
Submissions from 1997


Evidence That Qpx (Quahog Parasite Unknown) Is Not Present In Hatchery-Produced Hard Clam Seed, Susan E. Ford, Roxanna Smolowitz, Lisa M. Ragone Calvo, Rochelle Barber, and John N. Kraueter


Genetic Divergence And Loss Of Diversity In Two Cultured Populations Of The Bay Scallop, Argopecten Irradians (Lamarck, 1819), Sandra G. Blake, Norman J. Blake, Michael Oesterling, and John Graves


Introduction to the proceedings of the symposium Fish Larvae and Systematics: Ontogeny and relationships, JM Leis, JE Olney, and M Okiyama


Investigating the management potential of a seagrass model through sensitivity analysis and experiments, P Fong, ME Jacobson, MC Mescher, D Lirman, and MC Harwell


Isotopic compositions of lipid biomarker compounds in estuarine plants and surface sediments, Elizabeth A. Canuel, Katherine H. Freeman, and Stuart G. Wakeham


Larvae of Gillellus jacksoni, G-uranidea (Dactyloscopidae), Stathmonotus stahli tekla, and S-hemphilli (Chaenopsidae), with comments on the use of early life history characters for elucidating relationships within the Blennioidei, MR Cavalluzzi


Phenotypic plasticity in the foot size of an intertidal snail, GC Trussell


Phenotypic selection in an intertidal snail: effects of a catastrophic storm, G. Trussell


Potential For Population Regulation Of The Zebra Mussel By Finfish And The Blue Crab In North American Estuaries, Larry C. Boles and Rom Lipcius


Predator and shelter-size effects on coral reef fish and spiny lobster prey, DB Eggleston, Rom Lipcius, and JJ Grover


Sensitivity of bottom stress and bottom roughness estimates to density stratification, Eckernforde Bay, southern Baltic Sea, Carl T. Friedrichs and LD Wright


Settlement Site Selection By Oyster Larvae, Crassostrea Virginica: Evidence For Geotaxis, Patrick Baker


Small-scale settlement patterns of the oyster Crassostrea virginica on a constructed intertidal reef, IK Bartol and Roger L. Mann


Storm Surges in the Region of Western Alaska, Warren Blier, Stanley Keefe, Wilson A. Shaffer, and Sung C. Kim


Storm Surges in the Region of Western Alaska, Warren Blier, Stanley Keefe, Wilson Shaffer, and Sung C. Kim


The postlarval phase of bivalve mollusks: A review of functional ecology and new records of postlarval drifting of Chesapeake Bay bivalves, P Baker and Roger L. Mann


Trends in research on Crassostrea virginica and its two protozoan parasites Perkinsus marinus and Haplosporidium nelsoni, Fu-lin Chu


Trophic effects of sponge feeding within Lake Baikal's littoral zone .2. Sponge abundance, diet, feeding efficiency, and carbon flux, AJ Pile, Mark R. Patterson, M. Savarese, V I. Chernykh, and V A. Fialkov


Yield-Per-Recruit Analysis And Management Strategies For Atlantic Croaker, Micropogonias Undulatus, In The Middle Atlantic Bight, Luiz R. Barbieri, Mark E. Chittenden, and Cynthia M. Jones

Submissions from 1996


A Comparison Of Crassostrea gigas And Crassostrea virginica: Effects Of Temperature And Salinity On Susceptibility To The Protozoan Parasite, Perkinsus marinus, Fu-Lin C. Chu, Aswani Volety, and G Constantin


An unidentified haplosporidian parasite of bay scallop Argopecten irradians cultured in the Shandong and Liaoning provinces of China, FLE Chu, EM Burreson, F Zhang, and K Chew


A Retrospective Time Series Analysis Of Oyster, Crassostrea Virginica, Recruitment (1946-1993), Herbert Austin, David Evans, and Dexter Haven


Characterization of soft-bottom benthic habitats of the Aland islands, northern Baltic sea, E Bonsdorff, R. J. Diaz, R Rosenberg, and A Norkko


Concentrations and uptake of neutral monosaccharides along 14°W in the equatorial Pacific: Contribution of glucose to heterotrophic bacterial activity and the DOM flux, James Rich, Hugh Ducklow, and David L. Kirchman


Demographic Analysis Of The Sandbar Shark, Carcharhinus Plumbeus In The Western North Atlantic, TR Sminkey and JA Musick


Density-dependent settler-recruit-juvenile relationships in blue crabs, AJ Pile, R Lipcius, J Van Montfrans, and R J. Orth


Effects of predation on Zostera marina L. seed abundance, James R. Fishman and R J. Orth


Effects of sunlight on bacteriophage viability and structure, KE Wommack, RT Hill, TA Muller, and RR Colwell


Effects of the June 1995 Freshet on The Main Virginia Tributaries to the Chesapeake Bay, Herbert M. Austin and Christopher F. Bonzek


Enhanced immunogenicity of Renibacterium salmoninarum in chinook salmon after removal of the bacterial cell surface-associated 57 kDa protein, PA Wood and SL Kaattari


Epizootiology Of Perkinsus Marinus Disease Of Oysters In Chesapeake Bay, With Emphasis On Data Since 1985, Eugene Burreson and Lisa M. Ragone Calvo


Foreword, Frank O. Perkins


Gas chromatographic isolation of individual compounds from complex matrices for radiocarbon dating, TI Eglinton, LI Alueihare, JE Bauer, ERM Druffel, and AP McNichol


Growth of bacterioplankton and consumption of dissolved organic carbon in the Sargasso Sea, C. A. Carlson and H. W. Ducklow


Histopathology of the renal and splenic haemopoietic tissues of coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch experimentally infected with Renibacterium salmoninarum, E Flano, P Lopez-Fierro, B Razquin, S Kaattari, and A Villena


Histopathology of the thymus of coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch experimentally infected with Renibacterium salmoninarum, E Flano, SL Kaattari, B Razquin, and AJ Villena


History Of Perkinsus Marinus, A Pathogen Of Oysters In Chesapeake Bay 1950-1984, JD Andrews


In situ grazing on plankton <10 mu m by the boreal sponge Mycale>lingua, AJ Pile, MR Patterson, and JD Witman


Integrating Research and Education with Public Outreach at Coastal Laboratories, John D. Milliman


Laboratory Investigations Of Susceptibility, Infectivity, And Transmission Of Perkinsus Marinus In Oysters, Fu-Lin C. Chu


Linking Sediment Transport and Stratigraphy on the Continental Shelf, Patrica Wiberg, David Cacchione, Richard Sternberg, and L. Donelson Wright


Linking Sediment Transport and Stratigraphy on the Continental Shelf, PL Wilberg, DA Cacchione, RW Sternberg, and L. Donelson Wright


Mitochondrial DNA Diversity And Divergence Among Sharpnose Sharks, Rhizoprionodon Terraenovae, From The Gulf Of Mexico And Mid-Atlantic Bight, Edward J. Heist, John Musick, and John Graves


Non-structural carbohydrate reserves of eelgrass Zostera marina, MK Burke, WC Dennison, and KA Moore


Optimal culture conditions for the propagation of the oyster pathogen Perkinsus marinus (Apicomplexa) in protein deficient medium, JF LaPeyre and M Faisal


Phylogenetic covariance probability: Confidence and historical associations, ME Siddall


Propagation And In Vitro Studies Of Perkinsus Marinus, Jerome F. LaPeyre


Research needs for the risk assessment of health and environmental effects of endocrine disruptors: A report of the US EPA-sponsored workshop, RJ Kavlock, GP Daston, C DeRosa, P FennerCrisp, LE Gray, S Kaattari, and et al


Seasonal variability of particulate organic radiocarbon in the northeast Pacific ocean, Ellen R.M. Druffel, James E. Bauer, Peter M. Williams, Shelia Griffin, and David Wolgast


Shell disease in the gold lip pearl oyster, Pinctada maxima and the Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, Frank O. Perkins


Simulation of annual plankton productivity cycle in the Black Sea by a one-dimensional physical-biological model, Temel Oguz, Hugh Ducklow, Paola Malanotte-Rizzoli, Nikolai P. Nezlin, and Umit Unluata


Species boundaries, specialization, and the radiation of sponge-dwelling alpheid shrimp, J Duffy


Stratigraphic Consistency and the Shape of Things, Mark E. Siddall


Stratigraphic consistency and the shape of things, ME Siddall


Temporal and spatial patterns in the Ross Sea: Phytoplankton biomass, elemental composition, productivity and growth rates, Walker O. Smith Jr., David Nelson, Giacomo R. DiTullio, and Amy R. Leventer


The Structure Of Perkinsus Marinus (Mackin, Owen And Collier, 1950) Levine, 1978 With Comments On Taxonomy And Phylogeny Of Perkinsus Spp., Frank O. Perkins


Utilization and turnover of labile dissolved organic matter by bacterial heterotrophs in eastern north Pacific surface waters, J Cherrier, JE Bauer, and ERM Druffel


Zostera marina (eelgrass) growth and survival along a gradient of nutrients and turbidity in the lower Chesapeake Bay, Ken Moore, HA Neckles, and R J. Orth

Submissions from 1995


Age And Growth Of Weakfish, Cynoscion Regalis, In The Chesapeake Bay-Region With A Discussion Of Historical Changes In Maximum Size, Susan K. Lowerre-Barbieri, Mark E. Chittenden, and Luiz R. Barbieri


An Analysis Of Weekly Fluctuations In Catchability Coefficients, Steven M. Atran and Joseph G. Loesch


Calcium Carbonate Sedimentation in the Global Ocean: Linkages Between the Neritic and Pelagic Environments, John D. Milliman and Andre W. Droxler


Detection Of Haplosporidium-nelsoni (Haplosporidia, Haplosporidiidae) In Oysters By PCR Amplification, NA Stokes, ME Siddall, and EM Burreson


Do Striped Bass and Blue Crab Abundances Correlate in Chesapeake Bay?, Thomas C. Mosca III, Paul J. Rudershausen, and Rom Lipcius


Early recruitment and growth of the American oyster Crassostrea virginica (Bivalvia: Ostreidae) with respect to tidal zonation and season, GC Roegner and Roger L. Mann


Heat-Shock Proteins Of The Oyster Parasite Perkinsus-marinus, CT Tirard, RM Grossfeld, AK Volety, and FLE Chu


Introduction to the Proceedings of the Blue Crab Recruitment Symposium, EJ Olmi and RJ Orth


Mitochondrial-DNA variation in the bay scallop, Argopecten-irradians (Lamarck, 1819), and the Atlantic calico scallop, Argopecten-Gibbus (Linnaeus, 1758), Sandra G. Blake and John Graves


Nitrification potentials of benthic macrofaunal tubes and burrow walls: effects of sediment NH4+ and animal irrigation behavior, MS Mayer, L Schaffner, and WM Kemp


Ocean Biogeochemical Fluxes - New Production And Export Of Organic-Matter From The Upper Ocean, HW Ducklow


Review Of Ecology And Fishery Of The Olympia Oyster, Ostrea Lurida With Annotated Bibliography, P Baker


Settlement indices for blue crab megalopae in the York River, Virginia: Temporal relationships and statistical efficiency, KS Metcalfe, J van Montfrans, and Rom Lipcius


Settlement of blue crab postlarvae in western North Atlantic estuaries, J van Montfrans, CE Epifano, DM Knott, R M. Lipcius, and et al


The Magnitude And Persistence Of Soil No, N2O, Ch4, And Co, Fluxes From Burned Tropical Savanna In Brazil, M Poth, Iris C. Anderson, and et al


The Use of Night-Vision Equipment to observe Wildlife in Forested Wetlands, Kirk J. Havens, Walter I. Priest III, and Ann Jennings

Submissions from 1994


A Comparison Of A Validated Otolith Method To Age Weakfish, Cynoscion-Regalis, With The Traditional Scale Method, Luiz R. Barbieri, Mark E. Chittenden, and Susan K. Lowerre-Barbieri


Aerobic And Anaerobic Degradation And Mineralization Of C-14 Chitin By Water Column And Sediment Inocula Of The York-River-Estuary, Virginia, JN Boyer


Age, Growth, And Mortality Of Atlantic Croaker, Micropogonias-Undulatus, In The Chesapeake Bay-Region, With A Discussion Of Apparent Geographic Changes In Population-Dynamics, Luiz R. Barbieri, Mark E. Chittenden, and Cynthia M. Jones


Age, growth rate, sexual dimorphism and fecundity of knobbed whelk Busycon carica (Gmelin, 1791) in a western mid-Atlantic lagoon system, Virginia, Micheal Castagna and John H. Kraeuter


Characterization Of Overwintering Infections Of Perkinsus-Marinus (Apicomplexa) In Chesapeake Bay Oysters, Lisa M. Ragone Calvo and EM Burreson


Comparison Of Infectivity And Pathogenicity Of Meront (Trophozoite) And Prezoosporangiae Stages Of The Oyster Pathogen Perkinsus-Marinus In Eastern Oysters, Crassostrea-Virginica (Gmelin, 1791), Aswani Volety and Fu-Lin E. Chu


Correlation Between Electron Capture Negative Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometric Fragmentation and Calculated Internal Energies for Polychlorinated Biphenyls, John Greaves, Ellen Harvey, and William G. MacIntyre


Description of metamorphic phases in the oyster Crassostrea virginica and effects of hypoxia on metamorphosis, SM Baker and Roger L. Mann


Exocrine Pancreatic Neoplasms in the Mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) from a Creosote-Contaminated Site, John W. Fournie and Wolfgang K. Vogelbein


Experimental Monitoring Of Virginia Artificial Reefs Using Fishermen Catch Data, JA Lucy and CG Barr


Growth And Mortality Of Eastern Oysters, Crassostrea-Virginica (Gmelin, 1791), And Pacific Oysters, Crassostrea-Gigas (Thunberg, 1793) Under Challenge From The Parasite, Perkinsus-Marinus, Bruce J. Barber and Roger L. Mann


Hematodinium-Australis N-Sp, a parasitic dinoflagellate of the sand crab Portunus-pelagicus from Moreton Bay, Australia, DA Hudson and Jeffrey D. Shields


Interannual Variation In The Recruitment Pattern And Abundance Of Age-0 Summer Flounder, Paralichthys-Dentatus, In Virginia Estuaries, Brenda L. Norcross and David M. Wyanski


In-Vitro And In-Vivo Effects Of 8 Chemotherapeutants On The Oyster Parasite Perkinsus-Marinus (Mackin, Owen, And Collier), Gustavo W. Calvo and Eugene M. Burreson


Maturity, Spawning, And Ovarian Cycle Of Atlantic Croaker, Micropogonias-Undulatus, In The Chesapeake Bay And Adjacent Coastal Waters, Luiz R. Barbieri, Mark E. Chittenden, and Susan K. Lowerre-Barbieri


Morphometric And Genetic Identification Of Eggs Of Spring-Spawning Sciaenids In Lower Chesapeake Bay, Louis B. Daniel III and John Graves


Perkinsus-marinus (Apicomplexa) As A Potential Source Of Oyster Crassostrea-virginica Mortality In Coastal Lagoons Of Tabasco, Mexico, EM Burreson, RS Alvarez, W Martinez, and LA Macedo


Quantifying Seasonal-Variation In Somatic Tissue - Surfclam Spisula-Solidissima (Dillwyn, 1817) - A Case-Study, Joseph G. Loesch and David A. Evans


Reproductive Activity Of Oysters, Crassostrea-Virginica (Gmelin, 1791) In The James River, Virginia, During 1987-1988, Roger L. Mann, Julia S. Rainer, and Reinaldo Morales-Alamo


Seed Dispersal In A Marine Macrophyte - Implications For Colonization And Restoration, R J. Orth, Mark Luckenbach, and Ken Moore


Settlement Of Oyster (Crassostrea-Virginica) Larvae - Effects Of Water-Flow And A Water-Soluble Chemical Cue, EJ Turner, RK Zimmerfaust, MA Palmer, M Luckenbach, and ND Pentcheff


Survival of juvenile Caribbean spiny lobster: effects of shelter size, geographic location and conspecific abundance, JD Mintz, Rom Lipcius, DB Eggleson, and MS Seebo


Technical Efficiency, Biological Considerations, And Management And Regulation Of The Sea-Scallop, Placopecten-Magellanicus (Gmelin, 1791) Fishery, James E. Kirkley and William D. DuPaul


The In-Vitro Life-Cycle Of A Perkinsus Species (Apicomplexa, Perkinsidae) Isolated From Macoma-Balthica (Linneaus, 1758), SJ Kleinschuster, FO Perkins, MJ Dykstra, and SL Swink


Tidal propagation in strongly convergent channels, Carl T. Friedrichs and David G. Aubrey


Transport Of Particles Across Continental Shelves, CA Nittrouer and LD Wright