Submissions from 2003
Spatial dynamics and value of a marine protected area and corridor for the blue crab spawning stock in Chesapeake Bay, Rom Lipcius, WT Stockhausen, Rochelle D. Seitz, and PJ Geer
Spectral estimates of bed shear stress using suspended-sediment concentrations in a wave-current boundary layer, Guan-hong Lee, W. Brian Dade, Carl T. Friedrichs, and Chris E. Vincent
Substrate selection by blue crab Callinectes sapidus megalopae and first juvenile instars, J van Montfrans, CH Ryer, and R J. Orth
Summary of session: Ecology of early benthic juveniles, Rom Lipcius
Systematic evaluation of factors controlling Perkinsus marinus transmission dynamics in lower Chesapeake Bay, LM Ragone Calvo, CF Dungan, BS Roberson, and Em Burreson
Transport of dissolved inorganic carbon from a tidal freshwater marsh to the York River estuary, SC Neubauer and Iris C. Anderson
Trophic uptake and transfer of DMSP in simple planktonic food chains, KW Tang and R Simo
Two Species Of Oyster Larvae Show Different Depth Distributions In A Shallow, Well-Mixed Estuary, P Baker
Use Of Pop-Up Satellite Archival Tags To Demonstrate Survival Of Blue Marlin (Makaira Nigricans) Released From Pelagic Longline Gear, David Kerstetter, Brian E. Luckhurst, Eric D. Prince, and John Graves
Validation of presumed annual marks on sectioned otoliths of spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, in the Chesapeake Bay region, TF Idhe and ME Chittenden
Visual Acuity of Juvenile Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta): A Behavioral Approach, Soraya M. Bartol, Roger K. Mellgren, and John A. Musick
Submissions from 2002
Across-shelf sediment transport: Interactions between suspended sediment and bed sediment, Courtney K. Harris and Patricia Wiberg
Active transport of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen by vertically migrating zooplankton in the Sargasso Sea, A Schnetzer and Deborah K. Steinberg
Age And Growth Of The Smooth Dogfish (Mustelus canis) In The Northwest Atlantic Ocean, Christina L. Conrath, J Gelsleichter, and John A. Musick
An Evaluation Of Pop-Up Satellite Tags For Estimating Postrelease Survival Of Blue Marlin (Makaira Nigricans) From A Recreational Fishery, John Graves, Brian E. Luckhurst, and Eric D. Prince
A perspective on two decades of policies and regulations influencing the protection and restoration of submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay, USA, R J. Orth, RA Batiuk, PW Bergstrom, and Ken Moore
Are Pfiesteria species toxicogenic? Evidence against production of ichthyotoxins by Pfiesteria shumwayae, JP Berry, Kimberly S. Reece, KS Rein, DG Baden, LW Haas, WL Ribeiro, Jeffrey D. Shields, RV Snyder, Wolfgang K. Vogelbein, and RE Gawley
Assimilating high-resolution salinity data into a model of a partially mixed estuary, Jiangtao Xu, Shenn-Yu Chao, Raleigh R. Hood, and Harry V. Wang
Biodiversity and ecosystem function: the consumer connection, J. Emmett Duffy
Characterization of the dust/smoke aerosol that settled east of the World Trade Center (WTC) in Lower Manhattan after the collapse of the WTC 11 September 2001, Paul J. Lioy, Clifford P. Weisel, et al, Robert C. Hale, and et al
Concurrent decline of the spawning stock, recruitment, larval abundance, and size of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus in Chesapeake Bay, Rom Lipcius and WT Stockhausen
Continuous in vitro culture of the carpet shell clam Tapes decussatus protozoan parasite Perkinsus atlanticus, SM Casas, JF La Peyre, Kimberly S. Reece, C Azevedo, and A Villalba
Differences in the biological carbon pump at three subtropical ocean sites, S Neuer, R Davenport, T Freudenthal, G Wefer, O Llinaus, MJ Rueda, Deborah K. Steinberg, and DM Karl
Distribution of the euryhaline squid Lolliguncula brevis in Chesapeake Bay: effects of selected abiotic factors, IK Bartol, Roger L. Mann, and M Vecchione
Estimating the spatial extent of bottom-water hypoxia and habitat degradation in a shallow estuary, CP Buzzelli, RA Luettich, SP Powers, CH Peterson, JE McNinch, JL Pinckney, and HW Paerl
Evidence of countergradient variation in the growth of an intertidal snail in response to water velocity, GC Trussell
Examination of diffusion versus advection dominated sediment suspension on the inner shelf under storm and swell conditions, Duck, North Carolina, Guan-hong Lee, Carl T. Friedrichs, and Chris E. Vincent
Factors Affecting Sperm Motility Of Tetraploid Pacific Oysters, QX Dong, B Eudeline, Standish K. Allen Jr., and TR Tiersch
Habitat quality and prey size as determinants of survival in post-larval and early juvenile instars of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus, R J. Orth and J van Montfrans
Haplosporidium Costale (Seaside Organism), A Parasite Of The Eastern Oyster, Is Present In Long Island Sound, I Sunila, NA Stokes, R Smolowitz, RC Karney, and E. M. Burreson
Horizontal And Vertical Movements Of Juvenile Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Thynnus), In Relation To Oceanographic Conditions Of The Western North Atlantic, Determined With Ultrasonic Telemetry, Richard Brill, Molly Lutcavage, Greg Metzger, Peter Bushnell, Michael D. Arendt, Jon Lucy, Cheryl Watson, and David Foley
Hybridization Between Two Serranids, The Coney (Cephalopholis Fulva) And The Creole-Fish (Paranthias Furcifer), At Bermuda, Meredith A. Bostrom, Bruce B. Collette, Brian E. Luckhurst, Kimberly S. Reece, and John Graves
Hybridization Of Tetraploid And Diploid Crassostrea Gigas (Thunberg) With Diploid C-Ariakensis (Fujita), H Que and Standish K. Allen Jr.
Long-distance dispersal potential in a marine macrophyte, MC Harwell and R J. Orth
Molecular diagnostics, field validation, and phylogenetic analysis of Quahog Parasite Unknown (QPX), a pathogen of the hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria, NA Stokes, LM Ragone Calvo, Kimberly S. Reece, and EM Burreson
Multiyear increases in dissolved organic matter inventories at station ALOHA in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, MJ Church, HW Ducklow, and DM Karl
Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers for specific identification of istiophorid and xiphiid billfishes, Jan McDowell and John Graves
Observations on the distribution of meroplankton during a downwelling event and associated intrusion of the Chesapeake Bay estuarine plume, AL Shanks, J Largier, L Brink, J Brubaker, and R Hooff
Photochemical production of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and primary amines from dissolved organic nitrogen in waters of two estuaries and adjacent surficial groundwaters, DJ Koopmans and DA Bronk
Photo synthesis/irradiance relationships in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, and their control by phytoplankton assemblage composition and environmental factors, C. M. van Hilst and Walker O. Smith Jr.
Predation on seeds of the seagrass Posidonia australis in Western Australia, R J. Orth, KL Heck, and DJ Tunbridge
Properties Of The Residuals From Two Tag-Recovery Models, Robert J. Latour, John M. Hoenig, and Kenneth H. Pollock
Rapa Whelk Rapana Venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) Predation Rates On Hard Clams Mercenaria Mercenaria (Linnaeus, 1758), D Savini, JM Harding, and Roger L. Mann
Relative Strengths of Competition for Space and Food in a Sessile Filter Feeder, David P. Lohse
Spawning Of American Shad (Alosa Sapidissima) And Striped Bass (Morone Saxatilis) In The Mattaponi And Pamunkey Rivers, Virginia, Donna M. Bilkovic, John E. Olney, and Carl H. Hershner
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope composition of aquatic and terrestrial plants of the San Francisco Bay estuarine system, JE Cloern, Elizabeth A. Canuel, and D Harris
Study of perkinsosis in the carpet shell clam Tapes decussatus in Galicia (NW Spain). I. Identification of the aetiological agent and in vitro modulation of zoosporulation by temperature and salinity, SM Casas, A Villalba, and Kimberly S. Reece
Temporal and geographic occurrences of cetacean strandings and manatee sightings in Virginia, with notes on adverse human-cetacean interactions, from 1983-1989, Lee W. Morgan, John A. Musick, and Charles W. Potter
The magnitude of spring bacterial production in the North Atlantic Ocean, HW Ducklow, DL Kirchman, and TR Anderson
The microbial and metazoan community associated with colonies of Trichodesmium spp.: a quantitative survey, CC Sheridan, Deborah K. Steinberg, and GW Kling
Total cover and cover quality: predicted and actual effects on a predator's foraging success, A Bartholomew
Transmission Of Withering Syndrome In Black Abalone, Haliotis Cracherodii Leach, CS Friedman, W Biggs, Jeffrey D. Shields, and RP Hedrick
Two epizootic diseases in Chesapeake Bay commercial clams, Mya arenaria and Tagelus plebeius, CF Dungan, RM Hamilton, KL Hudson, CB McCollough, and Kimberly S. Reece
Widespread distribution in polar oceans of a 16S rRNA gene sequence with affinity to Nitrosospira-like ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, JT Hollibaugh, HW Ducklow, and N Bano
Submissions from 2001
A Comparative Field Study Of Crassostrea ariakensis (Fujita 1913) And Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin 1791) In Relation To Salinity In Virginia, G. W. Calvo, Mark Luckenbach, Standish K. Allen Jr., and E. M. Burreson
A Comparison Of Calcified Structures For Aging Summer Flounder, Paralichthys Dentatus, Ann M. Sipe and Mark E. Chittenden
Aerobic respiratory costs of swimming in the negatively buoyant brief squid Lolliguncula brevis, Ian K. Bartol, Roger L. Mann, and Mark R. Patterson
A study of the arkshell clams, Noetia ponderosa (Say 1822) and Anadara ovalis (Bruguière 1789), in the oceanside lagoons and tidal creeks of Virginia, Katherine A. McGraw, Michael Castagna, and Loveday Conquest
A unique Mycobacterium species isolated from an epizootic of striped bass (Morone saxatilis), Martha W. Rhodes, Howard Kator, Shaban Kotob, Peter van Berkum, Ilsa Kaattari, Wolfgang K. Vogelbein, Margaret Floyd, W. Ray Butler, Frederick D. Quinn, Christopher Ottinger, and Emmet Shotts
Classification and identification of Pfiesteria and Pfiesteria-like species, K Steidinger, Patrice Mason, Kimberly S. Reece, and LW Haas
Criteria for determining maturity stage in female American shad, Alosa sapidissima, and a proposed reproductive cycle, JE Olney, SC Denny, and JM Hoenig
Delivery and fate of fluvial water and sediment to the sea: a marine geologist's view of European rivers, J. D. Milliman
Density-dependent predation, habitat variation, and the persistence of marine bivalve prey, Rochelle D. Seitz, Rom Lipcius, AH Hines, and DB Eggleston
Development And Verification Of A Model For The Population Dynamics Of The Protistan Parasite, Perkinsus Marinus, Within Its Host, The Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea Virginica, In Chesapeake Bay, LMR Calvo, RL Wetzel, and EM Burreson
Differential Diagnosis Of Mixed Haplosporidium Costale And Haplosporidium Nelsoni Infections In The Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea Virginica, Using Dna Probes, NA Stokes and EM Burreson
DOC cycling in a temperate estuary: A mass balance approach using natural 14C and 13C isotopes, Peter Raymond and James E. Bauer
Dynamic bacterial and viral response to an algal bloom at subzero temperatures, Patricia L. Yager, Tara L. Connelly, Behzad Mortazavi, K. Eric Wommack, Nasreen Bano, James E. Bauer, Stephen Opsahl, and James T. Hollibaugh
Emerging areas of research reported during the CDC National Conference on Pfiesteria: From biology to public health, C Rubin and Eugene M. Burreson
Fishing Skill in Developing Country Fisheries: The Kedah, Malaysia Trawl Fishery, K. Kuperan Viswanathan, Ishak Haji Omar, Yongil Jeon, James Kirkley, and et al
Grazer diversity, functional redundancy, and productivity in seagrass beds: An experimental test, JE Duffy, KS Macdonald, JM Rhode, and JD Parker
Habitat fragmentation in a seagrass landscape: Patch size and complexity control blue crab survival, KA Hovel and Rom Lipcius
Hydrography, nutrients, and carbon pools in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean: Implications for carbon flux, Kendra L. Daly, Walker O. Smith Jr., Gregory C. Johnson, and et al
Magnitude and variability of benthic and pelagic metabolism in a temperate coastal lagoon, KJ McGlathery, Iris C. Anderson, and AC Tyler
Microbial loop carbon cycling in ocean environments studied using a simple steady-state model, T. R. Anderson and H. W. Ducklow
Mitochondrial gene rearrangements confirm the parallel evolution of the crab-like form, C. L. Morrison, A. W. Harvey, S. Lavery, K. Tieu, Y. Huang, and C. W. Cunningham
Modeling the response of top-down control exerted by gelatinous carnivores on the Black Sea pelagic food web, Temel Oguz, Hugh W. Ducklow, Jennifer E. Purcell, and Paola Malanotte-Rizzoli
Nitrogen cycling through a fringing marsh-aquifer ecotone, CR Tobias, Iris C. Anderson, Elizabeth A. Canuel, and SA Macko
Oyster reefs as fish habitat: Opportunistic use of restored reefs by transient fishes, Juliana M. Harding and Roger L. Mann
Plant species diversity and composition: experimental effects on marine epifaunal assemblages, JD Parker, JE Duffy, and R J. Orth
Population biology and secondary production of the suspension feeding polychaete Chaetopterus cf. variopedatus: Implications for benthic-pelagic coupling in lower Chesapeake Bay, ML Thompson and Linda C. Schaffner
Quantifying groundwater discharge through fringing wetlands to estuaries: Seasonal variability, methods comparison, and implications for wetland-estuary exchange, CR Tobias, JW Harvey, and Iris C. Anderson
Reduction in DNA binding activity of the transcription factor Pax-5a in B lymphocytes of aged mice, J Anspach, G Poulsen, I Kaattari, R Pollock, and P Zwollo
Reproduction and food habits of the lined seahorse, Hippocampus erectus (Teleostei: Syngnathidae) of Chesapeake Bay, Virginia., R. L. Teixeira and John A. Musick
Seasonal Occurrence And Site-Utilization Patterns Of Adult Tautog, Tautoga Onitis (Labridae), At Manmade And Natural Structures In Lower Chesapeake Bay, Michael D. Arendt, Jon Lucy, and Thomas A. Munroe
Skin ulcers in estuarine fishes: A comparative pathological evaluation of wild and laboratory-exposed fish, Wolfgang K. Vogelbein, Jeffrey D. Shields, LW Haas, Kimberly S. Reece, and D. E. Zwerner
Sources and cycling of dissolved and particulate organic radiocarbon in the northwest Atlantic continental margin, JE Bauer, ERM Druffel, DM Wolgast, and S Griffin
Species-specific impacts of grazing, amphipods in an eelgrass-bed community, JE Duffy and AM Harvilicz
Stomach Content Analysis Of Cobia, Rachycentron Canadum, From Lower Chesapeake Bay, Michael D. Arendt, John E. Olney, and Jon A. Lucy
Swimming mechanics and behavior of the shallow-water brief squid Lolliguncula brevis, Ian K. Bartol, Mark R. Patterson, and Roger L. Mann
The Effects Of A Regulatory Gear Restriction On The Recruiting Year Class In The Sea Scallop, Placopecten Magellanicus (Gmelin, 1791), Fishery, JC Brust, WD DuPaul, and JE Kirkley
The Identification, Conservation, and Management of Estuarine and Marine Nurseries for Fish and Invertebrates: A better understanding of the habitats that serve as nurseries for marine species and the factors that create site-specific variability in nursery quality will improve conservation and management of these areas, Michael W. Beck, KL Heck, Kenneth W. Able, Daniel L. Childers, David B. Eggleston, Bronwyn M. Gillanders, Benjamin Halpern, Cynthia G. Hays, Kaho Hoshino, Thomas J. Minello, R J. Orth, Peter F. Sheridan, and Michael P. Weinstein
The Paraguay-Paraná Hidrovía: Protecting the Pantanal with Lessons from the Past: Large-scale channelization of the northern Paraguay-Paraná seems to be on hold, but an ongoing multitude of smaller-scale activities may turn the Pantanal into the next example of the “tyranny of small decisions”, Johan F. Gottgens, James E. Perry, and et al
Tracking the fate of a high concentration groundwater nitrate plume through a fringing marsh: A combined groundwater tracer and in situ isotope enrichment study, CR Tobias, SA Macko, Iris C. Anderson, Elizabeth A. Canuel, and JW Harvey
Variation in top-down and bottom-up control of marine bivalves at differing spatial scales, Rochelle D. Seitz and Rom Lipcius
Submissions from 2000
A balanced nitrogen budget of the surface layer of the southern Ross Sea, Antarctica, Walker O. Smith Jr.
A Comparison Of Size Selectivity And Relative Efficiency Of Sea Scallop, Placopecten Magellanicus (Gmelin, 1791), Trawls And Dredges, David Rudders, WD Dupaul, and JE Kirkley
Actin Gene Family Evolution and the Phylogeny of Coleoid Cephalopods (Mollusca: Cephalopoda), David B. Carlini, Kimberly S. Reece, and John Graves