Submissions from 2007
DON as a source of bioavailable nitrogen for phytoplankton, D. A. Bronk, J. H. See, P. Bradley, and L. Killberg
Ecosystem services related to oyster restoration, LD Coen, Rochelle Brumbaugh, D Bushek, R Grizzle, Mark Luckenbach, and et al
Effects of oyster population restoration strategies on phytoplankton biomass in Chesapeake Bay: a flexible modeling approach, RS Fulford, DL Brietburg, RIE Newell, WM Kemp, and MW Luckenbach
Effects of starvation on aggregate colonization and motility of marine bacteria, EM Yam and KW Tang
Epidemiological determinants in outbreaks of bitter crab disease (Hematodinium sp.) in snow crabs Chionoecetes opilio from Conception Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, Jeffrey D. Shields, DM Taylor, PG O'Keefe, E Colbourne, and E Hynick
Eutrophication-induced phosphorus limitation in the Mississippi River plume: Evidence from fast repetition rate fluorometry, JB Sylvan, A Quigg, S Tozzi, and JW Ammerman
Eutrophication in shallow coastal bays and lagoons: the role of plants in the coastal filter, Karen J. McGlathery, Kristina Sundback, and Iris C. Anderson
Evolution of Mycobacterium ulcerans and other mycolactone-producing mycobacteria from a common Mycobacterium marinum progenitor, MJ Yip, JL Porter, JAM Fyfe, CJ Lavender, F Portaels, MW Rhodes, HI Kator, and Et al.
Experimental cross-infections by Perkinsus marinus and P. chesapeaki in three sympatric species of Chesapeake Bay oysters and clams, CF Dungan, Kimberly S. Reece, RM Hamilton, NA Stokes, and EM Burreson
Fundulus as the Premier Teleost Model in Environmental Biology: Opportunities for New Insights Using Genomics, Karen G. Burnett, Lisa J. Bain, William S. Baldwin, (…), Peter A. Van Veld, and Wolfgang K. Vogelbein
Genetic identity of YOY bluefin tuna from the eastern and Western Atlantic spawning areas, J Carlsson, Jan McDowell, JEL Carlsson, and John Graves
Geology, Geography, and Humans Battle for Dominance over the Delivery of Fluvial Sediment to the Coastal Ocean, James P.M. Syvitski and John D. Milliman
Heat shock protein (hsp70) expression and thermal tolerance in sublethally heat-shocked eastern oysters Crassostrea virginica infected with the parasite Perkinsus marinus, VG Encomio and FLE Chu
Influence Of Host Genetic Origin And Geographic Location On Qpx Disease In Northern Quahogs (=Hard Clams), Mercenaria Mercenaria, LMR Calvo, SE Ford, JN Kraeuter, DF Leavitt, R Smolowitz, and EM Burreson
Influence of sea ice cover and icebergs on circulation and water mass formation in a numerical circulation model of the Ross Sea, Antarctica, Michael S. Dinniman, John M. Klinck, and Walker O. Smith Jr.
Linking water quality to living resources in a mid-Atlantic lagoon system, USA, CE Wazniak, MR Hall, TJB Carruthers, B Sturgis, WC Dennison, and RJ Orth
Molecular Detection Of Hematodinium Sp Infecting The Blue Crab, Callinectes Sapidus, Hamish J. Small, Jeffrey D. Shields, Karen Hudson, and Kimberly S. Reece
New nemertean worms (Carcinonemertidae) on bythograeid crabs (Decapoda : Brachyura) from pacific hydrothermal vent sites, Jeffrey D. Shields and M Segonzac
Northern Quahog (=Hard Clam) Mercenaria Mercenaria Age At Length Relationships And Growth Patterns In The York River, Virginia 1954 To 1970, Juliana Harding
Nutrient versus consumer control of community structure in a Chesapeake Bay eelgrass habitat, James Grayland Douglass, J. Emmett Duffy, Amanda C. Spivak, and John Paul Richardson
Pathogens in Crassostrea ariakensis and other Asian oyster species: implications for non-native oyster introduction to Chesapeake Bay, JA Moss, EM Burreson, JF Cordes, CF Dungan, GD Brown, A Wang, X Wu, and Kimberly S. Reece
Phytoplankton blooms in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Interannual variability in magnitude, temporal patterns, and composition, Jill A. Peloquin and Walker O. Smith Jr.
Phytoplankton carbon fixation gene (RuBisCO) transcripts and air-sea CO2 flux in the Mississippi River plume, DE John, ZHA Wang, XW Liu, RH Byrne, JE Corredor, DA Bronk, and Et al.
Predation of cockles (Cerastoderma edule) by the whelk (Buccinum undatum) under laboratory conditions, JWS Scolding, CA Richardson, and MW Luckenbach
Recent additions of warmwater fish species to Chesapeake Bay, Aimee D. Halvorson
Sediment pumping by tidal asymmetry in a partially mixed estuary, Malcolm Scully and Carl T. Friedrichs
Specific identification of western Atlantic Ocean scombrids using mitochondrial DNA cytochrome C oxidase subunit I (COI) gene region sequences, MA Paine, Jan McDowell, and John E. Graves
Supplemental effects of diet mixing on absorption of ingested organic carbon in the marine copepod Acartia tonsa, Peter Thor, Marja Koski, Kam W. Tang, and Sigrun H. Jonasdottir
Susceptibility of salt marshes to nutrient enrichment and predator removal, LA Deegan, JL Bowen, D Drake, JW Fleeger, Carl T. Friedrichs, and Et al.
Taxonomic composition and growth rates of phytoplankton assemblages at the Subtropical Convergence east of New Zealand, L Delizo, Walker O. Smith Jr., and J Hall
Temporal and vertical dynamics in picoplankton photoheterotrophic production in the subtropical North Pacific Ocean, Matthew Church, Hugh Ducklow, RM Letelier, and David Karl
The Effects Of Female Size On Fecundity In A Large Marine Gastropod Rapana Venosa (Muricidae), Juliana M. Harding, Roger L. Mann, and Catherine W. Kilduff
The functional role of biodiversity in ecosystems: incorporating trophic complexity, J. Emmett Duffy, Bradley J. Cardinale, Kristin E. France, Peter B. McIntyre, Elisa Thebault, and Michel Loreau
The importance of tidal and lateral asymmetries in stratification to residual circulation in partially mixed estuaries, ME Scully and Carl T. Friedrichs
Top-down and bottom-up controls on sediment organic matter composition in an experimental seagrass ecosystem, AC Spivak, Elizabeth A. Canuel, JE Duffy, and JP Richardson
Top-down control of phytoplankton by oysters in Chesapeake Bay, USA: Reply to Newell et al. (2007), Lawrence R. Pomeroy, Christopher F. D'Elia, and Linda C. Schaffner
Why Oyster Restoration Goals In The Chesapeake Bay Are Not And Probably Cannot Be Achieved, Roger L. Mann and Eric N. Powell
Submissions from 2006
Advanced Perkinsus Marinus Infections In Crassostrea Ariakensis Maintained Under Laboratory Conditions, JA Moss, EM Burreson, and Kimberly S. Reece
Age And Growth Of Wild Suminoe (Crassostrea Ariakensis, Fugita 1913) And Pacific (C-Gigas, Thunberg 1793) Oysters From Laizhou Bay, China, JM Harding and Roger L. Mann
Assessing effectiveness of the blue crab spawning stock sanctuary in Chesapeake Bay using tag-return methodology, Debra M. Lambert, Rom Lipcius, and John M. Hoenig
Biodiversity and the functioning of seagrass ecosystems, J. Emmett Duffy
Biodiversity, host specificity, and dominance by eusocial species among sponge-dwelling alpheid shrimp on the Belize Barrier Reef, Kenneth S. Macdonald III, Ruben Rios, and J. Emmett Duffy
Bioreactivity of estuarine dissolved organic matter: A combined geochemical and microbiological approach, SL McCallister, JE Bauer, and Elizabeth A. Canuel
Calculating shoreline erosion potential using nearshore stratigraphy and sediment volume: Outer Banks, North Carolina, Jennifer L. Miselis and Jesse E. McNinch
Comparison of cell‐specific activity between free‐living and attached bacteria using isolates and natural assemblages, Hans-Peter Grossart, Kam W. Tang, Thomas Kiorboe, and Helle Ploug
Complications of a non-native oyster introduction: facilitation of a local parasite, Melanie J. Bishop, Ryan Carnegie, Nancy A. Stokes, Charles H. Peterson, and Eugene Burreson
Dam impacts on the Changjiang (Yangtze) River sediment discharge to the sea: The past 55 years and after the Three Gorges Dam, Z Yang, H Wang, Y Saito, JD Milliman, K Xu, S Qiao, and G Shi
Depth-specific differences in growth of the reef sponge Callyspongia vaginalis: role of bottom-up effects, Geoffrey C. Trussell, Michael P. Lesser, Mark R. Patterson, and Salvatore J. Genovese
Designing Environmental Indicator Systems for Public Decisions, James M. McElfish Jr. and Lyle M. Varnell
Detection of Panulirus argus Virus 1 (PaV1) in the Caribbean spiny lobster using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), CW Li, Jeffrey D. Shields, Hamish J. Small, Kimberly S. Reece, and et al
Dissolved and particulate organic matter source-age characterization in the upper and lower Chesapeake Bay: A combined isotope and biochemical approach, AN Loh, JE Bauer, and EA Canuel
Diving behavior and delayed mortality of olive ridley seat turtles Lepidochelys olivacea after their release from longline fishing gear, Yonat Swimmer, Randall Arauz, Marti McCracken, Lianne McNaughton, Jorge Ballestero, Mike Musyl, Keith Bigelow, and Richard Brill
Estimating Consumption Rates Of Juvenile Sandbar Sharks (Carcharhinus Plumbeus) In Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, Using A Bioenergetics Model, W Wesley Dowd, Richard Brill, Peter Bushnell, and John A. Musick
Evaluation of a lifetime‐based optode to measure oxygen in aquatic systems, Anders Tengberg, Jostein Hovdenes, Henrik J. Andersson, Olivier Brocandel, Robert J. Diaz, David Hebert, Tony Arnerich, Christian Huber, Arne Kortzinger, Alexis Khripounoff, Francisco Rey, Christer Ronning, Jens Schimanski, Stefan Sommer, and Achim Stangelmayer
Fish Assemblages Found In Tidal-Creek And Seagrass Habitats In The Suwannee River Estuary, Troy D. Tuckey and Mark Dehaven
Genetic analysis of white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus) stock structure, John Graves and Jan McDowell
Genetic heterogeneity of Atlantic bluefin tuna caught in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean south of Iceland, J Carlsson, JR McDowell, and et al
Geomorphologic controls on the age of particulate organic carbon from small mountainous and upland rivers, EL Leithold, NE Blair, and DW Perkey
Globally distributed mycobacterial fish pathogens produce a novel plasmid-encoded toxic macrolide, mycolactone F, B S. Ranger, E A. Malone, L Mosi, S Adusumilli, R E. Lee, A Coloni, M Rhodes, and PLC Small
Growth And Development Of Veined Rapa Whelk Rapana Venosa Veligers, JM Harding
Growth And Maturity Of Salmon Sharks (Lamna Ditropis) In The Eastern And Western North Pacific, And Comments On Back-Calculation Methods, Kenneth J. Goldman and John A. Musick
Incentive-based approaches to sustainable fisheries, RQ Grafton, R Arnason, et al, JE Kirkley, and et al
Influence of shallow-water habitats and shoreline development on abundance, biomass, and diversity of benthic prey and predators in Chesapeake Bay, Rochelle D. Seitz, Rom Lipcius, N. H. Olmstead, and M. S. Seebo
Interactions between marine snow and heterotrophic bacteria: aggregate formation and microbial dynamics, HP Grossart, T Kiorboe, KW Tang, and et al
Limits to top-down control of phytoplankton by oysters in Chesapeake Bay, Lawrence R. Pomeroy, Christopher F. D'Elia, and Linda C. Schaffner
Liver carcinogenesis in a non-migratory fish: The association with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure, Wolfgang K. Vogelbein and M. A. Unger
Marine pelagic ecosystems: the West Antarctic Peninsula, Hugh Ducklow, Karen Baker, Douglas G. Martinson, Langdon B. Quetin, Robin M. Ross, Raymond C. Smith, Sharon E. Stammerjohn, Maria Vernet, and William R. Fraser
Mesocosm study of particle dynamics and control of particle-associated bacteria by flagellate grazing, Kam W. Tang, Hans-Peter Grossart, Emily M. Yam, and George A. Jackson
Microbial abundance, composition and enzymatic activity during decomposition of copepod carcasses, KW Tang, KML Hutalle, and et al
Molecular assays for detecting Aphanomyces invadans in ulcerative mycotic fish lesions, MW Vandersea; RW Litaker; B Yonnish,; et al; H Kator; and et al
Molecular detection of Hematodinium spp. in Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus and other crustaceans, Hamish J. Small, DM Neil, AC Taylor, and et al
New In Situ Method For Measuring Seston Uptake By Suspension-Feeding Bivalve Molluscs, RE Grizzle, JK Greene, Mark Luckenbach, and LD Coen
Nitrogen fixation and release of fixed nitrogen by Trichodesmium spp. in the Gulf of Mexico, Margaret R. Mulholland, Peter W. Bernhardt, Cynthia A. Heil, Deborah A. Bronk, and Judith M. O'Neil
Occurrence of imposex and seasonal patterns of gametogenesis in the invading veined rapa whelk Rapana venosa from Chesapeake Bay, USA, Roger L. Mann, Juliana M. Harding, and Erica Westcott
Out-Crossing Among Commercial Strains Of The Northern Quahog, Mercenaria Mercenaria: Survival, Growth And Implications For Selective Breeding, MD Camara, Standish K. Allen Jr., Ryan Carnegie, and Kimberly S. Reece
Phylogeny of recent billfishes (Xiphioidei), BB Collette, Jan McDowell, and John Graves
Plankton development and trophic transfer in seawater enclosures with nutrients and Phaeocystis pouchetii added, J. C. Nejstgaard, M. E. Frischer, P. G. Verity, J. T. Anderson, A. Jacobson, MJ Zirbel, A. Larsen, J. Mrtinez-Martinez, AF. Sazhin, t. Walters, DA Bronk, SJ. Whipple, SR. Borrett, BC Patten, and JD Long
Predation on Posidonia australis seeds in seagrass habitats of Rottnest Island, Western Australia: patterns and predators, R J. Orth, Gary A. Kendrick, and Scott R. Marion
Standard And Routine Metabolic Rates Of Juvenile Sandbar Sharks (Carcharhinus Plumbeus), Including The Effects Of Body Mass And Acute Temperature Change, W Wesley Dowd, Richard Brill, Peter Bushnell, and John A. Musick
Survival Of White Marlin (Tetrapturus Albidus) Released From Commercial Pelagic Longline Gear In The Western North Atlantic, David Kerstetter and John E. Graves
Temporal and vertical dynamics in picoplankton photoheterotrophic production in the subtropical North Pacific Ocean, M. J. Church, H. W. Ducklow, and et al
Uptake of Spartina-derived humic nitrogen by estuarine phytoplankton in nonaxenic and axenic culture, JH See, DA Bronk, and AJ Lewitus
Viability, infectivity and fatty acid synthetic activity of Perkinsus marinus meront cells incubated in estuarine and artificial seawater, FLE Chu and ED Lund
Why biodiversity is important to oceanography: potential roles of genetic, species, and trophic diversity in pelagic ecosystem processes, J. Emmett Duffy and John J. Stachowicz
Wild and aquaculture populations of the eastern oyster compared using microsatellites, J Carlsson, CL Morrison, and Kimberly S. Reece
Submissions from 2005
Application of pop-up satellite archival tag technology to estimate postrelease survival of white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus) caught on circle and straight-shank ("J") hooks in the western North Atlantic recreational fishery, AZ Horodysky and John Graves
A review of the parasitic dinoflagellates Hematodinium species and Hematodinium-like infections in marine crustaceans, GD Stentiford and Jeffrey D. Shields
B cell heterogeneity in the teleost kidney: Evidence for a maturation gradient from anterior to posterior kidney, Patty Zwollo, Suzanne Cole, Erin Bromage, and Stephen Kaattari
Calculating highly fluctuated suspended sediment fluxes from mountainous rivers in Taiwan, Shuh-Ji Kao, Tsung-Yu Lee, and J. D. Milliman
Comparative analysis of mycobacterial infections in wild striped bass Morone saxatilis from Chesapeake Bay, IM Kaattari, MW Rhodes, H Kator, and SL Kaattari
Comparison Of Two Approaches For Estimating Natural Mortality Based On Longevity, David A. Hewitt and John M. Hoenig
Copepods as microbial hotspots in the ocean: effects of host feeding activities on attached bacteria, KW Tang
Disappearance Of The Natural Emergent 3-Dimensional Oyster Reef System Of The James River, Virginia, 1871-1948, H Woods, WJ Hargis Jr., Carl Hershner, and Pamela Mason
Effect Of Homogenate From Different Oyster Species On Perkinsus Marinus Proliferation And Subtilisin Gene Transcription, GD Brown, SL Kaattari, and Kimberly S. Reece
Effects of physical fragmentation on remineralization of marine snow, SA Goldthwait, CA Carlson, GK Henderson, and AL Alldredge
Effects of sunlight on decomposition of estuarine dissolved organic C, N and P and bacterial metabolism, SL McCallister, JE Bauer, J Kelly, and HW Ducklow
Effects of triclosan on growth, viability and fatty acid synthesis of the oyster protozoan parasite Perkinsus marinus, EM Lund, P Soudant, FLE Chu, E Harvey, S Bolton, and A Flowers
Epidemiology of bitter crab disease (Hematodinium sp.) in snow crabs Chionoecetes opilio from Newfoundland, Canada, Jeffrey D. Shields, DM Taylor, and et al
Evidence Of Recent Recruitment In The Ocean Quahog Arctica Islandica In The Mid-Atlantic Bight, EN Powell and Roger L. Mann
Flood dispersal and deposition by near-bed gravitational sediment flows and oceanographic transport: A numerical modeling study of the Eel River shelf, northern California, Courtney K. Harris, Peter A. Traykovski, and W. Rockwell Geyer