, Emmett J. Duffy, Lars Gamfeldt, Patricia Balvanera, Mary I. O'Connor, and Andrew Gonzalez




The role of nitrogen on the growth and colony development of Phaeocystis globosa (Prymnesiophyceae), XD Wang, Y Wang, and Walker O. Smith Jr.


Tidal modulation on the Changjiang River plume in summer, Hui Wu, Jianrong Zhu, Jian Shen, and Harry V. Wang


Vertical structure, seasonal drawdown, and net community production in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, Matthew C. Long, Robert B. Dunbar, Philippe D. Tortell, Walker O. Smith Jr., David A. Mucciarone, and Giacomo R. DiTullio


Widespread survey finds no evidence of Haplosporidium nelsoni (MSX) in Gulf of Mexico oysters, SE Ford, J Paterno, E Scarpa, NA Stokes, Y Kim, and Et al.

Submissions from 2010


A Comparison Of Crassostrea Virginica And C. Ariakensis In Chesapeake Bay: Does Oyster Species Affect Habitat Function?, HD Harwell, PR Kingsley-Smith, M. Lisa Kellogg, Standish K. Allen Jr., DW Meritt, Kennedy Paynter, and Mark Luckenbach


A Molecular Genetic Investigation Of The Population Structure Of Atlantic Menhaden (Brevoortia Tyrannus), Abigail J. Lynch, Jan E. McDowell, and John Graves


An expansion of the MSVPA approach for quantifying predator-prey interactions in exploited fish communities, LP Garrison, JS Link, DP Kilduff, MD Cieri, B Maffley, RJ Latour, and Et al.


Assessing the apparent imbalance between geochemical and biochemical indicators of meso- and bathypelagic biological activity: What the @$#! is wrong with present calculations of carbon budgets?, AB Burd, DA Hansell, DK Steinberg, TR Anderson, and J Aristegui


Asymmetric Conservation Benefits Of Circle Hooks In Multispecies Billfish Recreational Fisheries: A Synthesis Of Hook Performance And Analysis Of Blue Marlin (Makaira Nigricans) Postrelease Survival, John E. Graves and Andrij Z. Horodysky


Autotrophic picoplankton in mesozooplankton guts: evidence of aggregate feeding in the mesopelagic zone and export of small phytoplankton, S. E. Wilson and D. K. Steinberg


Bacteria dispersal by hitchhiking on zooplankton, HP Grossart, C Dziallas, F Leunert, and KW Tang


Buoyancy Regulation in Phaeocystis globosa Scherffel Colonies, Xiaodong Wang and Kam W. Tang


Bycatch reduction device conserves diamondback terrapin without affecting catch of blue crab, Megan A. Rook, RN Lipcius, Bret M. Bronner, and Randolph Chambers


Challenges of modeling depth-integrated marine primary productivity over multiple decades: A case study at BATS and HOT, VS Saba, MAM Friedrichs, ME Carr, D Antoine, RA Armstrong, and Et al.


Changes in age composition and growth characteristics of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) over 400 years, MT Balazik, GC Garman, ML Fine, CH Hager, and SP McIninch


Comparative visual function in four piscivorous fishes inhabiting Chesapeake Bay, AZ Horodysky, RW Brill, EJ Warrant, JA Musick, and RJ Latour


Controlling excess capacity in common-pool resource industries: the transition from input to output controls, D Squires, Y Jeon, RQ Grafton, and J Kirkley


Dead in the water: The fate of copepod carcasses in the York River estuary, Virginia, DT Elliott, Courtney K. Harris, and KW Tang


Dynamics and distribution of natural and human-caused hypoxia, N. N. Rabalais, R. J. Diaz, L.A. Levin, R.E. Turner, D. Gilbert, and J. Zhang


Effluent Organic Nitrogen (EON): Bioavailability and Photochemical and Salinity-Mediated Release, DA Bronk, QN Roberts, MP Sanderson, EA Canuel, PG Hatcher, and Et al.


Evaluating ecosystem response to oyster restoration and nutrient load reduction with a multispecies bioenergetics model, RS Fulford, DL Brietburg, Mark Luckenbach, and RIE Newell


Evidence for greater oxygen decline rates in the coastal ocean than in the open ocean, D. Gilbert, N. N. Rabalais, R. J. Diaz, and J. Zhang


Evolutionary Characters, Phenotypes and Ontologies: Curating Data from the Systematic Biology Literature, Wasila M. Dahdul and Eric J. Hilton


Fate of macroalgae in benthic systems: carbon and nitrogen cycling within the microbial community, Amber K. Hardison, Elizabeth A. Canuel, Iris C. Anderson, and Bart Veuger


Growth, Reproductive Condition, And Digestive Tubule Atrophy Of Pacific Oyster Crassostrea Gigas In Gamakman Bay Off The Southern Coast Of Korea, DH Kang, Fu-Lin E. Chu, HS Yang, CH Lee, CH Lee, HB Koh, and KS Choi


High particle export over the continental shelf of the west Antarctic Peninsula, KO Buesseler, AMP McDonnell, OME Schofield, DK Steinberg, and HW Ducklow


Increased ocean carbon export in the Sargasso Sea linked to climate variability is countered by its enhanced mesopelagic attenuation, M. W. Lomas, Deborah K. Steinberg, T. Dickey, C.A. Carlson, N.B. Nelson, R.H. Condon, and N.R. Bates


Kin structure, ecology and the evolution of social organization in shrimp: a comparative analysis, JE Duffy and KS Macdonald


Linkage between crustacean zooplankton and aquatic bacteria, KW Tang, V Turk, and HP Grossart


Management Of The Piankatank River, Virginia, In Support Of Oyster (Crassostrea Virginica, Gmelin 1791) Fishery Repletion, Juliana M. Harding, Roger L. Mann, Melissa Southworth, and James A. Wesson


Molecular identification, phylogeny and geographic distribution of Brazilian mangrove oysters (Crassostrea), Aline Grasielle Costa de Melo and Kimberly S. Reece


Net removal of nitrogen through ingestion of phytoplankton by Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus in Chesapeake Bay, Patrick D. Lynch, Mark J. Brush, Elizabeth D. Condon, and Robert J. Latour


Nitrogen uptake by phytoplankton and bacteria during an induced Phaeocystis pouchetii bloom, measured using size fractionation and flow cytometric sorting, PB Bradley, MP Sanderson, JC Nejstgaard, AF Sazhin, ME Frischer, LM Killberg-Thoreson, PG Verity, L Campbell, and DA Bronk


Observations Of Blue Crabs (Callinectes Sapidus, Rathbun 1896) On Shell Bar Oyster Reef, Great Wicomico River, Virginia, Juliana Harding, Melissa Southworth, and Roger L. Mann


Observations Of Distribution, Size, And Sex Ratio Of Mature Blue Crabs, Callinectes Sapidus, From A Chesapeake Bay Tributary In Relation To Oyster Habitat And Environmental Factors, JM Harding and R Mann


Oceanic heterotrophic bacterial nutrition by semilabile DOM as revealed by data assimilative modeling, YW Luo, M. A.M. Friedrichs, SC Doney, MJ Church, and HW Ducklow


Oyster (Crassostrea Virginica, Gmelin 1791) Population Dynamics On Public Reefs In The Great Wicomico River, Virginia, USA, Melissa Southworth, Juliana M. Harding, James A. Wesson, and Roger L. Mann


Potential climate-change impacts on the Chesapeake Bay, Raymond G. Najjar, Christopher R. Pyke, Mary Beth Adams, Denise Breitburg, Carl Hershner, and et al


Production of dissolved organic matter and inorganic nutrients by gelatinous zooplankton in the York River estuary, Chesapeake Bay, RH Condon, DK Steinberg, and DA Bronk


Quantitative PCR Assay for Mycobacterium pseudoshottsii and Mycobacterium shottsii and Application to Environmental Samples and Fishes from the Chesapeake Bay, DT Gauthier, Kimberly S. Reece, J Xiao, MW Rhodes, HI Kator, RJ Latour, C F. Bonzek, J Hoenig, and W. K. Vogelbein


Reconstructing early 17th century estuarine drought conditions from Jamestown oysters, JM Harding, HJ Spero, R Mann, GS Herbert, and JL Sliko


Regional Management Units for Marine Turtles: A Novel Framework for Prioritizing Conservation and Research across Multiple Scales, Bryan P. Wallace and John A. Musick


Science-to-management pathways in US Atlantic herring management: using governance network structure and function to track information flow and potential influence, Troy W. Hartley and C Glass


Sponge host characteristics shape the community structure of their shrimp associates, Kristen M. Hultgren and J. Emmett Duffy


Subtle biological responses to increased CO2 concentrations by Phaeocystis globosa Scherffel, a harmful algal bloom species, Y Wang, WO Smith, XD Wang, and SS Li


Temperature effects on growth, colony development and carbon partitioning in three Phaeocystis species, XD Wang, KW Tang, Y Wang, and Walker O. Smith Jr.


The Impact of Conservation on the Status of the World's Vertebrates, M Hoffmann, C Hilton-Taylor, A Angulo, M Bohm, TM Brooks, and Et al.


The Strength of B Cell Interaction with Antigen Determines the Degree of IgM Polymerization, JM Ye, ES Bromage, and SL Kaattari


Tidal amplification of seabed light, D. G. Bowers and John M. Brubaker


Ulcerative disease outbreak in crayfish Orconectes propinquus linked to Saprolegnia australis in Big Muskellunge Lake, Wisconsin, L Krugner-Higby, D Haak, PTJ Johnson, Jeffrey D. Shields, WM Jones, Kimberly S. Reece, and Et al.

Submissions from 2009


Abstracts of Technical Papers Presented at the 101st Annual Meeting National Shellfisheries Association Savannah, Georgia March 22–26, 2009, National Shellfisheries Association


Accelerating loss of seagrasses across the globe threatens coastal ecosystems, Michelle Waycott, Carlos M. Duarte, Tim J. Carruthers, Robert J. Orth, WC Dennison, Suzanne Olyarnik, Ainsley Calladine, James W. Fourqurean, KL Heck, A. Randall Hughes, Gary A. Kendrick, W. Judson Kenworthy, Frederick T. Short, and Susan L. Williams


A Molecular Phylogeny Of The Remoras And Their Relatives, KN Gray, Jan McDowell, BB Collette, and JE Graves


An Investigation Of The Global Population Structure Of The Marlinsucker (Remora osteochir) Inferred From Mitochondrial Control Region DNA Sequence Analysis, GN Kurtis, Jan McDowell, BB Collette, and John Graves


Changes in Continental Freshwater Discharge from 1948 to 2004, Aiguo Dai, Taotao Qian, Kevin E. Trenberth, and John D. Millliman


Deep-sea mystery solved: astonishing larval transformations and extreme sexual dimorphism unite three fish families, GD Johnson, JR Paxton, TT Sutton, TP Satoh, T Sado, and M Miya


Diversity has stronger top-down than bottom-up effects on decomposition, DS Srivastava, BJ Cardinale, AL Downing, JE Duffy, and et al


Ecology of small neritic fishes in the western Gulf of Alaska. II. Consumption of krill in relation to krill standing stock and the physical environment, Matthew T. Wilson, Christina M. Jump, and Andre Buchheister


Effects of diet on release of dissolved organic and inorganic nutrients by the copepod Acartia tonsa, Grace K. Saba, Deborah K. Steinberg, and Deborah A. Bronk


Effects of food on bacterial community composition associated with the copepod Acartia tonsa Dana, K Tang, C Dziallas, K Hutalle-Schmelzer, and HP Grossart


Epifaunal community composition and nutrient addition alter sediment organic matter composition in a natural eelgrass Zostera marina bed: a field experiment, Amanda C. Spivak, Elizabeth A. Canuel, J. Emmett Duffy, and James G. Douglass